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Legal Eagles
In an ideal world, if the scheduled release of all of the remaining sealed records surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy in October next year hit a brick wall, some sharp legal minds would already be prepared to go to court to wage a legal battle to contest the continuous stonewalling. For those of us who cannot wait until then, Are there any legal avenues/actions that can be taken to reopen this five decades old murder mystery?

If so, What are some of the key steps that need to be taken to secure a court case? Would such an action potentially bring undue stress/harm upon the families affected most by the tragic events of that day? Should they at least be contacted before any legal action of any kind moves forward? Isn't that the right thing to do? Even if the Kennedy's, Oswald's, Tippitt's, etc, gave their blessing, just who should head up a legal team seeking a sense of genuine justice in this case? Would someone akin to Mr. Salandria (Vincent) be available? Would he be interested? Same two questions for Mr. Lane (Mark)?

For such a herculean task, however noble, a solid foundation has to be set from the very beginning before undertaking the challenge. In your opinion, What key steps have to be taken in order to field a competent legal team of experts in this matter? Aside from the ideas a layman like myself shares in the following outline, What are some other key/necessary steps to adequately prepare for a legal battle of such significance?

Establish a Legal Team: *Five lawyers (to present the new, compelling evidence, warranting a reopening of the case) Ideally, this team will be lead by a lead-attorney, but reflect a general make up of key legal experts specializing in specific areas as it relates to the respective evidence to be examined. Team also charged with what official records to subpoena as well.

Cost: Sadly, the old adage, you get what you pay for is sotrue, so we're talking at the very least half a million dollars here. *Ten private investigators (to conduct the feet, eyes and ears on the ground operations. In order to thwart the enemy it may be wise to compartmentalize their duties, and create back channel communications w/previously designated call signals/code structure.

Cost: Sadly, the old adage above applies here too, so aquarter of a million dollars to account for their pay, travel, meals, lodging accommodations, equipment, etc.

Establish Venue:

*Dallas County, Texas, where the actual crime of the centurytook place
*A federal district court in the locale of the individual(s) filing the petition
*By default the federal district court in Washington, DC
*Due to safety concerns perhaps the proceedings should be held abroad in a neutral place, where freaky "accidents", and/or "suicide" by "self-inflicted"multiple rounds with one's off hand won't suddenly happen exponentially.

Establish Witnesses:

*Mr. Frazier (Buell Wesley)

*Mr. & Mrs. Paine(Michael & Ruth)

*Anne Goodpasture (if still among the living, or at least someone familiar with her role in the *Agencyin 1963) Could she have been the mystery woman briefly detained by Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig before she could drive her car out of the rear parking lot of the TSBD? Why was this woman in such a hurry to "get out of Dodge"?

*All living members of the 6
[SUP]th[/SUP] Floor work crew (coming to get you sumbritches, gutless,lying cowards).
*All living amateur and/or professional photographers on the scene that afternoon who captured video film footage and/or still photos.

*All Parkland medical personnel (physicians and otherwise who are still living)

This is not a comprehensive plan by any stretch of the imagination,so feel free to pitch in and share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions, etc. If anyone is going to do something about this BIG lie, it will have to fall to the living. Time is of the essence here folks. It is slowly slipping away, and with it any real chance to set the record straight on the bullsmit insulting our intelligence.

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