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Are the "Generals" About to Return to Greece?
In 1967, NATO's plan Prometheus was initiated leading to a military coup in Greece and a cessation of democracy. Is this on the cards again? Brzezinski's recent statements last year that Greece represent a thorn in the side of NATO (HERE) is suggestive.

From VoltaireNet


Greece: the N(ATO) Factor

by Manlio Dinucci

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Article published 7 April 2015[Image: 1-3928-45951-860bf-ed098.jpg]The memory of the military coup d'etat organized by NATO in 1967 still haunts Greek political life. Tomorrow, on 8 April, Tsipras will meet Putin in Moscow. At the same time, the EU, the ECB and the IMF will hold another summit on Greece, which the following day has to pay a 45 million euro tranche of the loan granted by the International Monetary Fund.Officially, the issues in the Moscow summit relate to trade and energy. One of these is the possibility that Greece becomes a European hub for the new gas pipeline, replacing the South Stream, blocked by Bulgaria under US pressure, that crosses Turkey and will carry Russian gas to the EU border. They will also discuss a possible relaxation of Russian retaliatory measures against the sanctions - permitting the import of Greek agricultural products.According to his statement to Tass (31 March), Prime Minister Tsipras has communicated to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, and to the EU Representative on Foreign Policy, Federica Mogherini, that «we do not agree with the sanctions against Russia» [1]. And, at the first EU Summit in which he participated on 19-20 March, he officially supported the view that «the new European security architecture must include Russia».Confirming such a position, Tsipras will once again be in Moscow on 9 May for the 70th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany, a celebration boycotted by most Western leaders (Obama, Merkel and Cameron leading the flock). On the other hand, it will be the Chinese President, Xi, with a contingency of Chinese armed forces that will parade in Red Square with the Russian forces to symbolize the ever-closer alliance between the two countries. President Putin, in his turn, will be in Peking in September to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory over the Japanese military.By getting closer to Russia, Tsipras's Greece is therefore actually becoming closer to China and to the new Euro-Asian Economic Area, that is in its gestation period on the basis of the Investment Bank for Asian Infrastructure established by Peking to which Russia together with around 40 other countries belong. From financial institutions in this area and also from those in the Brics (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) that aim to supplant the World Bank and the IMF, dominated by the US and the major Western powers Greece could receive the means to free itself from the stranglehold of the EU, the ECB and the IMF. Also, because China wants to make Piraeus, a hub of primary importance in its trade network. According to the «The Independent», «the Greek Government is ready to nationalize the country's banks and to create a new currency»; in other words, it is ready to leave the Euro and, if compelled, also the EU [2].But at this juncture, another factor enters the equation: Greece is not only a member of the EU but also NATO. «Greece, a friend to Moscow, could paralyze NATO's capacity to react to Russian aggression ». So warns Zbigniew Brzezinski [3]. Stern words not to be taken lightly: Brzezinski was, for a long time, the White House's strategic adviser and he is still in close contact with it. Even if the defense minister Kammenos guarantees that «the new Greek government maintains its NATO commitments despite its political relations with Russia», Washington and Brussels are surely conspiring to prevent Greece becoming the "weakest link in the new confrontation with Russia and, in fact, with China. The 1967 coup, which brought the military to power in Greece was implemented on the basis of NATO's plan «Prometheus» [4].While the times have changed, the political and strategic interests on which NATO is established have not. In the meanwhile, it has become more of an expert in domestic destabilization methods.
Anoosha Boralessa

Il Manifesto (Italy)

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[1] "Greece denounces UE manipulation on Ukraine", Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 9 February 2015.[2] "Greece considering nationalising its banks and issuing new currency, sources claim", Ian Johnston, The Independent, April 3, 2015.[3] «La Grèce pourrait "paralyser" l'Otan, estime Brzezinski», AFP, 25 mars 2015.[4] « La guerre secrète en Grèce », par Daniele Ganser, Réseau Voltaire, 24 août 2013.

See also HERE
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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