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Wikileaks publishes Stratfor Global Intelligence files.
Quote:Top Google execs, including the company's CEO and one of Barack Obama's major presidential campaign donors Eric Schmidt, informed the intelligence agency Stratfor about Google's activities and internal communication regarding "regime change" in the Middle East, according to Stratfor emails released by WikiLeaks and obtained by Al-Akhbar. The other source cited was Google's director for security and safety Marty Lev.

Meanwhile these lackeys are busy providing automated means of grassing up any form of legitimate political opposition to the Volkland Security organs.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Re: DISCUSSION - TURKEY/SYRIA - the military buffer zone

[TABLE="class: cable, width: 749"]
Date[TD]2011-11-15 23:34:47[/TD]
this is what the Turkish diplo source said - Turkey will send troops
across the border, ostensibly in order to safeguard its territory against
PKK attacks, and will use the terms of the agreement reached between
Turkey and Syria in 1998, which allows the Turkish army to penetrate a few
kilometers inside Syria to defend against PKK attacks. Turkey has been
asking for an Arab endorsement to commit itself more actively in Syrian


From: "Nathan Hughes"
To: "Analyst List"
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:25:23 PM
Subject: Re: DISCUSSION - TURKEY/SYRIA - the military buffer zone

I'm no longer clear on what we're talking about.

Turkey is dropping hints about exercising an existing hot pursuit clause,

Can someone please lay out the specifics of what they're saying? What
exactly did Turkey hint at specifically and where did we get 'buffer


From: "Reva Bhalla"
To: "Omar Lamrani"
Cc: "Analyst List"
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:13:38 PM
Subject: Re: DISCUSSION - TURKEY/SYRIA - the military buffer zone

yes, it's a hot pursuit clause

but, the idea is that Turkey is contemplating using that hot pursuit
clause to justify sending and keeping troops on the other side of the
border. that would deifnitely be stretching the rules, and would require
Turkey responding to (or perhaps inventing) a Kurdish militant threat in
that area that would legally justify such intervention.

but if Turkey were willing to absorb the risk of entering Syrian territory
and establishing a buffer zone, essentially as an act of war, then why go
through the trouble of bringing up this 1998 agreement to begin with when
Syria is going to see through it


From: "Omar Lamrani"
To: "Analyst List"
Cc: "Reva Bhalla"
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2011 4:06:41 PM
Subject: Re: DISCUSSION - TURKEY/SYRIA - the military buffer zone

I looked through the links and this is what I found for the Adana

First Link - The right for Turkey to pursue terrorists (PKK) up to 15km
into Syria.
Second Link - The right for Turkey to pursue terrorists (PKK) up to 5km
into Syria.
Third Link - The agreement allows the Turkish Army to penetrate some
distance into Syria in case it feels threatens by PKK operations.
Fourth Link - The right for Turkey to pursue terrorists (PKK) up to 15km
into Syria.

All links do not point to a buffer zone. Instead, the Adana Agreement
according to the links provided allows for the authorization of
pursuit/hot pursuit into Syria to a maximum of 15km.
On 11/15/11 2:23 PM, Reva Bhalla wrote:

A Turkish diplomatic source mentioned a few days ago that a stipulation
in the 1998 agreement between Turkey and Syria would allow TUrkish
troops to enter a few kms into Syrian territory. We searched the public
text of that agreement and didn't find anything that resembled a line
like that, but when I followed up with a source, this is what I found

On Oct. 20, 1998 the Syrians and Turks signed the Adana Agreement, a
secret document that ended the conflict between two countries, and
transformed their bi-lateral relations from enmity into cooperation.
According to the terms of the agreement, Syria renounced its claim to
Hatay and authorized the Turkish army to pursue Kurdish rebels inside
Syria up to 5 kilometers without seeking the prior permission of the
Syrian authorities (some sites say the later Hafiz Asad allowed the
Turkish army to penetrate Syrian territories up to 15 kms, although the
5kms authorization seems to make more sense.

This is obviously a major concession that Syria had to make when it was
legitimately scared that the TUrkish army was going to keep rolling its
tanks across the border. The terms of the Adana agreement were not made
public because it was a total Syrian capitulation to the Turkish
demands. Some describe the agreement as a Turkish-Syrian Camp david

The following Arabic sites mention the Adana Agreement and the right it
gave to the Turkish army to enter Syrian territories.

I still don't think Turkey is close to establishing this military buffer
zone, but we're taking a serious look at how they would go about it if
they did do it. Tactical team is mapping out the terrain, roads, ets.
in this area.

A few things to keep in mind:

As Omar pointed out, even if there is this stipulation in a secret 1998
agreement, i doubt Syria would respect it if Turkey is using it to send
troops into Turkish territory and has publicized its interest in
toppling the regime. It would likely be regarded by Syria (and Iran, by
extension) as an invasion and thus an act of war. That means TUrkey
would not only be facing the SYrian army, but also could bear the brunt
of militant proxy attacks (think Hezbollah, PKK possibly, etc.)

A Turkish military buffer zone in the north doesn't do shit for the
areas where the SUnni oppoisiton is concentrated and getting beat. the
natural escape route for Homs and Hama is southward toward LEbanon
(where Syria has a lot of leverage.) In the north, you have the Kurdish
areas (Qamishli is the main city) and you have the important city of
Aleppo, where Syria has concentrated a lot of forces.

Remember Turkey's main interest when it comes to Syria. They're not
looking ot march on Damascus for kicks. They are most concerned with the
spread of Kurdish separartism/militancy. So far, the Kurds in Syria have
been relatively calm (we had insight on this recently on how KRG is also
advising the SYrian Kurds to not push it.) So the Kurdish threat has
not risen to the level yet for TUrkey to intervene.

But --

Turkey wants to show it's capable of doing something. I am still going
to argue that establishing a military buffer zone and risking war with
Syria (and proxy war with Iran) is not worth it in Turkey's eyes.

But --

If Turkey has legit reason to believe Syria and Iran are playing the
PKK card, things could shift. That's what i think we need to be watching
for closely.

Omar Lamrani
221 W. 6th Street, Suite 400
Austin, TX 78701
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
[TABLE="width: 798"]
[TD]March 29-30, 2012 -- Stratfor leak: Are Netanyahu and Mossad planning an aerial assassination of President Obama?

In the latest leak from WikiLeaks of hacked e-mails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor, Fred Burton, Stratfor's vice president for intelligence, reveals that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is an intelligence source for Stratfor. However, the e-mails sent by Burton strongly indicate that Stratfor, which was founded by pro-Israeli businessman George Friedman; Netanyahu, and Mossad are of the same mindset when it comes to a perception that President Barack Obama is a threat to Israel.

In a May 12, 2009 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB [Netanyahu], being the man of honor that he is, intends to let Obama know (I've been told man to man) that he is the vanguard of the State of Israel, with the hell bent intentions (Bush like I may add) of neutralizing the Iranian nuclear menace, because he trusts this Presidency about as much as I do. For that, he gets my man of the year award."

It is a February 22, 2010 e-mail from Burton that should be causing the most concern for the U.S. Secret Service, which is charged with protecting the life of the President of the United States, Burton writes: "One can look at MOSSAD's recent covert activities and get a sense of their mindset.I also think they will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a

In a March 19, 2010 e-mail, Burton wrote: "BB dislikes Obama immensely. After hosting Biden, the last thing he wants to do is kiss Obama's arse. From my lips to your ears." On November 10, 2009, Burton wrote again of Netanyahu's dislike for Obama: "From my lips to your ears. I would imagine that my good friend BB Netanyahu told Obama what the Sword of Gideon has in store for the Iranian menace. I also have it on good word that BB trusts Obama about as much as he trusted Arafat or Waddi [sic] Haddad."

Arafat is a reference to the late Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat and Wadi Haddad was the leader of the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine who died in 1978 in East Germany after eating Belgian chocolates that were reportedly laced by Mossad with slow-acting poison.

It is clear from a December 11, 2009 e-mail that Burton's source on all the anti-Obama references ascribed to Netanyahu are from Netanyahu himself. The e-mail, referencing Burton's source, states: "Fred Burton wrote: my source is bb (eyes only)."

However, the most important statement is Burton's comment, keeping in mind that Netanyahu was passing on to Burton the strategic thinking of Mossad, that "I think they [Mossad] will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a malfunction."

Burton is a former Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) special agent at the Department of State. From other leaked Stratfor e-mails, Burton, who previously served as the Texas Department of Public Safety's Assistant Director for Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism and currently serves on Governor Rick Perry's Texas Border Security Council, is known for making racist references to minorities, including describing Arabs as "towel heads," "camel jockies," and "sleezy arsehole ragheads." Burton has also referred to Pakistanis as "Pakis" and has charged that "black Dems" commit election fraud in the United States and that Obama has a "black thing" going with Nigerian anti-oil drilling activists.

Burton was part of a State Department team that investigated the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by right-wing Israeli Yigal Amir, a known supporter of Netanyahu.

While Burton may have been referring to either Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Ayatollah Khamenei in his reference to "A-Dogg" having a "helo malfunction," courtesy of Mossad, the spelling of "Dogg" indicates a racial reference. Burton spells "dog" as "Dogg," a likely reference to the rapper "Snoop Dogg." The "A" in "A-Dogg" would indicate that he referring to an "A" or "top Dog," a possible reference to President Obama. Nevertheless, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei do occasionally travel around Iran by helicopter.

In addition to Burton's boss, Friedman, being a major supporter of Israel, the Mossad threat to Obama's life is not isolated to the Stratfor e-mail. In a January 13, 2012, editorial in the Atlanta Jewish Times, the paper's then-owner and publisher, Andrew Adler, laid out three scenarios open to Netanyahu regarding the Iran issue. Adler's third option was for the Mossad to assassinate Obama. WMR previously reported on Adler's close connection to Israel's Consul General in Atlanta. The Atlanta Consulate General is also a major Mossad base of operations in the southern United States.

Adler's Option Three is as follows: "Three, give the go-ahead for U.S.-based Mossad agents to take out a president deemed unfriendly to Israel in order for the current vice president to take his place, and forcefully dictate that the United States' policy includes its helping the Jewish state obliterate its enemies.Yes, you read "three" correctly. Order a hit on a president in order to preserve Israel's existence. Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don't you think that this almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel's most inner circles?
Another way of putting 'three' in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives . . . Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?"

Although Adler resigned as publisher of the paper, neither the U.S. Secret Service nor the Justice Department took any criminal action against the publisher for his suggestion that Mossad kill President Obama.

On March 9, 2010, Netanyahu, during a ceremony in Jerusalem, handed visiting Vice President a frame of broken glass with the comment, "I have one thing to offer you right now, and it's broken glass." Biden was hit with shards of glass from the broken frame. It was an ominous warning to the vice president.

The President's helicopter is Marine One and is maintained and flown by the U.S. Marine Corps' Marine Helicopter Squadron One (HMX-1) headquartered at the Marine Corps Air Facility at Quantico, Virginia. HMX-1 also has detachments at the Naval Support Facility in Anacostia, Washington, DC and at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. The President usually travels between the White House and Air Force One at Andrews by helicopter. It is also normal that the President uses Marine One for trips to destinations nearby Washington, including the Camp David presidential retreat in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. The President also occasionally uses Marine One on trips around the country and abroad when travel using the presidential limousine is inconvenient.

For as yet unknown reasons, the White House abruptly moved the venue for the upcoming May 18-19 G-8 economic summit of world leaders from Chicago to Camp David. President Obama and the NATO leaders still plan to hold their NATO summit in Chicago from May 20-21. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's former White House chief of staff who is also known to have close connections to Mossad, was given only a few hours notice of the change in plans and was reported miffed at the White House's sudden decision. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, who will be sworn in as President of Russia on May 7, will attend the G-8 summit in Camp David.

Assassinations from tampering with helicopters are not uncommon. Ecuador's President Jaime Roldos died in a helicopter crash on May 24, 1981, a crash that was blamed on the CIA. On April 28, 2002, retired Russian Army General Alexander Lebed,a former presidential candidate, died in a suspicious helicopter crash in the Sayan Mountains of Russia.

The Burton e-mail on "A-Dogg's" helicopter experiencing a Mossad "malfunction."

Re: On bombing Iran

Email-ID 1106053
Date 2010-02-22 17:21:03

The point is what is Israel's next move? Bob and Mike are experts, but
both also understand that what we think is really not the issue. I also
know what BB will do, i.e., protect the State of Israel. One can look
at MOSSAD's recent covert activities and get a sense of their mindset.
I also think they will assassinate A-Dogg. His helo will have a

Kamran Bokhari wrote:
/The National Journal Online/ recently solicited submissions from a variety of different Middle East experts on what policy steps the U.S. should next take toward Iran. Of the ten submissions that were published, none of them advised Washington to use military force. *Michael F. Scheuer *called upon the administration to make a public statement that there will be no military action, or support of one, against Iran. *Michael Brenner* argued that embracing the opposition movement in Iran could be "the kiss of death." James Jay Carafano*maintained that the U.S. should adopt tough sanctions against Iran as well as "shame Iran for its horrific human rights record." And *Robert Baer proposed a "don't do anything about Iran" policy since *Iran's military dictatorship thrives on conflict and hostility.

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Google translation from Portuguese.

Wikileaks: Parpública in the crosshairs of Goldman Sachs and "private CIA"

The financial background created by Stratfor and Goldman Sachs saw in the troika memorandum the right time to buy bonds Parpública. The holding company has stakes in state companies to be privatized under the guidance of Antonio Borges, who had been chosen by Goldman Sachs to provide consultancy services to Parpública in 2004 as part of the privatization of EDP and GALP.
ARTICLE | AUGUST 30, 2012 - 02:21
[Image: antonioborges2004andrekosters_0.jpg]Antonio Borges in a Congress of the PSD in 2004, when he worked for Goldman Sachs, charging $ 2.3 million to Parpública for financial advice on privatization. With the troika, that Borges is now privatized enterprises owned by Goldman Sachs and background Parpública / Stratfor always win out.

In February the Wikileaksrevealed to the world the invitation that Goldman Sachs sent the company Stratfor intelligence: a partnership in a Hedge Fund called Stratcap. According to an August 2011 email, written by George Friedman, CEO of this "private CIA", the offer came from the director of Goldman Sachs, Shea Morenz - "he proposed a new adventure, Stratcap, allowing us to use knowledge we make about the world in a new space but with connections - an investment fund. Where previously advised other hedge funds, we now have our own, fully funded by Shea (...) we are already working on simulations and investment transactions. " Other emails show that, during 2011, was assembled a complex financial structure using offshore in order to launch the Stratcap under a cloak of apparent legality.
The had access to these emails revealed by Wikileaks indicate that Parpública - the company that manages the holdings of the Portuguese State in groups like GALP, REN, Águas de Portugal, TAP and ANA - was the target of this fund. In a September 2011 emaila senior Stratfor, Alfredo Viegas, draws attention to the privatization plan announced by the Portuguese Government and the troika - "(...) it opens up some very interesting business opportunities with regard to parastatals Portuguese and possibly other PIIGS ( ...) To me the most interesting assets are 5.25% bond Parpública. What makes this very interesting is that bonds are convertible for GALP - that fuel company (...). "
The Stratfor wasted no time. sent a document to the CEOGeorge Friedman, titled "STRATCAP Portfolio - summary" you can check the inclusion of a table that references to titles Parpública.And since November 10, Alfredo Viegas rejoices with the statements of Pedro Passos Coelho,that day announced plans to cut public spending by 43% by 2014 - "(...) is very aggressive. If they do that, Portugal is a great buy ... shortening our way to the titles of Parpública. "
António Borges and privatization of Parpública
Parpública was established in 2000 by the government of António Guterres with the aim of being the instrument of the State to ensure the management of companies undergoing privatization. This position gave central importance to this public holding company that saw its profits rise steeply in the last decade as a result of privatization pursued by all governments. With the arrival of the troika and the PSD and CDS plan to privatize the latest crown jewels - TAP, ANA, CP Cargo, CTT and Caixa Seguros, Water and RTP Portugal - Parpública itself has its days numbered, as the state will have stakes in these companies. In the second version of the memorandum of understanding was advanced the possibility of dissolution of Parpública or their integration in public administration, "as its sources of revenue will be affected by privatization."
The truth is that until the final decision is that by Parpública pass the privatization process, and is within the operating Parpública António Borges, aide indicated by Passos Coelho to lead the process. But this was not the first time that Antonio Borges handled Parpública. Between February 2004 and April 2005 Goldman Sachs provided financial advice to Parpública in connection with the privatization of EDP and GALP, by this time receiving $ 2.3 million from the Portuguese State. At that time, the representative of Goldman Sachs before the state was António Borges, who now speaks on behalf of the state to defend privatization, including the model ruinous to grant an interview to RTP presented at TVI last week.
The connection to Goldman Sachs Borges has led to the questioning of his impartiality in the conduct of the privatization process. Marc Roche, author of 'The Bank: How Goldman Sachs runs the world', when asked about the choice of the Government of Borges Passos Coelho warned - "The problem is not that Mr. Borges said what he did at Goldman Sachs. There may be a conflict of interest. You need total transparency (...) Mr. Borges has to decide whether or not Goldman Sachs has a role in privatization. "
Wikileaks: aide Relvas the informant was "private CIA"
Advisor Relvas think "normal" Stratfor report while in Government

RELATED TERMS: News International

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Divide And Conquer: Unpacking Stratfor's Rise To Power

By Steve Horn | July 25, 2013
(AP/Cassandra Vinograd)

This is part one of an exclusive Mint Press News investigation into the story of Stratfor. Don't miss part 2.
On Christmas Day 2011, the hacktivist collective Anonymous ruined the day for a security firm that, throughout much of its history, enjoyed operating in the shadows.
The firm: Strategic Forecasting, Inc., an Austin, Texas-based intelligence-collecting contracting company better known as Stratfor. Its clients include some of the most profitable multinational corporations on the planet, such as the American Petroleum Institute, Archer Daniels Midland, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Northrop Grumman, Intel and Coca-Cola.
Anonymous hacked into the content management system of Stratfor's computer system, eventually handing over 5.2 million emails and accompanying attachments to WikiLeaks, which coined the database the "Global Intelligence Files."
Working through an informant named "Sabu," who posed as a fellow "comrade," federal officials tracked down the hacktivist responsible for the leak, Chicago's Jeremy Hammond, just three months later.
In March 2012, the FBI raided Hammond's apartment and handed him charges. After more than a year of sitting in the Manhattan Correctional Center, Hammond eventually settled out of court in May 2013. He pleaded guilty to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and his sentence will be handed down on Sept. 6. He may serve up to 10 years in prison.
Stratfor's precursor, Pagan International, built the corporate public relations playbook still utilized by the firm today.
The goal of a corporate PR plan "must be to separate the fanatic activist leaders … from the overwhelming majority of their followers: decent, concerned people who are willing to judge us on the basis of our openness and usefulness," Pagan stated in 1982, fully understanding that the public should never know this was the game plan.
Hammond perhaps without knowing every detail of the history of the playbook itself essentially cited it as the rationale behind his Stratfor hack and leak to WikiLeaks.
"I believe in the power of the truth. In keeping with that, I do not want to hide what I did or to shy away from my actions," he stated in a press release announcing the plea deal. "I believe people have a right to know what governments and corporations are doing behind closed doors."
In this investigation, Mint Press examines Stratfor's rise to power and its use of the "divide and conquer" philosophy to take on some of the largest boycott movements against multinational corporations.

Divide and conquer'

The story of Stratfor begins with a short-lived but deeply influential firm called Pagan International.
If there's a short description of the modus operandi of Stratfor's predecessors, military-like "divide and conquer" perceptions management or rough-and-tumble public relations is it.
That's not by accident. Two of Pagan's co-founders started their careers doing covert work for the U.S. military. Modern public relations got its start in military psychological operations, or psy-ops. "Divide and conquer" is one of the tenets laid out in the "U.S. Counterinsurgency Field Manual."
Pagan International was named after Rafael D. Pagan Jr., who joined the U.S. Army in 1951 and spent two decades doing upper-level military intelligence work. He used it as a launching point into the corporate PR world.
"A former Army intelligence officer, the Potomac resident briefed Presidents Kennedy and Johnson on the Soviet bloc's military and economic capabilities. He advised Presidents Nixon, Reagan and Bush on policies promoting Third World social and economic development," explains his 1993 obituary in The Washington Times.
Upon leaving the Pentagon, Pagan got three public relations jobs for corporations seeking markets for their products in the developing world.
"Pagan began his international business career in 1970 as a senior executive in new business development with three major multinational companies, International Nickel of Canada (now Inco), Castle & Cooke (now Dole), and Nestle," according to his obituary. "He specialized in addressing conflicts for multinational companies seeking to invest and operate in Third World countries."
Pagan followed in the footsteps of the father of modern public relations, Edward Bernays, who helped with the PR surrounding United Fruit Company's work with the U.S. government to foment a coup in 1954 in Honduras. Pagan also did PR for Castle & Cooke in Honduras.
Pagan's experiences working in the Honduran "banana republic" under the U.S.-installed right-wing, corporate-friendly military dictatorship would suit him well for his the next step of his career: doing the PR bidding of multinational corporate behemoth Nestle.

The playbook in action for Nestle

Speaking at the April 1982 Public Affairs Council conference to his colleagues in the PR industry, Pagan revealed the skeleton of the playbook that would last all the way through the Stratfor days.
Pagan International arose out of the ashes of a controversial Nestle public relations campaign named, in Orwellian fashion, the "Nestle Coordination Center for Nutrition." It was co-run by Pagan and Jack Mongoven.
Mongoven was once a reporter for The Chicago Tribune and served as an executive editor of Pioneer Newspapers before becoming a spokesman for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and then the Republican National Committee.
Nestle's Coordination Center for Nutrition began in 1980 as a major public relations effort designed to fend off complaints and an eventual international boycott. Criticism of Nestle was spearheaded by the British group War on Want, which tracked the company's marketing of powdered baby milk in the developing world in a 1974 investigation called "The Baby Killer."
Nestle had decided the developing world would be a good place to sell its baby formula, despite the fact that the formula interrupted women's lactation process and prevented their breasts from producing enough milk.
"Women who were induced to use [the] formula in place of breast milk often had no choice but to dilute the formula with contaminated water, leading to diarrhea, dehydration and death among … infants," explain John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton in their book, "Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry."
This behavior by Nestle created a global uproar and eventually planted the seeds of a boycott by more than 700 churches and activist groups.
Mongoven and Pagan under the auspices of the Coordination Center for Nutrition, which shared office space with The Tobacco Institute, according to Legacy Tobacco Archive Library documents decided the best response to the burgeoning social movement was to divide and conquer it.
One of their first strategies was to peel off some of strongest supporters of the anti-Nestle campaign educators.
"Some of the boycott's strongest support came from teachers, represented by the National Teachers Association, so NCCN courted support from American Federation of Teachers, a smaller, more conservative rival union," wrote Stauber and Rampton.
Nestle also won over an ally from the inside of another institutional opponent: churches.
"To counter the churches involved in the boycott, they needed to find a strong church that would take their side," Stauber and Rampton further explained. "The United Methodists were supporting the boycott, but through negotiations and piecemeal concessions, Nestle gradually succeeded in winning them over."
To make amends, Nestle worked with the Infant Formula Audit Commission to ensure its global marketing practices were in line with World Health Organization rules. It was chaired by Edmund Muskie, a former U.S. senator and U.S. secretary of state under President Jimmy Carter.
The problem: Nestle created the commission, funded it and called all the shots. Few equipped with this knowledge were surprised when the commission concluded "the company has not been improperly dumping' baby formula on Third World hospitals," as explained in The Los Angeles Times.
Muskie's audit commission or, better put, Nestle's is now seen as a "model" for corporations seeking to defuse sticky communication crises, as documented in a 1986 article in the Journal for Business Strategy.
For his successful efforts running what he would later describe as "a responsive, accurate corporate issue and trends warning system [with] analysis capability," Pagan received the Public Relations Society of America's prestigious Silver Anvil Award. Other industries have followed similar strategies, such as the shale gas industry's "Energy in Depth" and corporate education reform's "Stand for Children."

Pagan International is born

Hot off a major victory over advocacy groups nationwide and having learned much from the "war," Pagan and Mongoven hopped off the Nestle gravy train and started their own firm in 1985: Pagan International.
"The strong influence public and social issues today have on commercial operations has created a need for companies to evaluate carefully national and international policies affecting business," Pagan said in a 1985 press release announcing the firm's launch.
That press release further boasted of "an international business socio-political database" it had developed during the time of the Nestle battle royale, referring to its short-lived International Barometer database and newsletter and foreshadowing the database and newsletter Stratfor would market just over a decade later.
"Pagan said that this system enables [the firm] to advise clients on national and international trends and movements that can adversely affect corporations," the press release further explains. "This gives the companies an opportunity to enter into public discussions and help define the parameters of the debate early on, rather than just react to agendas thrust upon them by activists and other groups."
Enjoying a client list during its brief lifetime that included Dow Chemical, Novartis, Chevron and the government of Puerto Rico, Pagan International was hired by Royal Dutch Shell to fend off another international boycott for the company's work with the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Activists demanded Shell stop doing business with South Africa until it was no longer an apartheid state, threatening a boycott if it failed to comply. Shell chose to continue "business as usual."
The resulting boycott served as a business opportunity for Pagan International, which stepped in and as it did with Nestle sought to divide and conquer the boycott movement. Shell hired Pagan and Mongoven to do so under a now-notorious 268-page document called the "Neptune Strategy."
"Neptune Strategy" was leaked to the press in 1987, greatly embarrassing both Shell and Pagan International. Paralleling the Muskie audit commission, Pagan's "Neptune Strategy" created an industry front group called the Coalition on Southern Africa which shared office space and a phone line with Pagan to divide boycott supporters into an overarching movement settling for weaker demands.
"Pagan … proposed that Shell develop a task force' of South Africans, church leaders, U.S. activists and executives that could issue a statement about the company's role in helping South Africa's blacks prepare for life after apartheid," according to a 1987 piece appearing in Inter-Press Service. "And Pagan singled out key black activists and church leaders to help it carry out its plan."
In the "Neptune Strategy," Pagan outlined a strategy that fit the familiar pattern: isolate and then conquer the "fanatic activist leaders."
"[P]ost-apartheid planning should deflect anti-apartheid groups attention away from the boycott and divestment efforts and direct their vision and efforts into productive channels," explained the "Neptune Strategy."
"Productive," according to Pagan, is anything that would ensure Shell continues to produce high profit margins. After taking a beating by churches during the Nestle boycott, Pagan realized its bottom line hinged upon churches supporting Shell as it conducted business with apartheid South Africa.
"[M]obilized members of the religious communions provide a critical mass' of public opinion and economic leverage that should not be taken lightly," Pagan wrote in the "Neptune Strategy." "If they join the boycott and pressure for divestment, it will become a radically different and far more costly problem than it now is."
Pagan International's reputation soured after "Project Neptune" was revealed to the public and the firm lost the $800,000 of income it was receiving through its contract with Shell. Pagan also lost other key clientele after "Neptune" was exposed.
In 1990, Pagan shut its doors for good and filed for bankruptcy, opening the doors for ascendancy of the firm that would later merge into Stratfor: Mongoven, Biscoe & Duchin.
This is part one of an exclusive Mint Press News investigation into the story of Stratfor; here's the second part, [URL=""]"How To Win The Media War Against Grassroots Activists: Stratfor's Strategies."

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
As a result of Jeremy Hammond being sentenced to 10 years in prison for exposing illegal corporate spying Wikileaks has released the remaining Stratfor files available here:
There is high demand on the server so it may take time.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
To just read the covering page of these files is to understand the mindset of Stratfor's senior people, and it's not pleasant.

But I'm sure they'd be proud of their attitudes.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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