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Triple Moating of the political assassinations and just what that implies for respiration of truth
re our current National Security State..

Morrow spreads his posts around. I don't agree with their LBJ-centrism.

I only wish more JFK researchers closer to the truth would be as evangelical as Morrow, and put their many excellent posts and articles where more would have a chance to see them.

True information about the JFK is triple moated. 1) Censored from the MSM 2) censored from the fake alternative OSTENSIBLY left 3) preached against in the fake alternative OSTENSIBLY left (although this is decreasing, as more have been made aware that the fake-left is doing this) ::thumbsup::::thumbsup::::thumbsup::::thumbsup::::thumbsup::::thumbsup:: these emoticons were added by my editor Sonya.

With this triple moating, it becomes incumbent on more historically aware JFK researchers to become more evangelical and post stuff where new audiences will see it. Or history is exterminated...

This triple moating is a truly extraordinary level of censorship. Paradoxically, this uber-censorship can be pointed to as a sign of just how central the assassinations are to today's real government, The National Security State.

Build hubs: Post links to here, BOR and CTKA where new audiences will see them.

SNAGS-- these are hooks that will appeal to new readers NOT already interested in assassinations. The best ones a media history SNAGS which imply stuff about the media that the newbie has previously viewed less problematically.
You have a whole new illiterate generation that sees exposure of Deep Politics as violation of their hedonistic sensibility. They exist on a preferred and encouraged safe island of stupidity.
Btw, its not just Morrow.

From what a visitor to CTKA has told me, Philip Nelson has gone off the deep end.

I addition to blaming Johnson for the Liberty incident, he is now saying Johnson was in on the RFK and MLK hits.

If this is true, and I told him to track down the posts on this, then Nelson is getting worse than Morrow. Because in no book I have ever read on those two cases, does anyone implicate LBJ in them.

In the RFK case, that one was handled by the SUS division of the LAPD and was prosecuted by the Los Angeles DA's office.

In the MLK case, that was initially handled by the Memphis authorities, but when Ray fled abroad, the FBI got into it. Scotland Yard then picked up Ray, the FBI ferried him back, but from then on, it was a local matter.

How, for 45 years, people like Phil Melanson, Bill Turner, and Harold Weisberg all missed the hands of LBJ in these cases, this is a real surprise to me.

But if this is what Nelson is preaching now, then maybe what Joan Mellen said in Pittsburgh about all this LBJ business is true: its an operation, just like the Mafia angle and Castro angle are.

BTW, I will be writing about this subject in an article I have on the back burner. Its called the Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer and it features his backing of the likes of Nelson, Baker and Hankey among others.
Quote:its an operation, just like the Mafia angle and Castro angle are.

BTW, I will be writing about this subject in an article I have on the back burner. Its called the Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer and it features his backing of the likes of Nelson, Baker and Hankey among others.

The operation is played out on Amazon as much as it is on forums and in interviews. Readers browsing the JFK volumes (and the accompanying 20 page list of books 'other people have also bought' that you get on Amazon) now have to wade through a long bunch of LBJ-did-it books. There are a ton of them, plus the mafia volumes, the Joseph Farrell mystical bullshit volumes, and the 'We got it right' celebrations of the Warren Commission.

Fetzer has done the same thing with his involvement in 9/11 research. His latest work on the subject ropes in Holocaust denial and the moon landings. The general idea would be if a handful of people fall for his bogus arguments, a few more 'conspiracy theorists' can be tainted with the moon landing/Holocaust denial brush.

Fetzer's other rhetorical trick with 9/11 discussion (and probably with JFK as well) is to drag the reader into endless discussion and theorising of the scientific elements of the case, all of which can be endlessly debated in a circular fashion for years while pointing nowhere, proving nothing, and boring people unfamiliar with the broader picture.
Bart Kamp Wrote:Jim "everything is fake" Fetzer 'died an academic death' 3 years ago, as he got kicked off here and at EF, he is a non-entity.
If anyone at Amazon swallows his rhetoric then good luck to them.

Younger newcomers to the case will need more than luck if they swallow his bullshit. They'll need guidance towards more coherent and relevant research. Looking forward to Jim D's article.
You can spend all day posting stuff about JFK on the internet, but you can't make people read it. Look at the quotes in my signature below. There is already SO MUCH worthwhile internet material on the JFK assassination - all people have to do is make a brief effort to find it. But the masses won't - I'm sorry if you don't want to hear it, but it's the truth. They are much more interested in celebrities, shopping, reality TV, the latest techno-gadgets, the latest taste sensation at Taco Bell...I'd say about half the American people don't look at the news AT ALL - they have no idea what's going on - and the half that do pay attention are mostly looking at corporate media propaganda. And too many people who ARE interested in alternative news/conspiracies are sucked into the Alex Jones orbit, or one of hundreds of other crappy websites.
I have felt for many years that any attempt to sway public opinion is doomed to failure. There have been too many solutions, too many conspirators and too many assassins espoused by both well meaning authors and authors with an agenda. If a detailed well written book were published today with the actual solution, the public would still not accept it. There is an old saying "You can't see the forest for the trees." The real solution must be proven in a court of law. Until you can prove it, mental masturbation rules.
Ahimsa….may you live in a world of non-forcefulness.
My interest is in guiding opinions on Amazon, where people are actively searching for books on the assassination, and buying them. Not all of them are buying them for casual entertainment. Some of them are buying the books because they genuinely want to inform themselves on the case, and despite the articles available online I think there is equal benefit in reading JFK AND THE UNSPEAKABLE, DESTINY BETRAYED, THE LAST INVESTIGATION and a few others. I don't disagree with you guys about the laziness of the public but the Amazon readers are an active and engaged bunch, and Fetzer and his buddies wouldn't have bothered to concoct another junk book unless they thought there was a benefit to further poisoning the well. All that said, I agree, it's a depressing scene and things could be much better.
If we could ever get out on national television a really good documentary based on the very best of the ARRB, it would rock the country.

The problem has been that 1.) Nigel Turner blew a great opportunity and confused matters and discredited a lot of our efforts with that Barr McClellan baloney.

and 2.) Although Ventura's special was better, it still had St, John Hunt on it and was not really technically or aesthetically well done. Plus it was not state of the art I think.

Believe me, if we ever get that shot, to do say a four night series on all the new documents, it would be a real shock to the system.

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