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The Supremes Do It Again and Again and Again....Democracy in USA is DEAD!
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Supreme Court Traitors Sell Out America Again With McCutcheon Decision

By Rob Kall [/TD]
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[Image: s_500_opednews_com_0_screen-shot-2014-04...402-29.gif]
Supreme Court Building with a Facade.

Today the five Supreme Court psychopathic scum who vote together for corporations and against people, for big money and against democracy vomited out a decision that could be the one that irreversibly puts the nail in the coffin of American democracy and the middle class.

Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Thomas and Kennedy are florid traitors who have opened up the floodgates for total debasement of the political system. While Citizens United made it easier to funnel money from outside the US, today's McCutcheon decision will enable any wealthy person to funnel money from foreign people, companies, agencies and governments, including Al Qaeda, including BP, including North Korea and Iran and Israel, into any election.

It's simple. Say I'm a billionaire. I open an account in, for example, Germany. The government of Iran wires $5 million to my account, or, they use a few intermediaries to hide the source of the transfer. I make donations totalling $5 million, from a different US account, to four senatorial campaigns, ten house of representatives campaigns, six gubernatorial campaigns and half a dozen judicial campaign.

There is no way to stop such a process. It will happen. It has happened. The only way to stop it is to put limits on how much an individual can give and to not allow corporations to influence elections at all.

Alan Grayson has submitted legislation to prevent foreign money being used in elections. But it's hard for me to see how it is possible to detect and prevent the kind of scenario I've described.

The US has always had a corrupt system and the wealthy have always been able to buy influence legally and illegally. Now, the traitors in the supreme court have opened the floodgates and the flood will come from outside the US as well as from within.

There is no way to characterize the five justices as anything other than traitorous, psychopathic scum.

They should be in jail, not re-making the laws of the land.

And if you are still under the delusion that electoral politics is the way to make change happen, the depth of your detachment from reality has just been made much deeper. It will take strong non-electoral actions by masses of Americans to undo what these traitorous psychopaths have done. Today we have seen true evil. Sadly, most of the people who usually talk about evil, Evangelical Christians, have no clue that their votes have enabled this heresy.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter I so agree. Heard about this decision yesterday. Now the Supreme traitors have made it very simple to just buy a politician. Exactly what they wanted in Citizens United.

Was there ever real democracy in the US??? I am inclined to doubt it. Though for a time, oddly enough under the Warren court the Bill of Rights was truly enforced.

Warren was great on the court,- for the most part- and the court was great. Sadly he is remembered for his fraudulent Warren Commission. I still believe the ptb had something on him and utilized blackmail. Thus the tears as he emerged from that room.

They're in the smokey back-room with bill caps taking their cut of the loot. Black-robed crooks ripe for revolution.

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