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Songs and music
Love this song. It represents how so many people live in the world today.
English translation:
Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
To escape the law
Lost in the heart of the great Babylon
They call me
For not having any papers

To a city of the north
I went to work
I left my life
Between Ceuta and
I’m a line in the sea
A ghost in the city
My life is forbidden
So says the authority

Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
For having no papers
Lost in the heart
Of the great Babylon
They call me clandestine
I’m the lawbreaker

Black Hand clandestine
Peruvian clandestine
African clandestine
Marihuana illegal

Alone I go with my sorrow
Alone goes my sentence
To run is my destiny
To escape the law
Lost in the heart of the great Babylon
They call me
For not having any papers

Algerian, Clandestine
Nigerian, Clandestine
Bolivian, Clandestine
Black Hand, Illegal
Here is his site
Forgive me for changing the tempo a little (actually, a lot) Magda.

The following is one of my favourite songs. I think the seriousness of the underlying subject matter deserves this level of ridicule:

Germany was having trouble
What a sad, sad story
Needed a new leader to restore
Its former glory
Where, oh, where was he?
Where could that man be?
We looked around and then we found
The man for you and me
And now it's...
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Deutschland is happy and gay!
We're marching to a faster pace
Look out, here comes the master race!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Rhineland's a fine land once more!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Watch out, Europe
We're going on tour!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany...
Look, it's springtime
Winter for Poland and France
Springtime for Hitler and Germany!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Springtime! Springtime!
Come on, Germans
Go into your dance!
I was born in Dusseldorf und that is why they call me Rolf.
Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi party!
The Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming, the Fuhrer is coming!
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
Heil Hitler!
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Heil Hitler!
Heil myself
Heil to me
I'm the kraut
Who's out to change our history
Heil myself
Raise your hand
There's no greater
Dictator in the land!
Everything I do, I do for you!
Yes, you do!
If you're looking for a war, here's World War Two!
Heil myself
Raise your beer
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi stand and cheer
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
Heil myself!
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
Heil myself!
Ev'ry hotsy-totsy Nazi...
...stand and cheer!
The Fuhrer is causing a furor!
He's got those Russians on the run
You gotta love that wacky hun!
The Fuhrer is causing a furor
They can't say "no" to his demands
They're freaking out in foreign lands
He's got the whole world in his hands
The Fuhrer is causing a furor!
I was just a paper hanger
No one more obscurer
Got a phone call from the Reichstag
Told me I was Fuhrer
Germany was blue
What, oh, what to do?
Hitched up my pants
And conquered France
Now Deutschland's smiling through!
But it wasn't always so easy...
It was 1932. Hindenburg was working the Big Room and I...
I was playing the lounge. And then I got my big break.
Somebody burned down the Reichstag. And, would you believe it?
They made me Chancellor. Chancellor!
It ain't no myst'ry
If it's politics or hist'ry
The thing you gotta know is
Ev'rything is show biz
Heil myself
Watch my show
I'm the German Ethel Merman
Dontcha know
We are crossing borders
The new world order is here
Make a great big smile
Ev'ryone sieg heil to me
Wonderful me!
And now it's...
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Goose-step's the new step today

Bombs falling from the skies again
Deutschland is on the rise again
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
U-boats are sailing once more
Springtime for Hitler and Germany
Means that...
Soon we'll be going...
We've got to be going...
You know we'll be going....
You bet we'll be going...
You know we'll be going to war!!

One of my all time favorites David! [Image: grin.gif]
Nice song.

I had to type in user name and password to make this post. And I was already logged in....Court will seem so easy this afternoon Smiley
Web Oficial :
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Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval (October 14, 1917 - February 5, 1967) was a notable Chilean folklorist. She set the basis for "The New Song" (La Nueva Canción chilena), a renewal of Chilean folk music. Parra was born in San Carlos, province of Ñuble, a small town in southern Chile. She was involved in the leftist movement and the Chilean Socialist Party. She established the first Peña, (now known as la Peña de los Parra). A peña is a social and political community center. The word is Spanish for "hard rock." There are now many peñas throughout Chile, Latin America, and in North America, Europe, and Australia. They serve the expat communities that fled Chile after the CIA-backed coup of 1973 that overthrew Salvador Allende's democratically elected socialist administration.
Violeta Parra is a member of the prolific Parra family. Her brother is the notable modern poet, Nicanor Parra. Her son, Ángel Parra, and her daughter, Isabel Parra, are also important figures in the development of Nueva Canción in Chile.
She committed suicide at the age of fifty.
Her most famous song, Gracias A la Vida, was popularized in the US by Joan Baez. It remains one of the most covered Latin American songs in history.

LYRIC : Thanks to life
( Violeta Parra)

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me two eyes, and when I open them

I clearly distinguish black from white
And in the high sky, its starry depths,
And from the crowds, the man that I love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me hearing, which in all its breadth Day and night records crickets and canaries,Hammers, turbines, barking, dark clouds,And the tender voice of my beloved one.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me sound and the alphabet
And with it the words to think and speak
Mother, friend, brother, and the light that brightens The path of the soul of my loved one.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has kept my tired feet walking
With them I walked through cities and puddles,Beaches and deserts, mountains and plains And your house, your street and your courtyard.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It gave me my heart, which shakes its frame
When I look at the fruit of the human brain
When I look at good ones so far from bad ones
When I look at the bottom of your light-color eyes.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me laughter and it has given me tears Thus I distinguish between joy and pain,
They are all elements of my song
and of all your songs, which is the same song and of everyone's song, which is my own song.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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