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Dream Choreography
This is how that Monarching vid looked, c.mid2009, still camera, no noise 'cept gurgling & gasps. Others were dead cows being dumped into huge grinding machines & a fella on a bike getting run-over by an 'uge multi-ton lorry.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Haven't had an 'ordinary' dc for a while, they've all been very mushy and of the flava of being experimental.

Quite an interesting dream choreography maybe 2hrs after sleep this morning; a house move next door, van & peeps in the back lane, really fat bloke, swarthy & greazey, a "social call" unsolicited by that stranger; sitting on my settee, unwelcome, tilts his head onto my shoulder - taking the piss, ask him to leave, he won't; me, up looking for an 'equaliser' I suppose, a bottle of white wine (no use to man nor beast); on returning, this fellas changed into a Chris Kamara-lookalike, a bit more 'Greece'-ey. An eventual half-hearted swing and >bonk!< to go with the 'usual' slightly sick/pukey feeling; he's on the deck - more thru' a lack of balance than anything, legs up at my chest as I'm trying to get to him - to persuade him to expedite a "fuck-off!", pronto. "Don't come 'round my shop" was in there somewhere. Shell House, presumably - guessingly, but not at all clear( Then I wake - am woken, so that I'll remember it, to shrill EM hiss at centre-middle right of head as usual - microelectrode array?
There followed, as I mused over it waiting to sleep again, a few more things; "Romanian-Bulgarian" cognitive whisper drop-in, of the blokies in the dc; an image to the minds eye, vague & brief, panning, of an Afghan(?)-type, close-up, sitting, pensive(?), like a NatGeo 'photo, the interjection/shift to-, img of a Goumier as I see it, collecting the ears of friends not foes, for the reward, with an AK - 'captured' I suppose (considering their "killed not captured", and the masses of shooting refs - last being several to the last couple of days report of a murder in Afghan/Pak province, woman shot in the back of the head) maybe 'they' could've played on the 'shot in the back of the head'-bit a bit more; then the siren-ref(?) coicident with that, 9:10am.; omlette; a face that morphs into an eeevill face, oh yes. Few more baubles, but that's the bulk of it.

Standard 'designed to provoke an emotional response' stuff, this, and oh-sooo mesageful too, from the same truppen of goosestepping necrophiles who tune-in, dick in hand, to experience death - murder, via the cortical modem effect, very much the same as that film, of the serial-killer who puts-on VR(?) goggles on his victims, as he's murdering them, so that they can watch themselves getting murdered, from his view.

Certainly in a shitty. There's a strange character in that SBS book, a 'Mr. Tallyho', of whom the author says 'you could know him all your life and never know anything about him', for the casual ease with which he killed/proposed to kill.

Sitting here in the library, the 'EM hissing' radio-frequency reception to the lower back of my skull/top of neck, very much the cerebellum area, is very noticeable, sooo very similar to the sound of water rushing thru' pipes, pulsing with my beat. They blab-on so much about "[oh! - sudden shrill tone in left ear, quick rise and steady drop-off, 20seconds or so] "law" & "justice" - or at least used to, that really, you gotta wonder what sordid, seedy, skulking, lieing - repetative inculcators of one-size-fits-all pat-narrative diahorrea planet 'Finger-point' these daaaft cuuunts're on. Completely batshit. I'm supposed to assimilate their deranged shitbaggeries, and that's what I'm guilty of, thinking, "Hang-on; done nowt, quite like the police. Ergo WTF!?" And that's a fact, whilst No.18 larfs at 6am, to "protected by the law", as the Hillsborough inquest has demonstrated, & there's more in the pipeline - [neuralgic sets-in, quite strong, to right temple-side] Hillsborough inquest - Yeah! - the LAW in action shit-for-brains [& predictably from the boogeymen, that neuralgic took it's time to peak, rising to that challenge - oh, back again]. They make my (& some of your-s) country into a neo-Nazi-Gestapo playground - this isn't 'Britain'.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
I've mentioned, & my logbooks full of it, that the radio-frequency-fed 'dreams' I've been getting for a while have been very 'mushy', indistinct, that my sleep's been odd, disturbed, 'flighty or 'jumpy' - not so much emotionally, but it hasn't felt normal. Seems I'm pretty good at picking-up on this stuff, & I'd been wondering what was happening - lots of part-caught/half-(or less) remembered jumble of things at a high rate of knots. I know that the full range of mind drop-ins is being used, 'dream choreography', 'gif'-type projections, img, img of text, auditory whispers & cognitive whispers, & often to a siren at some juncture, if not just during waking as a reinforcement to go with the 'clicks'; all these things I'm guessing at low & variably low power/definition levels; like I said a few days ago, 'it has the feeling of being experimental', and there's been alot of this.

BBC txt yesterday put me on to this - Dreaming brain rhythms lock in memories - By Jonathan Webb - Science reporter, BBC News - 12 May 2016 - "Disrupting brain activity in sleeping mice, specifically during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, can stop the animals remembering things they learned that day, a study suggests." (Seems this is supposedly to do with "optogenetics", which might explain - be in the same science-sphere some of that deterioration to the vision of my right eye that the shitehounds keep telling me is a lie - they used to do this in N-u-T while I was watching tv; with no reason for me to be thinking it, nevertheless, I'd be thinking "invisible light lasers", -maybe a cognitive whisper, as my vision would fairly suddenly drop-off in that one eye, then slowly return to normal). ""Disrupting the activity only during REM sleep, and not other sleep, basically obliterates consolidation and memory formation," Dr Williams said." I'd wager that they can do this with radio-frequency 'too', and it seems to me that if they're going to do this to anyone, they'd do it to me, the "irrelevant" "lab rat" whose giving them gyp; "They don't want you to prosper" - 3weeks ago or so that last. My head is just a couple of feet from a neighbour who I've long supposed to be the local tech-side of the 'torture-murder' program, for several specific reasons.

This articles good on this subject - REM Sleep is a Keystone of Memory Formation in Mice - NEUROSCIENCE NEWS - MAY 13, 2016 -

Regards the newspaper scan, lurrve that last line - that's precisely what 'the program' is (largely) all about - creating a referenced 'landscape of lies', to create 'a learned confusion of thinking', that "fog" of brainwashing, like Paul Gascoigne suffered from, or was subjected to.

Regards the preceding post; forgot to mention the (rather light I thought) wad of cash, bandied about at some point; I get alot of the hint at 'help'/'payoff'-type refs, starting perhaps in c.mid2012 when they blabbed a couple of times about 'owning a half-share of a pub in Soho', adding once 'which he dosn't remember about', which is in small part why they can fuck-off - pisstakers.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Some of these DC's I'm starting to get seem very ordinary, almost mundane, not very msg'ful cept that they have ppl in them that I've not seen for many years, particularly ex-g/fs. It seems to me that in these, several things are intended; 1[SUP]st[/SUP] to try-on the impression of them being indigenous/organic to myself not transmitted dream choreographies, 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] to merge the DC with real-world this is the purpose really of the attack, to turn' reality, that Matrixbollocks' the shitehounds keep ref'ing, that I'm supposed to be in, 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] to taint' memory with an alternate flava', to turn' the memory. Some of the related effects to the mind are transmitted at very low power, so that I don't notice them, then the next night, I get the effect a tad stronger, & on, til it becomes visible', at which point it acquires something of the feel of memory; this needn't be the same transmission file', I'm sure it can be the same msg', such as it is. Thing is, at the point it does become visible', I can back-track it to a retrieved memory' of having had it before, like an echo, so from nothing conscious, it reveals' itself in a bit of a blurt' of a, b, c, duh, duh-duh, duh-, duh, like a 2, 3, 4- piece jigsaw that suddenly self-assembles.

Fairly bold' strong, vivid DC a few days ago; something of the flavour of a holiday in the Dales/the foothills of the Swiss Alps, with a bit of a cowboy-western feel; end of day evening at the local pub [getting clicks to left ear thru' writing about this DC]; walking round & to the pub; timber-built structure, a mezzanine, chatting, drinking, ppl watching; a load of water starts to flow thru', floor level & thru' the skylights, quite the torrent. Two curious things, I have this notion' of tesing the dream' by jumping up and grabbing what may've been a splintered beam, the idea being to test the dream; I do so, and my fingertips have a distinct sensation of being snagged, as by spelks of the timber (spelks' is what we call them in this part of the world, old Viking' term, I gather). Now that's an interesting one that I've not really noticed before, a physical sensation in a DC; emotional sensations are the stuff of dreams generally. I have this suspicion that it was [oooh, neuralgic sets-in, top right of head] a cognitive whisper' inside the dream choreography, for me to do that. What I'm assuming, is that, as I've written above, it's an attempt at merging the DCbollocks with realworld'. I think I've seen most or all of their palette' of tricks, but there are sufficient of those effects to play around with them quite a lot, to mix'n'match, another area for their standard Woolies pick'n'mix games; to drop that cognitive whisper' push/influencing' into their DC world in which lies their death sentences is a good un, & one I'm sure I've had a lot of, it's just that this one self-flagged. After this, I'd had a similar thought, to test the DC; I think this one was my own because it showed-up the DC as being artificial & revealed' the snagging of the fingers physical sensation as being prepared (the throbbing tingling at the mid side of my head was a clear give-away, but it was a hidden trick inside a known trick); I'd lept over the balcony of the mezzanine into this torrent of water, and nothing. No sensations or effects at all, no physical effect, as tho' it was outside the parameters/script' of the animation/transmission. The DC seemed to run-thru' 2x's, giving it duration; the same stroll down the same lane/street, to the same view, to the same pub & the same social interactions.

When I woke, I made a note about it being as tho' it were very similar to the first Call of Duty' game; visually impressive and fun' and the rest, but this was a game (I think I only played a free demo) that was straight-jacketed in that it was "A-to-C-thru'-B" as I'd called it at the time, very much the opposite of sandbox' free-roam, very tightly scripted with absolutely no opportunity at all for flexibility of tactics & movement, almost like being on a moving walkway that you can't step-off; none of that 'hit 'em on the flank an' roll 'em-up like a carpet'. As games went, it was ok', but it had no legs', very repetitive, virtually identical each time. It seems to me that the DC's are like this; far from that open flexibility of the mind as portrayed in Inception', it exists in a funnel' of limitations, I imagine as much as anything, as defined by how big and fast the processor is, and how deep' the programming/'experiential' memory database is. So it's simply a path that you're stood in the middle of, perhaps can step once from side to side, but that's yer lot. This was in the order of one of those dream conferences', as I call them, far more than a simple img/gif/video play, but still pretty simple, I think, not much more than a stage', or a series of stages.

I then slowly woke proper, to the thought of testing the next dream, which I was imagining to be a very busy, fast motorway, for some reason (I've nvr had a DC anything like that, so I'm guessing that merging of real-life with Matrixbollocksworld' really is what's being tried-on), by walking into the traffic to reassure myself that it's not real. [click', there]. They'd like that.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Dream choreography max' last night the dream conferencing/espionage thing: during a conversation last night, in response to the offer of an all-expenses paid trip round Europe in a Winnebago , I made it quite clear that the shitehounds get nish my life is effectively over and it's that dieR taP thing, the only thing I have is a fuck you & eat shit' to the shitehounds.

So. Dc-max was almost inevitable;

As usual, just 2hrs or so after sleep, a dc of being almost mobbed/harangued' by a bunch of excitable teenage-mentality (inverted commas) wannabe idealogues-on-a-jolly-for-nish-but-the-shits-n'-kicks types, a fragile vulgus of over-inflated & gossamer-thin airheads the usual, sound-boarding off each other like a bunch of fasces. Scene, a tall domestic building like several I've lived-in (and indeed mentioned just last night), internally as tho' those Flanders houses, tall & thin. Followed up 2-3 flights of stairs (hardly chased as I was up for the gobshitteries, but it's that same, usual intent), pausing to standfast at will. (Very similar flavour to a home invasion dc I had 6-8months ago). All quite confrontational [click] accepted & returned; not threatening, more [click] dc's the other dc' daft cunts, in a frothy, wet- blanket sort of way. A part where I'm punched' to the left side of my face/nose, & whilst the goo-goumier self-importantly self-policed [click] (holding him back - ooooh - scary) I'm saying "It was nothing", as I've been punched' by a cat harder than that in realworld; more worrisome had been the sneezed appearance of bright green snot from the arm-chukker shortly before he'd wiped his hand in it with me consequently getting a light dose from the hand "Ooh, - dirty boy!".

And that pretty much was that; I stood my ground physically & verbally. They seem to be really wretched types they've been frequent in the dc's, the frothy, gurning, gobshite maniacal & over-excited types with no life experience & a surfeit of bullshit, very much the idiot-savant on home ground one step off their path and they wither visibly; alone & unsupported by a gaggle of like minds, & the same, able only to operate individualistically, hence the fasces. Terrifically loud & empty vessels, deeply vapid >ahem< & onanistic, soundboarding off one another.

Within moments of waking, a siren c.9:05am, & that very very loud & strong sensation of hissing at the usual point immediately adjacent to the top front right ear, which I assume to be radio-frequency reception from a micro-electrode array/aerial.

They ref "church/religious/christ-ian/& No.18's "Doing gods work" which I've mentioned before, & there sure be that idiotic evangelical god-botherer fervour & zealotry about them, but it seems to me that they're just self-indulgent acolytes of their own neo/nouveau [click] David Krèche type figure, who in turn basks in the reflected glow of a wide-eyed & moon-faced verbande of wacoes, a kind of adoration of the maggots "What would you rather have - $10,000 or the ability to control bees?" Pigeon-brained as well as pigeon-toed (mentioning no names Sippo Khazi).

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There's something of a hint in the mental process with that dc when that lad chucked a fire extinguisher off that building in London during those student demos, I think, 'cept in his case, I'm guessing it was a temporary aberration in the moment, rather than a more profound, chronic condition.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
In response to the 'Brain wi-fi' reverses leg paralysis in primate first
By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News website
10 November 2016
- I posted to US/UK State brainwashing/torture/murder thread yesterday,
& the 'Spirit Cooking' response thing, I've already had a couple of hard-to-mind 'dc' drop-ins; dozing last night after eating, a Ministry of Silly Walks-style clip of me & one leg with a mind of it's own, shambolically fighting my way thru' 3yards of pavement, with a viz or whisper at the tail end of "Stars in your Krown", then the same again as I was sleeping 'proper', or at least in bed.

This gig of 'dc'-lites when I'm dozing in the chair is more-or-less new, but I also had one the day before last too, a very brief clip of a scampering mousey on a kitchen/table top, falling into a toaster. Only 1 or 2 seconds. Not sure how the instant wake-with-a-'start' was done - quick hi-dose e-caffeine maybe, with a sound/muscle twitch in synch. [ooooh, my first neuralgic of the day there, in front of the top of my right ear]

Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Michael Barwell Wrote:In response to the 'Brain wi-fi' reverses leg paralysis in primate first
By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News website
10 November 2016
- I posted to US/UK State brainwashing/torture/murder thread yesterday,
& the 'Spirit Cooking' response thing, I've already had a couple of hard-to-mind 'dc' drop-ins; dozing last night after eating, a Ministry of Silly Walks-style clip of me & one leg with a mind of it's own, shambolically fighting my way thru' 3yards of pavement, with a viz or whisper at the tail end of "Stars in your Krown", then the same again as I was sleeping 'proper', or at least in bed.

This gig of 'dc'-lites when I'm dozing in the chair is more-or-less new, but I also had one the day before last too, a very brief clip of a scampering mousey on a kitchen/table top, falling into a toaster. Only 1 or 2 seconds. Not sure how the instant wake-with-a-'start' was done - quick hi-dose e-caffeine maybe, with a sound/muscle twitch in synch. [ooooh, my first neuralgic of the day there, in front of the top of my right ear]


See what I mean about 'The Sun' - oily obsequeous lizards:

WALKIE TALKIE: Using mobile phones on the go is giving us silly walks, researchers claim
Scientists found walking texters are making over-the-top strides to avoid tripping and bashing into people
By PAUL HARPER - 13th November 2016, 11:16 am

MOBILE phones are changing the way people walk as they take giant strides to avoid hazards and passers-by when texting.
Walking texters are adopting over-the-top movements for safety reasons, researchers at an American uni discovered.
This is a very common sight a young man listening music with smartphone earphones walking in the street
Walking while texting is changing the way humans walk according to this US study
The University of Delaware asked 22 volunteers to dial a number on their mobile phone while walking on a treadmill for two minutes.
The walkers wore 62 reflective markers on the arms, trunk, pelvis and legs which were picked up by motion cameras to measure knee flexion, hip movement and leg swing.
This experiment showed that the volunteers used strange exaggerated strides, bending their knees on each step with their ankles fulled flexed, the Telegraph reports.
Scientists concluded the large movements were to naturally step over tripping hazards, negotiate crowds and make up for diminished vision.
First author Kelly Seymour from the University of Delaware said: "Our results suggest that when dialing a phone while walking, healthy adults adopt a more cautious gait pattern, which may limit the risk of falling."
There were so FEW mistakes in number dialling during the test that it appeared volunteers felt using their phones was more important than walking.
A recent study found that saggy neck caused from looking down your phone and disrupted sleep from handset blue lights is just the tip of the iceberg.
Text-walkers has become such a problem that last year Antwerp in Belgium brought in text walking lanes' so that they do not irritate or endanger other pedestrians.
The study found walking texters take massive strides to avoid tripping over hazards.
Last year University of Bath researchers found we alter the way we walk when we text to avoid accidents, after an experiment involving 30 people aged 18 to 50-years-old.

Lecturer Dr Polly McGuigan said: ""We found that our participants were very good at adapting the way they walk to limit their risk of injury, and there were very few occasions when a participant hit an obstacle. This may be because many of the participants had grown up using a mobile phone and are very used to multi-tasking."

Phone-hacking trial: Prince Harry message 'was hacked'

Prince Harry Criticizes Media, Makes Phone Hacking Reference -
10:37 AM PST 1/22/2013 by Georg Szalai
In a series of interviews that British outlets could only air or write about with delay, the royal also discussed his Las Vegas nude photos and Kate Middleton's pregnancy.
LONDON - Prince Harry in a series of interviews has criticized the British media, including its handling of the pregnancy of Kate Middleton, and acknowledged letting his family down with a Las Vegas party weekend last year that led to the publication of nude pictures of the third in line to the throne.

Prince Harry recently gave the interviews in Camp Bastion during his deployment in Afghanistan over a period of time, but video and stories were only allowed to appear in British media outlets now that he has finished his stay there.

In one interview, he even referenced the News Corp. phone hacking scandal. "Because we haven't got mobile phones out here in Afghanistan, they can't bug our phones, so they don't know what we're saying," ITV quoted him as saying. "I don't believe there is any such thing as private life anymore."

The BBC News Channel aired the interviews Tuesday, and the BBC posted selected videos and stories online. The Telegraph and other British media also made the interviews available or covered them. Prince Harry left Afghanistan on Monday, and news teams were allowed to interview him if they agreed to delay broadcasts and publication, according to the BBC.

In a video on BBC News, the royal commented on his Las Vegas hotel romp by saying: "At the end of the day, I probably let myself down, I let my family down, I let other people down." He added: "It was probably a classic example of me probably being too much army and not enough prince."

But Prince Harry also emphasized that "I was in a private area, and there should be a certain amount of privacy that one should expect."

Asked about the recent news that his brother Prince William and wife were having a baby, Prince Harry said: "I'm thrilled for both of them" and "I can't wait to be uncle."

Again, he had some media criticism to share as well. "I think it is very unfair that they were forced to publicize it when they were. But that's just the media for you." The royal added that he hoped Middleton would get some protection to have certain privacy as a future mother.

"I didn't send a letter of congratulation like most of the papers said," Prince Harry also said. "They are wrong as always."

The royal at one point even said that he grew up with a dislike of the media. "If there's a story and something's been written about me, I want to know what's being said," he said. "But all it does is just upset me and anger me that people can get away with writing the stuff they do. Not just about me, but about everything and everybody."


Note, 'The News of the World' ='s 'The Sun', the Murdoch press; from the earliest days of 'the program', I had very many "sun/Sun/son" refs, particularly as I'd previously thought there was a connection - I'd written on YT that the MI's were fully aware that Glen Mulcaire/News International had hacked Milly Dowlers 'phone, & that Kent(?) police had deliberately dropped the ball in their investigation into it.

The clip I was looking for of ''arry' in Afghan sitting in front of a heli & railing about 'The Sun' & 'phone hacking seems to have been excised from the public world whilst Tom Newton Dung (Sun editor or similar) on SkyPressPreview literally gurns as he fawns over the royal family, given half the chance.

Police 'regret' over Milly Dowler phone hacking - 8 September 2016 From the section Surrey
An internal Surrey Police report on the hacking of missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler's phone has concluded it should have been investigated but was not.
The force said the failure was a "matter of deep regret" and that it had apologised to the Dowler family for the distress it had caused them.
The News of the World contacted Surrey Police on 13 April 2002 to say it had information from Milly's voicemail.
The Operation Baronet inquiry was set up to establish how police responded.
'Unacceptable failure'
The report said that when it became apparent that messages on Milly's phone had been intercepted, the primary focus of the investigation team was "rightly" on finding Milly and bringing her killer to justice.
However, senior officers would or should have been aware of the News of the World's illegal actions and the matter of phone hacking should have been revisited and investigated at a later stage, the report said.
The failure to do so was "unacceptable".
Surrey Police said the investigation into Milly's murder, which resulted in the conviction of Levi Bellfield in June 2011, remains the largest inquiry ever undertaken by the force.
As part of Operation Baronet, in June 2012 Surrey Police and Surrey Police Authority voluntarily referred two senior officers to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).
The IPCC carried out an independent investigation which concluded there was no case to answer for misconduct in either case.
The report accepts the hacking may not have been "seen for what it was" at the time.
The force said that in 2002 the phrase phone hacking had not been adopted and no-one knew the technique was being used illegally by some newspapers to get stories.
Operation Baronet found no evidence of any conspiracy or collusive relationship between officers and the News of the World or any other media, it said.
Milly Dowler Timeline:
March 2002 13-year-old Milly Dowler is last seen walking home from Walton-on-Thames railway station after school
September 2002 Milly's remains are found in Hampshire and identified by dental records. The case becomes a murder investigation
March 2010 Former bouncer and convicted murderer Levi Bellfield, who lived near Walton station, is charged with Milly's murder
June 2011 Bellfield is found guilty and jailed for life
July 2011 News of the World is closed down by Rupert Murdoch in the wake of the Milly Dowler phone hacking revelations
November 2011 The Leveson Inquiry is held into the culture, practice and ethics of the press

This below is an excellent program, lots of whispy tendrils emanate -
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=8722&stc=1]

& - [URL=""]


John Arthur Stevens, Baron Stevens of Kirkwhelpington, QPM, KStJ, DL, FRSA (born 21 October 1942) was Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis (head of the Metropolitan Police Service) from 2000 until 2005. From 1991 to 1996, he was Chief Constable of Northumbria Police before being appointed one of HM Inspectors of Constabulary in September 1996. He was then appointed Deputy Commissioner of the Met in 1998 until his promotion to Commissioner in 2000. He was a writer for the News of the World, for £7,000 an article, until his resignation as the hacking scandal progressed.[SUP][1][/SUP]

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Its not dream choreography:

Revealed: How The Metropolitan Police Covered-Up For Rupert Murdoch's News International - June 22, 2015 By Bellingcat By Joe Public
A Bellingcat and Byline investigation can for the first time reveal Scotland Yard had intelligence Mazher Mahmood was corrupting police officers as far back as the summer of 2000.
The Yard's 1999/2000 Operation Two Bridges had surveillance on Mahmood in The Victory pub, in Thornton Heath, south London by CIB3 officers (also known as the Ghost Squad), who were working from London's Belgravia police station. An intelligence report dated 26th September 1999 damningly states:
While in the company of Rees, Maz' was with a plain clothes officer aged about 45 officer was selling a story to Maz about inter-race marriage and the payment in dowry in the form of livestock.
The Rees' mentioned in the intelligence report is private investigator Jonathan Rees from Southern Investigations. The Victory, a rundown pub in Gillet Street, Thornton Heath, is no longer there but was frequented by corrupt police officers, private detectives and journalists who often met there.
This is significant because it confirms there was a corruption cover-up by the Metropolitan Police (MPS), not only concerning Mahmood who's currently under police investigation for alleged perjury, but also reveals the true extent of Scotland Yard's knowledge of the wider corruption between private investigators (Southern Investigation), News International, and MPS officers stretching back 16 years and their failure to break up the criminal nexus.


I was wondering wtf the "Gillet" ref was, from 'The Apprentice' a week or two ago - the cycle merchandise prog. I get "Ghost" alllll the time. Ah, & "Thornton", from Emily-.
My guess would be that this article is very substantially on the money.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Positively oodles o' sirens each morning as I'm waking several times during the night/morning to curious clip-verts of dc's. What happens seems to be to a pattern; I wake at the tail-end of a quick scene/scenario, and a siren goes-off mid distance, then it stops, restarts & gets closer, then again the same, getting closerrr.

-ignore the 'bold'

Monday28Nov'16, 2x's dc's; 1[SUP]st[/SUP] was to s scene where I had a load of delicious looking chicken stew in my stay-hot cup, & for some reason, I was putting the whole thing in the loo AHHH in the u-bend! my phrase of bent coppers in this Aktion Reinhard miasmic horseshit scheme of brainwash-torture-murder by charlatan frauds "as bent as a u-bend (and for the same purpose as a-)". >duh< I'm no good at this shit at all. Interesting sideline to that whole dc, I think there were 3x chicken breats/fillets in that stew the triple-breasted whore of… something or other..? The shitehounds seem to do' The Hitch-hikers Guide to the Universe', & LL', Luelinks, so Ben', or Dwayne said, was life, universe & everything'. Then again, it could be from the film Total Recall which in tern could be from-… etc. There's an on-going news story on BBC txt about a severely autistic lad who needs the same type blue cup that he's always used "Dad's search for a little blue cup for his son goes viral" which sounds very similar to mine & nicely' sends a thread-out, psychologically, if you're loosing yer mind, like. Wibble. Very standard.

2[SUP]nd[/SUP] was an incongruous visual, pretty much still, as I remember, and the sentence/phrase juxtaposed, "Out of ammunition". Strange one that; the img seemed to have no relevance at all, unless that itself was the gig.

Speeking of being out of ammunition'; I keep recalling odd stuff, like how the first big, massive, shouty & stompy shit-for-brains PC came round to my flat in N-u-T & stood on my doorstep for several minutes being a big shouty cupid stunt; I've mentioned before that this was surely to embarrass me into not calling em out an' saying "I'm being followed by my neighbour who looks like Reeta Chakrabarti & the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]/3[SUP]rd[/SUP] time I spoke to her had suddenly developed both a Spanish accent & a whiff of alcohol". This is the same tactic as was in that Derren Brown program where he'd persuaded a lad at a weekend lecture-type affair, that he'd murdered someone the lecturer had changed her top, unseen, behind the room they were being lectured in, & this is that change of name thing Michael' to Sean'. And too, those records of my contacts with Northumbria cops that I paid a tenner for they were deklivered by the postman, by hand, to my mother, in Skinnergate I happen to know that that's pretty much a sackable offence they must be delivered thru' the door, but the gig was to embarrass me obviously, the A4 envelope was franked Northumbria Police Authority'. >cou-bullshit-ghs<

Then there was the way that they'd told me my ex- had popped-out a sprog & got married; seems the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] bit's true, but the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP]'s bullshit, but the way they'd msg'ed me was interesting by highlighting a song title on my tv, from the list of MP3's on my thumb drive/stick-thing. (They used to do this a lot, & surely would again if I popped it in my telly); Dame tu adore'. Then I got the sound of a crying infant bairn. Then I'd asked the walls', if she was married, & somehow got the sound of churchbells, possibly inside my head, surely not from the tv as it was on a data-trip with the stick. This may sound odd, but I had about 3yrs of that sort of bullshit, all day, every day. I don't get it now, counterproductive, I think.

I haven't run-out of ammo at all; even the old ammos in tip-top shape I just need to dish it out to more & different people [oooh - siren there suddenly 15:36hrs see?]. Not sure if the local 6[SUP]th[/SUP] Forms best, or to concentrate more on standing outside the Jobcentre, handing-out er, handouts. Really, I think it's just a question of finding the right language & format for ppl to read I've been told that I have a nack for hiding information, in essays an' that big subject tho', & absolutely shiiiitloads to write on it, which I need to, to tie it all together into a comprehensible Kill-The-Mind-&-The-Body-Will-Follow' scheme.

No.18's been very quiet as of the last few days; I'd resolved that every single time I get a ref from them, it's returned; that's the 7:15am People we take our hats off to' pterodactyl [ooh, siren] shouting "You fucking knobhead". 10minutes after returning home that night, there was quite a loud footfall up/or/down No.18's stairs which I let go. The day before, it was "You're a fucking arsehole", but the program' [oooh, neuralgic just in front of my top right ear very trigeminal neuralgia torture area] is that I wake to dc's, sirens, & clicks, & go to sleep with 18 wall-tapping & clicks, & everything in between, both awake & asleep, 360degree/24/7/52/+5 etc. Fuck em. But 18 was quite noisy again last night, thru' a debate on tv on this new fake news' faddy trend of the moment. 8:10pm, "Europes eastern flanks", "Ingram" (which I know of as a very-hi rate of fire, tiny wee machine gun), "EU Parliament", "in France, in Italy, in Germany", the refs leaking' into RT's Cross Talk. As per oodles of other older refs, I'm to "Fear Thy Neighbour" & "Neighbours From Hell", etc. And a "slim chance of survival" from something or other. Loads an' loads of shit, almost as tho' that Fusion Centers [sic] had riled em.

3:40am, "Syria" click right ear; "They're dying to get out" pain to left shoulder very common atm as it's very sore anyway.

This mornings dc was in the form of a phone call from someone I know, & the 1[SUP]st[/SUP] neuralgic of the day, was quite a strong one, to the mid centre right side of my head, as I mumbled the line in Chocolate Cake' by Crowded House or maybe Counting Crows "And the excess of fat on your American bones, will cushion the impact as you sink like [neuralgic, light] a stoooone". I also get clicks & N's to the like "Cheap Picasso fake", as they seem to think of themselves as artists', & as I think Picasso is the most insanely over-rated artist', ever, they like to reference it, because of that all very SOP.
Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."
Quite an involved dc 2Jan c.11am (having gone to bed/sleep at 9am - standard time frame);
Someone I know is travelling (true). The dc: He leaves me his car to wrap-up & finish packing/lock. location is just 'round the corner from me, Larchfield St, before the new builds but after demolitions of a house I knew ("house" is really common ref these days). Car's full of stuff; it may've been supposed to be his old car, which i'd mentioned in conversation just a couple of days earlier. Packed to the gunwales it was. Ppl walking by & commenting; some seemed to be care-in-the-community types, one commenting on the view as "surview" (sp) (-tosurvey(withtheeyesormind)..). sarcastic, i took it, & dismissed with a counter-sarkky. (possibly a point-score there; I presume it's the shitehounds saying "He's going somewhere nice & where he wants to be; look around you - it's shit, why not do the same?" to which, like I say, I'd essentially said "fuck off", as usual.

So, other vaguely nefarious types get involved one by one & individually - no confrontation or more than one at a time, I'm just keeping an eye on 'em for the opportunist nicking something.

I'm locking-up the car & there seems to be a key for each door & boot, not different, just keys plural. Clockwise from drivers side & at the last, i see a pistole 7 2x US-style military knives (leather washer grips); vaguely i'm thinking a) a blankfirer, & b) "So THATS w
here my USAF survival knife went" (from many many yrs ago), he must be using these to splinter-off tinder from firewood to get a fire going, like he did with stove & fireplace in realworld. I packed them/put them out of sight in/under the dash.

Next, the car had shifted to the other side of the street, with a shopping trolley half full & spilt of coloured metallic small boxes on the pavement instantly I'm thinking it's his/reminiscent of his-, old audio tapes of the Hitchhikers Guide TTG, but masses of them. Along trots one of these vaguely nefarious types again apparently keen to pocket something; very tall (I know 2 very tall chaps, one of whom was ref'ed to quite a lot by my schizo pal, one time as having "Bought a machete" a ref not uncommon, this is a ++6' skinhead, who, as it happens, I used to quite like on the few & brief times I'd shared a doob with, but he DOES get used by name to intimidate ppl, quite whoreishly').

So, I put myself in the way & suddenly we both have empty clearglass bottles in our hands obviously weaps [& the neuralgic sets-in to my right temple]. I'm shoving him he's pushing me in fact, intent on passing thru' me. And there's that distinct sense of dream-weakness that you get when youre running, that weakness of running thru' mud I'm trying to lift my arm, eventually manageing a fairly light clunk' of bottle against forehead; I get one back equally ineffectual (nothing at all), & I mechanically/auto-pilot manage to give him a few back & then Suddenly the bottles broken & jagged at the last, but no blood or any more blows, just a curious stop-&-look at the bottle.

At this point, I'm leaving sleep, & it's done, stops. Couple of minutes later as I'm running thru' it for memories sake, a siren at some point as I notice the focused EM hissing tinnitus' & the last of 3 (I think) cognitive whispers' "daughters", to neuralgics, chirps & clicks. The cogwhisp coming across as very ad hoc & unconordirated, a bit like an adult baby throwing it's toy out the pram, as usual [ooh, neuralgic der gotts don't like it being pointed-out that they're full of shit].

If I'd've gone at that fella with gusto, or with the broken bottle, the shitwhores'd say "Look! See! We were right all along!" A thousand million times they've done these stupid fucking games, & they're still waiting, but they're still abso-fucking-lutley shitehounds. I've said precisely this before, & doubtless I'll be saying it again sometime soon.


Anyways, this morning i woke to the same 'floaty' dc type mind-play, but the only thing I remember is the very very vaguest of notions of a train - there wasn't any more at all than just that 'whisper', like a dream choreography without that actual 'dream'; the e-caffeine was just as strong, & just like yesterday, I'm up & about after not 2hrs of sleep. I used to call this "floating lead", as you are floaty, but heavy too - sleep paralysis-type sensation - it's actually very nice, just better without the bullshit.

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Martin Luther King - "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Albert Camus - "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion".
Douglas MacArthur — "Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons."
Albert Camus - "Nothing is more despicable than respect based on fear."

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