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John F. Kennedy Pushed for Inspection of Israel Nuclear Facilities
From the National Security Archive
Last one to do so. If it is ever established that Israel has nuclear weapons they lose their US funding. No one is going there. :Ninja:
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Its actually much worse than this.

I just finished a review for Bob Parry on an important book by Roger Mattson, who once worked for the NRC.

In Stealing the Bomb, he makes a cogent argument that the Israelis jump started their program by stealing U 235, and technical secrets about the bomb from an American owned plant run by two radical Zionists in Apollo Pennsylvania.

In the book, he notes that this came to compete fruition by 1968, when the CIA determined Israel had the bomb. And he writes that LBJ and Nixon completely dropped the ball on a nuclear proliferation program, as it had been outlined by Kennedy. He also writes that by 1963, Kennedy had determined that Ben Gurion and Golds Meir had lied to him about the program. He was quite upset about this and was outlining a new program to obstruct the Israelis from building a bomb.
Jim DiEugenio Wrote:He also writes that by 1963, Kennedy had determined that Ben Gurion and Golds Meir had lied to him about the program. He was quite upset about this and was outlining a new program to obstruct the Israelis from building a bomb.

Well, of course they lied and that horse has long bolted according to Vanunu. All this diplomatic kabuki theatre.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Vanunu did not start work at the Negev desert until the seventies. And the place he worked at initially was not Dimona, but the research facility.

He reported on what the Israeli arsenal was at the time he was there.

By all accounts I have read, the Israelis did not have the bomb in 1963. That is why they were doing this shell game with the company called NUMEC in Apollo, Pennsylvania. As Mattson tells it, and he reviewed it for the NRC, the Israelis did not want to wait for the ability to develop Plutonium. So they slowly stole U 235, from NUMEC.

There was no Kabuki about the conflict between Ben Gurion and JFK. I have seen the letters Kennedy sent to Israel. He was quite intent on not letting anyone else have atomic weapons, especially in the Middle East, since it was the first plank of his four part peace plan.

The kabuki came after. When the CIA told Johnson that Israel had nukes and the material seemed to have come from NUMEC in Pennsylvania, Johnson did nothing. In fact he told the CIA to keep it a secret and not tell State or Defense. LBJ negated Kennedy's Mid East policy and his NNP policy by swinging against Nasser and toward Israel in advance of the Six Day War, actually prior to that. This is why Nasser broke relations with the USA. Kennedy's relationship with Egypt was actually the keystone to his Middle East policy. And this was how he was going to attempt a Palestinian settlement in his second term. Its also why Sadat was the first person to sign his condolences at the American Embassy after JFK's murder and why Nasser fell into a mild depression, and then ordered Kennedy's funeral to be shown on Egyptian television four times in a month. Not kabuki I think.

Nixon and Kissinger went even further than LBJ in the imbalance in policy and NNP issues. Kissinger should never ever have been the point man in the Middle East. That is one reason why Nixon is so overrated in his foreign policy that its ridiculous. But the point is Kissinger seems to have known about the heist at Apollo. But he still recommended that Nixon overlook it. The idiot Nixon did so. And in 1969, he made an informal agreement with Golda Meir which JFK would have puked at. He essentially told the PM that if Israel would not say anything about their nukes, or test them, he would not make it an issue or ask that they sign the Non Proliferation Treaty. Now, that is Kabuki. Why?

Because they did do testing, during the Vela Incident in 1979, in the Indian Ocean, helped by South Africa. Luis Alvarez helped cover this up with more junk science, like he did with the JFK murder. To my knowledge Carter made no effort to publicize this. How could he with the National Security Advisor he had. It was Brzezinski who urged Carter to "give Russia its Vietnam in Afghanistan" and let the Shah into the USA. In the former, he caused the rise of Osama Bin Laden, with the latter he caused the explosion of Moslem fundamentalism that Kennedy warned about over 20 years earlier in 1957.

The last two developments completely reversed Kennedy's four part Middle East policy. And paved the way for the disaster we have there today.
Kinda ironic how after talking to Allen Dale how he says Antonio Venciana and other Cubans NOW have a different outlook on Kennedy 50 years later, I'm pretty sure it's a smoke screen. And, how Kennedy just pissed off the Israelis and French governments. Nah, I suppose no one but Oswald had a reason to assassinate Kennedy. I'm sure DVP would agree.
An even bigger coincidence is just what excatly was Ed Kaiser doing in Israel during the HSCA investigations, and we already know he was the French Foreign Legion's best sniper who also ended up training many cuban exile anti Castro groups, but, perhaps, we shouldn't go there. There's enough bs out there already, sometimes its best to leave well enough alone... And, just let everyone run around like a chicken with their head cut off. I forgot, there are some folks who already know everything.
No Jim not kabuki theatre with JFK, that was genuine political peace making the like of which is sadly missed but with all subsequent presidents and State Departments. Every one knew Israel has the bomb and Vanunu proved it openly to the world. But every one is pretending it never happened so as to preserve the mythical lie because if the truth were openly acknowledged the whole game changes radically.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Israel has not publicly conducted a nuclear test, does not admit or deny having nuclear weapons, and states that it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the Middle East. Nevertheless, Israel is universally believed to possess nuclear arms, although it is unclear exactly how many. Wouldn't you think that if Isis could also get their hands on nuclear weapons they would?

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