I'm sitting in my car typing on my smart phone. I just visited Dealey Plaza for the first time and took cell phone video and stills. Spoke to Groden and his partner. The place was almost already familiar to me so it wasn't such a shock. Glad I got to visit. I'll upload the videos when I get home because my phone won't let me do it.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I'm sitting in my car typing on my smart phone. I just visited Dealey Plaza for the first time and took cell phone video and stills. Spoke to Groden and his partner. The place was almost already familiar to me so it wasn't such a shock. Glad I got to visit. I'll upload the videos when I get home because my phone won't let me do it.
Turn me on,"d" man....
Quote:Albert Regan Doyle passed from this life at home in the presence of family in Sanibel, Fla., after a long illness on Jan. 23, 2014.....
......Special thanks to Albert's son Brian who provided care for him at home....
"[URL="http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=23086#entry334370"]Who's that stomping all over my face? [/URL]
Where's that silhouette I'm trying to trace?
Who's putting sponge in the bells I once rung
And taking my gypsy before she's begun
To singing the meaning of what's in my mind
Before I can take home what's rightfully mine....."
Several members posting frequently are using this forum as a principle component of their own self-administered, mental health therapy.
They are attempting this at the expense of this forum and of other forum members.:
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Albert Doyle Wrote:I'm sitting in my car typing on my smart phone. I just visited Dealey Plaza for the first time and took cell phone video and stills. Spoke to Groden and his partner. The place was almost already familiar to me so it wasn't such a shock. Glad I got to visit. I'll upload the videos when I get home because my phone won't let me do it.
Turn me on,"d" man....
Quote:Albert Regan Doyle passed from this life at home in the presence of family in Sanibel, Fla., after a long illness on Jan. 23, 2014.....
......Special thanks to Albert's son Brian who provided care for him at home....
"[URL="http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=23086#entry334370"]Who's that stomping all over my face? [/URL]
Where's that silhouette I'm trying to trace?
Who's putting sponge in the bells I once rung
And taking my gypsy before she's begun
To singing the meaning of what's in my mind
Before I can take home what's rightfully mine....."
Several members posting frequently are using this forum as a principle component of their own self-administered, mental health therapy.
They are attempting this at the expense of this forum and of other forum members.:
Let's leave up to Tom to find that needle in a haystack, Tom, in-case you didn't know, what are the odds of there being more then one Albert Doyle? Holy crap man!
Scott Kaiser Wrote:......
Let's leave up to Tom to find that needle in a haystack, Tom, in-case you didn't know, what are the odds of there being more then one Albert Doyle? Holy crap man!
Albert Doyle Wrote:
Drew Phipps Wrote:Just curious why you would assume the moniker of an at least "partly-discredited-by-virtue-of-insanity" eyewitness to the Oswald double story. That strikes me as callous. Wasn't the use of the Ralph Yates name the topic of some other seemingly pointless post in the recent past? What are you up to?
Yates is only discredited if you believe the word of the FBI in its Kennedy assassination investigation.
Honestly, if we look at FBI's behavior in its investigation it lied, corrupted evidence, operated with the intent to enforce a cover up, and very likely participated in killing witnesses. What you are saying is take their word on Yates who otherwise, by comparison, actually comes up much better as far as credibility than FBI.
Yates wasn't at all insane. Any claims of insanity concerning Yates come after the FBI forced his breakdown by denying his witnessing and making Yates reconsider his understanding of reality where he previously thought FBI would react honestly to evidence.
No, Yates was telling the truth as his FBI polygraph showed. The positive outcome of that test included Yates confirming that he had seen the backyard photo. I assume the photo the hitch-hiker showed Yates was one of the backyard photos. The backyard photo showed Lee Harvey Oswald's face. Yates passed a lie detector test where he claimed the hitch-hiker, the man in the photo, and the man shown on TV after the assassination were all the same person.
Why do you doubters accept the FBI's word when they are trying to destroy Yates but then don't accept it when it backs him? Practicers of Deep Political analysis should know that what is written in FBI reports is not nearly as valuable as what isn't. When the FBI man told Dorothy Yates that Ralph had passed the test that is the most meaningful evidence here and speaks the most. It exonerates Yates and shows he wasn't insane. Certainly not at FBI's word.
Scott, aside from the devastating impact this forum continues to suffer at your hands, you are indeed a gift that keeps on giving. No one could possibly feign your consistently
exhibited hyper-cluelessness.
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.
Albert Doyle Wrote:My internet Inquisitor Tom Scully...A person barrel scrapes personal information about family members and trumpets it on the internet. Pretty low.
No refuge for pathologically dishonest scoundrels trolling the internet via impersonation. There is nothing to lose by calling you out. Any forum that would have you as a posting member, even against all the evidence that it is inadvisable
to continue your access privilege, is proceeding against its own best interests.
You are not going to come out and admit in plain language you've been impersonating your deceased father and the mentally ill WC witness Ralph Yates, posting under both of their names, but the overwhelming evidence demonstrates
that you have been impersonating Albert and Ralph, Mr. "Hendrix expert."
Peter Janney's uncle was Frank Pace, chairman of General Dynamics who enlisted law partners Roswell Gilpatric and Luce's brother-in-law, Maurice "Tex" Moore, in a trade of 16 percent of Gen. Dyn. stock in exchange for Henry Crown and his Material Service Corp. of Chicago, headed by Byfield's Sherman Hotel group's Pat Hoy. The Crown family and partner Conrad Hilton next benefitted from TFX, at the time, the most costly military contract award in the history of the world. Obama was sponsored by the Crowns and Pritzkers. So was Albert Jenner Peter Janney has preferred to write of an imaginary CIA assassination of his surrogate mother, Mary Meyer, but not a word about his Uncle Frank.