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Republican Operative Behind WSJ Collusion "Bombshell" Committed Suicide
Sometimes a suicide is just a suicide. This one appears to be a "suicide."

Quote:A longtime Republican operative from Chicago's North Shore who was at the center of a confusing Wall Street Journal story involving shadowy Russian hackers and Hillary Clinton's 30,000 missing emails committed suicide, according to the Chicago Tribune. Peter W. Smith, 81, a former private equity executive and longtime political operative, killed himself in a Minnesota hotel room days after telling his story to a reporter from WSJ, according to the Chicago Tribune.Smith left a carefully prepared file of documents, including a statement police described as a suicide note in which he said he was in ill health and that a life insurance policy was expiring.
Smith's death, which occurred on May 14, 10 days before the story was published, was one of the most bizarre developments in a hard-to-follow WSJ story that tried (and in our estimation, failed) to implicate former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn in a sinister plot to enlist the help of some Russians to hack the 2016 election...thus 'proving' collusion.
In the story, Smith recounted to WSJ his mission to find Hillary Clinton's missing 30,000 emails the holy grail of opposition research which he organized late in the summer of 2016. The project began over Labor Day weekend when Smith, who as WSJ notes had been "active in Republican politics," assembled a group of technology experts, lawyers and a Russian-speaking investigator based in Europe to acquire emails the group theorized might have been stolen from the private server Mrs. Clinton used as secretary of state. Smith believed that, once found, at least some of the emails would prove to be relevant to her official duties at the State Department, handing the Trump campaign an enormous PR victory and possibly proving that she knowingly misled investigators.
Smith & Co. scoured hacker forums, ultimately finding 5 groups who claimed to have the missing emails, 2 of which were Russian. However, Smith seemingly doubted the authenticity of the intelligence he received and, as a result, never leaked their contents.
[Image: 2017.07.14smith_0.JPG]
Even more confusing, Smith says he eventually turned over the emails to Wikileaks, but the group hasn't published them, and denies ever having received them. Smith told the WSJ reporter that he'd considered Flynn an ally, but stopped short of alleging that the two worked together on the project.
Of course, it's only deep in the story that the WSJ admits they have no idea if Flynn was even involved with Smith...but no one reads an entire article so it's fairly irrelevant.

What role, if any, Mr. Flynn may have played in Mr. Smith's project is unclear. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Smith said he knew Mr. Flynn, but he never stated that Mr. Flynn was involved.
[/INDENT]And another irrelevant detail from the WSJ:

Mr. Smith said he worked independently and wasn't part of the Trump campaign.
[/INDENT]Smith was found with a bag over his head with a source of helium attached. A medical examiner's report gives the same account, without specifying the time, and a report from the Rochester, Minnesota police further details his suicide, according to the Chicago Tribune. Smith's death occurred at the Aspen Suites in Rochester, records show. They list the cause of death as "asphyxiation due to displacement of oxygen in confined space with helium."
In the note recovered by police, Smith apologized to authorities and said that "NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER" was involved in his death. He wrote that he was taking his own life because of a "RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017" and timing related "TO LIFE INSURANCE OF $5 MILLION EXPIRING."
Mystery shrouded how and where Smith had died, but the lead reporter on the stories said on a podcast he had no reason to believe the death was the result of foul play and that Smith likely had died of natural causes.
Smith had been staying at the hotel in a room typically used by patients of the Mayo Clinic - for several days and had extended his stay at least once but was expected to check out on the day his body was found. "Tomorrow is my last day," Smith told a hotel worker on May 13 while he worked on a computer in the business center, printing documents, according to the police reports.
One of Smith's former employees told the Tribune he thought the elderly man had gone to the famed clinic to be treated for a heart condition. Mayo spokeswoman Ginger Plumbo said Thursday she could not confirm Smith had been a patient, citing medical privacy laws.
Smith had a history of doing opposition research against President Bill Clinton and had a hand in exposing the "Troopergate" allegations about Bill Clinton's sex life.
His obituary said Smith was involved in public affairs for more than 60 years and described him as a "quietly generous champion of efforts to ensure a more economically and politically secure world." Smith led private equity firms in corporate acquisitions and venture investments for more than 40 years. Earlier, he worked with DigaComm LLC from 1997 to 2014 and as the president of Peter W. Smith & Co. from 1975 to 1997. Before that, he was a senior officer of Field Enterprises Inc., a firm that then owned the Chicago Sun-Times and was held by the Marshall Field family, his obituary said.
Smith's last will and testament, signed last Feb. 21, is seven pages long and on file in Probate Court in Lake County, Illinois. The will gives his wife his interest in their residential property and his tangible personal property and says remaining assets should be placed into two trusts.
He was born Feb. 23, 1936, in Portland, Maine, according to the death record.
His late father, Waldo Sterling Smith, was a manufacturer's representative for women's apparel firms, representing them in department stores in Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, according to the father's 2002 obituary. The elder Smith died at age 92 in St. Augustine, Fla., and his obit noted that he had been active in St. Johns County, Fla., Republican affairs and with a local Methodist church. Peter Smith wrote two blog posts dated the day before he was found dead. One challenged U.S. intelligence agency findings that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. Another post predicted: "As attention turns to international affairs, as it will shortly, the Russian interference story will die of its own weight."

More coming ...

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Don't know if connected, and I note that this article has Smith dying in a different state...could be coincidence and bad reporting, or could be other...

[Image: Palmer-Report-Small-Header-Logo.jpg]

Quote:Peter W. Smith, a Republican operative who confessed to the Wall Street Journal that he had tried to collude with Russian hackers and the Donald Trump campaign to rig the election, died just ten days after he spoke with the reporter. It's now been revealed that Smith's official cause of death was suicide. And it turns out he wasn't the only one to die suspiciously on May 14th who had become a liability for Donald Trump.
Smith is said to have committed suicide in an Illinois hotel room, according to a new report by the Chicago Tribune (link). This is made suspicious not only because he had just begun confessing his Trump-Russia collusion role to the media, but because his suicide note strangely insists there was "no foul play whatsoever" in all capital letters. But on that same day, in Massachusetts, a reporter named Scott Christianson died in equally suspicious fashion.
Christianson had been investigating Donald Trump's scandals for the news outlet McClatchy. But he fell down a flight stairs on May 14th, according to the Times Union ([B]link). This has long seemed suspicious because Christianson had spent his decades long career focusing on other topics, and he had just joined McClatchy so he could begin reporting on Trump's scandal. He had only gotten one article about Trump out the door before he suddenly died in bizarre fashion.[/B]

[B]The deaths of Peter W. Smith and Scott Christianson, both on the same day, both under suspicious circumstances, both immediately after they had become liabilities for Donald Trump, will no doubt cause the public to speculate that they may have both been murdered by the Kremlin or some other entity trying to protect Trump. There is no known evidence to connect Smith and Christianson directly to each other. But this gets pretty deeply into "what are the odds this is a coincidence" territory.[/B]

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:Don't know if connected, and I note that this article has Smith dying in a different state...could be coincidence and bad reporting, or could be other...

[Image: Palmer-Report-Small-Header-Logo.jpg]

Quote:Peter W. Smith, a Republican operative who confessed to the Wall Street Journal that he had tried to collude with Russian hackers and the Donald Trump campaign to rig the election, died just ten days after he spoke with the reporter. It's now been revealed that Smith's official cause of death was suicide. And it turns out he wasn't the only one to die suspiciously on May 14th who had become a liability for Donald Trump.
Smith is said to have committed suicide in an Illinois hotel room, according to a new report by the Chicago Tribune (link). This is made suspicious not only because he had just begun confessing his Trump-Russia collusion role to the media, but because his suicide note strangely insists there was "no foul play whatsoever" in all capital letters. But on that same day, in Massachusetts, a reporter named Scott Christianson died in equally suspicious fashion.
Christianson had been investigating Donald Trump's scandals for the news outlet McClatchy. But he fell down a flight stairs on May 14th, according to the Times Union ([B]link). This has long seemed suspicious because Christianson had spent his decades long career focusing on other topics, and he had just joined McClatchy so he could begin reporting on Trump's scandal. He had only gotten one article about Trump out the door before he suddenly died in bizarre fashion.[/B]

[B]The deaths of Peter W. Smith and Scott Christianson, both on the same day, both under suspicious circumstances, both immediately after they had become liabilities for Donald Trump, will no doubt cause the public to speculate that they may have both been murdered by the Kremlin or some other entity trying to protect Trump. There is no known evidence to connect Smith and Christianson directly to each other. But this gets pretty deeply into "what are the odds this is a coincidence" territory.[/B]

PDS would call this a deep event for sure.

The second article is suggestive that Trump's people bumped these guys off. As we transition from a republic to an oligarchy, murder is the preferred method of persuasion. It's getting to be like ancient Rome.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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