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Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal
Jack White Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:The point that most researchers pay little heed to is the function

The name stands for Permanent Industrial Expositions...better

Does that name sound familiar? Hmmmmmmmmmm?

In Dallas JFK was to speak at the Trade Mart, a forerunner of
the Dallas WORLD TRADE CENTER. Now who arranged for the
venue? Permindex?

Clay Shaw ran the New Orleans WORLD TRADE CENTER. Clay
Shaw was involved in the JFK affair. Clay Shaw was a director
of Permindex.

New York City had a whole complex of buildings named the
WORLD TRADE CENTER. All of these buildings were destroyed
in a single day in history's greatest COINCIDENCE. Some
entity is behind the prevalent COINCIDENCE THEORY OF
HISTORY. Permindex?

World Trade Centers feature permanent industrial expositions
of international companies. Globalist exhibitions of global
products and services. Get it? PERMINDEX.

Check into it. WORLD TRADE CENTERS are central to many
events of the last 50 years.


I find it odd that NOBODY commented on my observation,
which I think may be the international tie that binds many
of these events together.


It's a most interesting link Jack.

Can you please elaborate on your observation that Permindex arranged the Dallas Trade Mart venue for President Kennedy's speech?
Myra Bronstein Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:The point that most researchers pay little heed to is the function

The name stands for Permanent Industrial Expositions...better

Does that name sound familiar? Hmmmmmmmmmm?

In Dallas JFK was to speak at the Trade Mart, a forerunner of
the Dallas WORLD TRADE CENTER. Now who arranged for the
venue? Permindex?

Clay Shaw ran the New Orleans WORLD TRADE CENTER. Clay
Shaw was involved in the JFK affair. Clay Shaw was a director
of Permindex.

New York City had a whole complex of buildings named the
WORLD TRADE CENTER. All of these buildings were destroyed
in a single day in history's greatest COINCIDENCE. Some
entity is behind the prevalent COINCIDENCE THEORY OF
HISTORY. Permindex?

World Trade Centers feature permanent industrial expositions
of international companies. Globalist exhibitions of global
products and services. Get it? PERMINDEX.

Check into it. WORLD TRADE CENTERS are central to many
events of the last 50 years.


I find it odd that NOBODY commented on my observation,
which I think may be the international tie that binds many
of these events together.


It's a most interesting link Jack.

Can you please elaborate on your observation that Permindex arranged the Dallas Trade Mart venue for President Kennedy's speech?

Reread what I said. I did not say that. I said that WORLD TRADE
CENTERS were organized by Permindex.

You are missing the point I was trying to make.

Jack White Wrote:Reread what I said. I did not say that. I said that WORLD TRADE
CENTERS were organized by Permindex.
You are missing the point I was trying to make.

Do you have any evidence, or is this just an assumption on your part, Jack? I'm really not sure what your point is. It's my understanding the Dallas Trade Mart was set up by Trammell Crow and associates in order to bring vendors to Dallas as well as to create a regional wholesale market for retail buyers to gather. Chicago had a very similar set-up that the Marshall Fields family sold to Joe Kennedy.

I'm not sure that is what was the start of a World Trade Center. If so, it may have involved Paul Raigorodsky, who was also a director of Permindex I believe. His father-in-law W.F. McCaleb was vice chairman of the Dallas Fed under George Dealy when it was set up in 1914 and included northern Louisiana banks under its jurisdiction.
New Orleans banks are under the Atlanta Fed, which also covers the entire state of Florida.

Dallas was an inland city and, therefore, had no international port, being more involved in domestic trade rather than international.

What is really fascinating is that Clay Shaw's alibi for Nov. 22, 1963 was that he was in San Francisco in a meeting with the chairman of the World Trade Center in that city when JFK was killed--J. Monroe Sullivan. The one thing that connected the trade relations of New Orleans, San Francisco and Dallas at that time was the Southern Pacific Railroad. The importance of that connection is what has truly been ignored.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison
Linda Minor Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:Reread what I said. I did not say that. I said that WORLD TRADE
CENTERS were organized by Permindex.
You are missing the point I was trying to make.

Do you have any evidence, or is this just an assumption on your part, Jack? I'm really not sure what your point is. It's my understanding the Dallas Trade Mart was set up by Trammell Crow and associates in order to bring vendors to Dallas as well as to create a regional wholesale market for retail buyers to gather. Chicago had a very similar set-up that the Marshall Fields family sold to Joe Kennedy.

I'm not sure that is what was the start of a World Trade Center. If so, it may have involved Paul Raigorodsky, who was also a director of Permindex I believe. His father-in-law W.F. McCaleb was vice chairman of the Dallas Fed under George Dealy when it was set up in 1914 and included northern Louisiana banks under its jurisdiction.
New Orleans banks are under the Atlanta Fed, which also covers the entire state of Florida.

Dallas was an inland city and, therefore, had no international port, being more involved in domestic trade rather than international.

What is really fascinating is that Clay Shaw's alibi for Nov. 22, 1963 was that he was in San Francisco in a meeting with the chairman of the World Trade Center in that city when JFK was killed--J. Monroe Sullivan. The one thing that connected the trade relations of New Orleans, San Francisco and Dallas at that time was the Southern Pacific Railroad. The importance of that connection is what has truly been ignored.

There are now more than 50 World Trade Centers. They are all connected.
There is ample evidence that they started in Italy as a CIA front
organization, Permindex...devoted to establishing Permanent Industrial
Exhibitions. The mere fact that ALL are named WORLD TRADE CENTER
is no coincidence. That WTCs repeatedly are involved in scenarios like
New Orleans, Dallas and 911 is no coincidence. Of course they are going
to disguise any conspiratorial connections. The CIA is not going to send
out a news release saying that all WTCs are CIA fronts.

The World Trade Center of Chicago was originally the Chicago
Merchandise Mart, owned for many years by the Kennedy

Jack White Wrote:
Linda Minor Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:Reread what I said. I did not say that. I said that WORLD TRADE
CENTERS were organized by Permindex.
You are missing the point I was trying to make.

Do you have any evidence, or is this just an assumption on your part, Jack? I'm really not sure what your point is. It's my understanding the Dallas Trade Mart was set up by Trammell Crow and associates in order to bring vendors to Dallas as well as to create a regional wholesale market for retail buyers to gather. Chicago had a very similar set-up that the Marshall Fields family sold to Joe Kennedy.

I'm not sure that is what was the start of a World Trade Center. If so, it may have involved Paul Raigorodsky, who was also a director of Permindex I believe. His father-in-law W.F. McCaleb was vice chairman of the Dallas Fed under George Dealy when it was set up in 1914 and included northern Louisiana banks under its jurisdiction.
New Orleans banks are under the Atlanta Fed, which also covers the entire state of Florida.

Dallas was an inland city and, therefore, had no international port, being more involved in domestic trade rather than international.

What is really fascinating is that Clay Shaw's alibi for Nov. 22, 1963 was that he was in San Francisco in a meeting with the chairman of the World Trade Center in that city when JFK was killed--J. Monroe Sullivan. The one thing that connected the trade relations of New Orleans, San Francisco and Dallas at that time was the Southern Pacific Railroad. The importance of that connection is what has truly been ignored.

There are now more than 50 World Trade Centers. They are all connected.
There is ample evidence that they started in Italy as a CIA front
organization, Permindex...devoted to establishing Permanent Industrial
Exhibitions. The mere fact that ALL are named WORLD TRADE CENTER
is no coincidence. That WTCs repeatedly are involved in scenarios like
New Orleans, Dallas and 911 is no coincidence. Of course they are going
to disguise any conspiratorial connections. The CIA is not going to send
out a news release saying that all WTCs are CIA fronts.


Jack, I think a parallel may be the Hilton Hotel chain. They function, of course, as normal hotels, but due to the friendly connections of the Hilton Family to the intelligence community and their being in most major cities worldwide [and luxurious] they are used. In a similar manner the World Trade Centers....and many other things. Coca-Cola was long used to place agents, as they were everywhere - including the 'forbidden' Communist World. There are other examples and the CIA has all but admitted, and certainly demonstrated, that they use corporate and industrial fronts and are really the 'military' for the corporations and financiers.[United Fruit in Honduras; ATT in Chile, ABP in Iran, etc., etc.]
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
In one way I can see how some intelligent people could have been taken in by this clever mosaic but in another way, I can't see why no one would take the time to take it apart. In my view, disinformation, no matter how sophisticated, has to be attacked because it leads many people down blind alleys. --Jim DiEugenio 2001


I sure wish I would have saved Jim DiEugenio’s full review of “Torbitt,” as I have come to really appreciate his reviews over the years. He really does take the time to take important books “apart,” be they good or bad, and in a case like this he is probably the only one with the background and knowledge to do it.

Why no one adequately took “Torbitt” apart is something that bothers me too, but in another way. What I believe we need is for an analysis of the who and the why of this thing. Who really authored it and what was their motive? And I believe the analysis needs to be done in the context of “Tobitt” being an example of the “secret document” genre as described by Lloyd Miller (see earlier post above).

What trail might most probably produce results for the historical detective? One I would recommend looking into is the one that leads to the Betrand Russell minions. I remember being startled the first time I saw JFK researcher Jim Hargrove bringing that connection to the attention of the JFK research community, and that is one reason I would like to see that complete article written by Ralph Schoenman for the Santa Barbara newspaper in 1992. Hargrove pointed out that there were important similarities between “Torbitt” and the work of Russell’s “Who Killed Kennedy?” Committee.

Suspicion also might focus on a man that Vincent Salandria labeled an “agent” at one time, Richard E. Sprague, he of the vast collection of JFK assassination photographic evidence. For example, the placing of the three “tramps” on center stage is probably one of the most provocative leads in “Torbitt”

Jim DiEugenio was undoubtedly correct when he pointed out the significance of “Torbitt’s” appearance in 1970 right after the Jim Garrison case, or at least the Clay Shaw trial phase of it. When looked at in that light I think one will conclude that whoever the authors were, they were very knowledgeable of and most probably involved in the Garrison case itself. If so, what again was the motive? I can come up with none other than disinformation and misdirection - the plan to lead many potential investigators down those tiring trails to those false discoveries.

Ron Williams
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:When Garrison was investigating Permindex, no information about Operation Gladio had been disclosed.

For an introduction to Gladio, see here:

Gladio has strong links to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM). For background to SMOM, see my posts #49-50 of Covert Action material here:

Roy Marcus Cohn was a board member of Permindex. His law partner, Tom Bolan, was a Knight of Malta.

Clay Shaw was both a board member of Permindex and a Knight of Malta.

The creators of Gladio, including Nazi and West German spy Reinhard Gehlen, and the Dulles brothers, were Knights of Malta. As was dear old Prescott Bush. And Bill Donovan. And William Casey. And George HW Bush. And John McCone. And Charles Willoughby, (born Karl Widenbach). And William Colby.

Every single Permindex board member fits the profile of a potential Gladio controller:

* Louis Bloomfield, Lawyer, President
* Ferenc Nagy, former anti-Communist Prime Minister Hungarian
* Georgio Mantello aka George Mantello aka George Mandel, alleged "rescuer" of Jewish refugees and official founder of PERMINDEX
* Roy Marcus Cohn, US lawyer for Senator Joseph McCarthy, Lionel Corporation
* Joseph Bonanno, Mafia figure, Lionel Corporation
* Jean Menu de Ménil, owner of Schlumberger Limited
* Paul Raigorodsky
* Count Guitierez di Spadafora, Undersecretary of Agriculture for Benito Mussolini
* Hans Seligman, Basel, Switzerland banker
* Carlo d'Amelio, Italian Lawyer, Head Consul for Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC)
* Max Hageman, newspaper editor National Zeitung Munich
* Munir Chourbagi, uncle to King Farouk of Egypt
* Giuseppe Zigotti, Italian Fascist
* Ferenc H. Simonfay, Major-General in Hungary and Nazi collaborator
* Clay Shaw, New Orleans International Trade Mart


More on Permindex links to Gladio in the excerpt below from a long book review by Allen Douglas of The Black Prince and the Sea Devils: The Story of Valerio Borghese and the Elite Units of the Decima Mas,by Jack Greene and Alessandro Massignani, Cambridge, Mass.: Da Capo Press, 2004 284 pages, hardcover, $27.50, in LaRouche's Executive Intelligence Review:

Quote:NATO's Assassination Bureau
The extent of terrorism, assassinations, and the re-shaping of Europe's political landscape through Gladio and related, NATO-directed units is stunning.

However, a vital caveat must be added here. The apparatus behind the "strategy of tension" terror that destabilized Europe over much of the Cold War era, was first and foremost a private synarchist apparatus embedded in the NATO and national secret service organizations, including "official" clandestine agencies like Gladio. These "parallel" networks, populated by veterans of the wartime Fascist and Nazi apparatus, and associated with secret societies like P-2, and fronts like Rosa dei Venti and Nuclei di Difesa dello Stato, at times had their agents posted in top positions in the "official" structures, creating the dangerously tempting but false appearance that the official agencies per se—including NATO—were directing the terror/destabilization programs.

Confusion on this point is both dangerous and understandable. When the P-2 membership list was revealed in the early 1980s, following the death of banker Roberto Calvi, it became clear that the secret lodge had penetrated virtually the entire security apparatus and political party structures of Italy and several other countries of Europe and Ibero-America.

The carnage carried out by this "parallel" apparatus was stunning. In Italy alone, the chief theater of Gladio warfare, there were 14,591 "acts of violence with a political motivation," according to Italian Sen. Giovanni Pellegrino, head of the Parliamentary Committee on the Failed Identification of the Authors of Terrorist Massacres ("Terrorism Committee," in operation 1994-2001, which looked into both Gladio and the P2 lodge). "It may be worth remembering that these `acts' have left behind 491 dead and 1,181 injured and maimed, figures of a war, with no parallel in any other European country."

Besides NATO's Gladio base in Sardinia, logistical support for Gladio in Italy and France was run out of a NATO front in dictator Antonio de Oliveira Salazar's Portugal, Aginter Press, which also ran the stay-behind units there. It was headed by a former member of the anti-de Gaulle, pro-fascist Secret Army Organization (OAS), Yves Guerin Serac, who moved to Portugal after de Gaulle surrendered Algeria. Said Guerin Serac, belying the goals of his synarchist masters, "After the OAS I fled to Portugal to carry on the fight and expand it to its proper dimensions—which is to say, a planetary dimension." He outlined his plan to "defeat communism," using NATO-organized "communist terrorism" as the excuse:

"In the first phase of our political activity we must create chaos in all structures of the regime. Two forms of terrorism can provoke such a situation: The blind terrorism (committing massacres indiscriminately which cause a large number of victims), and the selective terrorism (eliminate chosen persons). This destruction of the state must be carried out as much as possible under the cover of `communist activities.' After that, we must intervene at the heart of the military, the juridical power and the church, in order to influence popular opinion, suggest a solution, and clearly demonstrate the weakness of the present legal apparatus. . . . Popular opinion must be polarized in such a way, that we are being represented as the only instrument capable of saving the nation. It is obvious that we will need considerable financial resources to carry out such operations."

Aginter Press's representative in Italy, according to the ON's Vincenzo Vinciguerra, was Stefano Delle Chiaie. Delle Chiaie "allegedly carried out well over a thousand bloodthirsty attacks, including an estimated 50 murders in Spain," according to Daniele Ganser.

In assassinations within Portugal or its colonies, Aginter Press worked with the Portuguese secret service, PIDE. According to Portuguese journalists, it was involved in the assassination of Eduardo Mondlane, president of the Mozambican Liberation Front (Frelimo) in 1969, and of Amilcar Cabral, national liberation leader in Guinea-Bissau in 1973. And, according to the most recent revelations from former Italian Sen. Sergio Flamigni, the "parallel" apparatus coordinated the kidnap and assassination of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro through its Red Brigades unit on March 16, 1978, the day on which a PCI-supported DC government under Giulio Andreotti was finally going to be sworn in.

Were the Synarchist networks infiltrated into the NATO and Gladio structures involved in other assassinations of heads of state or government, as well?

The Nov. 22, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy was coordinated by the Rome and New Orleans-headquartered Permindex corporation, which French intelligence, SDECE, discovered had also put up $200,000 for an attempt on de Gaulle. Even a cursory examination of the hard-core fascist outlook and connections of most of the Permindex/CMC personnel, their numerous ties to high-level Anglo-American intelligence, along with their financial connections, leaves no doubt that Permindex and its Rome-based arm, Centro Mondiale Commerciale (CMC), were part of the parallel NATO/Gladio structure.

Permindex was registered in Berne, Switzerland, Dulles's old stomping grounds. It was chaired by a high-ranking veteran of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and the OSS, the Canada-based lawyer and financier, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the majority shareholder in Permindex (who also owned 50% of CMC). Its board was a mélange of devout "anti-communists," aristocrats, and fascists of various intelligence pedigrees. These included Count Guitierez di Spadafora, former undersecretary of agriculture to Mussolini, secretary of a British-sponsored Sicilian separatist movement, and in-law of Hjalmar Schacht, the master financier of the postwar Nazi International; Carlo d'Amelio, a Rome attorney who oversaw the financial holdings of the House of Savoy, and, according to some accounts, also of the Pallavicini family, and was the founding president of the CMC; Giuseppe Zigiotti, head of the Fascist National Association for Militia Arms; several other wartime fascists; and former OSS London and SOE veteran Col. Clay Shaw, the operations officer for the assassination.

Permindex was chaired by Canada's Bloomfield, while its international arm, CMC, was based in Rome, and Clay Shaw's firm in New Orleans, International Trade Mart, was a subsidiary of Permindex/CMC. According to documents released through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), OSS veteran Shaw worked for the CIA, as well. There was ample evidence of Shaw's involvement in the assassination, for which he was indicted by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison. Notably, one of the names found in Shaw's personal phone book was that of Princess Marcella Borghese, a member of the Black Prince's family. And one of the lower-level figures in the ambit of the plot, Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby (who assassinated patsy Lee Harvey Oswald), charged repeatedly in letters from jail, that "the Nazis and the Fascists were behind the Kennedy murder." According to the highly credible Torbitt manuscript, "Ruby was much more knowledgeable about the conspiracy than most."

Huge financial resources flowed through Permindex/CMC for no commercial purpose. Some of these funds, at least, were provided through banks which had earlier financed the Nazis, including one intimately associated with Allen Dulles from the time of his 1930s work with Nazi cartels, through to his 1953-61 stint as CIA chief. Some hints of where the money was going could be found in French and Italian press reports that CMC official Ferenc Nagy, the fiercely anti-communist former Prime Minister of Hungary, was financing Jacques Soustelle and the OAS, along with other European fascist movements; or in New Orleans District Attorney Garrison's observation about "Shaw's secret life as an Agency [CIA] man trying to bring Fascism back to Italy."[6]

NATO units were also involved in at least some of the numerous assassination attempts on France's President Charles de Gaulle in 1962-63, which was no doubt a factor in de Gaulle's withdrawing France from NATO's military command in 1966. France, after all, had been a key target of NATO's "Operation Demagnetize" in the 1950s, and the "anti-communist," bitterly anti-de Gaulle OAS operatives like Guerin Serac, were natural partners of NATO. Adm. Pierre Lacoste, director of the France's military secret service DGSE (1982-85), admitted after Andreotti had exposed Gladio's existence in 1990, that some "terrorist actions" against de Gaulle and his plans to liberate Algeria were carried out by groups involving "a limited number of people" from the French Gladio organization!

A five-year investigation by France's SDECE intelligence agency of a 1962 assassination plot against de Gaulle found that the assassination had been planned in the Brussels headquarters of NATO by a specific group of British and French generals, who employed former fascists for the planned wetwork.

And then, there is the case of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, who was assassinated on Feb. 28, 1986 in Stockholm. While there is no hard proof that parallel Gladio networks were involved, it has been suspected by Swedish investigative journalists. On April 28, 1992, Sweden's top daily, Dagens Nyheter, carried the headline: "A Top-Secret Intelligence Network Within NATO Is Behind the Death of Olof Palme." Journalist Goran Beckerus charged that the operative branch of NATO's Allied Clandestine Committee, known by its initials SOPS, oversaw the assassination under the code name "Operation Tree."

Friendly warning: not all dots may be joined correctly.....
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Ron Williams Wrote:I would agree that this is at least an important part of the central premise, but I don�t believe that Torbitt clears up anything.

One problem we have is that info on Louis Mortimer Bloomfield is hard to come by.

Close associate of J. Edgar Hoover? OSS? Sex deviate? ��the direct supervisor of all contractual agents in the FBI�s Division 5?�

Says who?

Where are the sources?

What was Bloomfield really doing during World War II? Was he working for Sir William �Intrepid� Stephenson out of the British Security Coordination office in Rockefeller Center in New York? I was hoping that some of the UK or Canadian researchers would have cleared this up by now.

One UK author, Matthew Smith in Say Goodbye to America: The Sensational and Untold Story behind the Assassination of John F. Kennedy, writes:

��The founder and chairman of Permindex was Canadian-born Major Louis Bloomfield, who had a strong background in intelligence. First with British intelligence, he moved, during the Second World War, to the OSS and became friends with J. Edgar Hoover. His intelligence work continued while he was with Permindex.� (p. 173)

There are no sources listed for this. Does anyone know Matthew Smith? If so, could they ask him about it?

Ron Williams

I have been reviewing Bloomfield's papers and found this document which indicates that he is acting on behalf of someone else. In the attached document, Bloomfield states that he is acting on the behalf of shareholders.


Attached Files
.pdf   Permindex 5.pdf (Size: 133.87 KB / Downloads: 2)
John, do you have any indication who the "shareholders" actually were?
[INDENT][INDENT]The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.[/INDENT]Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14[/INDENT]

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