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AOL story "Clint Hill clearly hears the third shot" taken off line within 1 hour.
When I got home this afternoon, my fiancée asked me if I'd read this article, which was on AOL within the hour. Now, its not there.

She's not into the topic, so she only read the title. She says the title was something like "Clint Hill clearly hears the third shot" or similar words. Anyone else see anything along these lines today?

Edit: I found the article. It was pushed for Chrome, but not Internet Explorer, which explains how I couldn't find it originally. However, the article disappeared off Chrome as well. Here is the article:

The story is about 8 tell-all books. Book 6 is Clint Hill's book.

The video accompanying the AOL article is basically Hill hawking his book. At 2:20 into the 4 minute video he talks about JFK. However, he does not say during the interview, "I clearly heard the third shot;" which would have been a surprising departure from his testimony and his published material over the last 50 years, which was that he only heard two shots. So the article must have been removed temporarily to either remove the incorrect title, and/or edited to remove that particular remark.
"All that is necessary for tyranny to succeed is for good men to do nothing." (unknown)

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