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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria

'Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting'

consider this conspiracy number 70, 999,999,999 that i have posted......:what:i am so full of it...b
Bernice Moore Wrote:

'Hidden agenda in Syria to show itself after Bilderberg meeting'

consider this conspiracy number 70, 999,999,999 that i have posted......:what:i am so full of it...b

Bernice, I must politely disagree with this guy, whoever he is, from Argentina, who claims that it is the right of any government to stop successionists, and draws the false analogy of a state in USA wanting to succeed, when in fact this is a Revolutionary war, winner take all campaign and not an attempt by a separate state in Syria to succeed.

In addition, historically, the origin of the revolution in Syria is well documented, and it was inspired by the successful non-violent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt, and the violence was instigated with the arrests of young boys - children, not even teenagers, who spray painted anti-government graffeti on walls and were arrested.

Now the Syrian government and this guy is falsely saying that the revolt was inspired by foreigners, just as LBJ tried to pawn off any conspiracy on the Warren Commission. There is no foreign instigation to this revolt, it is simply a revolution by the people of Syria, primarily young people, who want freedom, democracy and justice.

Reporters are not even permitted in the country to cover the revolt.

You want to blame the Bilderburgers, USA, NATO or UN, go ahead, but they have had no influence or impact on anything that is happening in Syria today, as the UN won't even condemn the atrocities being committed by the government there. And not to support the revolutionaries is to support the brutal dictatorships, in Syria, Libya, Baharan and Yemen, right across the board.

The big conspiracy in Syria is not among those powerful institutions we have no control over, but by the government of Syria in the suppression of the revolt.

I just don't understand those liberals and radicals who take pride in opposing the US government and military on the one hand, and reject the democratic Arab revolt to support tyrants on the other.

Either you are with the revolution or you are with the tyrants, and there's no three ways about it.

Bill Kelly
With respect: it's secede and secession and secessionist.
Charles Drago Wrote:With respect: it's secede and secession and secessionist.

Yea, I know I can't spell. I do it phonetically, and if the spell check doesn't work, I hope my point gets across. Sorry if it detracts from what I am trying to say.

Just think, if the British had won the American Revolution, we'd all be speaking English now.
William Kelly Wrote:I just don't understand those liberals and radicals who take pride in opposing the US government and military on the one hand, and reject the democratic Arab revolt to support tyrants on the other.

Either you are with the revolution or you are with the tyrants, and there's no three ways about it.

Bill Kelly

Bill - I have little interest in Bilderbergers, and do not believe their meetings to be any sort of "omnipotent guiding hand".

However, I reject your stark choice above. It is reminiscent of the "you're either with us or against us" lies of Dubya Bush's regime.

If we examine the Libyan "revolution", we find that it is clearly led by elements that until a few months ago would have been denounced as "Al Qaeda" (whatever that means), and is being manipulated shamelessly by western propagandists posing as MSM journalists.

See the DPF thread here.

Some of the NATO attacks "to protect citizens" have almost certainly been on facilities which harbour evidence of western provision of weapons, including chemical weapon precursors.

The usual banker suspects - including eg France's Société Générale, Goldman Sachs, HSBC and Nomura - are wading about in blood money, and trying to seize bank accounts and other assets from the Libyan people to cover up their money laundering and corruption.

Gaddafi's death will be no loss to humanity. However, western leaders have variously declared him to be a "terrorist bogeyman", a "great reforming leader" fit to be embraced by PM Tony Blair, and now he's back to being a "war criminal rapist" according to a crude NATO psyop.

Depending on how pliable to western interests the old goat was being.

Libya is simply another War for Oil, to allow western multinationals to control a supply of a depleting resource. The end result will be a wasteland with a destroyed infrastructure, sand and streets ridden with depleted uranium, children born to dead fathers, mothers burying children, brothers, sisters.

Western leaders use "democracy" as part of a psyop to persuade their citizens that these are legitimate "interventions". They are no such thing. All the military-multinational-intelligence complex wants is puppet regimes, willing to do as they're told.

Iraq and Afghanistan reminded us of this. In case we'd forgotten.

I remember cringing at various Bush women and Hillary Clinton banging on about "women's rights" in Afghanistan, and how the Taliban were evil predatory males.

The Taliban will form the next government of Afghanistan.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:Gaddafi's death will be no loss to humanity.

I think this is harsh Jan. He is not a tyrant or criminal like many of the other Arab leaders. I remember seeing/hearing a great speech by him which impressed me alot, you can see it here.
[URL=""]A Mediterranean Battlefield

[/URL][Apparently we are witnesses to a bizarre reordering of global alliances. The massive Leviathan gas find in the eastern Med. is bringing-out the true nature of certain nations, namely Israel, Greece and Russia, along with Turkey and only God knows who else, at this point. In my mind, the Russians and Israelis have shared a secret friendship for many years, only seeing it come to light in the great avarice on display off the coast of Lebanon. Turkey's game and the hidden hand of the CIA are a bit harder to figure-out. If Russia and Israel are seriously pursuing the gas off Lebanon and Cyprus, and if Turkey is ready to play the wild card, challenging the Israeli/Russian/Greek claims to all the gas, does this place Israel and America on different sides? Have our Zionist parasites written America off as its host, judging us to be a dying Empire? Has the shitty little country, comprised mostly of Russian Jews, judged the growing gas and oil empire of their former homeland to be a superior "gravy train" in these troubled times?
As preposterous as most of this sounds to the rational observer (it sounds insane to me), but could it be possible that a combination of American economic collapse, Obama's pressure on Israeli fundamentalists, Arab revolutions and international pressure over Gaza, have so moved Netanyahu and his accomplices, as to push them into breaking the long-standing profitable alliance? Has the upcoming move on Palestinian statehood really created a new paradigm for Israel?
Is Turkey really on a break-out course, or is this all just another CIA psyop? How will the Saudis fit into all of this? Turkey's navy is much larger than that of Israel and Greece combined, but that is more than offset by the much stronger Israeli Air Force. If the whole ball game is really up in the air now, because of all these trillions of feet of Mediterranean gas, could it be possible that the much, much larger Russian Navy will come into play off the coasts of Lebanon and Cyprus? Another nightmare seems to be unfolding right before our eyes, doesn't it? Does all of this, together with the chaos unleashed in N. Africa, mean that the Empire has written-off Central Asia as the biggest game in town, or has it merely been turned-down to a slow boil, while the world catches on fire from what is being overcooked in the Middle East?]
A Mediterranean Battlefield

[URL=""]In need of room to maneuver, Israel re-discovers Greece

By [B]Iason Athanasiadis

Greece's finances may be battered, so why is the country encouraging a controversial alliance with Israel? With a regional war on the cards for 2011 and Israel in search for allies, the burgeoning Greek-Israeli relationship features sophisticated airborne weapons systems, intelligence collaboration and the discovery of an enormous potential energy supply in disputed waters. Could the eastern Mediterranean be the next battlefield in the proxy war between Turkey, Israel and Iran?

ISTANBUL: A new eastern Mediterranean front has opened in the regional strategic conflict being waged between the US and its allies on one side and a loose alliance of actors including Turkey, Iran and Syria on the other.
The new alliance with Israel was [/URL]midwifed last year in Russia during a reportedly chance restaurant encounter between Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. Russia's Gazprom petroleum conglomerate was already eyeing the enormous energy reserves that had just been discovered under the eastern Mediterranean, estimated at 4.3 billion cubic meters of petroleum and a staggering 16 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. Fittingly, the field was named Leviathan.
The Greek-Israeli rapprochement was then nursed last June, after the bloody Israeli interdiction of a humanitarian flotilla headed to Gaza. Greece's half-American prime minister is an admirer of the Jewish work-ethic and maintains advisers such as Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stieglitz. He exchanged visits with his Israeli counterpart over the summer even as he continued trips to countries such as Libya, courting Arab investment. As the number of Arab tourists in Turkey surged to over a million last year, Israeli arrivals in Turkey plummeted. Many followed the example set by their prime minister, who endorsed the new ties by taking his family on holiday to the Greek islands.
Now Israel is looking to extend a pipeline across the Mediterranean to Greece and jointly exploit Leviathan. Extending all the way from Israel's coast to Cyprus and including portions of Egypt's and Lebanon's territorial waters, it is the largest deepwater natural gas deposit to be discovered in a decade. As regional tensions mount, the UN turned down a Lebanese request to resolve the dispute, the Iranian ambassador to Beirut declared that three quarters of the field belong to his host country and Turkey's foreign minister refused to recognize a maritime border delineation agreement between Cyprus and Israel that would open the way to drilling. As state-owned Russian monopoly Gazprom shouldered its way into the fray, all the ingredients for the next regional conflagration clicked into place.
The energy-related tensions do not end there. In November, Turkey dispatched two oil-exploration ships into disputed eastern Mediterranean waters, prompting protests from Greece. In a traditionally tense region where Greek and Turkish fighters engage in daily mock dogfights, the potential for escalation is huge. An ongoing court case in Turkey charges members of its military with planning to foment a war with Greece as a pretext to carry out a coup against the incumbent government.
From a Greek perspective, engagement with Israel could attract Israeli investment and technological knowhow to its moribund economy, secure sophisticated arms-sales and win over an influential protector that can act as a foil to a newly-energized Turkey eyeing energy deposits in the Leviathan field and the Aegean Sea.
"Papandreou wants to attract the interest of Israeli business in the Greek economy and perhaps attract US business through Jerusalem," said Sotiris Roussos, the head of the Center for Mediterranean, Middle East and Islamic Studies at Greece's University of the Peloponnese. "He also wants to reintroduce Greece as a player with specific natural interests in the eastern Med."
Greek-Israeli trade, currently approaching half a billion dollars a year, is increasing by 12 percent annually.
Tehran also seems perturbed. On a visit to Greece last December, former Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki offered Greece the status of "favored partner."
But his words "were more rhetoric and flattery than structured plan," said an informed Greek foreign ministry official. Mottaki offered no details of what Greece would gain in return for arguing Tehran's corner in Brussels.
"We very politely said we would consider their offer and left it at that," the official said, who also revealed that an Iranian embassy official had been caught trying to assess Athens Airport's security procedures as a "NATO-standard international airport."
In the same month as Mottaki's offer, an Israeli delegation was in Athens to discuss "a new military partnership in the Mediterranean" while a Greek military official visited Israel, tasked with purchasing unmanned aerial vehicles and weapons systems for Greece's F-16 fighter jets.
Greek-Israeli military ties were warming-up years before the political rapprochement. In 2008, Greece earned Iran's ire when it opened up its airspace for Israeli fighter jets to train for a possible long-range strike on Iranian nuclear facilities. Greece's Russian-purchased S-300 air-defense system is similar to Iran's.
"Tel Aviv is in need of air and naval space for the conduit of its military maneuvers," said Ioannis Michaletos, a terrorism analyst, "and the Aegean and East Mediterranean is considered an ideal space for any kind of military exercise due to the challenge that islands and mountain ranges pose to any modern jet or radar equipment."
The Greek media has been split over the new strategy, with one portion regretting the conclusion of a thirty year pro-Palestinian policy (Greece was the last western country to recognize Israel) and another appearing optimistic over where the new ties can take Greece.
"Any foreign attention is welcome," said Amnon Sella, professor emeritus at the Hebrew University. "I can imagine that significant ties may evolve in the future."
Until the Nazis occupied the northern Greek port city of Thessaloniki, it boasted Europe's largest Jewish community of immigrants taken in by the Ottoman Empire after the horrors of the Spanish Inquisition. But Greece held out from opening an embassy in Israel until 1990 against a background of anti-Israeli and pro-Arab political rhetoric championed by former Prime Minister Andrea Papandreou, the current prime minister's father.
With a fresh Middle Eastern war widely expected in 2011, Israel is anxiously seeking out new allies in an ever more hostile region. Netanyahu warned Papandreou during their private meeting that Turkey has the capability and intention to acquire a nuclear arsenal. But an alliance with Greece that would also bring Israel closer to Cyprus would see Israeli and Turkish fighter jets eye-to-eye on the disputed island's airspace.
Some Greek Cypriots view the prospect of a regional face-off with glee.
"The current climate supports the development of a powerful tripartite alliance between Israel, Cyprus and Greece, to which it would be wise to include friendly Egypt which has many reasons to be worried about Turkey's neo-Ottomanist imperialism," wrote Savvas Iakovidis in the Simerini daily.
Calmer voices such as Roussos, caution that "Greece has not the resources for a significant role in the Mediterranean. Its political elite is too absorbed by the IMF directives and badly injured by extensive corruption allegations to undertake initiatives regarding the Middle East."
Under the new agreement, Israeli intelligence services are expected to expand their already significant presence in Greece, a country that hosts over a million mostly Muslim immigrants seeking to reach the northern European Union and has become a potential center for Islamic radicalism.
"Significant Iranian interests such as the presence of Saderat Bank and a large Shi'ite immigrant population prompt Tehran to direct intelligence cells to monitor dissidents in Athens," said Michaletos. "The Israelis will also be interested in the Hezbollah cells operating in Athens, the strong business links with Beirut, ELPE's (Greek Petroleum) purchase of Iranian oil and the speculated funneling of Iranian capital flows through Dubai to Greece by Greek-Arab banking interests."
"You can be sure that Israel has considerable Mossad assets in Greece," said Philip Giraldi, a former CIA analyst, "but it is more interesting still that they might be angling for some kind of energy deal."
Iason Athanasiadis Journalist based in Istanbul, who covers Turkey, the Middle East and Central Asia. Since 1999, he has lived in Cairo, Damascus, Doha, Sana'a and Tehran.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Apologies for the aesthetic paste-up disaster above...
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

"Any attack on Cyprus would constitute an attack on Greece."

2011[SEE: Does Turkey Really Intend to Protect Gaza Cargoes and to Stop Cyprus Gas Exploration?]

Army must be ready to face threat

By George Psyllides
Cyprus mail

[Image: The%20National%20Guard%E2%80%99s%20new%2...s%20_0.jpg]
The National Guard's new vice commander Major General Andreas Petrides

PRESIDENT Demetris Christofias called yesterday for the armed forces to show "vigilance and readiness" in the face of Turkish threats over the island's intention to exploit potential hydrocarbon reserves in its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), as the EU told Turkey for the second time not to issue threats against Cyprus.
Greece also joined in, warning that any attack on Cyprus would constitute an attack on Greece.
"Turkish arrogance and the threats that are launched in a bid to intimidate (and) prevent Cyprus from exploiting its EEZ, call for vigilance and readiness," Christofias said, during the confirmation of the National Guard's new vice commander Major General Andreas Petrides.
Christofias said the armed forces are called on to deliver their top mission to safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the semi-occupied country, as well as the people's freedom and dignity.
"Times are difficult, but states and societies are being tested during tough times," the president said.
For the second day running, the EU told Turkey to stop issuing threats against Cyprus.
"The EU urges Turkey to refrain from any kinds of threats, sources of friction that could negatively affect good neighbourly relations and the peaceful settlement of border disputes," a spokeswoman for the EU's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton told reporters.
Maja Kocijancic said Turkey should work towards a "comprehensive" solution to a conflict between Turkey and EU member Cyprus over the occupied north.
Turkey has raised tension in the area, combining its spat with Israel over the death of nine Turkish activists killed in international waters last year with Cypriot and Israeli plans to explore for oil and gas in their respective EEZ's. Exploratory drilling is due to begin within weeks.
Turkey said it plans to beef up navy patrols in the region and secure free navigation of the seas, but it is believed that it really wants to build up a naval presence between Cyprus and Israel to scare investors away from the gas fields there.
Turkey has been irked by Cypriot-Israeli energy deals, and the tensions with Israel could enable Ankara to send a message without making explicit threats.
"Turkey's emphasis on freedom of navigation is also connected to the assessment that in the eastern Mediterranean there are natural gas deposits beyond what have already been discovered," Gallia Lindenstrauss of the Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University, told Reuters.
Greece meanwhile said yesterday that an attack on Cyprus would mean an attack on Greece.
"Cyprus is an independent member of the UN and has the right to independently determine its interests, alone or in cooperation with other countries," vice president of the Greek government Thodoros Pangalos said.
Government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou said the government is working in different directions regarding Turkey, urging the neighbouring country to operate in the framework of international law as Cyprus does "to secure peace and normalcy in the region".
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Turkish Naval Buildup in the Eastern Mediterranean


Turkish Naval Buildup in the Eastern Mediterranean

by Akin Unver
Foreign Policy Blogs
According to Turkish daily Sabah, Turkey's new strategic focus is shifting from the Aegean towards East Mediterranean. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had indicated earlier that Turkey would take steps towards ensuring freedom of navigation in Eastern Mediterranean, as a reaction to the Palmer report. In the following days it is expected that the Turkish Navy will start to assert its presence in larger numbers around Cyprus. Accordingly, more frigates, gunboats, submarines, naval helicopters and sentry jets will be allocated to what is called Operation Barbarossa: Aegean Shield'. Additionally, Turkish Navy will now be in constant cruise in the Adriatic, Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
[Image: Royal-Navy-RFA-Dutch-US-and-Turkish-ship...24x984.jpg]
According to the plan, Turkey will reinforce its earlier 2006 Aegean Shield operations initiated to protect the territorial waters around Ceyhan area, as the port city has become a major natural gas transportation hub. Based on the strategic concerns over the protection of the Ceyhan area and following Israel's refusal to apologize over the death of 9 Turkish civilians in the Mavi Marmara debacle, Turkey has deployed 2 additional frigates, gunboats and sentry ships each. Also, in addition to Konya 3rd Main Air Force Command, Izmir 2nd Main Air Force command is now designated as the second air cover base responsible from the protection of the area.
[Image: 090818South_Stream.jpg]
Finally, the plan introduces constant cruise duty to the Turkish Naval Mission Group (Frigates Barbaros, Gelibolu, Gemlik and Kudret Gungor 1st logistical support ship 3 naval helicopters underwater assault and defense elite commando units) which had visited Oman, UAE, Pakistan, India, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Jordan port cities in the last 3 months.
[Image: limans.png]

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Noble Energy to ignore Turkish threats on Cyprus

2011[Image: hferrington_full.jpg]

Noble Homer Ferrington rig

Noble Energy to ignore Turkish threats on Cyprus

Cypriot Energy Service head Solon Kassinis expects exploratory drilling of Block 12 to start before October 1.

Adi Ben-Israel
Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL) says that it will push ahead with its Cypriot offshore exploratory well at Block 12, in spite of warnings from Turkey not to do so. Block 12 adjoins Israel's Leviathan field.The "Cyprus Mail" says Cyprus is stuck between a rock and a hard place in the Turkish-Israeli dispute. If President Demetris Christofias chooses to push ahead with drilling, he is essentially calling Turkey's bluff. Failure to do so effectively acknowledges Turkey's dominion over the island."Cyprus Mail" says that the heightened tension between Israel and Turkey comes on the back of repeated warnings by Turkish officials against Cyprus drilling in its exclusive economic zone. While some commentators believe the feud with Israel may be used as a pretext to build up naval patrols in seas between Israel and Cyprus, at a time when both latter countries are discussing collaboration on the extraction and distribution of hydrocarbon deposits in their respective marine zones, the paper says that current diplomatic thinking in the region is that Turkey has more important issues to contend with than create serious problems for the island.
Energy Service head Solon Kassinis told the "Cyprus Mail" that he expects drilling to start before October 1. Noble Energy will use the Homer Ferrington rig currently drilling in the Noa field offshore from Ashkelon in Israel's exclusive economic zone.
Kassinis said, "I expected Turkey to bark but I don't think they will do anything because what we've done is based on international law, and if they want to be considered a country that respects international law, when it has a network of (oil and gas) pipe lines, charging transit fees, how can it?"
Kassinis added that any fears from Noble Energy have been assuaged by the US Embassy in Nicosia which has told the company to go ahead and expedite the exploration process.
Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on September 8, 2011
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2011
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

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