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Steven Hager on the assassination of JFK
So close yet so far, Steven says, "But after Sturgis was caught at the Watergate complex and convicted, he sued the Committee to Re-elect President and the case was settled out-of-court. Sturgis believed he was acting on orders from the White House in a matter of deep national security, looking for evidence involving the JFK assassination supposedly held in a safe by the heads of the Democratic Party. According to Sturgis, this evidence had been collected by Cuban spooks investigating the case for Castro."

That is NOT what Watergate was about, that story was Sturgis' cut-out, he already knew who had the photos, I hope I can get through to one person, these are the facts, this is the truth.

No one, and I repeat it no one, knew who had the photos of Sturgis and others who were in Dallas on the day of Kennedy's assassination, Sturgis would later come out with this information exactly three months after Edwin Kaiser's murder. Tell me, why didn't Frank make any mention of the photos during the Watergate era, or even shortly there after, or while in prison, or even after he got out of prison? I'll tell you, because he was proud of the fact, what he did to my father. Frank Sturgis would then tell the world who had the photos after killing my father, by not giving too much information. I knew Frank. How did Sturgis know that my father had these photos? Well, for starters, my father started to show these photos around in Miami, and it wouldn't be long before word got around.

You want to write a true story, then lets get the real facts out.

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