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The Moral Decoding of 9-11. The Official Conspiracy Theory, the Free Press, and the 9-11 Turn
The Moral Decoding of 9-11. The Official Conspiracy Theory, the Free Press, and the 9-11 Turn

Beyond the U.S. Criminal State, The Grand Plan for a New World Order, Part II

By Prof. John McMurtry
Global Research, October 01, 2015
Journal of 9/11 Studies 11 September 2015

Quote:At first I thought the "9-11" event was merely allowed to happen like Pearl Harbour. But the facts showed that only U.S. capacities could explain the logistics of the otherwise physically impossible execution of the crime from the near free-fall acceleration of the fire-proofed buildings into their footprints and the absence, inaccessibility and removal of evidence, to the detailed police-state law ready to apply.

On the other hand, some evidence, such as the F.B.I. reports not followed up on and the many people led to believe beforehand that there was a foreign plane attack coming, ensured that people were ready to believe that only an alien conspiracy could explain the event. Moral outrage would be directed at jihadist Arabs and at U.S. intelligence and defense forces for not doing enough in time. In fact, this was the very scenario proposed before 9-11 by the man who came to be the head of the 9-11 Commission.

But the immediate historic transformation of the powers of the Bush Jr. administration was the most dramatic effect of the 9-11 event. Its apotheosis of power from near political dead-end to master saviour and superpower leader above question was mythical in proportions. It completely reversed the rising public smell of corruption from Enron, the biggest financial backer of Bush Jr., which was then imploding as a giant energy-futures crime that had bankrupted California. It reversed the unprecedented illegitimacy of a president by stolen election and vote repression who had a record of alcohol and cocaine addiction and cultural illiteracy. It diverted all eyes from the inside-dealing of federal oil and energy policy being determined by oligopolist corporations with V-P Cheney behind closed doors and from financial scandals whose records were destroyed by the WTC collapse. The metamorphosis of the Bush Jr. administration from national disgrace to exalted and limitless command was the most miraculous reversal of fortune in political history. But it received no press or political attention. It was if the past had never happened but disappeared down the memory hole.

In fact, it was taboo to identify the one-way benefits. The mutation of Bush Jr., hiding out on his Texas estate for months after the 2000 lost-but-won election, to an all-powerful "War President"overnight had a staggering effect on the rapidly rising international and domestic opposition against the illegal president. The Nixon-age Cheney-Rumsfeld duo as revolving-door CEO's in charge of a new supranational program of war was unlikely to get much support before 9-11. But it was now in full-spectrum motion with "terror alerts" around the clock as justification for martial laws and formerly unacceptable invasions. Overnight the strategic objectives of the PNAC vaulted into absolute power across borders, and the Bush oil-military-and-money party was the sole beneficiary in the U.S. The rapid slide downwards in financial security of the 99% was not worthy of comment. The social security of public programs was in line for still more attacks. Bush's extreme-right conviction that the Roosevelt New Deal was "an aberration" he wanted to eliminate was not mentioned. Instead, in perfect convenience, all field of meaning was occupied by "the terrorist threat" and how to war against it.

Cui bono? the first forensic question at any murderous crime shouted from every circumstance and consequence. But it was unspeakable in public. The "war administration" could do and did anything it chose from privatizing the military to putting everyone on terror alerts to torture chambers across continents to a rule of fear in the U.S. the like of which had never been seen before. Most of all, the supreme moral goal and the covert U.S. state were released from any question or impediment. Everything that happened after 9-11 was consistent with them and the known plan of "full spectrum dominance". As Brzezinski and the PNAC had themselves observed beforehand, the plan had not been politically feasible then. Now the supreme value objective had its moving war machine in action into the Middle East and Central Asia. A supranational police state was being formed at home and abroad to "protect America's interests" in particular the oil-energy bases the private transnational money-sequence system and its armed forces ran on.37

The Ruling Group-Mind:

It looked remarkably like fascism being built after the Reichstag Fire in 1930's Germany.38 In fact I later debated Michael Albert on Z-Net on this institutional analogue when he and his illustrious friend Noam Chomsky were dismissing 9-11 "conspiracy theory" along with the media not noticing that the ultimate conspiracy theory was the official one which was refused examination. But I took the Albert-Chomsky argument at its word, and argued that the "9-11" event was institutional all the way down and had a disturbing precedent in the last fascist turn of the West including Bush's grandfather as a Nazi money man through the Union Banking Corporation. Albert might as well not have read a word.39 Everyone on the U.S. Left as well as Right seemed to be of one mind the "ruling group-mind". Its nature is blocking against all reason and fact.40

The official conspiracy theory of 9-11 was a paradigm of the group-mind phenomenon and the media unspeakable at once. Only others could have a "conspiracy theory". The official theory was final fact, although the most implausible conspiracy theory of all. Locked in the thrall of the group-mind, even a strictly legal meaning of a central category of criminal law a criminal conspiracy, prosecuted all the time in the U.S. was now taboo in connection to 9-11. No scientific finding is allowed through this mind-lock. A closed Orwellian circle is constructed. All not believing the official conspiracy theory are reverse-accused as believers in a conspiracy theory. The official conspiracy theory is, simultaneously, assumed as the opposite of what it is. Double-think holding contradictory thoughts in the mind as the same in meaning is normalized as given. Such is the ruling group-mind on 9-11.

The supreme moral objective and its strategic planning depend on this reverse operation and its group-mind cement to succeed. It is a deep psychological disorder that is not decoded, but isinvariably used in the larger disorder of which it is a signature pathology. As the individual liar relies on a defense mechanism of aggressive accusation to switch the tables to protect and advance his own interests, so too at the covert state and corporate media level. Ruling groupmind, reverse-accusation operation, and the ruling interests they serve all seamlessly interlock. The conditioning is so pervasive it succeeds in being experienced as an act of individual belief with no option. Because the mass media's lights of publicity fall only on what is consistent with the official conspiracy theory and attack all that does not conform to the ruling story, the mechanism of delusion is locked in.

This is why payroll journalists who otherwise seem progressive abuse those who see through the delusion in part because they are hired not to think beneath the hook of selling copy; partlybecause exposing the moral truth on 9-11 is a fast way to get isolated inside any corporate milieu; and, most basically, because stepping outside of the ruling group-mind on any life-and-deathmatter brings anathema and perhaps social annihilation. When we recognise these constraints on free inquiry, we had better understand why so many who are normally not duped by official cover stories shy away from forensic and causal understanding of 9-11. They sustain the group-mind morale across parties inside the bonds of the absurd. This is why almost no-one would follow through the motive and causal investigation of the most important single event of the era.

In the end, one worries about English-speaking culture's incapacity to think about the perpetual war and dispossession system of which 9-11 is a track-switch override of prior blocks to thesupreme value objective. Total control of world human and natural resources and their organisation for the transnational money-sequence system has been vastly advanced by 9-11 to crush all human rights standing in the way, from habeas corpus and due process to protection from war-criminal aggression to seize other societies' most basic sovereign means of production. The carcinogenic disorder advances from strength to strength, recurring at another level in the "financial 9-11" of 2008. It even more centrally dispossesses the world to serve the "supranational sovereignty" of private money-sequence world rule with no committed life function. Behind them both lies the ultimately regulating supreme value system which cumulatively overruns and devours world life and life means as its globalizing feeding cycle. Observe that every step of the global world corporate-rights system conforms.41

At the level of the 9-11 process itself, the primary oil-war-and-banking beneficiaries of 9-11 and the 9-11 wars profit hugely, however ruinously all in accordance with prior invocation of "acatastrophic and catalyzing event" to enable just what has happened. Leading the fall of the rule of life-protective state and law is the complete erasure of the first forensic questions of all criminal investigation greatest motive and benefit, capacity to commit the crime, concealment of facts, and continuous false reports. Each and all remain effectively stricken from the record of the "free press" and all official accounts.

From Inside Experience of the 9-11 Machine of Denial to Laying Bare the Moral Program

Shortly after September 11, 2001, I spoke on invitation by Science for Peace on the coming Afghanistan invasion after "9-11". It was a packed hall at the University of Toronto, and I raised the issues as well as I then could, focusing on the criminal war preparation and the evidence of pretext and falsehood. I must have been the only one to speak out in a public forum at that timebecause all the major media were immediately denouncing me across borders. The Wall Street Journal called me Osama McMurtry. The New York Times blog-hated me. Fox News ranted. The Globe and Mail wrote editorials of fierce if inane indignation from John Ibbitson (twice) and Margaret Wente. The eminent neo-Darwinian Michael Ruse wrote a letter of condemnation from a Florida university joining the flood of e-mails to the department chair and the university president demanding my head.

The moral constant across variations was absolute refusal to engage a fact or inference, militant attack on any questions, and as always reversal of value meaning. The perfect unreason wasas paradigmatic as in any rush to war for ruling interests. One could understand why people stopped thinking. Barry Zwicker was the only journalist I knew next to Alex Jones who took on the 9-11 machine of reversal and suppression, although even he would not dare the concept of "official conspiracy theory". He was accused of "anti-Semitism" by a noted left economist for linking Mossad to the 9-11 event.42 My friend Mathew Stanton, a long time executive of Chicago Media Watch, law professor and effective unbeliever in the official conspiracy theory, was attacked in front of his home by a riot-armed policeman macing him through his front door. The bigger picture was and remains, however, more sinister than any of its parts. The "war presidency" of the money-oil-and-weapons party was released into "limitless capital accumulation" and "supranational sovereignty" with no inhibitors left. No-one named the official conspiracy theory which featured amateurs with box-cutters leading a central air-space attack over hours with no intervention, no evidence of their identity at the scene of the crime, and firetested steel frame buildings turning in seconds into fine dust and piles of steel the remains removed before examination.43 Least of all did critical analysis link the crime back to the ruling value system driving every step before, through and after it.

Of course, many brave and intelligent people came forward. Hundreds of experts have courageously reported from every relevant domain and stood through all the reverse projections of "conspiracy theorist" and smear attacks. But the moral through-line before, during and after 9-11 to the 9-11 Wars was not itself decoded as a perfectly consistent inner logic and decision string confirmed at every step. Even the classic critical study of 9-11, The New Pearl Harbour, never comes to grips with the supreme value system behind the covert state continuously expressing it before and after 9-11. Indeed, the governing moral meaning is reversed by the title of the book, an exonerating phrase used by Brzezinski and the PNAC itself. When David Griffin and I were in correspondence about the book before publication, I brought this moral reversal to his attention. I emphasised that Roosevelt's foreknowledge of the 1941 attack was used to fight against international fascism, not to institute it. Moreover the attacks were opposite in source one from the other side of the earth, and the other from the inside. The very opposite moral motives and methods were equated by even the heroic David Griffin. Such is the block against 9-11 truth and the power of the group-mind field of meaning.

The descriptor of "false flag operation" is favoured by the 9-11 truth movement since. But it refers only to the moral cover of "the flag". It does not decode the supreme moral driver itself, or the covert meaning of "the flag", or the value logic of "U.S. interests", or the plan in motion, which all express one interlocked ruling value program. What joins the covert U.S. state to the global monopolist money sequences it serves in 9-11 as the new criminal-state axis is lost in contending against the ruling story.

Unlike prior moral pretexts for war the U.S. has long specialized in, the 9-11 pretext has distinct markings of its moral code the life-blind absolutism of the ruling value program which lawlessly serves the rich at the rising cost of the growing majority and their life conditions becoming poorer. Unlike former constructed pretexts, 9-11 serves only U.S global corporate and bank feeding cycles to unlimitedly more human dispossession for more private money demand for the under 1%. Unlike prior false pretences, it simultaneously diverts from the unprecedented crises of system-propelled depredation, looting and pollution of organic, social and ecological life fabrics and bases. The cancer pattern is plain, but unthinkable.

Meanwhile the worst was unfolding into the war-criminal bombing of Iraq on the fabricated basis of "weapons of mass destruction". During the great child massacre after 1991, I was in close contact with physician Dr. Allan Connolly of Vancouver who at his own considerable expense flew back and forth reporting the medical horrors of the Iraq bombing "sanctions" amidst (his words) "a medical care system of doctors and advanced knowledge comparable to our own". Just before the next genocidal onslaught on Iraq in 2003, I received an invitation from CBC Television to debate a proponent of the U.S. position. A woman U.S. professor middleaged, quiet, and in the mode of the ruling group-mind had been on the week before explaining why a U.S. invasion fully qualified as "Just War" in Christian and legal doctrine. It was the CBC Sunday Night News Hour three days before the bombing began, and the debater for the U.S. administration position was Thomas Donnelly, "a senior fellow of the Project for the New American Century and policy head of the U.S. House Committee on Armed Services", with special expertise in post-Soviet U.S. strategic interests and modern military campaign planning. To make a long story short, he emphasized "how America had saved freedom in Europe" and how America only seeks peace, while I emphasized "the nature of the crime of war you are advocating" with definitions, and the mass homicide of children the previous U.S. attack on Iraq had engineered.

I thought I had decisively shown the problems none would talk about on the media anywhere, or allow to be said in published correspondence even the London Guardian in which I had oftenpublished. Canada was not involved that I could see, and surely what I defined verbatim in the law is what public broadcasting should be pleased to communicate. But the CBC re-assigned thereporter who had arranged for me to debate, effectively firing him in the longer term he was unwilling ever to talk to me about it, and CBC has scrubbed the debate from its records although Canada was officially not part of the "coalition of the willing" to commit war crime.44

We see here that not even the 9-11 Wars could be opposed although demonstrably the "supreme crime" under law. The international criminal law itself, stemming from the Nuremburg Charter to "prevent wars of aggression" that caused the greatest war destructions of all time, was now unspeakable in the "Free World" too. The supreme crime under the law of the community of nations could not be spoken even in a country purporting not to participate in it. The speech act itself was treated as an offence.

What could possibly account for such overriding of life-protective law, millions of peoples' lives, and life value itself? Was it another holocaust of the Semitic? What could explain the criminal acts of more mass murder? Only an overriding moral commitment makes it logically possible.

The Supreme Moral Program Behind the Life-Blind Mechanism of Full-Spectrum Rule

The ultimate moral absolute expressed by the 9-11 operation is a meta program across U.S. wars. But 9-11 moved the level of strategic permission for U.S. invasions and aggression to a newlevel including indiscriminate kidnap and torture of citizens across borders and non-stop rising murders by drones today. It has also enlisted from U.S. unemployment the bravest and mostdesperate young people. By their actions to enforce the supreme morality, the criminal and covert U.S state serves the private transnational money-sequence multiplication system.

Thus since 9-11, tens of thousands of innocent peoples across borders have been murdered, tortured, and caged in the name of "stopping the terrorists". Police state methods have becomenormalized as "necessary to defend the Free World against terrorism". Reverse projection is the moral constant of confusion. Erasure of fact and record is now selectively commonplace.

This is anticipated. Air travellers across the world are therefore subjugated to confiscation of water to drink and airline search and seizure by orders from the top. These may seem merely absurd system oppressions, but they subjugate individuals at the most basic level of their lives clothes, water, shoes, personal privacy, and juridical identity. All using air-travel are now subject to this system's law with caging or shooting for defiance the systematic strip-down required as reinforcement of the absurd U.S. official conspiracy doctrine of 9-11.

At the same time a stream of laws, regulations and acts under ever new names of defense and security reverse ancient constitutional rights back to the Magna Carta essentially enablingpresidential-directive assassination at will, worse than before the curb of kings. This is the great reversal 9-11 made normatively justifiable so that CEO prime can do as the most dominanttransnational money sequences demand. People are now subject to death on suspicion of "terrorist activity" without any due process as the drone murders and application of the laws enabling them to U.S. citizens demonstrate. Here as well every step has been made possible by and legally confirms the official conspiracy theory.

The real threats to global life security are greater than ever before an ever greater majority without secure livelihoods, the disappearance of meaningful work and social life supports systems, and the cumulative poisoning and looting of the bases of planetary life itself. But all are diverted by the manufactured wars and the "terrorist" reverse projection to grow the system of dispossession wider and deeper. This is the real global terror system. Meanwhile the new designated "Enemy" that bonds "the Free World" is, in fact, assisted through covert funding, arms, and direct participation in its acts of terror against our freedoms to sustain the multiple payoff war games. All is permitted by the legal and illegal elaborations of criminal permission and secret presidential directives that have become written into the rogue U.S. state as the Leviathan of the U.S. corporate rich, the "fascism at home" as Roosevelt called it.

The ultimate cover story of the supreme moral objective in "the new American century" has been 9-11 in whose "catalyzing event" all regime and system motives of self-aggrandisement dissolve.What else but such an event could have so armoured the sole beneficiaries of the "new world order" against social fightback at the great stripping of nations' and peoples' life and life meansacross the world? All the while in accord with the unexamined supreme value system, big bank and corporate money sequences override social and natural life support systems everywhere more than ever to record ever higher profits as everyone else is dispossessed in proportion to how little they have. 2008 redoubles and deepens the process of stripping life fabrics to grow money sequences behind the permanent war front that 9-11 has provided. Now greater tides of public funds pour out to the private bank system in the trillions across borders, "austerity programs" pay back the banks for the bailouts of them, and ever fewer rights to oppose are ensured by post-9-11 police state methods. The pre-2001 rising and unarmed global insurgency of the civil commons for peace, for social life security, for human rights, for real food, for protection of the environment, for everything that has been dispossessed by the supranational corporate rights system has been rolled over by the 9-11 turn.

2001 was the turning point after unilateral transnational corporate rights over markets and resources were established as absolute over legislatures through the 1990's with a rising tide of global opposition joining into all movements to protect and enable human and natural life against the eyeless transnational money-sequence juggernauts of immiserization. 9-11 was strategically ideal to stop the human tides of awakening and common action because it ruled out all political resistance to the supreme moral goal. But the dots are not joined back to the ultimate value program even by 9-11 unbelievers. Attention has become fixed, rather, on the foreground operations and contradictions with the official conspiracy doctrine all crucial as anomaly detections, but not yet grounded in opposing moral systems. What is required is logico-moral understanding of the institutional act of 9-11 as strategically rational from the regulating value system of global money-sequence rule. This is the ultimately ruling moral disorder, and it instrumentalizes and attacks human and natural life and life support systems to grow itself with no limit or regulation by life requirements. 9-11 embodies and exemplifies the supreme moral program in action to full spectrum control, consumption and profit by force of arms wherever it can. But its inner axiology evades recognition. Its agents no more examine or question it than the players of a kill-all video game. And its opponents have not penetrated its meta program or the principled life-ground to steer beyond it at the system level.

The multiple motive for every step, the supreme value system driving every one, the strategic logic of fulfilment, and the 9-11 track-switch promoting all are perfectly consistent with each other. But their unifying meaning and progression across every moment of execution as a moral system in action has not been laid bare. Social taboo against recognising life-blind disorder in the surrounding system of rule is as old as human tribes and civilisations, but never so global and deep-structural as now. While the Right never stops talking of "moral anchor", "moral compass", and "principled stands", the ultimate value system at work is no more critically examined in its life-blind principles than the wars it propels. Neither Left nor Right has cracked the life code and the money code at war which determines the fate of the planet.45

Joining the Dots of Forensic History: Who Benefits from 9-11?

From day one of the 9-11 event, the question of cui bono "who benefits?" has been nowhere posed in official Western culture. Even as insults rain on those repudiating the official conspiracy theory, the question is not named. The suspicion of an "inside job" idea is now widespread outside the corporate media, but not even the Left poses the forensic questions nor recognises the official conspiracy theory as the essential cover-up of them. Nowhere have the defining questions been joined into unified meaning and value frame. Who had the most compelling motives for the event? Who alone had the means? Who removed all the evidence from the crime scenes? Who put out continuous false reports? Who blocked all impartial inquiry? Who has solely benefitted since in private money-sequencing to limitlessly more?

This defining set of forensic questions remains effectively taboo, and the crime is least of all connected back to the ruling value system now more supreme in power than ever. After 9-11 apresidency primarily funded and campaign-transported by Enron swindle money and "Kenny-Boy" Lay as the "asset-light" leader of the new energy futures market now running the world was the first meaning to disappear from sight. Another was Dick Cheney presiding over a closed energy policy-making committee deciding the laws, regulations and subsidies to govern the big oil and utility oligarchy in total conflict of interest. Then there were major financial charges and lawsuits by government in action whose records were destroyed on 9-11.

But the most immediately compelling motive for the event was the fatal lack of legitimacy of the Bush. Jr. presidency itself. There was an unprecedentedly wide public contempt across borders for the unqualified president, his election by cancelled votes, the loaded Supreme Court blocking the votes from being counted, and the tanking of the U.S. economy, which had shown its first signs of permanent recession. This recession was led by the very policies of hollowing out aggregate demand that the Bush Jr. administration was pushing hard on ever more reduced taxes on the rich, slashed and defunded social programs, privatization of public pensions, and the erasure of labour rights as freedom still going hard today. All the trends were downwards, all were led by the supreme moral goal of the money party, and peoples across borders were resisting as never before. How, I wondered before 9-11, can this rising tide of global resistance be contained?

In fact, it was reversed in under a day. Bush Jr. went from disgrace to apotheosis. The "war president" and his cabal were now suddenly astride the U.S. and the world with absolute powers.Before "9-11", one could not see how the rising global peace, anti-corporate and environmental movements could be stopped with no plausible Enemy to anchor the ruling ideology and its policies of public dispossession. Even America's corporate economy was increasingly unable to compete with societies not being bled by Wall Street and armaments-spending. All the while life support bases beneath were in slow-motion collapse towards the New Orleans mass destruction of the poor to come.

Three weeks before the 9-11 event, an over one-million strong demonstration of people across Europe erupted in Genoa against the U.S.-led global corporate system in which NATO flewwarplanes overhead and police attacked hundreds of people as they slept. The billion-dollar-a-day military-industrial complex and the national ideology of war needed a new Enemy to justify it as much as Bush Jr. and his cabal needed it to save them from illegitimacy and impotence. With their primary constituency as big oil, banks and military contractors, control of Middle East and Central Asia oilfields now unblocked with the end of the Soviet Union was essential to the PNAC plan. With its signatories baying for world empire "responsibilities", the 9-11 explosions of the WTC buildings (the totem of the supranational New World Order planned and financed by David Rockefeller himself) coincidentally occurred as "an act of war on America" by "those who hate our freedoms". Every motive of the Bush Jr. regime, its oil-war-money constituency and its future was satisfied by the 9-11 action. As a thought experiment, try to conceive of any alternative that could have delivered all at once. Every major private transnational oil, military, and bank constituency was served by the event. Even investors in the corporate media were given a steroid boost.46

How could one argue against this strategy for "recovery and extension of America's vital U.S. interests"? To create the binding crisis of self-defense in war was an already self-evident strategic necessity in the bipartisan spook world. Indeed, perhaps the most remarkable fact of the 9-11 story is that Philip Zelikow, the President of the 9-11 Commission, was the administration strategist who first proposed the 9-11 scenario itself.

More specifically, Zelikow was the executive director of the Aspen Strategy Group whose members included Dick Cheney, Condoleeza Rica, and Paul Wolfowitz. He had been in the National Security Council during the set-up war with Iraq in 1990-91. In 1998, he had the scenario worked out in the same year Brzezinski floated it in his book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Let Zelikow speak for himself in 1998:

"Readers should imagine the possibilities for themselves, because the most serious constraint on current policy is lack of imagination. An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America's history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans' fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. Constitutional liberties would be challenged as the United States sought to protect itself from further attacks by pressing against allowable limits in surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and the use of deadly force. More violence would follow, either as other terrorists seek to imitate this great success' or as the United States strikes out at those considered responsible. Like Pearl Harbor, such an event would divide our past and future into a before' and after.'

The effort and resources we devote to averting or containing this threat now, in the before' period, will seem woeful, even pathetic, when compared to what will happen after.' Our leaders will be judged negligent for not addressing catastrophic terrorism more urgently." 47

The Necessary Crisis for America and System Erasure of the Facts and their Design

We might infer from Zelikow's 1998 paper projecting a 9-11 scenario that the rising Washington chatter about a coming plane attack on the WTC and unpursued suspects were part of the strategic plan for precisely the reasons Zelikow gives. "The effort and resources we devote to averting or containing this threat now, in the before' period", he says, "will seem woeful, even pathetic, when compared to what will happen after'". The before-period when nothing was done, and plainly seen not to be done, in fact occurred just as imagined. And it justified to the majority the after-period when the U.S. state merely proclaims "terrorists" non-stop to justify a war rampage to get what it wants in the Middle East and Central Asia. Overriding basic human rights and civil liberties within and without the U.S., the arbitrary mass arrests, serial kidnappings and torture, murders without stop are the means and cover-up methods to ensure the supreme value goal and system into the future.

This criminality on a mass scale seems immoral beyond conception like the Nazi regime with which the U.S. covert state has had strong ties from the start. On the other hand, all of the planmakers from Rockefeller to Zelikow are only doing what they must for the binding supreme moral goal U.S. supremacy to serve its ruling global money sequences as the ultimately meaning of "the Free World". This is the underlying value driver across contending parties. Given the supreme moral goal, the maximizing strategic culture with no limit, and the acceptance of "noble lies" to ensure "free capital accumulation", what could one say to deter this moral logic of U.S. world rule? Any life-grounded morality would be "soft" and "naive" to the ruling mindset which glories in "creative destruction". At the same time, the Bush Jr. regime needed 9-11 as a steering event even more than its "constituency of the rich and the very rich".

All knew that something must bind the people as their former job and welfare security comes apart under "the New World Order". The Soviet Union is gone, the whole oil-base region is in flux, another Enemy is required to hold America and the empire together the last idea coming from the Nazi philosopher Carl Schmitt. The key is to understand the inner moral logic so all the U.S. covert state's moves become clear within the underlying framework of moral meaning they express. Recognition begins with laying bare the value program behind every move before and after 9-11, and maintaining a stable understanding of physical laws to avoid being taken in by magic-thinking explanations. Magic thinking is endemic to the ruling world-view. It is not only required to believe that the transnational money sequence system necessarily produces the social optimum within "the global free market" the invisible-hand metaphysic of the market God.48 It is also required at the microcosm level to believe that jet fuel has reduced fireproofed steel buildings to mostly dust within 11 seconds. Magic illusions are the stock in trade of the system. They pervade the culture from miracle commodities transforming clothes, faces, status and sex appeal by their purchase to Arabs with box-cutters who reappear alive, having just turned buildings into smithereens in the financial centre of the United States.

Reason thus needs to begin with the self-evident logistics of material plausibility and coherence. At even the level of preparations and immediate effects, only insiders could have access control of all the stations required with ready-made justifications, police-state laws, and evidence destruction in place. If the Arab "hijackers" alleged as guilty without forensic evidence were known guilty, how could they have been left free as covert assets for years except to provide red herring scent paths. If a cover-up Arab conspiracy was already to go from before 1996 Project Bojinka for civilian aircraft hijacking and crashing into buildings was already rehearsed by air defense and FEMA to whom was the attack a surprise? If the blocks on full FBI investigation from the White House were so obstructive that its Director of Anti-Terrorism, John O'Neill, resigned in protest, can it be sheer trillion-to-one coincidence that he started his new position on 9-11 as Director of Security at the Trade Towers and was killed his first day on the job? If WTC Security shut down one week prior to 9-11, as required to wire the building for the types of explosive materials that can alone explain the instant demolition of huge fire-proofed towers, can the event be disconnected from its material cause? If a principal of the firm responsible for security in the Towers, Securacom, was Marvin T. Bush, the president's younger brother, are not these linkages relevant to comprehending the line of material connections to the crime?49 Prior to theory, only magical thinking can explain belief in a long string of coincidences, all in accord with one design.

A high-level Bush Republican organiser in Chicago, lawyer David Philip Schippers, telephoned me via Matthew Stanton to advise that try as he might to get the attention of his friend AttorneyGeneral John Ashcroft about the buzz on a coming attack using "commercial airlines as bombs", the calls were strangely unreturned by Ashcroft despite many tries over a month before 9-11.Ashcroft and top military officers were told not to fly that day. The coincidences multiply the more deeply one looks. The stand-by jets planes that would normally have intercepted the hijacked aircraft within minutes did not because, as we know, Cheney got control of the airdefence of NORAD six months before the event and fighter jets were playing scenario games far away instead. The claimed Boeing 757 jet hitting the Pentagon was not only another physical impossibility due to the "ground factor", but disappeared into thin air with not even the motor left although it runs at 1800 degrees hot and cannot physically be incinerated. Unprecedented violation of U.S. crime-scene laws then occurred at the materials scene of the collapsed steelbacked WTC buildings with any remains of the metal meltdown and the fine dust of the vaporizing explosion quickly covered with mud, hosed and shipped overseas.

What part of the official conspiracy theory holds at even the level of the physical laws? It is difficult to find one step that does. Rather magical coincidences, transmutations and shell-gamesproliferate the more carefully the now known facts are examined. In the wider purview of the event, what physically possible executive organisational agency could have been responsible for all the coordinated cover-up and false reports before and after effectively fulfilling one design? All points to the only coherent through-line of 9-11 and this is what is not diagnosed even by critics the ruling value program and its strategic enactment to which every stitch conforms.

Of course no crime evidence remains if it disappears into thin air, is removed, purely invented, killed, erased from the record, or smeared into non-credible witness. All here has occurred in the 9-11 construction. So known was the set-up coming by insiders that market futures betting on airlines beforehand occurred with an unprecedented imbalance of puts and calls. More magicalcoincidence. But we can't find out the facts because the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission has blocked all request for information. "This letter is in response to your request seeking access to and copies of the documentary evidence referred to in footnote 130 of Chapter 5 of the September 11 (9/11) Commission Report. We have been advised that the potentially responsive records have been destroyed".50 There are many ways in which the 9-11 cover-up moves, and all seek to erase the steps of the crime and physical evidence of them.

Yet because the official conspiracy theory cannot explain how the inspected fire-proofed steelframe WTC buildings built to withstand more than jet-fuel heat fell at almost free-fall acceleration and converted into a great cloud of dust at the same time, people rise at the level of professional competence to question the ruling story they are America's remaining mind. Thus the 1,600 architectural and engineering professionals, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, observe that the official story cannot explain what are in effect violations of the laws of physics. Only a controlled demolition or its equivalent can explain the buildings' rapid fall through the path of greatest resistance, the debris being symmetrically distributed, the rapid onset of the buildings' falls, the explosions and flashes reported by witnesses, the steel elements expelled from the building at high speed, the pulverization of the concrete, the expanding pyroclastic-like clouds, the isolated explosions 20 to 40 stories below the wave of destruction, the molten steel and thermite traces found in recovered debris, and the lack of pancaked stories in the debris.51

The Grammar of Delusion, 9-11 Myth and Cooked Corporate Science

From start to finish, federal U.S. agency is stacked against any detection of historical background, character and moral raison d'etre, strength of motives to commit the crime, capacity to execute the physical destruction unimpeded, subsequent vast payoffs to one party, and systematic removal and erasure of all evidence all tending in one direction only.

That Kissinger was the first choice to lead the 9-11 Commission, a master of the art of the supreme crimes crimes against peace, planning and waging wars of aggression, war crimes and crimes against humanity is all of a piece with the rest. That he was to be the chief investigator and judge of the 9-11 crime is almost as revealing as who got the position instead. The man appointed as the Director of the 9-11 Commission was the very man who had designed the 9-11 myth itself. Reverse projection of "conspiracy theory" on all who did not believe it was the master psy-op still at work today warning everyone away from asking questions. But still thinking people do even at the cost of media mobbing and ostracism by the mindless.

So the questions did not stop. Thus the official Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States was eventually put in motion to stop them 441 days after the attack. Observe the "Final". Certainly the Final Report is dressed in all the official costume of the Government of the United States, seals of approval and authoritative finality to impress readers. This has not worked on the still thinking like David Ray Griffin who has taken the official Final Report apart in books of analysis. But there is in principle only one logical trick that needs to be known to recognise its fallacious nature from start to finish. The Final Report frames the entire inquiry and causation of the event by presupposing the official story as true. That leaves lots of room for "omissions and distortions", and Griffin has posted them in detail. But the fallacy of presupposing what is supposed to be proved is the meta disorder that is at work everywhere, and this a-priori derangement is not yet clear.

More profoundly still, some critics apparently do not notice that the man who had designed the mythic rationale of 9-11 directed the 9-11 Commission itself. I never knew this until I found Zelikow's once Harvard-posted paper. It reveals the throughline of meaning not seen, as reported in the prior pages of this analysis. Thus not only are physical laws violated by official doctrine at every step required to sustain the official story. Not only are the known laws of forensic, evidence and juridical investigation usurped and suspended throughout. But the very agent who imagined the scenario of the 9-11 official story myth is made the Executive Director of the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. The mind reels at the supreme confidence in propagating a big lie about a big lie with the major imaginer of both in charge of the official truth. It reveals the totalitarian nature of covert U.S. state rule and the corporate media and political control on which it can rely to turn black white underneath public and critic notice.

Predictably, therefore, one meta operation must regulate all that is reported in the official report. All facts and reasons conflicting with the official conspiracy theory must be and are erased from the official 9-11 Commission as an a priori requirement of its story. That the person in control of the Commission for 9-11 truth is the very author of the 9-11 myth is the logical smoking gun stillsometimes omitted from the analysis. Zelikow was the master strategist for how to divert U.S. citizens' concern from the "detention of suspects and the use of deadly force". He was the strategist behind why U.S. state response to the "threat" was so "pathetic" as to allow it to happen the justification for the police-state legislation and the 9-11 Wars. And he directed the 9-11 Commission of the U.S. government itself to validate the myth as true.

In this way, the U.S. administration was exculpated a priori from all the forensic questions that implicated it. Such manipulation of assumptions for war based on myth is and was in fact Zelikow's long specialty. He was a co-author of the notorious strategy of "pre-emptive war" on the basis of such projections. His academic specialty is in his own words, "the construction and maintenance of public myths - forming the public's presumptions about its immediate past".52 That the "9-11 Commission" under Zelikow's direction simply erases the issue of the physical impossibility of the fire-proofed buildings exploding into dust and free-falling into their own footprints thus follows as essential to sustain the official myth. No official version of these facts can stand up to scrutiny, so the standard technique follows. Eliminate the facts. The first step is to blinker them out from the Report altogether, and the second is to eliminate any evidence remaining in the possession of the Zelikow Commission. When request is then made to the Commission for the scientific documents pertaining to the building collapse, the Commission's response is "the documents have been destroyed".

To get a sense of the exactitude of the cover-up against all physical evidence, even that which has made its way into the official 9-11 inquiry, the response is meticulously total: "All input andresults files of the ANSYS 16-story collapse initiation model with detailed connection models that were used to analyze the structural response to thermal loads, break element source code,ANSYS script files for the break elements, custom executable ANSYS file, and all Excel spreadsheets and other supporting calculations used to develop floor connection failure modes and capacities".

Erasure of records and evidence is the defining epistemological technique of the covert state, and an annihilative propaganda machine goes into operation when this cannot be done as in callingthe Journal of 9-11 Studies names on an exactly next-door website and sabotaging the Wikipedia entries of critics of the official conspiracy theory. The CIA has fulltime people doing this by its own admission. From war crimes and big lies to attack of reputations of critics, all serves the supreme moral goal of supranational sovereignty of the transnational private money-sequence system and its covert institutional agencies of strategic planning and action. This descriptive law is testable. It is the ultimate value logic of the system, and has manifold expressions across domains. There is no determinism by physical laws here. There are always alternatives that are better so far as they enable rather than destroy human life and life bases.53

The ultimate problem is that the ruling money-sequence system has become increasingly totalitarian, and 9-11 has been a turning-point advance against all that stands in its way.

"What about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) verifying the official account of the building collapses?" the reader might ask. Certainly a public scientific institutionaccountable to scientific method and open inspection of data and conclusions would better get to the truth of the matter than a 9-11 Commission run by a strategic planner of the covert U.S. statewho proposed its very scenario three years before the event. Here, above all, one would have hoped for publicly reliable science that once distinguished U.S. civilization. But in fact, NIST by its own description is a "federal technology agency that works with industry" featuring collaboration in "bio-technology". Knowing well the corporate-university partnerships in biotech which research only corporate commodity development as "innovative science", the NIST set-up does not inspire scientific confidence. One method regulates all across fields of communication: to frame out any other result than the desired one while describing the process in exalted terms (e.g., "rigorous scientific standards").

In this case, the framing-out principle built into the NIST investigation again followed the ruling pattern to erase all relevant evidence in conflict with the official story. In fact this unrecognisedprinciple of evidence repression governs all government and media accounts of the 9-11 crime. Nothing gets through which conflicts with the assumptions of the reigning story of reality. Indeed, there is a rule against recognising this rule as well as against recognising the rule itself. This syntax of thought repression and control is always at work in 9-11 thinking unless thought can break free from the underlying loop of repressive normalization the essential liberation. No freedom of thought is more important. In the wider commercial and state media, the same system-serving loop is more deeply rooted in the same transnational private money sequence regime. Its supreme and supranational moral goal is the covert ruling subject of the System in all modes. Its underlying grammar of thought is to rule out anything that conflicts with assumption of it as "the Free World".

While rarely spoken in deep-system terms, this totalizing regulator governs the ruling culture across domains as the ultimate economic /political/normative /speech/ thought determiner of truth and value. As a normalized syntax regulates speakers without their awareness of it, so too this regulator. It works because it operates at the level of unexamined ruling assumptions. Zelikowresearches and hypothesizes at one level of its hold "the construction and maintenance of public myths - forming the public's presumptions about its immediate past". This is how he deduced by the "need of imagination" the generic strategy of the 9-11 myth. But unlike philosophy and science, the structure of assumption is not critically exposed, but taken as a political given for manipulation. Freedom from it is not sought.

Yet materials science and technology in service to the system must perform at a different professional level. They must appear to be upholding the obligations of scientific method and not cooking conclusions in accordance with a predetermined story or value program. Cooked corporate science has become, however, the transnational norm, and it works by exactly ensuring that all test results but the profitable ones are kept secret as "proprietary information". Not even public regulators get to see them. Since the National Institute of Standards and Technology is "partnered with industry", it does not challenge the ruling value program any more than corporate researchers do. But how can NIST specifically explain the collapse of the fireproofed WTC towers to get the results that support the official story and still remain scientific? This seems an impossible task until one recognises the ruling meta assumption across domains which frames out all inconsistent data a priori.

The NIST follows in line by eliminating the time period within which all the physical phenomena conflicting with the ruling myth occur namely, the period of time during which the buildings explode into dust and iron-rich microspheres and so on, and then fully collapse at freefall acceleration. Instead NIST attends solely and exclusively to the prior time of the planes hitting the buildings and of "collapse initiation". If it does this, it appears to be "scientific" while in fact it is the opposite by exclusion of the most relevant data.

Once again we see the underlying rule of repressive elimination at work. All that can conflict with the official story is erased not merely by mass removal, seizure or destruction of evidence, but by blocking out the very time frame within which the explosions, outward projectiles, and total collapse occurred. The conclusion (the planes did it) is thus already built into the first premise of the investigation (investigate the impact of the planes and the initiation of destruction, but not the full period of destruction). Once again we discern the master pattern of lie and delusion.

Logically speaking, it is the ancient fallacy of petitio principii assuming what is required to be proved in the pseudo proof of it. Here the vicious circle is dressed in technological-scientific uniform. Yet the false explanation deserves more detailed analysis because the technology of the 9-11 explosions has become so central to the 9-11 truth movement.54 In the NIST's impressivemethodological description of why it would cost $40 million to do the job, it includes (direct quote) "the expense of stockpiling the steel and other debris [the few bits retained by FEMA andvolunteers]; examining the steel; physically testing the steel; partial parametric computer modeling of the steel, the fire, the plane and the blast; and the examination of egress issues". For this highly profitable price (emphases added), "tools could be developed to address fire as a structural design load and to understand the behavior of structural connections under fire conditions." As the italics show, fire alone is already assumed as the cause of the buildings' explosion and free-fall against all the evidence to the contrary. This evidence is ruled out a priori by focus on the fire alone an assumption that locks out all the relevant facts showing that fire alone cannot explain the buildings' collapse in seconds, the severing of massive fireproof steel columns, the ejecting of steel assemblies, the melted-down metal in and around the explosion, and conversion of fire-proof buildings into fuming remains and dust. In short, all the evidence contradicting the official story iserased by the NIST account by its starting frame of reference, which blocks it all out a-priori.

In this way, the NIST too assumes the official story in investigating it, and remains locked within the same vicious circle as the 9-11 Commission only this time by cooked science. Nothing isallowed in except the impact of the planes and the fires. No simulations of the full collapses are ever made, and every physical moment of the collapses after "collapse initiation" is disappeared.With models and computer simulations cooked in this way, the NIST fixes against the evidence with the same trick of erasure as the 9-11 Commission at another level from non-investigation to pseudo science. Thus the explanation that is alone consistent with the evidence controlled demolition55 and the evidence are eliminated in the NIST study. Predictably, no media report one step of the structure of delusion, the supreme interests in sustaining it, or the real science of explaining the suppressed facts. Thus the duped are led to believe that science supports the accepted account.

We may witness here the collapse of logic and scientific method along with the collapse of the buildings. The ruling syntax of value and delusion demolishes reason at many levels. It did not end there. Once the real scientific community started asking questions of the NIST report, led by the 1700-strong group of architect and engineering professionals, Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth, NIST further blocked against disclosing any of the features of controlled demolition exhibited by the collapses. Then it altered its website findings to prevent direct access to the evidence. The final 2005 report on the WTC Towers then completed the cover-up. It changed the topic away from the WTC building collapses altogether to "improving building and occupant safety" in "disaster prevention". If one did not follow all the steps, one would not believe the systemic fraud driven in one direction at every level.

When logic and scientific method are themselves suspended by the U.S. National Institute of Technology and Standards, we may observe a derangement deeper than 9-11 itself the collapse of U.S. scientific civilization at its official core. And it is, as demonstrated, for no interests in the end but the less than 1%. One cannot help but think of the medieval Church refusing to look through Galileo's telescope before the scientific revolution had occurred....continued at link
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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