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The Hidden Nazi: The Untold Story of America's Deal with the Devil.
Quote:"Kammler still believed that he alone, with his Army Corps and the weapons over which he had absolute authority, could prevent the imminent collapse, postpone a decision, and even turn the scales."

Of the lines cited from the book, above, these strike me as having the most relevance. Kammler and Hitler were in close contact in the end months of the War, and they both believed, for the same reasons, that the secret weapons [the America Rocket; the Nazi nuclear bomb program; and a few others] could turn the tide to at least a negotiated end to the war rather than a unconditional surrender - and perhaps even a victory to hold on to their Reich. I even think I know many of the details as to why they believed this and it will be in my forthcoming book. Hints of it have appeared, but few have the bigger picture. Germany was loosing the war on the battlefields and was being deprived by bombing and Allied advances of necessary parts and necessary raw materials to make weapons - of the ordinary types. However, Kammler had deep underground in places still not made public, but which I know of, several rockets with enough power to reach New York City. Further, they were very very close to completing nuclear weapons small enough to fit on the top of these rockets. Kammler and Hitler felt that destroying NYC with a nuclear bomb of conventional type or even just a 'dirty bomb' that killed with radiation would force the Allies to negotiate an end to the war [not knowing how many more such rockets and bombs might exist]. As we all know, for reasons not yet made public neither the rockets nor the nukes were ready in time...but how close they were to being ready in my view was weeks to a month or two.....that is how close we came to a different outcome to the war. Other more exotic weapons systems, while interesting, were far from ready at the end of the War. Kammler's rise to power and in rank was astronomical. Hitler kept promoting him or telling his superiors to. By the end of the War a man who was long the head of the construction division of the SS was more powerful than Speer, perhaps the 4th or 5th most powerful man in Nazi Germany and in charge of all the secret weapons projects and the underground facilities in which they were hidden, built, tested and stored. Only he knew all of these details by the end. And NARA claimed not to have one document on him other than his Nazi Party records [which tell nothing except on what day he received what promotion etc.]. Now we have some documents on Kammler and the US Govt. - mostly the CIC, MI and interestingly, Air Force. I'm sitting on some. I know others who are sitting on some...they will soon start to come out - but there is great opposition still in their release to the public, as it changes the story of the end of the War and exposes some untruths and some lies about that time and the post-war period.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Let me add the following points if I can:

1. IMHO the Nazis were NOT a month or two away from nuclear weapons or even a missile that could reach New York City.

2. With Wernher von Braun in charge of missiles (and in the know about science), he would have known about any atom bombs or such missiles targeted on New York. If such things were impossible, he and Dornberger would have known that too.

3. The very first atom bombs, "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" were so heavy and large that they barely fit into a B-29 bomber. So they would not have fit into a missile, maybe not even fit into the Saturn Five U.S. missile that launched the moon landing.

4. To get a small nuke for a missile, you had to use the Hydrogen Bomb because hydrogen is much lighter than uranium (or maybe plutonium). That technology didn't even exist until about 1952 when the Russians tested the first hydrogen bomb.

5. Hitler, Himmler, Dornberger, Von Braun and their henchmen knew that the War was lost. They knew it at the time of Stalingrad and after. They used the "secret weapons" fantasy as a fig leaf or cover story to prolong the War.

6. Even all the bombing of Europe by the US and the UK didn't put Germany out of the War. So even a few missiles or even a thousand missiles wouldn't have made any difference and the Nazi brass had to know that. Same situation regarding Japan.

7. Hitler wanted to prolong the War until April, 1945 and beyond because he wanted all the Jews that could be killed to be killed. That was one of his goals.

8. Hitler wanted the destruction of Prussia (which included 66% of Germany) because Prussia had been liberal and/or socialist. Hitler started and finished his mission on behalf of Austria (his home) and Bavaria (where he rose to power). These were the Catholic-majority regions of greater Germany. They also represented the centuries long struggle which began with the Protestant Reformation.

9. Because of taxpayer-supported religion, the Vatican got half of their income from Germany before World War II. Apparently, that had always been the case.

10. Hitler was indifferent whether Germany were to be partitioned and occupied by Soviet Communists or by US/UK "liberals" and socialists. Prussia, the US and the UK were Protestant. The USSR was atheist. So chopping off the Protestant parts of Germany was o.k. with Hitler.

10. Although Hitler was not (by any stretch) a practicing Catholic, he grew up as a Catholic and in a Catholic culture. So he knew how to beat the Catholics (and Christians including Protestants generally) at their own game. That's why he invented the "pomp and circumstance" of the Swastika, the Nuremberg rallies, the SS black uniforms, etc. etc. etc. Hitler knew that both Protestants and Catholics in Germany could be bought off with money. And that's the policy he cynically followed.

11. The creation of West Germany worked out perfectly for Hitler. West Germany under Adenauer was majority Catholic and started the Catholic original EEU along with Catholic France and Catholic Italy. They would have included Franco's Spain if they could have had their way. This reactionary religious pendulum had swung hundreds of times in German history and is probably still swinging today.

12. Adenauer and France opposed entry into the EEU of Britain and the Scandinavian countries as long as they could. They maintained control of the EEU until the JFK assassination and beyond. The UK joined the EEU in 1973.

13. The "Vatican hegemony" in Europe lasted from 1933 untll 1963 when JFK was killed. The JFK assassination was a last, desperate attempt to hang on to power. With the retirement of Adenauer in October, 1963, the Socialist SDP in Germany soon got into the government in Germany and the Protestant Ludwig Erhard became Chancellor in October, 1963.

14. The incredible part of this history is that Hitler may well have survived World War II, living in exile in Chile, Ecuador or someplace like that. He may have had the last laugh, at least as long as he lived (or up until 1963 at least).

James Lateer
See comments in bubbles. I don't care to engage this line any further. Those that don't know about Kammler and things Kammler - Kammler stab and Kammler projects just don't know....and the Allies up to today have kept this all secret and even spun false stories to cover it all up.

James Lateer Wrote:Let me add the following points if I can:

1. IMHO the Nazis were NOT a month or two away from nuclear weapons or even a missile that could reach New York City.

Quote:Wrong. Read Reiner Karlsh's book - unfortunately only in German at this point.

2. With Wernher von Braun in charge of missiles (and in the know about science), he would have known about any atom bombs or such missiles targeted on New York. If such things were impossible, he and Dornberger would have known that too.

Quote:Most all of von Braun's files in the USA by the USA intelligence and military are STILL classified and NOT available. That is true also of this brother Magnus few know about. Yes, I believe von Braun, Dornberger and Rudolf and others knew. I found the head of the second largest SS base in all of occupied Europe [was just south of Prague] to have also known and was able to draw diagrams not much different than the ones shown here - and know what they meant.

3. The very first atom bombs, "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" were so heavy and large that they barely fit into a B-29 bomber. So they would not have fit into a missile, maybe not even fit into the Saturn Five U.S. missile that launched the moon landing.

4. To get a small nuke for a missile, you had to use the Hydrogen Bomb because hydrogen is much lighter than uranium (or maybe plutonium). That technology didn't even exist until about 1952 when the Russians tested the first hydrogen bomb.

Quote:You are just not up on this subject and throwing out statements that don't go to the point of the matter. The Nazi plan B was to use their largest long-range bomber to carry a large bomb and drop it on NYC. They could reach it, but could not return and discussed trying to rescue the crew after they bailed out by submarine or sacrificing them. They also discussed using a dirty bomb - that was a nuke that sort of fizzled as far as explosive power, but was high on radiation none the less.

5. Hitler, Himmler, Dornberger, Von Braun and their henchmen knew that the War was lost. They knew it at the time of Stalingrad and after. They used the "secret weapons" fantasy as a fig leaf or cover story to prolong the War.

6. Even all the bombing of Europe by the US and the UK didn't put Germany out of the War. So even a few missiles or even a thousand missiles wouldn't have made any difference and the Nazi brass had to know that. Same situation regarding Japan.

Quote:Do not agree.
7. Hitler wanted to prolong the War until April, 1945 and beyond because he wanted all the Jews that could be killed to be killed. That was one of his goals.
Quote:Do not agree.

8. Hitler wanted the destruction of Prussia (which included 66% of Germany) because Prussia had been liberal and/or socialist. Hitler started and finished his mission on behalf of Austria (his home) and Bavaria (where he rose to power). These were the Catholic-majority regions of greater Germany. They also represented the centuries long struggle which began with the Protestant Reformation.

Quote:Where do you get these strange ideas from?
9. Because of taxpayer-supported religion, the Vatican got half of their income from Germany before World War II. Apparently, that had always been the case.

10. Hitler was indifferent whether Germany were to be partitioned and occupied by Soviet Communists or by US/UK "liberals" and socialists. Prussia, the US and the UK were Protestant. The USSR was atheist. So chopping off the Protestant parts of Germany was o.k. with Hitler.

10. Although Hitler was not (by any stretch) a practicing Catholic, he grew up as a Catholic and in a Catholic culture. So he knew how to beat the Catholics (and Christians including Protestants generally) at their own game. That's why he invented the "pomp and circumstance" of the Swastika, the Nuremberg rallies, the SS black uniforms, etc. etc. etc. Hitler knew that both Protestants and Catholics in Germany could be bought off with money. And that's the policy he cynically followed.

11. The creation of West Germany worked out perfectly for Hitler. West Germany under Adenauer was majority Catholic and started the Catholic original EEU along with Catholic France and Catholic Italy. They would have included Franco's Spain if they could have had their way. This reactionary religious pendulum had swung hundreds of times in German history and is probably still swinging today.

12. Adenauer and France opposed entry into the EEU of Britain and the Scandinavian countries as long as they could. They maintained control of the EEU until the JFK assassination and beyond. The UK joined the EEU in 1973.

13. The "Vatican hegemony" in Europe lasted from 1933 untll 1963 when JFK was killed. The JFK assassination was a last, desperate attempt to hang on to power. With the retirement of Adenauer in October, 1963, the Socialist SDP in Germany soon got into the government in Germany and the Protestant Ludwig Erhard became Chancellor in October, 1963.

Quote:Some of the above are too off the mark to try to comment on.

14. The incredible part of this history is that Hitler may well have survived World War II, living in exile in Chile, Ecuador or someplace like that. He may have had the last laugh, at least as long as he lived (or up until 1963 at least).

James Lateer
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Nazis had two nuclear programs. One the World and most Allied intelligence operations were following - and another cloaked INSIDE the Reichspost [postal administration!]. That second was the real one. They had switched to Plutonium long before the Manhattan Project had. They had successfully tested a few bombs just East of the underground facility where the V-2's were made and also off on a small uninhabited island near where the V-2's were tested. The America Rocket which was a three stage modification of the V-2 existed. At least three were assembled and ready to launch by the end of the war. In fact, they sit still underground in launch position and I know where. The government in control of that underground facility is not allowing researchers to enter [I've been to the entrance] and even denying its existence [which I saw with my own eyes - and the Nazi official plans of the 25 Km of tunnels]. Officially, this underground facility doesn't exist. Ha! So much about the end of the war deals and forced transfers of technology are cloaked in secrecy to this day. Interestingly, the man who was tasked to locate Kammler and was his first interrogator had just come from doing 'security' for the Manhattan Project. Later he played some distant role in the events of Dallas and had known R.C. Nagell in Korea - they both worked in a super-super secret unit that officially did not exist [and one could be arrested until the late '70s just mentioning their name!], hidden within CIC on paper only, and was all but out of control by anyone - almost. Willoughby was nominally in charge. Willoughby if you don't know was born in Germany and was at least pro-fascist if not neo-Nazi, IMO. Who Willoughby was taking orders from is not completely clear. He was also involved in the still mostly secret US/CIA control of Japanese gold after the War - which is the reason they allowed Marcos to rule in the Philippines, as that was where it was buried. These all intersect in strange ways - all tentacles of the same octopus WWII to present. Dave Guyett is an expert on some of this in the later part of this rant...... More of this will be coming out soon, but I personally don't think too much will be in this book this thread is about - but we shall see. C.L. has one dynamite document, but because of how he came to get it, it is very problematic to publish it unless something has changed since I was working with him. Other documents exist I have or have seen, but have not yet been made public. The time for this story to be told in its entirety and in a coherent fashion is the next several years. Bits and pieces are out there, much of it in German or other languages and not much in English yet.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter, very interesting stuff that I had not heard before. I do have a couple of questions regarding how this has been substantiated particularly with respect to the nuclear weapons. I can buy that there was more than one Nazi bomb program and your word is good enough for me about the role of this Kammler fellow of whom I have no knowledge. However, where I start to wonder is how the Germans could have successfully built and tested these weapons with the degree of secrecy required for these activities to have remained unknown for this length of time. The American bomb project required an enormous industrial effort to enrich uranium and separate plutonium. The plants at Hanford and Oak Ridge were huge and comparable German plants could not have been missed by American and British aerial surveillance. The activities required for producing weapons-grade uranium and plutonium in WWII days were not things that could be conducted in caves and with the decimation of German industry by Allied bombing its not clear to me how the Nazis could have successfully pursued them. Of course, if there is evidence of the required industrial plants required for producing the bomb materials that would go a long way towards supporting the claim that the Nazi's had built nuclear weapons by the end of WWII.

With respect to the tests I have a similar difficulty. I read the article in Physics World but did not find it convincing. Sure, the German scientists could have come up with a workable design just like the Americans did. But that's a long way from building and testing a bomb. And I was thoroughly confused by the assertion that

Quote:This device was designed to use fission reactions, but it was not an "atomic" bomb like the weapons used against Nagasaki and Hiroshima (figures 1a and b). And although it was also designed to exploit fusion reactions, it was nothing like the "hydrogen" bombs tested by the US and the Soviet Union in the 1950s.

Either it was an "atomic" bomb or it wasn't. I'm not sure what the middle ground is here. And I find the assertion that they figured out how to exploit fusion reactions a real stretch. A number of breakthroughs in mathematical computations (including the use of the first large scale computers which I'm pretty sure the Nazis did not have) and bomb design were required for the American H-Bomb effort to succeed in peacetime without a collapsing government and industrial base, not to mention foreign invaders, to contend with. Even the Soviet "layer-cake" or "alarm clock" designs required breakthroughs by Sakharov that the Germans would have had to discover independently. And I have to agree with James' point about miniaturization. Neither the US nor the Soviets were capable of building smaller bombs until many years after the war. Again, the case is being made that the Nazis, at the brink of social, economic and military collapse were able to miraculously produce breakthroughs in bomb design and weapons-grade material production that the Allies took years to repeat under much more favorable conditions.

Furthermore, it would have been extraordinarily difficult to hide evidence of the tests that the Germans supposedly conducted by the end of the war. Surely some one would have noticed the large unexplained explosions that even a tactical weapon would have produced. Is there actual evidence that anyone did? Both the Soviet and American intelligence services were aware of their respective countries' bomb efforts and would have taken notice of the radioactivity that would have resulted from these tests. It would not have been difficult for such evidence to be forwarded to their respective bomb development teams for evaluation. Of course the documentary evidence of these tests could have been suppressed but there still would have been stories in connection with these unexplained events that would have circulated. Again, is there evidence to support any of this?

Finally, if you were the Nazis at that point why waste time on tests? Surely they had to be desperate enough to just aim the thing at the advancing Soviet troops. They didn't even need a sophisticated delivery system. Just load it in a truck (assuming it would fit but it was a tactical weapon, yes?) drive it to some critical choke point, retrieve the driver(s) and then detonate it by remote control.

Anyway, I'm certainly open to being proven wrong by evidence that falsifies the points I've made here. This is a fascinating topic and I look forward to hearing and reading more about it.
I agree with the following points regarding the Nazi A-Bomb and Missiles:

1. The Nazis had the best physicists in the world in the persons of Heisenberg, Otto Hahn and they had control over Nils Bohr since they occupied Denmark.

2. One of the German physicists had created the first nuclear fission reaction in a reactor in Germany before 1941.

3. Von Braun, Dornberger and friends had a plan for the "A-4" missile which theoretically could reach New York. It was on the drawing boards but never built or tested.

4. There could be a possible breakthrough in nuclear engineering which could have given the Nazis an atomic bomb with much less effort than involved in the Manhattan Project. The Union of South Africa was able to easily build their atomic weapons because they had gold mining technology which they adapted to refining uranium. This was a fortuitous development of a kind that could also have helped the Nazis.

This being said, the Nazi German intelligence and counter-intelligence was shoddy. The Abwehr (military intelligence) was headed by Admiral Canaris who was constantly trying to oppose and even rid Germany of Hitler. Also, Canaris was incompetent. They couldn't have kept spies from finding out about a nuclear bomb, nuclear test or anything like that. As for counter-intelligence, the Gestapo and the RSHA master police agency was not the greatest, either. It was full of dissension and always being reorganized and re-staffed. Likewise, it couldn't have provided an airtight cover-up of an atomic bomb project.

Theoretically, Hitler could have married his VX nerve gas with his V-2 missiles and killed everybody in London. He never would authorize that. Would Hitler have used Atom bombs, even if he had them, knowing that the enemy would be able to respond with the same sooner rather than later? Hard to know the answer to that question.

With regard to the other criticisms of my information, it would probably be helpful to people reading these pages to be more specific as to which items of my analysis of Hitler, his motives, his decisions, etc. that you don't believe or accept. I will assure you that everything I wrote about Hitler and his modus operandi has been very thoroughly researched.

Just because we all have been fed such a huge amount of lies about the actual Nazis, I realize its hard to accept reality about the Nazis. They are, unfortunately, more like cartoon characters in the minds of the American people, even very smart people like those who post here. On the contrary, the Nazis had their own airtight logic which they followed, even if they were totally lacking in conscience, ethics or morality generally speaking.

Conventional historians like William L. Shirer, Churchill, David Eisenhower, etc. tend to dismiss Hitler as an insane person, or an incompetent. But like all other humans, there are reasons behind why he did what he did. And it wasn't because he was insane or incompetent.

Why did Hitler attack the Soviet Union when every smart person on the planet knew it was doomed to fail? There were reasons which explain that.

Why was Hitler indifferent to an outcome of the War (which he started) which would end up with the partition of Germany (which everybody knew would be the result). Why didn't that matter to Hitler?

Why did Hitler glorify blonde, blue-eyed people when he was neither? There is a very rational explanation of that. And it wasn't because Hitler was crazy or delusional.

The core of my ideas which I posted center around the basic fact that both Hitler and West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer were indifferent to a possible break-up or partition of Germany. (As Mayor of Cologne, Germany between the Wars, Adenauer had favored an independent Rhineland province and republic in which he would be living).

When Germany surrendered on November 11, 1918, not a single foreign soldier had yet reached German territory. Yet in 1945, Himmler, Goering, Shellenberger, Wolff and many other Generals were eager to surrender. But Hitler refused, even when that meant the break-up and occupation of Germany for an indefinite period. Why did Hitler follow that policy to the end?

Americans have never been informed or educated about the true answers to these any many more questions regarding Nazi Germany, or indeed about Germany generally for at least the period covering 1919 to 1963.

I will post an important page of information about the relationship between the Nazis and "Prussian Militarism" which enlightened me greatly on these issues.

(It takes a lot of research, but its better to know the accurate history than to remain like the Ostrich with one's head in a dark place).

Quoted from Federalism and Regionalism in Germany: The Decline of Prussia by Arnold Brecht (New York 1945):

Page 19

Consequently, notwithstanding the fact that in the Reichstag Social Democrats, Left Liberals, and the Catholic Center held almost a two-thirds majority of seats as early as 1912 [in the Prussian parliament], the world used to think of the German nation as dominated by Prussia, and of Prussia as given to the tradition of "Prussianism".

Page 21


on 5 March 1933 the nationalistic parties, combined, failed to reach
majorities in six western districts of Prussia and in Berlin!


In consequence of these facts the Prussian democratic cabinets consisted without interruption of members of the Weimar coalition parties, to which two National Liberals were only temporarily added (1921 to January 1925). Social Democrat Otto Braun was prime minister from 1920 to 1933, except for a few months in 1921 and 1925. In the Reich cabinets, however, the Weimar coalition came to a sudden end as early as 1920.

No Social Democrats were in the federal cabinets from June 1920 to May 1925, from November 1922 to June 1928 (with the exception of three months in 1923), or after March 1930. Instead, the Reich cabinets included not only National Liberals (Stresemann's party, of which the majority were much more conservative than their leader) without, interruption from 1922 to the end, but also strictly anti-democratic German Nationals during considerable stretches of time (from January 1925 to January 1926, from January 1927 to June 1928, and again from May 1932 to the end).

This political difference between the two cabinets in Berlin [i.e. between Prussia and the Reich] led to a tragic dilemma. The hopes of the workers and of all democratically minded sections of the people had been traditionally with the national [Reich] government rather than with that of the once reactionary Prussia.

Many republicans now shifted their sympathy in domestic affairs from the national government to the Prussian, which showed greater fervor in defending democracy against growing reaction and fascism. It was the democratic Prussian cabinet which, as early as November 1922, outlawed the National Socialist party in Prussia, and again in 1927 outlawed the Berlin party section, and which forbade Hitler to make public speeches in Prussia from 1925 to 1928, until the failure of the other states to follow this practice and the defeat of the Nazis in the 1928 elections led to discontinuance of the ban.

It was the Prussian cabinet which in 1928 led the vote in the Federal Council against the building of the first pocket battleship (the later Deutschland); which, in contrast to the Reich cabinet, forbade members of the Prussian civil service to be members of the National Socialist party; which conducted police action against the Nazis with comparative vigor. It was against this democratic Prussian cabinet that Reich Chancellor Von Papen launched his unconstitutional attack when, on 20 July 1932, he attempted to oust its members by presidential decree.

[end of quote]

So Hitler and the Nazis were, (back in their day), anti-Prussian. That probably explains why there were so many disagreements between Hitler and the vaunted German General Staff, especially on the Russian front and on the issue of the 1941 invasion of Russia generally.

James Lateer
I am unsure of the current book being published as Mr. Lemkin explained… It is from the far right and being published by Regenry History who has its own history back to the old Liberty Lobby, Spotlight Magazine, and other far right disinformation campaigns. Specifically around the JFK assassination, General Patton's car crash, and possibly others surrounding James Angleton's red right hand. The two children of OSS officer Donald Richardson all mention that he was linked to Lemnitzer, Dulles, Boris Pash, and then rumored to have interrogated Kammler.

Tom Agoston was a US Army CIC informant, and working for British intelligence under Hearst cover. He was later a helpful resource to Pete Bagley, Ian Sawyer, Douglas Botting, and dozens of other interested in OSS and CIC history. He was also somehow involved in the Norwood Birch-Gregory Douglas-Gestapo Mueller continuum linked back to the Soviets which spawned significant portions of this story up until the turn of the last century. Several former Soviet and current Russian Generals have been making their own peculiar claims on the subject in Russian media in the last four years. Дезинформация.

If anyone has seen any significant documentary evidence from the two Richardson brothers, I am willing to share the handful of items I have tracked down. The Detroit Free Press items cited by Karlsch simply do not exist as they were shown to him. The few surviving Knaack items are explosives on other fronts. I have chased Donald Richardson across three continents and the few documents and information out there that exists is almost so purely contradictory that it leads me to believe that it is pure counter intelligence.

One scion claimed that Kammler killed himself in US custody, a claim that not even Mr. Cook would not publish in full. The other claimed that Kammler was given a social security number, a phone number, and address in the United States and others unaffiliated with the family more recently are claiming he was killed in the US by a camp survivor who recognized him in the US. The less than proverbial wilderness of mirrors.

The 2014 documentary by ZDF on The Search for Hitler's Bomb is in portion based on research that recently appeared from US archives in Germany. A few of the documents have made their way to NARA recently from the State Department which leads me to believe that the current book may be based on those items.

Just recently in German news and in US Physics journals there were several articles about how several children retrieved refined nuclear materials in Oberammergau during the same time that Kammler was last seen there. The physicists are seeking anyone in the US or Germany who may have had a relative in the area who recovered a curious black cube or wrote about them in their papers. It was near Oberammergau that both von Braun and Dornberger were stored safely away to be turned over to the US. This is beyond a significant portion of Kammler's papers and diagrams now residing in the US Holocaust Museum having been donated by the Samuel Goudsmit family.

Andreas Sulzer who was involved in the ZDF documentary and had interviewed the Richardson descendants is now claiming that a sealed off Mauthausen-Gusen complex was the last stand of Kammler. The few descriptions of the facility was for possibly for a launching of a dirty bomb or biological weapon from a Sanger Silvervogel' like aeronautical vehicle. I'm agnostic on the legends.

Sulzer now claims that he has references from the Viktor Schauberger papers of nuclear research for propulsion and weapons proceeding in Mauthausen. This does match up with Speer's comments to the British and in "Infiltration". These journal entries do not appear in the family's public archive and any entreaties made electronically have not been returned.

More curiously at least according to one of the Richardson children, linked in full to the OSS Society, was that Kammler was involved in the semi-fictional Operation High Jump, who was attempting to make a movie on the story until recently. This whole fiction has reappeared recently in TTSA.

There are also a whole trove of curious CIC documents of informants reporting back to General Lucian Truscott about a German dirty bomb and biological project along with a delivery system being developed in full in South America and Antarctica after the war. Most of them read like a conspiracy theorist's fever dream but significant portions of it match up with the Kammler legend.
Nathaniel Richerson Wrote:I am unsure of the current book being published as Mr. Lemkin explained… It is from the far right and being published by Regenry History who has its own history back to the old Liberty Lobby, Spotlight Magazine, and other far right disinformation campaigns. Specifically around the JFK assassination, General Patton's car crash, and possibly others surrounding James Angleton's red right hand. The two children of OSS officer Donald Richardson all mention that he was linked to Lemnitzer, Dulles, Boris Pash, and then rumored to have interrogated Kammler.

Tom Agoston was a US Army CIC informant, and working for British intelligence under Hearst cover. He was later a helpful resource to Pete Bagley, Ian Sawyer, Douglas Botting, and dozens of other interested in OSS and CIC history. He was also somehow involved in the Norwood Birch-Gregory Douglas-Gestapo Mueller continuum linked back to the Soviets which spawned significant portions of this story up until the turn of the last century. Several former Soviet and current Russian Generals have been making their own peculiar claims on the subject in Russian media in the last four years. Дезинформация.

If anyone has seen any significant documentary evidence from the two Richardson brothers, I am willing to share the handful of items I have tracked down. The Detroit Free Press items cited by Karlsch simply do not exist as they were shown to him. The few surviving Knaack items are explosives on other fronts. I have chased Donald Richardson across three continents and the few documents and information out there that exists is almost so purely contradictory that it leads me to believe that it is pure counter intelligence.

One scion claimed that Kammler killed himself in US custody, a claim that not even Mr. Cook would not publish in full. The other claimed that Kammler was given a social security number, a phone number, and address in the United States and others unaffiliated with the family more recently are claiming he was killed in the US by a camp survivor who recognized him in the US. The less than proverbial wilderness of mirrors.

The 2014 documentary by ZDF on The Search for Hitler's Bomb is in portion based on research that recently appeared from US archives in Germany. A few of the documents have made their way to NARA recently from the State Department which leads me to believe that the current book may be based on those items.

Just recently in German news and in US Physics journals there were several articles about how several children retrieved refined nuclear materials in Oberammergau during the same time that Kammler was last seen there. The physicists are seeking anyone in the US or Germany who may have had a relative in the area who recovered a curious black cube or wrote about them in their papers. It was near Oberammergau that both von Braun and Dornberger were stored safely away to be turned over to the US. This is beyond a significant portion of Kammler's papers and diagrams now residing in the US Holocaust Museum having been donated by the Samuel Goudsmit family.

Andreas Sulzer who was involved in the ZDF documentary and had interviewed the Richardson descendants is now claiming that a sealed off Mauthausen-Gusen complex was the last stand of Kammler. The few descriptions of the facility was for possibly for a launching of a dirty bomb or biological weapon from a Sanger Silvervogel' like aeronautical vehicle. I'm agnostic on the legends.

Sulzer now claims that he has references from the Viktor Schauberger papers of nuclear research for propulsion and weapons proceeding in Mauthausen. This does match up with Speer's comments to the British and in "Infiltration". These journal entries do not appear in the family's public archive and any entreaties made electronically have not been returned.

More curiously at least according to one of the Richardson children, linked in full to the OSS Society, was that Kammler was involved in the semi-fictional Operation High Jump, who was attempting to make a movie on the story until recently. This whole fiction has reappeared recently in TTSA.

There are also a whole trove of curious CIC documents of informants reporting back to General Lucian Truscott about a German dirty bomb and biological project along with a delivery system being developed in full in South America and Antarctica after the war. Most of them read like a conspiracy theorist's fever dream but significant portions of it match up with the Kammler legend.

Very good Nathaniel. You've done some homework and most, not all, is IMHO correct or pointing toward the truth. Colm and I parted ways because of our huge political/personal differences [and some other factors] long ago. He has one document I've seen no others have seen, and it is one I can't figure out how he will present it without people going to trial if not prison...more I will not say about it. It is real, but HOW it was obtained is the issue. The publisher they are using is IMO horrible, we will see about the book. I really have no idea, except I think not much of the three authors political outlooks. But truth his truth from the left or the right - but one's perspective and starting point determines much what you look at, who you talk with, and how one interprets the materials.

I know a lot I don't feel privy to say at this time. One of the Richardson sons was himself an intelligence agent. I was in contact with him and just about to meet him this summer when he up and died [I don't think there was a connection - but it is unfortunate]. The father told the sons and father might have not told the full or straight truth....ditto the sons. Both sons are now dead. I'm battling with the powers that be to get documents on Richardson and that is NOT easy. I have about 200 pages thus far and they show very strange features typical of spooks. The best stuff is hidden in a few places, one of which I know and I have no access. Make that two places to which I have no access - yet.

I believe the Nazi Rocket team was waiting in Oberammergau as pre-agreed in a deal physically set up by Dornberger, but on Kammler's orders....but the USA wanted more from Kammler. Sultzer is no fool! I know him very well, but he is difficult at times, and keeps much of what he gets close to his chest and his sponsor's. As with JFK, those with bits and pieces of the Kammler puzzle rather than working in concert with others who have pieces all too often work one against the other or go it alone. Sadly. I know from experience and VERY hard knocks. Ouch! There are also outstanding Kammler researchers you nor anyone outside of a small weird brotherhood know about - and I'm not mentioning any names.

Try to get the manifest of the U-234! You can not! That was another Kammler deal IMHO. I do not think Kammler ever stepped foot in the USA and how and when he died is a mystery I'm working on, as are others. The trail grows very cold and confusing at the start of 1946. Richardson was in the Manhattan Project and High Jump and many other high profile events. He was as close to a 'James Bond' type as I have ever come across - a spook without portfolio used for special missions. His taped story of his spook life exists, but is not accessible. Yet if ever.

Kammler was, I believe, in the Linz area at the end of the War and captured there, moved to US Occupied Germany and interrogated in super secret circumstances - but there are some documents of this. None yet are public. It won't be too long, I think for some to start to turn up.

All kinds of false stories have been made up [and were back as far as May 8, 1945] about where Kammler was and how he 'died'. I have seen stories of him dying by his own hand or that of his adjutant on May 9 south of Prague, near Oberammergau, living in disguise in Czechoslovakia, in the USA, , in East Germany, in the USSR, and other places - all false and all invented to be false to throw people off the trail.

Perhaps one of the more interesting things I could mention is that Kammler's name was on an index card - those cards were persons to be tried at Nuremberg. His card has an X on it with the words 'deceased' written on it...the person who wrote that knew it was a lie. They had 'more important' things to do with Kammler than have him hung for his many crimes..... Who the 'they' is is also very interesting....some who one would think, others not those that might come to mind at first or at all......

I have worked on this story for over 20 years and the more I study it the stranger it gets and the more complex it gets! It is one hell of a story!!! and being kept secret best 'they' can even today...and into the future, I'm sure....
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
According to Hydrick, Critical Mass, footnote 29 page 19 (1st edition): US National Archives II, Manifest of Cargo for Tokyo on Board U234, translated from German, 23 May 1945, RG 38 - 370 15/05/07 box 3, original German loading manifest, RG 38- 370 15/05/07 box 3.
Jan van den Baard Wrote:According to Hydrick, Critical Mass, footnote 29 page 19 (1st edition): US National Archives II, Manifest of Cargo for Tokyo on Board U234, translated from German, 23 May 1945, RG 38 - 370 15/05/07 box 3, original German loading manifest, RG 38- 370 15/05/07 box 3.

Not the real manifest, IMO! The U-boot was surrounded by curtains and special guards when people and items were removed. There is no publicly available manifest BY THE AMERICANS, only a part phony one by the Germans, the one you cited above. It gets into the whole thing too about the Japanese aboard who either committed suicide [official story] or were murdered en route.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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