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Cheney and Kristol remember the big day.
Others may have already seen this, but it was new to me. Bill Kristol has his own YouTube page (with comments locked under each video). A variety of guests pop up to chat with Bill about life, the universe and other things of interest to the Neocon mind. In 2014, Dick Cheney sat down for a long chat, and the duo cover a bunch of subjects before Dick is given the stage to recount that interesting day in September 2001. The conversation is fascinating for a number of reasons, but I'm sure people will get different things from it. Note to future documentary makers - Cheney explicitly discusses Continuity of Government, and mentions how 'helpful' his prior practice sessions were to gearing the program up on the day.

Peter Dale Scott and some other researchers have floated the notion of plots within plots unfolding on the day, and Scott noted that if Cheney had authorised the shoot-down of United 93, it could imply that the hijackings were undertaken and controlled by people outside of Cheney's circle.

One of these days it would nice to have an insight into the layers of blackmail, duplicity and cover-up that unfolded between the various groups on 9/11. After the attacks, I'm sure the wagons were circled and the official story was held aloft by the whole bunch, but I do occasionally wonder which of the insiders knew exactly what was to come that day, and which others were surprised by how events eventually unfolded.

Slightly off the subject, Cheney and Rusmfeld have both given their muted support this year to Donald Trump as the preferred Presidential candidate. Paul Wolfowitz has given his own muted support to Clinton. Trump called Bill Kristol an idiot on stage a couple of months ago and has seemed ever so slightly less onboard with the Neocon attack-Russia-and-the-Middle-East program than Clinton. My theory that the Zionist wing maintain slightly different policy goals to the lets-implement-domestic-fascism crowd takes a hit with the knowledge that James Woolsey has jumped onboard the Trump train as Donald's advisor on national security. Maybe Trump is taking a different tack to get some important insiders onboard. Who can say?

If you'd asked me a few years ago, I would have suggested there were insiders to the plot, who knew the whole sequence of events, and outsiders who knew next to nothing but who kept their mouths shut afterwards for numerous important reasons. These days I now wonder if some central figures expected some, perhaps a lot, of what was to come, but were taken by surprise by other events on the day.

It's unread by me and unrelated to the subject matter, but I was taken by the title of a recent history book on US involvement in the Chilean coup. CARLUCCI VS KISSINGER.

Both figures have their own ties to what happened that day, with one attending an important meeting that morning with Bush Sr plus a member of the Bin Laden family, and the other briefly being picked to run the 9/11 Commission before his own Bin Laden business ties made him leave the post. Carlucci was Donald Rumsfeld's old college roommate. I don't have the links handy, but I've read in a few books that during the latter years of his Presidency, Bush Sr had some run ins with the 'crazies in the basement' and wasn't totally on board with the most extreme Zionist goals that were floating around. I wonder whether the meeting on the morning of 9/11 was a way to gain some new understandings based upon the facts on the ground, and Bush Sr's. own Iran-Contra cover-up team, including loyal Lee Hamilton, was quickly drafted in to help bury what needed to be buried. A nice way to blackmail someone might be to implicate drug traffickers under their employ within the broader 9/11 plot. Did Jeb Bush really rush to Huffman Aviation the day after 9/11 to remove files concerning Marwan Al-Shehhi and Mohamed Atta? If that story is true, the timing really makes me wonder if he was in the dark on September 10th about everything that was about to unfold.

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