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Michael Ruppert, RIP.
Michael Ruppert was reportedly found dead a few hours ago. He reportedly committed suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot wound. His friend and occasional podcast guest Carolyn Baker has stated that it does not appear to be a 'suicide', but a suicide, sans quotation marks, and that Ruppert was in both physical and emotional pain as of late. Sad news if true - posting from an iPhone, but Baker's statement about this is sweeping the web as I write.
Ruppert was the last guy to keep a secret, and had been trundling along - ignored by the mainstream media, doggedly sticking to his views - for years. His From the Wilderness enterprise and subsequent fleeing to South America plus apparent personal issues did seem to be the thing that would weary a soul. I could be pursuaded by evidence either way, but now that Ruppert was one of 50,000 conspiracy theorists within the US alone, what would be the point of eliminating him? To stop his podcast from broadcasting to the already converted? Either way some of us have come close to having days like that and I can think of one other onetime high-profile (9/11) activist who counted himself very lucky (as I learned in a long phone conversation with him - not Ruppert - a couple of months back) to escape with both his sanity and his life in recent times. Circa 2003 I might have thought Mike a high profile target. These days it's clear Peter Dale Scott and Ruppert could have jointly produced a leaked copy of the contemporary 9/11/Gladio equivalent to the Northwood documents implicating Cheney and Rumsfeld by name and signature, and the mainstream media wouldn't give a shit. It's gauche to speculate of course, but it would not seem out of the realm of possibility that Ruppert's frustrations (and physical illness?) led to him deciding enough was enough.
While I can believe he was depressed [which American knowing the horrible truths about our real history and who really runs the Company errr.. excuse me... Country secretly wouldn't be!], but he doesn't, to me, seem like the type to give up. Here is a short note from his friend and attorney.

CollapseNet's Founder, Michael C. Ruppert, Has Committed Suicide

[Image: 04-14-2014-MCR.jpg]
I have been informed that MCR has committed suicide. I am devastated, and very, very sad...

We'll report more as information becomes available.


MCR was my friend, my client (I was his attorney) and business partner in CollapseNet. We will gather and report THE FACTS about MCR's death, and nothing else. On my honor, the truth of MCR's death WILL BE TOLD, and his memory will be honored.

Media inquiries should come right here, to me, via

Rest In Peace Mike. I am so sorry that you are gone. You fought the greatest of fights, you opened thousands of eyes and you have earned your place in history, and in our hearts.

Much more to come...

Wesley T. Miller

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:While I can believe he was depressed [which American knowing the horrible truths about our real history and who really runs the Company errr.. excuse me... Country secretly wouldn't be!], but he doesn't, to me, seem like the type to give up. Here is a short note from his friend and attorney.

CollapseNet's Founder, Michael C. Ruppert, Has Committed Suicide


I have been informed that MCR has committed suicide. I am devastated, and very, very sad...

We'll report more as information becomes available.


MCR was my friend, my client (I was his attorney) and business partner in CollapseNet. We will gather and report THE FACTS about MCR's death, and nothing else. On my honor, the truth of MCR's death WILL BE TOLD, and his memory will be honored.

Media inquiries should come right here, to me, via

Rest In Peace Mike. I am so sorry that you are gone. You fought the greatest of fights, you opened thousands of eyes and you have earned your place in history, and in our hearts.

Much more to come...

Wesley T. Miller

# WesleyMiller 2014-04-15 05:52I just got off the phone with the Sheriff's office, and it is confirmed.

I will be attending the autopsy if they will let me, but in any event, I am also his executor (as far as I know)and I will have access to all the autopsy information. There will be the truth, and nothing less, and we will report it straight.


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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Most suspicious news/evidence so far it was not suicide. How many can hide the fact they are about to commit suicide in a few hours in their voice, face, body-language, those in the studio, and sign-off on a webcast?! Few to none!

Quote:# JiggsCasey 2014-04-15 05:57
What in the world is going on? No mention of it on Google, that I can find.

His final words on the radio show: "We'll all be back next week to do this again, and we'll call all angels in the meantime. ... Until then, this is Michael C. Ruppert, tracker of truth, loving you, sayin' goodbye, we'll see you next week on the Lifeboat Hour."

Devastating news. But his show Sunday night, and his recent Facebook posts, give no hint of this level of despair.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
All Computers Destroyed
FTW Crippled But Not Dead
Michael C. Ruppert
© Copyright 2006, From The Wilderness Publications, All Rights Reserved. This story may NOT be posted on any Internet web site without express written permission. May be circulated, distributed or transmitted for non-profit purposes only.
[Image: Ashland%2006%20018.jpg]
July 5th, 2006 4:09pm [PST], ASHLAND Sometime after 7:30 PM on the evening of Sunday June 25, 2006, an unknown number of suspects entered the FTW offices by means of two passkeys. Once inside, a sledgehammer was used to smash through four solid-core doors secured with deadbolt locks to gain entry to our webmaster's office, my office, the administrative office and a storage area. All seven FTW computers were ripped or disconnected from peripherals and transported to a central unoccupied area of the building where their covers were unscrewed and removed. After the covers had been removed, all seven computers were smashed with sledgehammers. My monitor was also smashed at my desk. The computers were totally destroyed.
[Image: Ashland%2006%20017.jpg]
There are suspects and the Ashland, Oregon police department (APD) is conducting an active criminal investigation. For that reason I am not at liberty to either discuss or disclose certain details, especially the extent of damage to hard drives, back up status before the burglary, or whether data from damaged hard drives is, or will ever be, recoverable.
To date I have been impressed by the cooperation and thoroughness shown by APD and I intend to cooperate with them fully and provide whatever assistance I can as their investigation continues. In previous statements I have mentioned a meth ring operating locally and have also stated that I had seen no direct evidence of US government involvement. Those statements are still correct, although I will add that I also have not ruled out US government involvement.
[Image: Ashland%2006%20022.jpg]
[Image: Ashland%2006%20031.jpg]
The only way to describe the damage is that it has been utterly devastating from business, emotional and professional perspectives. My residence was vandalized a week before the burglary. As I write this report, a full ten days after the burglary, we are still unable to download orders from the internet, and we are also unable to ship any products. We have a large number of orders out there but unfortunately we cannot get any of that money into our checking account at present.
[Image: Ashland%2006%20029.jpg]
We are insured and it appears as though most of the losses will be covered. However, there are going to be significant cash outlays required to resume even a semblance of normal operations before insurance reimbursement takes place. This includes expensive data recovery from certain damaged hard drives. For the time being, please send any donations to our mailing address, 655 Washington St., Ashland, OR 97520, Please indicate if you would like your donation returned once we have received reimbursement from our insurance carrier. We do need all the help we can get.
For new subscribers and those concerned about interruption of our services please be advised that, as time permits, we will make arrangements to extend subscriptions to make up for any lost time.
I have no words to describe the viciousness of this attack. No other valuables were taken and none of our other furnishings or equipment was destroyed. It is apparent that destroying data stored in our computers was the primary objective in this crime. Current estimated damages are in excess of $20,000.
Please do not expect us to be able to immediately respond to emails. We are short-staffed and everyone here is doing a great job under the obvious and very unpleasant stress. We have desperate need for a bookkeeper in house to help reconstruct financial records and restore normal cash flow operations. Our problem is finding one willing to work in our environment.
Those of you who have been loyal FTW fans and subscribers know of the many, many challenges we have had to face over the years. I am now 55 years old and have been fighting this fight for a long time. This is a time for a rethinking of all of our priorities. The one question I and the rest of FTW is trying to answer is how can we best serve you without experiencing the same battles again.
As the world around us and within the United States grows darker, I intend to use this time to evaluate where we go from here. The first thing I need to do is to consult closely with our writers and several key advisors and friends. FTW is not dead but I must honestly tell you that we are on life support at the moment.
As we restore our operations, piece by piece, we will resume the publication of new stories. We promise to finish the Pat Tillman series. Other than that, as those of us who have made FTW work arrive at a plan, we will keep you advised.
In the meantime, please let these photographs speak for themselves. Send us whatever help you can, and continue to give us the same loving patience you have always given us as these brutal and difficult challenges have arisen.
These are tough times for everyone.
Michael C. Ruppert
[Image: Ashland%2006%20004.jpg]
Vandalism of Ruppert home
[Image: Ashland%2006%20024.jpg]
My monitor smashed at my desk
[Image: Ashland%2006%20025.jpg]
Store room door smashed with sledge hammer
[Image: Ashland%2006%20027.jpg]
Damage to Admin office
[Image: Ashland%2006%20028.jpg]
Sledge hammer damage to my door
[Image: Ashland%2006%20034.jpg]
All the dead computers

Mike Ruppert fled from his home in California in July, 2006 and went to Venezuela where his deteriorating health had worsened. From there he was transplanted to Canada in the Greater Toronto area for needed hospital care.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Much debate and sad commentary on Michael's Facebook page. His final posts on Facebook are suggestive.

From Michael's Facebook page, April 10th:

Quote:"The most likely thing is that you might die from amazement." -- Terrence McKenna.

"When the time comes, push off from the shore into the current. Do not try to hold on to anything on the shore. Push deeper into the current... And pay attention to who you meet there." -- Hopi (I believe) Prophecy

And his final post, April 13th:

Quote:I pray to all things seen and unseen, known and unknown, for we are all One.

The prophecies are being fulfilled. The hour of birth is at hand. The waters break and rend. There is blood. There are screams of pain. There is death and much anxiety in the air. Things look very bad for our Mother and all of her children.

The Truth awaits just on the other side of the ever dissolving veil where all the screaming and the mess is going on. The Truth opens its arms wide to lovingly receive the newborn and to comfort it.

"Isn't it wonderful?" The Truth exclaims.

I am your scout and this is my report.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

Ruppert may have had ups and downs in his final days, and (if you believe it was suicide) mightn't have decided to end things before, or during the podcast. Afterwards - who knows?
Wesley Miller's recent post at Collapsenet -

Quote:I can confirm after to speaking with the Napa County Sheriff's Office that yes, Michael C. Ruppert is dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. 100% confirmed.

I will be going to investigate the circumstances of MCR's death in person to confirm the facts, but I can tell you without equivocation that MCR had discussed taking his own life on more than one occasion, with me and with other people. His suicidal ideation exists on video and in writing, which I will produce in the days ahead to quiet the noise and speculation. But first, I want to see the facts for myself, as Mike and I promised each other we would do for each other under these kind of circumstances. I am a former prosecutor, I've been to my share of autopsies, and if there was/is anything nefarious about Mike's death, I will know it, and report it.

Right now, I am just very, very sad... - Wes
From Facebook, on Michael's wall today - original poster Keith Markley. Emphasis in bold, added.

Quote:A personal email exchange between Michael and myself some months back:

On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Mike Ruppert <> wrote:
You know, when I was in High School I was a member of DeMolay, the Junior Masons. I was raised around the military and I became a cop. With each initiation there was planning, training and full knowledge of what you were being initiated into. There were ritual books, or training and you knew exactly what you were entering and what your obligations and duties were, and what the protocols were.

Not so with Indians. In all of my contact with first peoples I usually don't even know I'm being initiated, let alone into what, or what the protocols are. Looking back I can see that Skip Mahawk, aside from paying me a great honor, initiated me into the indigenous native path in 2001. Tom Brown was another one. So now I guess it was no accident that Crow Feather, a Lipan, was there when my tobacco went onto the altar in my first peyote tipi this summer in Crestone. That was a real ass-kicking. They worked on me all night: electric current, speaking in tongues, seizures, pain that made me cry like a baby... for hours, until the start of the fourth round when I was able to pull out and muster the will to sing and smile. Crow Feather saved my ass when no other medicine people could.

When it was over Chris long, a Yuwipi Man, my shaman who was holding the ceremony, said, "Don't worry. They get easier."

I have been a scout so long, alone and so far behind the lines, that I do not even fully know the ways of my own tribe.

I am tired now. And what I have seen is that I might be losing my edge as a scout. Crow Feather told me that it was time to put that down and be an elder, teach, laugh, and make children happy. It was time to lead. But I am unable to stop being what I have been, doing what I have done. I still see things that others cannot.

And there are times when I ask if it is permissible for a scout to end his own walk because sometimes the pain is more than I can bear. All that I have seen my whole life is coming to pass and it is so hard to watch the two-leggeds, Mother Earth, and all my relations suffer, even as I see the two-leggeds begin to awaken.

Forgive me if I insult you. I do not mean it. You referred to a prayer you sent me. I am not sure which one it was. Did it end with something like, "through your walk in this life and the one beyond"? If so, would you send it again please. Sometimes it is very hard to keep track, even of such wonderful prayers.

I do know that I am loved and a member of something very, very special. Honors are nice but my craving has always been to know where I belong and be there with my people.

Do scouts have to die alone, as they have walked?

--Tracker of Truth Michael C. Ruppert

On Dec 4, 2013 7:59 PM, "Keith M" <> wrote:
Honestly Mike, it's pretty tough to insult me with a sincere embrace. I too was raised in what amounted to be warriorship, if you break it down to the psychology of primal human instinct. My father was a Cold War vet with a big Irish mouth when he had a few. His pride and shame for his service often fought to eclipse one another. This among many other themes left an imperceptible pull in me toward service of intangible virtue. This, by our cultural upbringing, naturally didn't sit well with me. I was always compelled to ferret out what eludes my awareness. My cultural and spiritual exploration began with martial arts at the age of 6. (I am now 35). I learned to quest for purity. A truth that was pure and simple. True everywhere, not just among those who wanted to believe in it. My instincts began awakening exponentially with this quest. An inner knowing that I was on the right track. I have transcended many teachers. As I climbed this mountain, I began to notice these teachers becoming rarer and fewer. Then finally one day a synchronicity that refused to be ignored pulled me onto my path with a drive and momentum that goes deeper and beyond me. It was my initiation into Grandfather's wisdom and Tom Brown, Jr.'s Tracker School. I read every one of his books. Such was my inner calling that I had almost all of them memorized my first time through. Grandfather transcended everything. He was more than Apache. More than an Elder Shaman, Master Scout or medicine man. He followed this path of purity to completion. He lived his life purpose, his Vision. And passed it on to us through Tom. during the years reading the books, before I started taking classes, I would bring other traditions in to compare, and nothing could even compete. It was too pure. Too real. Too simple... And that is the kicker. We love to complicate the shit out of everything. To shape it to fit our shortcomings. As a martial artist and primitive skills practitioner, I developed an instinct of knowing when a tradition must be adapted to the individual, and when the individual needs to strive to adapt and grow to the challenges of the tradition. You see, without the initiation experience, people fail to have any momentum to grow. The fad of mixed martial arts is an example of this. Lazy students mixing and matching traditions to meet their shortcomings. The initiation experience drives one into their very core in their spirit in the moment. Showing us who we truly need to be in the now. Finding Tom as a teacher is no accident. It was the only answer I had left and the only one that worked.

I grew up as an only child. So solitary quests were my forte.

I hope I don't insult you either here, but I think a lot of confusion is found in interpretation when thinking with awareness rooted in the physical mind over the spirit. It leads us to a lot of what Grandfather termed "Spiritual Masturbation". He spent 60 years wandering the Americas learning all spiritual traditions and earth skills to the point of mastering them in his quest for pure truth. Even though he couldn't read or write, he had for instance, the Bible and the Tao Te Ching memorized word for word. I don't think you were really "initiated" so to speak in the official sense on the Native path, as much as you were awakened to your pure humanity. Which makes us all as human animals "Natives" and children of our earth mother. Awakening is gradual. Never ending. It's Awareness blooming on every level. As a Tracker. As a Scout

With this comes a deep visceral connection with earth and spirit almost immediately. Soon you become aware of the consciousness of the spirit-moving-in-and-through-all-things. And it is about that time you sense its pain and suffering and that there is more you can do for it. Enter our spiritual life purpose we accepted before we were even born. Our Visions.

Conflict with ones Vision arises when we get caught up in the physical mind trying to substantiate it and figure it out. All we truly need to do is spiritually ask, "What is the next step?" But what we're talking about here is prayer. Not the bullshit religious kind. But prayer empowered with spirit. Asking "What is the next step?" falls into what Grandfather categorized as a prayer for enlightenment. Another one which I use most is the "Prayer of the Known Heart". Literally "You know my heart." This one is for when you feel a need so deep and so beyond words that you are at a loss as to how to continue.

This stretches us beyond trying to define everything and set parameters. What Crow Feather told you is true. But what you heard was not.

Yes, your place is now including the role of Elder as your seat. But you are a Scout. He didn't say that that will ever end did he? I bet not. What he referred to was more in that you no longer have to be pointman on the Scout team. A painfully exhausting position from just the intense awareness maintained alone. I know that one for a fact.

Quoting you here: "And there are times when I ask if it is permissible for a scout to end his own walk because sometimes the pain is more than I can bear. All that I have seen my whole life is coming to pass and it is so hard to watch the two-leggeds, Mother Earth, and all my relations suffer, even as I see the two-leggeds begin to awaken."

You know damn well that you can't do that! Walk On! To drop our strength now reminds me of so many quotes regarding how so many people quit on the verge of success. My favorite: "On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions, who at the dawn of victory, lay down to rest, and in resting died." ~ Adlai E. Stevenson

This is why you are a Scout. I don't know where or when you began your Scout training. But from mine, this is totally unacceptable. We carry the lives of so many in our hands. So many are counting on us to be the leaders, teachers, protectors, Shamen, healers etc. with their lives. Most don't even know it. Making it a thankless job. But we are not doing it for credit. Credit dies with the forgotten dreams of forgotten people laying in forgotten graves. We do this to heal the earth, to heal the spirit-moving-in-and-through-all-things, to heal our people. To stop walking is to betray them all. All ancestors and all who follow us.

Our death is inconsequential now. Our life is what carries our power. Use it.

What you are experiencing is what we refer to in Tracking as "Hitting the Wall". You are struggling to find that next track. Trying and trying. But when you finally see it, you will never have difficulty finding another track of that difficulty again. This is what Chris Long was probably referring to.

So here you are, hitting that wall. Your flow of momentum has been dammed up in a pool at it's base. You're trying and trying but feel that your progress is too slow?

Perhaps it's time to get out of the point position and let someone else take that role. It's time to ascend to the next plane. After all, Tom always says, "Whenever I see a Scout, the first thing I see is a Shaman." Scouts from this tradition are not tethered to the illusion of age. Traditionally they weren't even considered full-fledged Scouts till they reached their 40th winter. Many of Tom's Scouts are in their 60's. The master Scouts of Grandfather's time were often in their 80's and 90's. Remember that he met Tom when he was 83, and could not only out run him, but run through dried leaves without making a sound. Through sand without a track. Shit you'd never believe if you hadn't seen it demonstrated by those he passed it down to.

To bring it into application, your watchdog role is to change probably. You've already reached enough people. But knowing is not enough. It's time to act. Time is running out. You're practically singlehandedly creating the majority of the "Rainbow Tribe". But now that they are awakened... What are you going to do next? Your power is moving from the screens of light to moccasins on the earth. Are you going to follow it? I think all of your fans are waiting on the next step.

I don't feel it is my place to advise you. (Just trying to find the light switch maybe?) You seem to have what it takes to find your way. I'd strongly suggest a Vision Quest however. And perhaps Tom's books. Particularly Awakening Spirits.

Attached is the Prayer of Grandfather's lineage. Be very careful who you share it with. It is private and sacred to us.

In good medicine, Keith Markley

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