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It's officially Armageddon--Arlen Specter becomes Democrat
And a little more from another Counterpunch contributor about the real issue of the moment--not the pretend issue.
Mark Stapleton Wrote:And a little more from another Counterpunch contributor about the real issue of the moment--not the pretend issue.

You might be interested in this Mark:

BTW everyone, I don't cut and paste articles from Salon because they depend (but don't demand) on subscriptions so I dont' want to pilfer. Also, I hope anyone that can aford to will subscribe to them--one of the few places that employs real journalists and investigates real issues.
Peter Lemkin Wrote:If the Democrats were not just the Republican-Light Party [i.e. oh so slightly left of the Far-Right Party] they'd tell him to go to hell and not have him....but they are all well-paid prostitutes and having another one doesn't phase them on jot.:aetsch:

And here is a taste of how Specter will treat his new Democratic "colleagues":

"Pennsylvania senator Arlen Specter has been showing his independence consistently since switching to the Democratic side of the aisle. But his latest display of unorthodox thinking is particularly eye-opening.
In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, the newly minted Democrat said he thinks Republican Norm Coleman should win his Senate recount court battle against Al Franken in Minnesota.

"There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner," Specter said, when asked how he felt about the lack of Jewish Republicans in the Senate.
Q: With your departure from the Republican Party, there are no more Jewish Republicans in the Senate. Do you care about that?
A: I sure do. There's still time for the Minnesota courts to do justice and declare Norm Coleman the winner.
Specter's defection was particularly impactful because, assuming Al Franken is eventually seated, the move gives Democrats a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Now the senator seems to be saying he does not want that to happen -- unless he was being sarcastic."

What a weasil. Then again I wouldn't expect the father of the single bullet story to be a straight shooter.

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