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...and then there are all the expected one million private drones to be in use in the USA in 2016. Expect both of these number to increase dramatically, and expect your personal privacy to become a thing of the past....whether it be spying from a nosy neighbor, a prank group of kids, or the NSA or police - or some such.
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[TD="width: 84%"] Drones in the Skies Over America: A Potential Nightmare in the Making By michael payne [TABLE="class: wwscontent, width: 100%"]
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here come the drones by
The era of drones in America has begun. And it won't be longbefore we will see the skies over America filled with various types and sizesof remote controlled drones. You'll see them hovering over your neighborhood, yourhome and almost everywhere you go.
Estimates indicate that at least one million of these dronesare expected to be purchased during this Christmas season even though the FAAis still far behind in finalizing essential regulations governing their operation.
Talk about opening a can of worms! Of all the misguidedpolicies and actions taken by this government in recent times its decision toallow the widespread use of drones across America has to be one of the veryworst. At a time when this country has a myriad of serious problems plaguing itthis government has created yet another.
Yes, without a doubt, these drones are going to be great funfor many Americans. They will be the latest technological toys, a great hobby, somethingnew and exciting to keep people occupied. Millions of dollars will be spent anda variety of new businesses will be created; we'll probably see newbillionaires emerge as the brightest techno geniuses take advantage of thegreat potential that lies with this new and exciting technology.
It won't be long before you will be able to order productsonline and then have them delivered by Amazon "Octocopter" dronesthat will fly packages directly to your doorstep in 30 minutes. Google andWal-Mart also have plans in the making to do the same by 2017. Is this going tomake things better, more efficient and contribute added value to this society?Or will it, rather, be just one more example of technology that no one reallyneeds?
There is a very dangerous aspect involved with this introductionand future proliferation of drones that could well represent a potential nightmarefor this county, one that poses a specific danger for the airline industry andthe traveling public. The airspace around airports in this country is alreadyquite congested and it takes really good coordination by air trafficcontrollers to make certain that the highest degree of safety is maintained.
Here's a formula for disaster. Take the normal commercial airlinetraffic around airports and cities, mix in drones that violate air space, thenadd in small planes and helicopters used by commercial businesses, trafficreporters, as well as those used by law enforcement and hospitals and justimagine the chaos and catastrophic events that could easily take place. How inthe world will air traffic controllers be able to manage this increasedcongestion in the skies?
This warning should not be dismissed as some kind of baseless fear because therehave already been numerous close encounters between commercial jets and drones.Here's an excerpt from the Washington Post which reports on the many nearcollisions that have already taken place: "Pilots around the United States havereported a surge in near-collisions and other dangerous encounters with smalldrones in the past six months, at a time when the Federal AviationAdministration is gradually opening the nation's skies to remotely controlledaircraft, according to FAA records."
"Since June 1, commercial airlines, private pilots and air-trafficcontrollers have alerted the FAA to at least 25 episodes in which small dronescame within a few seconds or a few feet of crashing into much larger aircraft duringtakeoffs and landings at the nation's busiest airports, presenting a new threatto threat to aviation safety after decades of steady improvement in airtravel."
The FAA is said to be in the process of approving thousands of applicationsfor the use of drones but what good is an approval process when we hear thatone million or more of them will be purchased during this Christmas season byconsumers? Here's an article fromFortune that speaks to the FAA's great concern about these purchases of dronesas Christmas gifts. This situation can be thought of as trying to close thedoor to the barn after the horse has already escaped.
A great danger exists in the fact that this technologyappears to be a Godsend for potential domestic terrorists who will be givenaccess to a perfect vehicle to use in carrying out acts of terror withinAmerica. Does anyone think that some terrorist is going to follow FAA regulations?And how in the world will anyone be able to spot a potential terrorist-controlleddrone when it's a part of many in a given area? Does anyone in this government understandthe grave consequences that could follow because of what they have just allowedto happen?
The lack of privacy of Americans, already almostnon-existent, will grow even more intrusive. We've had our communicationscollected and stored by the NSA spying agency and now we are going to see more federal,state and local law enforcement agencies utilize this sophisticated surveillancetool to more closely watch the activities of the American people.
HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and SafetyImprovement Act was previously passed by both the House and the Senate; itauthorizes the use of 30,000 spy drones over America inthe coming years. That's evidently how this Congress intends to ramp up thespying process. Is that what this country, once based on its foundation offreedoms, really needs at this time in its history, yet more surveillance?
This has to be one of the most irresponsible, misguidedactions by the federal government in recent history; one that will,undoubtedly, substantially increase the dangers involving air space and thedaily activities of Americans.
It's not too late for this government to take immediateactions to put a complete hold on issuing any more licenses to drone operatorsand to initiate a ban on the sale of all forms of drones. It needs to studythis matter in great depth. There may be a need for an expansion of the use ofdrones in this country for specific, absolutely necessary purposes; but wecannot have a situation where there are no limits to their use and they,therefore, become a menace to the American people, bring danger to our airspace, and jeopardize our national security if terrorists get their hands onthem.
This government and the FAA, in particular, don't seem torealize that by allowing these drones to flood the skies over America that theyhave opened a door which will be almost impossible to close.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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I don't endorse all the author of the piece below states, but generally he is on the right track.... and the 30.000+ US spy drones will mostly be large drones with capabilities to do just about anything to suck up information about you, your life, your images, your communications, your movements - to track you, find you and possibly even neutralize you. These are NOT the toy drones you can buy online...but the same ones used in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Iraq and other war and non-war zones....these are military-intelligence craft - with full capabilities and live real-time feeback to human eyes and computers to see and then react to multiple targets. Many are silent and can operate high enough to not be seen or heard. Many can stay aloft for days without refueling or recharging. They all can be fitted with lethal weapons systems and come of the shelf with complete spy equipment.
Congress Approves 30,000 Spy Drones Over America
Media Fails Us Once Again; US Police State Tightens With 24/7 Surveillance
NewsFocus Op/Ed, by Tim Watts
Once again, another shocking story that threatens the personal privacy of US citizens has been kept from us by our politicians and the mainstream media.
Did you know that a bill, HR 658, the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, has just passed both the House and the Senate that authorizes the use of 30,000 spy drones over America? Like the anti-Posse Comitatus NDAA legislation that passed in November, this bill was not widely reported by the mainstream media.
Don't feel bad for not knowing about this, because like the anti-Constitutional NDAA legislation, they purposefully tried to hide this from the American public. The corporate controlled mainstream media was once again complicit and was an integral accessory in this crime against "We the People." The corporate mainstream media failed us all miserably.
Think about the enormity of this for just a second... 30-THOUSAND spy drones flying overhead surveilling the US. If you divide that by 50 states, that is 600 drones per state! Most states don't even have one-third of that number in total counties, so 600 drones, or more per state, is a bit overwhelming. And considering that some states are very small, such as Rhode Island and Connecticut, it won't take that many to spy on those diminutive territories, leaving far more drones to cover the larger states.
This is an outrage, plain and simple. If you're not pissed off about this, you've got shit for brains. There is no good reason why we should have 24/7 surveillance of American citizens. This creates a police state! It is an invasion of our personal privacy.
Of course the advocates for creating this intensified police state will proffer that this is needed "to fight terrorism," but let's examine that issue for just a moment.
We've only had two successful acts of terrorism in the US, both happening well over ten years ago. It's not like we're under a constant monthly or weekly barrage of terrorism, at least not from foreign threats. We've been terrorized by our politicians and our media plenty, far more than we have from foreign entities. That's an undeniable fact. Again, just look at the record.
We had the 9/11 attacks in 2001, and then shortly after we had the anthrax attacks. As we look at both of those events, there is an incredible amount of evidence that points to a false flagoperation, state sponsored terrorism by rogue factions within our own government, but blamed on a foreign entity. See the NewsFocus reports on the 9/11 attacks and the anthrax attacks.
In looking at these lone acts of terrorism, please keep in mind one key thought... that these plots succeeded solely because of US officials and their dereliction of duty, yet our Constitution and "We the People' are the ones who have been made to suffer. The highly flawed 9/11 Commission admitted as much. Senator Mark Dayton excoriated the Commission panel over bald faced lies in their report that attempted to cover up the numerous failures of protocol on that fateful day. Our top officials failed to do their jobs on 9/11, yet no one was demoted in rank and no one was prosecuted for their egregious ineptitude. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld all failed to act appropriately, and in fact, acted suspiciously outside the norm of their designated duties.
As far as the anthrax attacks go, they were actually tracked to a US military facility, at Ft. Detrick, Maryland. That's right, the anthrax used in the attacks was made in a US Army lab. Once that story became public, they shifted their blame from foreign terrorists to designated patsies within the US defense structure. The story died immediately.
So, with all of this in mind, we have only had TWO "alleged"successful terrorist attacks in this country in eleven years time, and both were highly suspicious events that have been attributed to false flag attacks from rogue officials within the US government, yet for some reason, we keep passing law after law that rescinds our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to set up a virtual police state in the US.
Does this honestly make any sense to you?
For what it's worth, we are actually fomenting terrorism with our highly bogus, bullshit War On Terror. We have formally invaded and brutally attacked three countries without provocation, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, plus we're also bombing Pakistan and killing scores of innocent civilians there as well.
This reporter's take is, the powers that be (TPTB) are trying to escalate terrorism to justify their fascist takeover of the United States. They're literally trying to piss off foreign entities to pick a fight. Again, they're attempting to justify their assault on "We the People," encouraging foreign terrorist attacks, all to establish a police state lockdown in America. This isn't about fighting terrorism folks, it's about keeping us under their heel, under a 24/7 watch.
Look at what's happened in just the last few months... Congress passed the NDAA Act behind our backs, authorizing military use on US soil against American citizens. At the same time, President Obama has enacted the SIP, the Strategic Implementation Plan against domestic "extremism."
If you speak out against the government for criminal activity or for egregiously attacking our Constitution, you can legally be considered an extremist and a terrorist. Bad news for you, because now you can be hauled away and imprisoned for life, without a trial or your Habeas Corpus rights.
In addition, FEMA has drawn up a new Continuity of Government (COG) plan that incorporates offensive military definitions and criteria that can be used against "We the People." Add to this the fact that the FBI has enacted new absurd terrorism identifiers that make us all suspects. (Having more than seven days worth of food in your house makes you a terrorist suspect. Please see my three-part series on the NDAA legislation.)
What is most unusual about the vote for the new drones over America bill (HR 658), it was very much a partisan vote, with Republicans being the primary supporters and Democrats staunchly voting against it. If you doubt this, you can see the roll-call of votes below. This is particularly disturbing. How is this a partisan issue?
The house vote was very close, with 223 yes votes and 196 no votes. Sadly there were 13 chicken-shits that decided not to vote on the bill.
The real curiosity is that the vote in the Senate was overwhelmingly in favor of the bill, with only 20 Senators voting no. Again, most of those voting no were Democrats. Still, how does the Senate vote highly in favor of such a horrific bill, when the House is nearly split down the middle? And once again, the partisanship absolutely baffles me.
I'm starting to think that maybe the research from the 2011 University College of London study is actually correct. They proffered that people tending to be conservatives have a much larger amygdala.
Why does that matter?
According to the study, the larger the amygdala, the more susceptible the brain is to being scared. At face value that seems patently absurd to this reporter. Seriously, it sounds absolutely ridiculous, but in light of the recent vote on HR 658, I'm seriously beginning to wonder.
To be fair, there were some Democrats involved in the passage of this bill, such as the regular corporate shills, like Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, and Carl Levin, but the support for HR 658 is far and away one-sided. That is disturbing to see. Again, it truly baffles this reporter, but I digress from the gist of this article.
If you think that having 30,000 drones over America is going to make us safer, you've been watching too much TV. How do these drones know who is traveling in a particular vehicle? How do they know if a sleeper cell has suddenly become active, or if a group has successfully infiltrated the country? Would these drones have stopped the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing? Would they have stopped the 9/11 attacks? Would they have stopped the anthrax attacks? The answer to all three of these questions is a resolute NO, because US authorities were asleep at the wheel to begin with, or complicit in all three of those events.
Compromising our liberties for the false hope of a safety that cannot be guaranteed is a foolish idea for a society that cherishes its freedom.
So how will 30,000 drones over the US keep us safe from terrorism?
Maybe a better question is, how might 30,000 drones be used to enforce a police state over American citizens?
The latter is more chilling and offers far more possibilities for TPTB. This is quite disconcerting given the fact that during the latest census all of our homes were GPS'd.
The bill is worth $63.4 billion dollars, so it will be interesting to track the money on this one. Considering that we are in such a dire economic crisis is this country, it is interesting that they deem it necessary to spend $63.4 BILLION dollars at this time.
Another disturbing thought, these drones can remain airborne for up to 50 hours at a time. What perils does this offer for air traffic safety, by adding 30-THOUSAND new aircraft to our skies? The FAA has nine months from the bill's signing to submit a plan to safely allow access for the drones.
The fact that our corporate controlled mainstream media failed to report on this, as they failed to do with the NDAA legislation, ought to tell you that they are working closely with the powers that be (TPTB). No other conclusion can be made. The media have been complicit and willing participants in these anti-Constitutional attacks on "We the People." This reporter advocates naming them as accessories to the crimes of state, for they are sharp enough to ferret out the real story, yet they refuse to do so.
One side note on HR 658... it also allows for GPS control and landing of aircraft. This is actually supposed to be the major impetus for the bill, with the drones as a secondary component. The GPS aspect is somewhat troubling because of the magnetic shifts that have been occurring on this planet.
The geomagnetic poles have undeniably been moving, so much so that airports have had to re-designate runway coordinates and adjust their GPS instrumentation. I would hope that with this in mind, they have implemented proper safeguards to account for this documented scientific anomaly.
In conclusion, it is very clear that a police state has descended upon America. If you doubt that, you have not been paying attention. It will take us into a new era."
You have to seriously ask yourself... with only TWO incidents of actual successful terrorist acts since 2000, why then is our government moving so recklessly with such EXTREME measures to counter a threat that does not present itself to us as on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even a yearly basis? How does this make sense? We're going to put 30,000 drones in the air for a non-existent threat?
George W. Bush absurdly said after 9/11 that the terrorists hated us for our freedoms. It would appear to this reporter that it is TPTB who truly hate our freedoms. Foreign terrorists did not take our freedoms away. Our politicians and government officials have done that, and they were able to do it because Americans were too f@#king lazy to pay attention to what has been going on in this country.
We are the most overly entertained society the world has ever known. There is a reason for that. If you keep watching the boob tube and continue to ignore what our elected servants are doing to us all, pretty soon you will be watching "Amerikan Idol"and "Goosestepping Mit Der Stars." What is happening in America today is far worse than Nazi Germany. Just because you still get to watch the idiot box and shop at Wal-Mart does not mean that you are free.
Time to wake up America. It's time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country. While you still have the chance to do so.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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We will need to make tin foil hats big enough to cover our homes soon. ::beammeup::
Here are some ACLU papers on this
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
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This, of course, has always been the fear about drones. Hone them to perfection overseas and then apply them at home.
I can imagine the dark day arriving at some point in the future where individuals will be secretly tried, found guilty and given the death penalty, and that penalty dispensed by drone. All without their awareness or knowledge or chance to defend themselves. It sounds atrocious and is atrocious, and I hope to goodness that my imagination is simply fertile and not real. But I fear it could happen.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge. Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
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David Guyatt Wrote:This, of course, has always been the fear about drones. Hone them to perfection overseas and then apply them at home.
I can imagine the dark day arriving at some point in the future where individuals will be secretly tried, found guilty and given the death penalty, and that penalty dispensed by drone. All without their awareness or knowledge or chance to defend themselves. It sounds atrocious and is atrocious, and I hope to goodness that my imagination is simply fertile and not real. But I fear it could happen.
Well, it IS already happening in other why not at 'home'.....only needs a few more false-flag attacks and tighter police-state....and we are well on our way 'there'.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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First Czech university to offer studies of drones
30 January 2017
Plzen, West Bohemia, Jan 28 (CTK) - The West Bohemian University (ZCU) in Plzen is the first in the country to offer a study programme focusing on drones or unmanned aircraft as from the next academic year, Martin Zrzavecky, the mayor of Plzen, which initiated the project, has told CTK.
The town of Plzen, which plans to use drones extensively and which supports this type of technology, is going to open the Dronet centre for drone development and production, Zrzavecky said.
The new study programme will acquaint students with the relevant technologies, drone design, construction and operation methods, ways to use drones as well as the related legislation and aviation practice.
"This is the first programme of its kind in the Czech Republic, unavailable elsewhere. I believe it will raise the prestige of the ZCU's technical faculties and further extend the opportunities for technical education that enjoys our maximum support," Zrzavecky said.
Plzen, the Czech Republic's fourth largest town, started massively supporting drones some time ago. It is the only Czech town to have acquired a permit for aviation works and to own and operate drones for various purposes, such as helping police and firefighters or monitoring municipal property.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Quote:This, of course, has always been the fear about drones. Hone them to perfection overseas and then apply them at home.
I can imagine the dark day arriving at some point in the future where individuals will be secretly tried, found guilty and given the death penalty, and that penalty dispensed by drone. All without their awareness or knowledge or chance to defend themselves. It sounds atrocious and is atrocious, and I hope to goodness that my imagination is simply fertile and not real. But I fear it could happen.
As the technocratic Leviathon comes to fulfillment, the "secret trial" could well be something that never involves a human, except for the builders and maintainers of the drones. There are now algorithms that find people who are "guilty" of pre-crime. Imagine someone someone looking at a drone that interprets the look as "negative." Zap.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I
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30-01-2017, 07:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 30-01-2017, 07:50 PM by Peter Lemkin.)
In the first ANNOUNCED special forces strike under Trumpf Administration, the young [8 years old!] daughter of Al Awlaki [a US citizen killed by drone] was murdered by US special forces along with other civilian non-combatants. Trumpf during the campaign said he felt the killing of families of 'terrorists' even if those in the family were non-combatants was 'justified'. Disgusting! Unethical and illegal. First they kill the father, then his son both by drone; now his 8 year old daughter! She suffered for two hours before dying with a bullet in her neck. Two other children were also killed along with ten women in the same strike that killed 30 - it seems mostly civilians. Way to go USA. We are exceptional - exceptionally inhuman.
Yes, I agree....soon [I think as soon as this Administration] one will find drones doing kill operations in the USA proper. Of course they are already doing spy operations and can be as small as an insect.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
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Peter Lemkin Wrote:In the first ANNOUNCED special forces strike under Trumpf Administration, the young [8 years old!] daughter of Al Awlaki [a US citizen killed by drone] was murdered by US special forces along with other civilian non-combatants. Trumpf during the campaign said he felt the killing of families of 'terrorists' even if those in the family were non-combatants was 'justified'. Disgusting! Unethical and illegal. First they kill the father, then his son both by drone; now his 8 year old daughter! She suffered for two hours before dying with a bullet in her neck. Two other children were also killed along with ten women in the same strike that killed 30 - it seems mostly civilians. Way to go USA. We are exceptional - exceptionally inhuman.
Yes, I agree....soon [I think as soon as this Administration] one will find drones doing kill operations in the USA proper. Of course they are already doing spy operations and can be as small as an insect.
Trump's war crimes. A long list of US war crimes. US has no business being in Yemen. Not invited. Let alone murdering Yemeni citizens. How do the other US citizens feel about US citizen being fair game for murder. Are 8 year old girls so dangerous?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx
"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.
“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.