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The ethnic cleansing continues. Kosovo almost 100% Albanian. Hardly any Serbs, Goranji, Roma remain.

Washington Times
May 3, 2009

Gypsy families in Kosovo on toxic land
Malcolm Garcia

NORTH MITROVICA, Kosovo - No one seems to care about the gypsies.

Displaced by conflict and stranded by bureaucratic inertia, dozens of gypsy families remain on toxic land 10 years after they were relocated there by the United Nations after the Kosovo war.

Lead blackens the children's teeth, blanks out memories and stunts growth. Other symptoms of lead poisoning include aggressive behavior, nervousness, dizziness, vomiting and high fever. The children swing between bursts of nervous hyperactivity and fainting spells. Some have epileptic fits.

The two resettlement camps — the Osterrode and Chesmin Lug — were established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1999 for gypsies, or Roma, as they are more commonly known in Europe. A traditionally nomadic people, the Roma share a common heritage that sets them apart as an ethnic group, with their largest populations in Central and Eastern Europe.

The camps, near a closed mining and smelting complex that includes a slag heap of 100 million tons of toxic materials, were intended as a temporary measure after a neighborhood that had been home to 9,000 gypsies was destroyed by ethnic Albanians as Serb security forces pulled out of the area in the final days of the Kosovo conflict in June 1999.

The neighborhood was on the southern shore of the Ibar River, which separates Serb-dominated northern Mitrovica from a southern, Albanian-dominated part.

The Albanians, furious at what they called atrocities by the Serbs during the war, accused the Roma of collaborating with the Serb army. The Roma say they hardly were in a position to do anything but struggle for their own survival and that the Albanians used them as a scapegoat.

Whatever the truth behind the accusations and denials, moving Roma families next to a slag heap of toxic materials including lead, zinc, arsenic and other metals has made dozens of families suffer severe health problems and spawned a generation of brain-damaged children.

When the World Health Organization tested the camp residents' blood for lead in 2004, the readings for 90 percent of the children were off the scale, higher than the medical equipment was capable of measuring. The measurements from the camps were much higher than in the surrounding population and at levels that exceeded any region WHO had previously studied. Twelve children had exceptionally high blood lead levels, greater than 45 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, more than four times the amount that causes brain damage.

Such children fall into the category of "acute medical emergency" and require immediate hospitalization. Instead, the Roma children have remained in the camps, ingesting lead through the air, the dirt they play in and through their clothes dusted with lead tailings while drying on laundry lines. Even before their birth, lead enters them as they grow inside their mothers' wombs from the water they drink.

'Conceived in lead'

"They are conceived in lead," said Paul Polansky, head of mission for the Society for Threatened Peoples International. The Switzerland-based organization is dedicated to publicizing the plight of people who are menaced by such threats but have few prominent advocates.

"They have to be immediately evacuated from the camps and medically treated. The only hope is to get them abroad," he said.

One reason the situation has become so dire is that the Roma are not considered refugees by the U.N. but rather "internally displaced people." That means they do not fit U.N. criteria for financing their resettlement abroad.

Even if the Roma were classified as refugees, it would be difficult to find countries to accept them, Mr. Polansky said. "So far, no country has come forward to offer assistance," he said.

Like HIV/AIDS, lead attacks the immune system and can be fatal, though death from lead poisoning is difficult to determine. Most of those who have fallen ill in the camps have been treated in Serbian hospitals, and human rights groups have had difficulty getting their medical records.

According to internationally accepted benchmarks drawn up by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood causes the beginning of brain damage.

"My children get sick often," said Muzafera Seljimi, sitting on a bench in Osterrode where she lives with her husband and four children. The left front tooth of her 4-year-old daughter was almost entirely covered by lead emerging from her gum.

"How can I treat her as long as we live in these conditions?" Mrs. Seljimi said.

Thomas Hammarberg, European Commissioner for Human Rights, called the camps a "tragedy." "The Roma are victimized by lead," he said. "It is sad the international community has not found a solution 10 years later. It is the single most major environmental disaster in Europe."

Signs of war

Kosovo has been administered by the United Nations since June 1999, as the war ended after a six-week NATO bombing campaign on the troops of President Slobodan Milosevic. The war was aimed at halting Belgrade's repression of the majority ethnic Albanian population in Kosovo.

A decade later, it is hard to see the signs of a war that killed at least 1,500 civilians and resulted in the Roma's plight. On a recent afternoon, university students walked down the street singing to tunes on their iPods. Restaurants and Internet cafes bustled with business and cars clogged the narrow, well-lit streets.

But anger from the war and the ethnic animosities that still haunt the Balkans are apparent. Graffiti sprayed in thick red paint across the walls of old communist-era cinder block apartment complexes castigate the U.N. presence. Vendors sell postcards with a black slash through "U.N." and T-shirts with a sodomized Mickey Mouse dismissing the West with vulgarities. Other T-shirts promise that the Serb army "will be back." The ongoing rivalry in this city divided between Serbs and Albanians has bred a paranoia and distrust of anybody from outside either group, making it possible for the Roma to be sidelined into the toxic camps.

"Gypsies," Mr. Polansky said, "are not the flavor of the month in any country."

Memory lapses

Hajrizi Rodna, 53, an Osterrode camp schoolteacher, holds classes in an aluminum shed built by UNHCR. Pencil drawings decorated the walls on a recent morning, and a poster beside a green chalkboard listed letters in the English alphabet.

"A lot of them have bad memories," she said. "When I dictate something, some of them only write a few words and stop. They are confused and look lost." The Jahirovic family has lived near the school since 2004 in two rooms of what used to be a French army barracks. The pink walls reflected the afternoon light coming through the open windows along with the sounds of women scrubbing carpets and children stomping in the resulting puddles.

Feruz Jahirovic, 44, a father of four children, took little comfort in their laughter.

"My son is sick," he said. "All of my children have high levels of lead." He displayed medical documents from the Institute of Public Health in Mitrovica that indicated his 9-year-old son's blood lead level was 43.7 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, more than four times the amount that causes brain damage.

"He has pains in his bones like rheumatism," Mr. Jahirovic said. "He has stomach pains and headaches. He can not walk well and his memory is weak. I am their father. I see these things." The family has taken harsh measures to prevent the spread of lead poisoning in more children. Mr. Jahirovic's wife, Flanza, said she deliberately caused herself to have six miscarriages.

"My child is an example of why I should not have any more children," she said as her husband nodded in agreement. "I am sorry for the lost babies, but I do not want any more children born with poison." In Chesmin Lug, Muhamud Smajliji also worried about the health of his family. His home, a squat shack pieced together from scrap wood, lacked basic sanitation. Plastic sheeting served for windows below which a trash fire burned. A jogging trail built by the U.N. for the Roma twisted and turned downhill from his shack in the shadows of the slag heap.

"I know well what lead is," Mr. Smajliji, 29, said, "and what lead does." Mr. Smajliji's 10-year-old son has a lead blood level of more than 65 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood, more than six times the amount that causes brain damage.

"He is slow growing," Mr. Smajliji said of his son. "For the moment, his memory is OK. All my children are nervous. My daughter once had a high fever and fainted three times."

Critics accuse U.N. of 'genocide'

Between 2005 and 2008, Zoran Savich, a pediatrician with the Health Center of Kosovo Mitrovica, saw more than 300 patients in Osterrode and Chesmin Lug.

In that time, he said, 77 people died of lead poisoning, many of them children.

"I treated as many as I could but they were living in the same conditions and absorbing lead," Dr. Savich said. "When the treatments stopped, their levels went back up. It was useless."

Critics of the United Nations say the international organization knowingly put the Roma on toxic land. Mr. Polansky has gone so far as to accuse the U.N. of "genocide."
The Roma have grown impatient with excuses. On April 9, a date recognized as International Roma Day, Roma in the Chesmin Lug and Osterrode camps held a silent protest by holding candles and signs that read, "Save Us." On the same day, four leading European human rights bodies, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe's (OSCE) Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, and the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities expressed "deep concern about the continuing discriminatory treatment and exclusion of the Roma." Even within the U.N., questions have been raised about its handling of the Roma.

"The U.N. put the Roma in the camps even though the U.N. knew the place was poisoned," said Ilija Elezovic, the health department director for the U.N. Mission in Kosovo, northern Mitrovica. "The place where the camps are, the U.N. had a plan to build a fence around it and say, 'danger.' But they didn't do that. Instead, they put the Roma there." Mr. Elezovic said his own blood lead level was 16 micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood.

"Everyone is poisoned here," he said, "especially the Roma." Mercy Corps, an American aid organization, has budgeted $2.4 million to resettle 50 Roma families — about 250 people — this year in either north or south Mitrovica away from the contaminated sites.

Most of the budget would be applied to new housing although treatment for lead poisoning is also included, said Catherine Rothenberger, a Mercy Corps administrator in Kosovo. She said more families would be moved if donors see resettlement programs succeed. That means that in the meantime, many families will be left in the camps.

"Resources are not an issue but a clear plan is," Ms. Rothenberger said. "Donors are reluctant to invest unless it results in productive resettlement." Some Roma who have been resettled by other international aid organizations face other dangers.

"I have seen many times Albanians beating up Roma here," said Gushani Bekim, 24, who with his wife and three children was resettled in a newly built apartment in the Albanian stronghold of south Mitrovica. "I need work, but it is not safe to work here." As government and aid organizations debate what to do, the Roma continue to wait.

"I get nervous, start to shake, and it takes long time to calm down," said Mr. Smajliji, speaking of his own health problems. "While we wait for someone to do something, I feel myself losing power. I am losing concentration. I feel like collapsing."

• This article was made possible through a grant from the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

May 5, 2009

EULEX fire tear gas at Serb protesters

CAGLAVICA - EULEX police have yet again used tear gas to break up Serb protests in the northern Kosovska Mitrovica suburb of Brdani.

The Serbs, who began their protest at just before 11:00 CET, broke through a Kosovo Police Service cordon, and headed for the so-called yellow demarcation line that divides the local Serb and Albanian communities, at which point EULEX members fired tear gas at the onrushing protesters.

Nobody was injured in the incident, and the protest, the eleventh in as many days, ended at about midday. A new protest is planned for tomorrow.

EULEX officials are acting in support of the Kosovo police and in coordination with KFOR, in order to uphold public order and prevent any escalation of the violence in the northern Kosovska Mitrovica suburb, EULEX spokesman Christoph Lamfalussy said following yesterday's incidents.
Sinisa Lazic, a Serb representative from Brdani, was injured during protests yesterday, which were broken up by EULEX police. ============

Russian Information Agency Novosti
May 4, 2009

Serb rally in Kosovska-Mitrovica dispersed, 1 injured

SARAJEVO - A rally of Serbs protesting for a second week in Kosovska-Mitrovica against the return of Albanians to Serb areas has been dispersed with tear gas, the chief spokesman for EULEX said Monday.

Christophe Lamfalussy added that one protester may have been injured.

The Serbs are protesting against the return of ethnic Albanians to homes in predominantly Serb areas of the city, which the European Union's EULEX security mission started to push ahead with last week.

Tensions flared on April 27 when EU police, backed by the NATO-led peacekeeping force KFOR, fired tear gas at Serbian demonstrators attempting to enter an ethnic-Albanian area of Kosovska-Mitrovica. Tear gas was also used on Thursday as NATO forces and EU police tried to control around 50 people demonstrating in the divided city.

Kosovo's minority Serb population, which is dominant in the north of the territory, began to protest last week in Brdjani, a district of Kosovska-Mitrovica where the EU mission is trying to rebuild houses belonging to Albanians that were razed during the 1999 war.

The Serbs demand a ban on the return of ethnic Albanians until the same opportunity is provided to Serbs in the southern, Albanian-majority part of Mitrovica, which is split into mainly Albanian and Serb sections by the Ibar River.

"Several years ago the Serbs and Albanians agreed to draw a 'yellow line' dividing the Albanian Sukhoi district and the Serbian Brdjani district," a police official in Kosovo told RIA Novosti earlier. "They agreed to do nothing without agreeing with each other, but the Albanians didn't follow the agreement and started rebuilding their homes, ignoring the agreement."

According to the official, the Serbs insist the agreement is honored and oppose the Albanians crossing the yellow line.

Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in February 2008, but has only been recognized by 56 of the 192 UN member states.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Quote:Displaced by conflict and stranded by bureaucratic inertia, dozens of gypsy families remain on toxic land 10 years after they were relocated there by the United Nations after the Kosovo war.

Lead blackens the children's teeth, blanks out memories and stunts growth. Other symptoms of lead poisoning include aggressive behavior, nervousness, dizziness, vomiting and high fever. The children swing between bursts of nervous hyperactivity and fainting spells. Some have epileptic fits.

The two resettlement camps — the Osterrode and Chesmin Lug — were established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in 1999 for gypsies, or Roma, as they are more commonly known in Europe.


"They are conceived in lead," said Paul Polansky, head of mission for the Society for Threatened Peoples International. The Switzerland-based organization is dedicated to publicizing the plight of people who are menaced by such threats but have few prominent advocates.

The eugenicist soldiers of the fascist doctrine of "racial hygiene" may change their names, but their disgusting agenda is alive and well in the C21st.

What follows is essentially written out of mainstream history:

Quote:Jasenovac concentration camp (Croatian, Serbian: Logor Jasenovac; Cyrillic script: Логор Јасеновац. Hebrew-Semitic [full] script: יאסנובאץ, short script: יסנובץ) was the largest extermination camp in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) during World War II. The camp was established by the Ustaše (Ustasha) regime in August 1941 and dismantled in April 1945. In Jasenovac, the largest number of victims were ethnic Serbs, whom Ante Pavelić considered the main racial enemy of the NDH. The camp also held Jews, Roma, communists, Bosniaks and large numbers of Croatian resistance members, most notably Partisans.[1]

Jasenovac was a complex of five subcamps[2] spread over 240 km2 (93 sq mi) on the banks of the Sava river. The largest camp was at Jasenovac, about 100 km (62 mi) southeast of Zagreb. The complex also included large grounds at Donja Gradina directly across the Sava river, a camp for children in Sisak to the northwest, and a women's camp in Stara Gradiška to the southeast.

The camp was constructed, managed and supervised by Department III of the Ustaška Narodna Služba or UNS (lit. "Ustaše People's Service"), a special police force of the NDH. Vjekoslav "Maks" Luburić was head of the UNS. Individuals managing the camp at different times included Miroslav Majstorović and Dinko Šakić.[19] The camp administration in times utilized other Ustase battalions, police units, domobrani units, auxilliary units comprised of Muslims, and even the aid of German and Hungarian Nazis.[20]

The Ustaše interned, tortured and executed men, women and children in Jasenovac. The largest number of victims were Serbs, but other victims included Jews, [21]Gypsies, and Croatian resistance members opposed to the regime (i.e. Partisans or their sympathizers, categorized by the Ustaše as "communists"). Upon arrival at the camp, the prisoners were marked with colors, similar to the use of Nazi concentration camp badges: blue for Serbs, and red for communists (non-Serbian resistance members), while Gypsies had no marks (this practice was later abandoned.).[22] Most victims were killed at execution sites near the camp: Granik, Gradina, and other places. Those kept alive were mostly skilled at needed professions and trades (doctors, pharmacists, electricians, shoemakers, goldsmiths, and so on) and were employed in services and workshops at Jasenovac[23]

Quote:Sisak children's concentration camp was a concentration camp during World War II, set up by the Croatian fascist Ustaše government for Serbian, Jewish and Roma children. The camp was located in Sisak, Croatia. It was part of the Jasenovac cluster of concentration and death camps and of the wider Nazi-controlled genocidal effort across Europe.

In the town of Sisak, situated nigh the town of Jasenovac, Ustaše presence was vigilant. Early in 1942, The local sinagogue was robbed utterly, and the building later housed a worker's hall.[1] The settlers of Sisak were quickly brought to Ustaše attention, and those of them that were of Serbian or Jewish kinship were tormented. One example, is Miloš Teslić, a Serbian philanthropist, who was tortured gravely: reports say his eyes and arms were sawn off, while his chest was burnt with hot iron and his heart was cut-out.[2]

The camp

The camp held more than 6600 Serbian, Jewish and Roma children throughout World War II.The children were housed in abandoned stables, ridden with filth and pests. Terms of hard malnutrition resulted in an acute impairment of health, that had grown worse due to the spread of Dysentery. The children were fed daily with a portion of thin gruel and, in spite of being between 3 to 16 years of age, were treated horribly by the Ustaše guards. The Red-Cross noticed the existence of the camp, and even tried to be of use and aid to the children, subsequently obtaining the release of some children, while others were poisoned with caustic soda later on.[3][4] Estimates state over 1600 died.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:On the Ustase's mass murder of children; the documentary work of Dragoje Lukic is discussed.

Skendic: I think most people outside Yugoslavia are unaware that the Ustase incarcerated so many thousands of children.

Ti�ma: At least fifty-six to sixty thousand were murdered. I assume you heard that Mr. Dragoje Luki? gathered information published in a book documenting the deaths of more than nineteen thousand of these children, all killed just in the one camp in Jasenovac village and in Stara Gradi�ka. [9]

Mr. Luki? and a group of volunteers worked for a couple of years after World War II in five counties in the Kozara mountain district, talking to families. [Kozara is a Serbian majority area in Bosnia that had a strong partisan resistance. It is the area where the German force in which Kurt Waldheim, who later became UN Secretary General and President of Austria, and who was a Nazi officer in World War II, committed infamous atrocities � J.S.]

They listed only those children about whom they could find all biographical information - the first and last names, date and place of birth, parent�s names - and in this way documented that more than nineteen thousand children from one district were murdered in two camps. But what about children from Banija, Kordun [in the Serbian Krajina]? What about other districts in the Usta�e�s �Independent Croatia�? For example, for many counties in my region, Slavonia [also in Krajina], there is no town and no child listed in Mr. Luki?�s book. What about all the children who died in other camps, such as Jastrebarsko?

An exhibition about the murdered children created by the late Mr. Luki? is now in Bari, Italy, as part of the Serbian-Italian cooperation project, �Bridge Belgrade-Rome.� In Italy there are still some people who respect truth and justice and hate fascism and what it did during WWII. This exhibition, with photographs, was presented at Dom Armije [the Army Club in Belgrade] for the first time a few years ago. Again the exhibition includes only some nineteen thousand names that Mr. Luki?'s helpers were able to collect. The children from Kozara mountain only.

That has to be said every time one talks about this exhibit, and people don't always do that. For example, in a speech given at the Holocaust Remembrance ceremony, Mr. Mirkovi? from the Museum of Genocide Victims [founded in Belgrade], speaking in the name of the Museum, forgot to mention that nineteen thousand represents only a small portion of the entire number of children that perished. He also forgot to mention which areas of Ustasha Croatia this exhibition is about, and what areas are not covered.


[9] Luki?, Dragoje, Bili Su Samo Deca: Jasenovac, grobnica 19.432 devoj?ice i de?aka, [They Were Only Children: Jasenovac, tomb of 19,432 girls and boys] (Beograd, Muzej �rtava genocida: 2000)

Quote:The documentation from the time of Jasenovac revolves around the different sides in the battle for Yugoslavia: The Germans and Italians on the one hand, and the Partisans on the other. There are also sources originating from the documentation of the Ustase themselves and of the Vatican. These sources are in times considered contemporary because German and Ustase sources tend to exaggerate, but the comparison of all different sources can give a reliable portrait of the historical truth.

German generals issued reports of the number of victims as the war progressed.German military commanders gave different figures for the number of Serbs, Jews and others killed on the territory of the Independent State of Croatia. They circulated figures of 400,000 Serbs (Alexander L�hr); 350,000 Serbs (Lothar Rendulic); around 300,000 (Edmund Glaise von Horstenau); in 1943; "600-700,000 until March 1944" (Ernst Fick); 700,000 (Massenbach).Hermann Neubacher calculates:

"A third must become Catholic, a third must leave the country, and a third must die!" This last point of their program was accomplished. When prominent Ustasha leaders claimed that they slaughtered a million Serbs, that is, in my opinion, a boastful exaggeration. On the basis of the reports submitted to me, I believe that the number of defenseless victims slaughtered to be three quarters of a million. (Neubacher, Dr. Hermann. Special Assignment in the Southeast, p. 18-30.)

Italian generals, who were more overwhelmed by the atrocious Ustase slaughter, also reported of similar figures to their commanders.[128] The Vatican's sources also speak of similar figures, that is, for an example, of 350,000 Serbs slaughtered by the end of 1942 (Eugen Tisserant[129]) and "over 500,000 people" at all (Godfried Danneels.[130])

The Ustase themselves gave more exaggerated assuptions of the number of people they killed. Vjekoslav "Maks" Luburi?, commander-in-chief of all the Croatian camps, announced the great "efficiency" of the Jasenovac camp at a ceremony as early as October 9, 1942. During the banquet which followed, he reported with pride, intoxicated: "We have slaughtered here at Jasenovac more people than the Ottoman Empire was able to do during its occupation of Europe.".[131] Other Ustase sources give more canon estimations: a circular of the Ustase general headquarters that reads: "the concentration and labor camp in Jasenovac can receive an unlimited number of internees"[132]. In the same spirit, Miroslav Filipovic-Majstorovic, once captured by Yugoslav forces, addmitted, that during his three months of administration, 20,000 to 30,000 people died.[133] Since it became clear that his confession was an attempt to somewhat minimize the rate of crimes committed in Jasenovac, having, for an example, claimed to have personally killed 100 people, extremlly understated[134], Miroslav's figures are evaluted so that in some sources they appear as 30,000-40,000.[135][136]

A report of the National Committee of Croatia for the investigation of the crimes of the occupation forces and their collaborators, dated November 15, 1945, which was commissioned by the new government of Yugoslavia under Tito, stated that 500,000-600,000 people were killed at the Jasenovac complex. These figures were cited by researchers Israel Gutman and Menachem Shelach in the "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust" from 1990 and Simon Wiesenthal Center[citation needed]. Menachem Shelach will in his book speak that number, of some 300,000 bodies being found and exhumed is reliable [137] Mosa Pijade and Eduard Kardelij used this number in the war reparations meetings. Thus the proponents of these numbers were subsequently accused of artificially inflating them for purpose of obtaining war reparations. All in all, The state-commission's report has been only public and official document about number of victims during 45 years of second Yugoslavia.[138]

The state's total war casualties of 1,700,000 as presented by Yugoslavia at the Paris Peace Treaties, were produced by a math student, Vladeta Vu?kovi?, at the Federal Bureau of Statistics.[139] He later admitted that his estimates included demographic losses (i.e. also factoring in the estimated population increase), while actual losses would have been significantly less.[139] This number of victims has been refused by Germany during war reparations talks.

[edit] �ivanovi?: a Contemporary Forensic source

Between 22 and 27 June 1964 [140], exhumations of bodies and use of sampling methods was conducted at Jasenovac by Vida Brodar and Anton Poga?nik from Ljubljana university and Srboljub �ivanovi? from Novi Sad university [141]. During the Yugoslav Wars, Serbian anthropologist, Srboljub �ivanovi?, published during war between Croatia and Serbia what he claimed were the full results of the studies, which in his words has been suppressed by Tito's government in the name of brotherhood and unity, in order to put less emphasis on the crimes of the Ustashe.[142][143] According to �ivanovi?, the research gave strong support to the victim counts of more than 500,000, with estimates of 700,000-800,000 being realistic and that in every mass grave there is 800 skeletons, but reports signed by all members of this sampling has shown that seven mass graves has been excavated and that number of skeletons has been between 2 and 48 in six graves and only in last has been 197. On other side other surviving team member dr. Vida Brodar that this are �ivanovi? manipulations because during exhumations it was never spoken about victims numbers and for evidence she has shown copy of 1964 team report signed by Anton Poga?nik, Srboljub �ivanovi? and Vida Brodar.[144]

Attached Files
.jpg   Croatian leader Ante Pavelic and Field Marshal Slavko Kvaternik talk to a group of nuns at an un.jpg (Size: 54.23 KB / Downloads: 3)
.jpg   Emaciated children at an unidentified concentration camp in Croatia..jpg (Size: 21.4 KB / Downloads: 2)
.jpg   Portrait of an emaciated child lying in a bed of straw at the Sisak concentration camp for child.jpg (Size: 28.64 KB / Downloads: 2)
.jpg   Portrait of an emaciated child lying in straw at the Sisak concentration camp for children.jpg (Size: 24.96 KB / Downloads: 2)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
And Jasenovic was just one of several concentration camps run by the Croatian fascists. There were others not as large. All of them inhuman.

Quote:The eugenicist soldiers of the fascist doctrine of "racial hygiene" may change their names, but their disgusting agenda is alive and well is the C21st.
Indeed Jan and the promotion of national and religious divisions has been rampant. Divide and rule. The creation of a secular multi ethnic and cultural modern Yugoslavia was a progressive move. They were no one's slave. Not Washington nor Moscow nor London nor Berlin. Which is why it had to be destroyed. Now all they have are little semi feudal puppet statlets which function as out posts for empire.

Instead of one planet and one species which is dependant on many other species for its own survival we are wasting our precious time and blood on who has brown eyes and who has blue eyes crap. The only war worth fighting is the one which destroys the empire. Every other one is for empire.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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