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Lest we forget
During the Kennedy Presidency we became increasingly aware of the danger's that the Cold War presented something which is perhaps not so easy for the current generation to appreciate. All that we knew and cherished was threatened with destruction, on a scale never before envisaged. The very existence of all human life on this earth was in jeopardy. The stakes were and could never be higher! One of the considerations we face regarding JFK's tragic early death is that we will never know if the world would have been a better place had he lived. This much is certain 58,000 Americans and many more Vietnamese might have lived and our faith in governments would not have been so severely tested. I believe I can say with certainty that with the benefit of that much abused imposter known as hindsight, we can look back and regard the death of JFK as a pivotal moment in history when the demons of doubt and suspicion began to take hold. Martin Luther King Jr was a dreamer and so was John F. Kennedy. He and his brother Bobby were admirers of a quote from George Bernard Shaw, which I will paraphrase. "Some men saw things as they were and asked why? We dreamt of things that never were and asked, why not? These three inspiring men must not be allowed to become mere footnotes in history. Their untimely deaths are an insult to our sensibilities and we must not turn away and sigh. The investigations into the deaths of these great men are perfect examples of political truth: merely euphemisms for lies! The perpetrators of Jack, Bobby and Martin's deaths may well have escaped contemporary justice but they will not escape the verdict of history! It is up to those of us who treasure truth and justice to pick up the flag and carry it high for all to see. To make it clear we will not go quietly and remain docile to this blatant rewriting of history.
Those who lived, and were conscious of situational events of the era, will not forget, at least as long as memory exists. And, the children born in the later '60s through the '80s, have their parents memory for reference, but along about the 3rd generation post assassination(s), and beyond, those situational events relative knowledge will most likely rely on history studies. Unfortunately, each generation maintains less understanding of the era than the previous one, but also has to contend with ever advancing fictional accounts, as seen far too often in public venues where facts and truth are not allowed to obstruct a "story".



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