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FBI Train Anti-Mapuche Prosecutor
[size=12]The government of Chile may be headed by a Party called the 'Socialist Party' and Salvador Allende, so feared by Nixon and Kissinger, ATT and Anaconda, and other western interests that they had to kill him, may have been a member of that party but it now no longer resembles anything like the party he led. It is a bought and paid for organ of the US imperial interests. To the best of my knowledge Michelle Bachelet has not rescinded one single law introduced by Pinochet and uses them enthusiastically against students, workers, unionist and the indigenous when they try to organise for their rights. It is done under anti-terrorist legislation. The Mapuche, one of the indigenous nations in Chile have been trying to resist the onslaught of empire and the further confiscation of their lands. The anti-terrorist laws are used to put their leaders in jail. Not covered in the MSM. Nor the hunger stikes.
Anti-Mapuche Prosecutor, Mario Elgueta Receives FBI Training

At the Federal Beureau of Investigation, FBI, in Virginia, a delegation of Chilean Police Officers, detectives, and Chilean prosecutors carried out anti-subversive courses with specialists in the area, from a number of intelligence organizations from across North America between March 16 and 20 of this year.

The anti-Mapuche prosecutor, Mario Elgueta, who's exclusive job is to investigate and persecute the Mapuche movement of Bio Bio Region, was one of the participants in the training.

The courses indicated by Bio Bio Radio that could be inquired on included "Post-detention Investigation", along with "Advanced Techniques and Methodologies on the Investigation of Terrorist Actions" in the area of detonation of explosive artefacts; including the identification of the explosives used in those actions.

Ten members of the National Chilean Police Force, ten investigation detectives (PDI), and six prosecutors participated. The only prosecutor that has been confirmed thus far with their presence has been Mario Elgueta, whom this last December was ambushed by Mapuche resistance organisms in the area of Puerto Choque, Lleu-Lleu Lake. The participation of other persecutors of Chilean social movements have not been discarded.


This work elaborated by US intelligence organisms, has been transcendent for some time, when former Interior Minister Felipe Harboe, travelled to renew these agreements with world imperialist capitalism, in October and November 2008.

It was there that Harboe met with personnel from different state security organizations, highlighting the meetings with Vice Director of the FBI, John Pistole, held in Quantico, a training centre for the organization, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), members of the Interpol (International Police), [B]the Canadian Security and Intelligence Services (CSIS)[/B], and the DEA. Moreover, he established links with the Director to the UN Anti-Terrorist Committee, Karev Sergey.

On that same note, there have been numerous attempts to establish the efforts of the deceased General Director of the Chilean National Police, José Bernales, whom consolidated common strategies against social movements threatening for capitalist stability throughout the entire continent.

[B]High Ranking Investigations[/B]

The investigative work unto the repression of social movements, with special emphasis on the Mapuche struggle has been developing for many years. The designated public budgets are increased every year, where coordination of communication strategies are also incorporated, allowing for the softening of public opinion on state violence by distracting, hiding and confusing the masses.

These facts are not new, but have just come out to public light and could be managed by its protagonists. Nonetheless, this shows the height of work that can be reached easily by repressive organisms.

[B]April 8th, 2009[/B]

[B]País Mapuche [/B]

[B]Distributed By: The Women's Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada [Toronto][/B]
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