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Subversive war against russia and china
Apologies for the machine translation, but this is a fascinating and important piece, setting out the rationale - which plants and why - behind recent US special forces attacks on the Sino-Russian military infrastructure:



Quote:Diversion (from the Latin. Diversio - «deviation distraction") - secretive, but carefully prepared special events DRG or individual scouts saboteurs by disabling most important sites Amazingly little attention paid in the media a series of explosions, fires and other emergency enterprises around the Moscow region, have a critical sense in the defense technology. Moreover, there is no reflection due professionals, experts on the subject. After the publication of materials and and assumptions made there and continue the new series of emergency in Russia and China in September, it is necessary to examine the causes of these phenomena in the context of a legitimate question - "What we now have to wait and where?". First, a little chronicle:


August 22, 20:40 local (12:40 UTC), g.Tszybo, Huantay County, Shandong Province-tion. Explosion and fire at chemical plant Shandong Runxing Chemical Technology Co. The plant produces world-class basic intermediates for synthetic fibers industry (including aramid - Kevlar) as well as films, polyurethane products and new innovative mat-fishing for space prom-ty. The pride and the flagship of the Chinese chemical industry.

August 31, 23:22 local (15:22 UTC), g.Dunin, Lijing County, Shandong Province-tion. Explosion and fire at chemical plant Shandong Binyuan Chemical Co. The plant is busy producing some unnamed substances and additives, as well as intermediates for "biotech". For information about the actual appointment of the company hide - apparently included in order dropped directly. It located in Duninskoy SEZ, where nearby businesses microelectronics.

September 7 19:56 local (11:56 UTC), g.Lishuy in Zhejiang Province-tion. Explosion and fire at chemical plant Lishui Nanming Chemicals Co. Combine oriented to production of basic intermediates for microelectronics businesses (resins, photoresists, the substrate p / n devices, etc.). You can dig into the directories when hunting. List of chemical enterprises of China-centric supply to the industry of microelectronics -http: // List of companies microelectronics China -


September 2, 17:50 MSK, Fryazino, Moscow region. Gas explosion at Fryazino PILOT PLANT

Reference: "Technological cotton-gas mixture occurred on the territory of Fryazino pilot plant. As a result of the incident one person was injured - he was hospitalized with burns, said the EMERCOM of Russia in the Moscow region. According to the agency, the explosion occurred in the building at ul. Serial passage,. 6. The reports of incidents received by the operative duty shift CMC in the Moscow region on September 2 at 17:58 MSK. It is noted that as a result of the accident befell oven and glass flew. Fire after the cotton was not followed. Currently working at the scene rescuers. Attracted by the forces and means: 6 pieces of equipment, 20 people, including the Ministry of Emergency Situations 3 pieces of equipment, 10 It produces a "clean room" for the production of microelectronics technologies 120-65 nM bio-laboratories and high risk. ). The factory is a supplier of, among other things for SSPE "Source" (the rocket and satellite microelectronics). In the immediate vicinity of the plant is a scientific research institute "Platan" (display system inf-tion for the headquarters, bunkers, mobile manual, combat vehicles and ships). Other defense companies Fryazino here -http: // night from 8 to 9 September, Troitsk, Moscow region. Robbed Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FIAN) them. Lebedev, Laboratory for High Energy Physics. Reference: "As a result of penetration into the territory of the laboratory were completely destroyed two physical plant severely damaged the accelerator and stolen expensive equipment. He said that the aim of the attackers, according to preliminary data, there were electronics and non-ferrous metals. "

"Destroy two unique experimental facilities damaged accelerator stolen computer motherboards and vacuum pump. Material losses, according to our estimates, will amount to tens of millions of rubles. But the saddest thing - the restoration of the equipment will take at least a year. And this is - the significant damage done to the fundamental science ", - said the head of the department of nuclear physics and astrophysics LPI Oleg Dalkarov." The job profile of the laboratory of FIAN is the same as that of the TSVFI in Protvino, but more narrowly focused research. Scrub the same issues - nuclear fusion, high-energy physics, lasers and hard radiation. Although full abstruseness journalistic chatter in the media, can be grouped into putative targets of sabotage on grounds such as a) The profile of the attacked companies in the defense, and general economic context, b) location and nearby businesses.

For China, this could be described as an attack on: - Microelectronics industry military and space applications; - Sintetetiskih industrial fibers industry wide application, including the military; - A branch of biotechnology, new materials and nanotechnology; - Supercomputing projects; - The stability of the complex production chains; - Life support systems populated districts of;

For Russia, the list of such attacks: - Nuclear fusion technologies; - The laser-ogy of high energy; - The explosion-gies on new physical principles; - The Gia-rocket engines and systems Ex-tion; - The Gia-EW / ECM, and "smart" radar ranges and all appointments; - Independent mikroprotsesornoy Architecture (Elbrus, SPARC, MIPS) for different purposes and operating them (including "hard» real-time OS); - Techno ogy and electronic filling of military weapons systems for the Army, Air Force, Navy and rocket-kosmich.voysk; Lists are far from complete. You've got to make a retreat for those who do not understand what is at stake.

The fact that the crisis of the global dollar system of division of labor (CPT) has led to the top of her law-decay. Around the beginning of 2012 the two countries, KNRi the Russian Federation, at the level of the ruling national elites have agreed to disengage from who had gone into the dressing "pyramid Fed." Within the framework of the SCO began economic and political processes of extrusion agents of influence of the Fed, as well as the dropping of the national budget burden to finance the US debt. Moreover, the real fight against offshore companies, corruption, drug trafficking and the movement of capital crime in China and Russia strongly undermined the possibility of the owners of the Fed robbing economies of Russia and China. The development of mutual trade without the use of the dollar, especially in energy, as well as systematic arrangement of "regional currency areas" within the SCO (EAEC - ruble China + satellite - Yuan) of complexity; (polycentric multi-level) the model of the Soviet CMEA, has made it possible in 2015 to invite to this " deamerikanizirovanny "Eurasian common market (60% of the world population and 45% of global GDP), and the two largest countries on the continent - India and Pakistan. This is the prototype of the new Eurasian Continental CPT.

This means that more than half the world's population is gradually cease to finance their unpaid labor, and the state budget of the United States, and profits of the largest American financial monster-corporations (Vanguard, Fidelity, Templeton, Capital Partners, etc.). Just because no longer use the dollar in mutual calculations (and% loan and share seigniorage on the entire volume of the country's GDP remains within the economy), gradually lose their dependence on US technology holders cease to sell in the US criticism (for the security of the SCO) resources. We all remember from school that confidence in the US dollar provided the power (of importance): a) the American war machine; b) American diplomacy to promote democracy; c) under the jurisdiction of the US yurispudentsiey which employs the largest and most ravenous capital; It is to compensate for these American "know-how to impose their world domination" and needs the joint efforts of the SCO countries (and soon the BRICS) to establish an international cooperation which would be able to confidently confront the United States and its satellites, in all kinds of geopolitical confrontation. And then it is time to say that apparently, after a triumphant SCO summit in Ufa in July 2015, the old strategy of US pressure on Russia and China, has been replaced by a new, more rigorous and active. What are the features of this new strategy? It is in relation to Russia. The main feature, IMHO, can be considered a transition from terrorist attacks and the "color revolutions" to direct sabotage. Sabotage, against the targeted companies / organizations and their property and technology infrastructure, and to sabotage these groups predprityaty, and even against members of the media-critical information or expertise. This does not mean that acts of terrorism will be forgotten, no. This means that the financial and organizational focus shifted to US attempts to removal from power of Putin's team through the pressure of the radical opposition, agents of influence of internal and foreign partners, that can be called Hybrid subversive and criminal wars. This war was declared Russia 12 Agusta 2015, and we should remember this date. However, even more rigid China declared war, but that is not easier ..

In the above-described cooperation of the SCO role Russia can be large strokes defined as a) the organizer and the provider of the continental security of Eurasia, the developer of the unique military and space technologies, b) the supplier of all kinds of mineral resources and energy technologies, and c) the operator of transcontinental logistics and transport networks, d) the vendor unique cultural traditions and social experience for incubation postburzhuaznogo market economic structure-model for the future. The role of China, roughly - a) world factory "custom", b) technology harmony of nature and the urban environment in metropolitan areas of superdense, c) global school of industrial discipline, d) the guarantor of economic stability in the world after the entry into a new way of life. From the above it is clear why it is so important to the capital with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange moved to Mainland China in the Shanghai stock exchange. The concentration of capital in its jurisdiction - a guarantee of the foreign forces. Destabilizing the industry PRC bombings of key US companies want to kill two birds with a number - 1) disrupt plans for upgrading the PLA and the supply of components of microelectronics RF (we have a huge defense contracts, both internal and external, for contracts with India, Venezuela, etc.). , including 2) "scare" free capital APR from long-term investments in China, ensuring that they "ran" in New York. In addition, this is achieved cessation of integration processes in the Asia-Pacific region and Eurasia (Maritime Silk Road, the Economic Belt of the Silk Road), and the process of rapprochement with Europe. Sabotage against Russia are intended to undermine the above-described role of Russia in international cooperation of the SCO, BRICS, in order to supply the arms in their own Armed Forces, the Armed Forces and allied countries were disrupted. For R & D space programs were disrupted. For R & D and innovation topics CMO for national households Islands were thwarted. To export for major energy contracts were disrupted. To build a new transcontinental transport infrastructure was disrupted (Northern Sea Route, Salekhard-Igarka Railway, the Great Ring Road, Far East). In other words, the Eurasian continental interstate system blocking access "democratic Sun» (A2 / AD) and successful reflection disarming global strike the US-NATO scored a rate of increase of its power, that the combined efforts of special forces of all arms of the USA becomes no longer enough for them, Eurasian systems continental security guaranteed by the collapse. And because in this fight "big zavarushku" with Russia and China in earnest no American wants the SCO as a weakening chosen focus on diversionary war. In fact, under certain conditions, this tactic can be very, very effective.

Regarding the sabotage destabilize Russia can be said that since the Soviet times for Western intelligence agencies, our country remained "area of ​​high operational risk." This means that no free expanse, no secret service operatives nor the employees of PMCs, or even disguised agents, we do not - "absolutely impossible to work in peace!". Therefore, always previously used potential ethnic criminals together with the potentials of "radical opposition" and the corruption of officials, and these balls of snakes "quietly" managed by professionals from the CIA. Now, in heavily thinned FSB and GRU criminal and corrupt networks will be actively implemented legendirovannye operatives, saboteurs "undetectable Profile" (married couples, the elderly, the disabled and the imaginary, etc.). The work of these "invisible" will be lump, in the final stages of well-trained operations functions masked sweeps witnesses associates (corrupt, shady business, dirty bankers, ethno-crime), if necessary. This is in addition to the traditional "travel" specialists for particularly important work (classic saboteurs-supermen). Let us think now, in some localities, at what time and against which objects can expect diversions. We think given that the objects of sabotage is the technology and industrial chain. This means that the first is guaranteed to be destroyed along with the documentation and man-developers, while the latter may be permanently destroyed unless destroyed first! In other words, the priority of a successful sabotage must always be based on the priority of destruction TECHNOLOGY. And only after that, or odnovoremenno it makes sense to destroy the production chain. From the above it is clear that for a successful diversion need reliable intelligence on the location and concentration of documentation technology developers, research equipment. It is necessary to reconnoiter in which production chains, where the technology is introduced. It is necessary to identify critical suppliers of the chain. A talented designer will consider a series of sabotage acts of sabotage against the technology and industrial chains as a whole, with options, coming up with ways to sabotage under the disguise of an accident.

Thus, the site of a possible future disguised sabotage can be considered all Russian science cities in which intensive work on the defense and space state orders, as well as a breakthrough for the nano-bio-technology, micro-electronics and nuclear power. Since a good counter-terrorism covering Moscow, we should expect attacks in the Moscow science cities far from the Moscow Ring Road at 10 km and more. That is, Dolgoprudny likely not threatened, but the Dubna - yes. Reutov and Korolev - no, Protvino and Troitsk, Pushchino, Chernogolovka - yes. Regarding science cities other regions of Russia is difficult to speak as head developers in Moscow and the Moscow region, and only a small part in the St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. It is generally a question of experts and counter-intelligence. The objects of sabotage are (1) housing with research equipment and documentation, computer systems and storage (storage), communication and power equipment (cover - the night of the accident, fire, theft). Diversions can be arranged, and against (2) research teams (cover - explosions, fires, chemical accidents during working hours), and against them (3) scientific advisers (cover - suicide orgrablenie-murder, accident, kidnapping or close people-ka). Systems increased risk of sabotage attacks is an industrial refrigeration or Air-cooling plants based on ammonia. Storage of industrial gases (oxygen, propane, acetylene), and storage of fuels and lubricants, or coatings (paint and varnish mat-ly) - also very dangerous places for sabotage. However, it's not a big deal for a great diversion. For more diversions will be selected nearby industrial enterprises with technological cycles required to keep the warehouses of raw materials and finished products rather large amount of hot chemicals. Such substances, which will allow, with the "right" mixed burning after the explosion, the wall of fire to spread virtually uncontrolled. Extends beyond the industrial site and engage in fire targets of sabotage. Something similar might be in a situation with an explosion Schelkovskogo "Penta-91", which is located near the "Himinzhiniring" produces phosphates. From "Himinzhiniringa" to Fryazino SSPE "Istok" 3 km, and possibly ammonia cloud from the decomposition of ammonium phosphate in a fire, is theoretically (!), Would have done a lot of trouble for the staff this critical Russian defense industry enterprises. In the production of construction, contractors, on the territory and in the buildings of the targets of sabotage can temporarily store flammable and even explosive substances and mate-ly. And the corrupt officials can "ignore" violations. The introduction of a saboteur in a contracting organization can make a diversion super efficient - and to destroy documentation and technology development team. Here for the "creativity" a lot of room. But somewhere in the province still keep tanks and chlorine for disinfection of tap water ...

Sabotage against specific people in addition to disguise criminal act, they can be disguised as "an explosion of propane neighbors" when folding several apartments in the entrance of the House panel, or presses a collapsed brick wall. But it is rather exotic. Custom pressure chosen by children or relatives, abducting them, landing on drugs or even changing the mentality of a special communication on the Internet, if the psychological profile of the victim allows. The recent history of Varvara Karaulova through the social network "run down" to the love of LIH, and even managed to escape to Turkey, is very similar to a special operation of pressure on her father, the head of the Civil Code "Info Guard" (hardware and software encryption). Several years ago, a teenager at the estate of his father's guns shot people in the school. A couple of times, at the beginning rassladovaniya, flashed information that the boy was fond of online shooters (shooters on the player faces) type of team (Team-Fortress, etc.), a lot of sitting in the network, and that his father was a leading employee at the Institute of Heat Engineering (development of products for the Strategic Missile Forces). The case presented in the media is very obscure, and it's very similar to the abortive sabotage against the father handed his son .. About the destruction of productive chains in the MIC must say that the last time they pretty much protection, but only at the level of information about them. Financially, these chains are unprotected from deytstvy bankers or Raiders. Safety is of key personnel or facilities of suppliers or sub-contractors for the purposes of military-industrial complex still remains at a low level. Everything rests on the consciousness of stable teams. In other words, if the developer plan sabotage learns that one of the key components, without which it operates, such as a rocket engine, consists of the 3 parts that nobody else companies X, Y, Z not produced in Russia, the plan disguised it will sabotage against those 3 small factory in the province. It did so in China - undermined the main suppliers of the lower level, which will now be no idle production of higher levels of redistribution of many industries. Losses kolassalnye! Where and what threats we wait, we somehow assumed. Now it is important to draw conclusions - how to resist all this. Not in terms of counter-terrorism or anti-subversive activities, and for preventive arrangements, significantly complicating the work of sabotage and criminal networks. The first thing to do is to make it difficult to gather intelligence for the preparation of sabotage:

- To establish enterprise modes of access to information; - Carefully protected storage of information; - To establish a strict regime of employees' access to the territory, premises and equipment; - Eliminate the use of information outside the enterprise; - Bringing to eliminate workplace smartphones; - Eliminate the possibility of outside interference in the work of information systems org-tion through the use of 100% of Russian processors, servers, and operating systems; - To bring order to the inner gas rescue service and fire protection company (if any) or to create a (no); - Refuse to go to private security companies and the Ministry of Interior Vohra; - Develop special regulations for contractors and neprerynogo surveillance (video and personal) for its staff; For the level of municipal authorities and the authorities in the region seems more reasonable to go back to the Closed formats (closed adm. Terre. Formations) for remote science cities. This would solve the problem of access saboteurs etnokriminala and other organized crime as a diversion target companies, and to the key personnel of the perdpriyaty. For example, Fryazino does not suffer from the establishment of the Closed mode.

Regarding the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in science cities, everything is much more complicated. The fact that saboteurs may organize first few distractions accident-emergency, to link staff MOE somewhere away from the future target of sabotage. MOE work in science cities should be made more intelligent and interactive, to provide the latest tools for monitoring the environment and monitoring the situation on hazardous communication / areas to equip the robotic technique (the same is true for MES in p-tries of the concentrated chemical industry of the Russian Federation). Roughly speaking, the MOE should do the selection of staff in the service of the same strict as the Interior Ministry. Perhaps it makes sense to set up small units and RTN Rosstroynadzora and operational control of MOE, with the responsible of counterintelligence. To restore order in enterprises of science cities and housing. But most importantly, that the inability to create an atmosphere of covert sabotage training, this should be openly recognized as such a threat and begin to prepare the population, and even instructed to conduct exercises for civil defense and emergencies. Talk on TV and radio about how to recognize the training of sabotage and reconnaissance, where to call and what to do. A conspiracy of silence observed nowadays the media will only give rise to rumors and distrust lead to social corrosion, which is always on hand to our enemies.

Source PS: In this perspective, interesting to look at the disaster that happened a few days ago, September 11, that is, on the anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers in Mecca, where a giant tower crane belonging to the company, which is owned by the family bin Laden, down to home Sword of the city, which led to the death of many pilgrims. Bin Ladens - old friends of the Bush family, are not the last people in the sinister corporation "Vanguard" on the conscience of which, among other things, and the Ukrainian crisis, and instant collapse of the stock market in China, and more, as will be discussed in due time. It is possible, in fact, I am almost certain that the collective inspired and organized sabotage of the war against Russia, China and its own people is precisely the corporation, the notorious "Dr. Evil" of subversive activity which in various parts of the world, much is known. How to protect against sabotage hybrid war waged against Russia, "Empire of Good" and its striking force - the company "Vanguard"? The only effective protection from attack - attack. No war, and even more subversive war is not won on the defensive.

We are not sadists, and do not offer to arrange in the US bloody attacks. Or, even worse, - to organize satellite broadcast in North America cartoon series "Masha and the Bear." Americans for the most part - good guys, and we do not wish them harm. But more serious allocate funds to so-called soft power - you need it. Including in order to explain to the American layman, what monsters, he warmed to his chest. The abyss of money to spend on the zombies of their fellow citizens, is not it better to focus efforts of the collective "Surkov" melted down (not in the sense of fusion) of the electorate of our strategic opponents?
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
Seven killed after bombings in Chinese city of Liuzhou

Police say 15 explosions in Guangxi region, which hit buildings including a hospital, were criminal act not terrorism

Quote:A series of explosions targeting public buildings in a small city in southern China has killed at least seven people and injured more than 50, officials and state media have said.

The Ministry of Public Security said it was treating the case as a criminal act and not terrorism. It said a 33-year-old local man, identified only by his family name of Wei, was considered a suspect but provided no further details, including a possible motive or whether the man had been detained.

A local Communist party newspaper, the Guangxi Daily, cited police as saying there were 17 explosions in Liuzhou, in Liucheng county, leaving seven people dead, two missing and 51 injured. The paper also said the suspect had not been apprehended.

he explosions, which occurred between 3.15pm and 5pm, hit a hospital, local markets, a shopping mall, a bus station and several government buildings, including a jail and dormitories for government workers, according to a police statement posted by the local newspaper Nanguo Zaobao.

"There were so many of them, and they were so loud, everyone in the county could hear them," said a hotel employee who gave only his family name, Li. The hotel is near a township office building that was hit by one of the explosions.

"They sounded like someone was blasting rocks in the mountains," Li said.

Zhou Changqing, the police chief for the city of Liuzhou, which has jurisdiction over Liucheng, said the blasts were triggered by explosive devices delivered in several mail packages, state broadcaster CCTV reported.

A supermarket employee said the store was evacuated immediately when an adjacent supermarket was hit by an explosion. "All of us heard the blast. It was very loud," he said by phone.

Photos posted online showed streets filled with smoke, strewn debris, dust clouds in the sky and the rubble from a five-storey building that had partially collapsed.

The official Xinhua News Agency reported that at least one more explosion hit downtown Liuzhou, away from Liucheng county. It did not say whether there were any casualties from that blast or whether it was connected to the explosion in Liucheng.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche
I wonder how China will respond?
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The security services have prevented a major terrorist attack in Moscow

Quote:According to preliminary data, the purpose of the underground criminals could become one of the capital's airports or other public places.

Law enforcement officers conduct interrogations of detained members of a criminal association, which in the near future plan to commit a terrorist act in Moscow. According to preliminary data, the purpose of the underground criminals could become one of the capital's airports or other public places.

According to sources, the detention of active members of the terrorist group began at 12 o'clock in the Presnensky district of Moscow. According to reports, security officers received operative information that in one of the apartments in Strelbischensky Lane is a group of men who are prepared to undermine a powerful explosive device.

According to sources in law enforcement agencies, local police has caused one of the residents entrance, which complained that on the landing outside her apartment are a few men. According to her, they were dressed in black uniforms and were discussing something in a low voice. The woman did not hear the conversation, but one of them uttered the word "detonator" caught her attention.

Later it turned out that by the time police arrived on-call alert citizen in a dangerous apartment has worked FSB Russia. Special services through its own channels receive current information about the actions of criminals. That's special forces soldiers, who stood on the landing, attracted the attention of a woman, and then she called to the guards.

According to sources, when viewed from the apartment found almost ready to use improvised explosive devices. Also found were more than five kilograms of ammonium nitrate, mobile phones and the capacity to build a bomb.

In total in the apartment, as well as another in a series of detention in other locations, we were caught by 10 active members of the group, as well as their accomplices.

- Today, as part of the complex operational search activities by the security forces in one of the residential buildings in Strelbischensky alley JSC Moscow City detained a group of persons involved in the preparation of a terrorist attack in the capital. The apartment where the bandits were hiding, found and defused an improvised explosive device. Given the evidence of the necessary operational checks, - said the representative of the Information Center NAC Andrew Chatsky.

Investigative actions in the apartment will be carried out until late at night. Residents of one of the entrances of homes were evacuated on time. After the FSB found that the danger no longer threatens people, all were allowed to return to their apartments.
"There are three sorts of conspiracy: by the people who complain, by the people who write, by the people who take action. There is nothing to fear from the first group, the two others are more dangerous; but the police have to be part of all three,"

Joseph Fouche

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