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Cincinnati University Cop Charged With Murder
Another black man gunned down by police:
Well, it makes a refreshing and novel change that the police officer has actually been charged. But will a jury of his peers find him guilty?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Well, it makes a refreshing and novel change that the police officer has actually been charged. But will a jury of his peers find him guilty?

Likely not, since his lawyer will keep as many black people he can off the jury.

This will be manslaughter at best

I can't think of one too many cases of cops being convicted at all of killing black folks
This all happened because the black man correctly said "I didn't do anything" in a tone of voice that set off the officer's training at an unconscious level. In a split second that tone registered as resistance in the officer's unconscious mind and images of an angry black man attacking him. The officer had the gun out and shot DuBose in the head before he probably even realized what he did. Even in a garbage stop like this one the cop is trained to look for any kind of resistance to use it as an excuse to further police authority. This is nothing that they haven't been getting away with for decades. I have no doubt something similar happened to Michael Brown only there wasn't any video to show where the police were flagrantly lying.

The police in America are a present and standing danger to the safety of citizens.
I had in my earlier life, as they say… back in the day, maybe (no exaggeration) maybe 100 or so run-ins with cops: roustings mainly.

Id leave my abode and in 5 minutes they would be on me

I learned something that I try to pass on to young people and that is NEVER BE OFFENSIVE TO COPS. Be polite and answer their questions

Get over the incident with your life and limb and then call a lawyer if the cop was offensive.

But a lot of these people today basically are stupid. They don't understand a cop is a legal killer.

I say to them have you ever heard of a gangster or real criminal having a run in with a cop?


That's because they know better

It's like this, if you're in a jungle and you run into a wild animal do you disturb the animal or walk quietly?

A cop is a wild animal

Now a lot of people don't like what I say and think its wrong because the cops are wrong. Of course these ignorant fascists' cops are wrong

My point here is to save lives not win an argument or make a political statement

Listen to this very very closely because you can get people killed fast


Forget your ego is my message

Save your life and fight another day

The so called left-wing media are getting out that message and black people are getting killed

Why do you think all of these people are all of a sudden getting in incidents with cops and many getting hurt or killed?
Zakariyya Ishaq Wrote:Why do you think all of these people are all of a sudden getting in incidents with cops and many getting hurt or killed?

Part of the reason is Bush and the Supreme Court sent a message that the rules are irrelevant and the authorities now have more rights than the people.

They should take credit for the rotten fruit of dead bodies they have caused.
Zakariyya Ishaq Wrote:Why do you think all of these people are all of a sudden getting in incidents with cops and many getting hurt or killed?

While I agree with you on many points, I think only a very few of the 'recent spate of incidents' were due to any change in public attitude or actions. The police certainly haven't changed one bit and you're correct that they look for any pretense, and are trained to kill on the slightest pretense - more so with non-whites, non-Christian, non-well-off. Only a very few of these incidents, IMHO, are due to the recent attention on these cases. I think this level of executions has loooong been going on; however, now we are finally paying some attention, and more people have the ability to capture what is happening on video. Hundreds of years of witnesses telling similar tales that they witnessed were ignored by the police, media, public, and courts. While playing the game the police want us to play with "yes sir", "sorry sir", "I didn't mean to sir" with a smile and repentant look will save lives - and let one fight another day; there are those who will out of the emotion of the moment, naivete, or standing up on principle will act differently. Police are supposed to be public servants; 'protect and serve' is on almost every police motto. It is a joke. They only protect a small elite, and it is who alone they serve....they have always been a reactionary force of repression and too often needless death in the US. They often harass whoever they hate or like to bully and arrest them knowing that there is a fair chance they'll be convicted and sentenced even if they have done no wrong. They often lie in court and protect other police lies with silence or other lies. I'm American and now living in Europe, and while it differs slightly from country to country, in no European country I can think of where the police are as feared nor as dangerous as in the USA - and by a huge margin!!! In fact, all of Europe has the number of police shootings per year as the USA does in a few weeks...and the population of Europe en toto is larger. Ditto for length of sentences and numbers in prison [which almost always start with a police arrest or harassment that escalated to arrest]. The big criminals are left alone by police and FBI, etc. by and large; while the biggest criminals run the damn country and it is their police, FBI, intelligence/spy agencies, and armies that keep us down. Police forces as they stand now in the USA had much of their start in slave hunter entities. Others were modeled by big companies and capitalists to keep working people in their place. Its a long and sad history, and not about to change soon, sadly. I welcome the recent focus on what has been going on since the beginning. Any change would be welcome, but I fear only cosmetic changes unless the entire structure of the society does.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Zakariyya Ishaq Wrote:Why do you think all of these people are all of a sudden getting in incidents with cops and many getting hurt or killed?

While I agree with you on many points, I think only a very few of the 'recent spate of incidents' were due to any change in public attitude or actions. The police certainly haven't changed one bit and you're correct that they look for any pretense, and are trained to kill on the slightest pretense - more so with non-whites, non-Christian, non-well-off. Only a very few of these incidents, IMHO, are due to the recent attention on these cases. I think this level of executions has loooong been going on; however, now we are finally paying some attention, and more people have the ability to capture what is happening on video. Hundreds of years of witnesses telling similar tales that they witnessed were ignored by the police, media, public, and courts. While playing the game the police want us to play with "yes sir", "sorry sir", "I didn't mean to sir" with a smile and repentant look will save lives - and let one fight another day; there are those who will out of the emotion of the moment, naivete, or standing up on principle will act differently. Police are supposed to be public servants; 'protect and serve' is on almost every police motto. It is a joke. They only protect a small elite, and it is who alone they serve....they have always been a reactionary force of repression and too often needless death in the US. They often harass whoever they hate or like to bully and arrest them knowing that there is a fair chance they'll be convicted and sentenced even if they have done no wrong. They often lie in court and protect other police lies with silence or other lies. I'm American and now living in Europe, and while it differs slightly from country to country, in no European country I can think of where the police are as feared nor as dangerous as in the USA - and by a huge margin!!! In fact, all of Europe has the number of police shootings per year as the USA does in a few weeks...and the population of Europe en toto is larger. Ditto for length of sentences and numbers in prison [which almost always start with a police arrest or harassment that escalated to arrest]. The big criminals are left alone by police and FBI, etc. by and large; while the biggest criminals run the damn country and it is their police, FBI, intelligence/spy agencies, and armies that keep us down. Police forces as they stand now in the USA had much of their start in slave hunter entities. Others were modeled by big companies and capitalists to keep working people in their place. Its a long and sad history, and not about to change soon, sadly. I welcome the recent focus on what has been going on since the beginning. Any change would be welcome, but I fear only cosmetic changes unless the entire structure of the society does.

I appreciate everything you said, but the situation imo should be viewed from another perspective as well as the apparent one, one entirely that is rarely spoken of or understood.

The bottom line is this: It is a tremendous distraction to concentrate on the war against the police, who are lower class people, and the community… it always was and serves to distract from the reality of the elites total dominance of us and their abuse of the people through their economic stranglehold they have exercised.

In other words there is no doubt in my mind that this is an orchestrated device to distract from the real issues. I even will go as far back as the Black Panthers and say that it was likely within the black op (Cointelpro) for the panthers to even have started a war with the police!

These police are nothing but lower class people as we all are and deceived to think that they aren't.

All this police versus the community or police versus the black community is all playing into the Royalists hands

Of course it should be dealt with from a criminal and civil rights viewpoint but I believe it is a designed distraction that is working well to keep the masses away from what's vital in the struggle

The lowly policeman isn't the enemy but as long as they get the people to believe that it serves to protect them and their interests.
The two other officers lied in the police report that they saw Officer Tensing dragged. The authorities let them off the hook for this saying "they have since cooperated with the police". You see this is why the lawyer who represented Zimmerman is representing the DuBose family. Because he won't challenge this. The cops are getting away with one there because maybe the other two cops did cooperate, but only after they got caught lying on paper and were forced to by the video. If the tables were turned and anyone on the public side lied about the witnessing of a murder the media would rush that forward and the authorities would come down on them. In fact in the Michael Brown murder witnesses who saw Brown putting his hands up in surrender were ignored.

Where is the police car camera video in the DuBose case?

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