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CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’
FWIW. My guess is that it is click bait.

Quote:79-year-old retired CIA agent, Malcom Howard, has made a series of astonishing claims since being released from hospital in New Jersey on Friday and told he has weeks to live. Mr. Howard claims he was involved in the "controlled demolition" of World Trade Center 7, the third building that was destroyed on 9/11.[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard, who worked for the CIA for 36 years as an operative, claims he was tapped by senior CIA agents to work on the project due to his engineering background, and early career in the demolition business.

[FONT=&amp]Trained as a civil engineer, Mr. Howard became an explosives expert after being headhunted by the CIA in early 1980s. Mr. Howard says has extensive experience in planting explosives in items as small as cigarette lighters and as large as "80 floor buildings."

[FONT=&amp]The 79-year-old New Jersey native says he worked on the CIA operation they dubbed "New Century" between May 1997 and September 2001, during a time he says the CIA "was still taking orders from the top." Mr. Howard says he was part of a cell of 4 operatives tasked with ensuring the demolition was successful.

[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard says the World Trade Center 7 operation is unique among his demolitions, as it is the only demolition that "we had to pretend wasn't a demolition job". He claims he had no problem going through with the deception at the time, because "when you are a patriot, you don't question the motivation of the CIA or the White House. You assume the bigger purpose is for a greater good. They pick good, loyal people like me, and it breaks my heart to hear the shit talk."

[FONT=&amp]But even he admits that now, looking back, "Something wasn't right."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"[/FONT]No good has come from this. This isn't the America we envisioned[FONT=&amp]."

[FONT=&amp]Explaining how the building was bought down, Mr. Howard says, "It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the Building 7 was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier."

[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard explains that WTC 7 was "loaded with explosives in strategic places" in the month leading up to the day that changed the course of American history. On September 11th, while the North and South towers burned, fuses were ignited in World Trade Center 7, and nanothermite explosions hollowed out the building, destroying the steel structure, removing the reinforcements, and allowing the office fires to tear through the rest of the building, hollowing it out like a shell.

[FONT=&amp]World Trade Center 7 collapsed into its own footprint at 5:20pm, seven hours after the destruction of WTC 1 and 2. The building shocked witnesses by coming down at the speed of freefall, indicating that it encountered zero resistance on the way down.

[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard and his colleagues had done their job.

[FONT=&amp]"[/FONT]When the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition, we had the whiskey and cigars out, and then all of a sudden the strangest thing happened. We all started to worry that it looked a bit too smooth. We watched the tape again and again and again and we started to get paranoid. It looked like a controlled demolition. We thought shit, people are going to question this. And then we heard that people from the street were reporting that they heard the explosions during the afternoon. When we were told that the BBC botched their report and announced to the world that the building collapsed 20 minutes before it actually did… At that point we really thought the gig was up[FONT=&amp]."

[FONT=&amp]According to the official 9/11 report issued by the government, WTC 7 collapsed due to "[/FONT]uncontrolled fires[FONT=&amp]" that were caused by debris that floated over from WTC 1 and 2, which had been hit by passenger planes. If the official narrative was true, WTC 7 would be the [/FONT]first tall building in the world to ever collapse[FONT=&amp] due to uncontrolled fires, and the only steel skyscraper in the world to have collapsed into itself, due to "[/FONT]office fires[FONT=&amp]."

[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard and his colleagues feared the public would see through the official narrative and rise up against the government, demanding to be told the truth.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"There were so many loose ends, so much evidence left behind. We thought the public would be all over it. We thought there would be a public uprising that the media couldn't ignore. They'd be funding investigations and demanding to know why they were being lied to. We thought they'd find chemical composites in the area that would prove Building 7 was blown up. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"We thought there would be a revolution. It would go all the way to the top, to President Bush. He'd be dragged out of the White House.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"But none of that happened. Almost nobody questioned anything. The media shot down anyone who dared question anything they were told."

[FONT=&amp]Follow the money

[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard claims he has "no direct knowledge" about the destruction of North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, explaining that "CIA operations are very specific" and that it is common to be working on a larger project while only understanding a small piece of the puzzle.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp][9/11: Larry Silverstein Designed New WTC-7 One Year Before Attacks][/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]But he has advice for investigators seeking to understand the entire puzzle and work out who was behind the most devastating attack on American soil in history.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"Follow the money."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"When you want to find out who is behind something, just follow the money. Look at the trades made just before 9/11. These are the guys that knew what was coming. The sons of CIA agents, government officials. Close relatives of the most powerful men in America. Cheney, Rumsfeld. They all got rich. It wasn't just the contracts awarded to their friends in the construction business and the wars and the kickbacks."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"It was insider trading."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Many countries including Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Monaco launched insider trading investigations in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, believing that if they could prove Al-Qaeda operatives profited on the stock market then they could prove the terror organization was behind the attacks.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]And all the evidence pointed to heavy insider trading around 9/11.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Italy's foreign minister, Antonio Martino, said: "I think that there are terrorist states and organizations behind speculation on the international markets." German central bank president, Ernst Welteke, said his researchers had found "almost irrefutable proof of insider trading."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Even CNN reported that regulators were seeing "ever-clearer signs" that someone "manipulated financial markets ahead of the terror attack in the hope of profiting from it."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would "tear the heart out of the oligarchy in America."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"There is only one organization that spans the entire world, and let me tell you now, it isn't and it never was al-Qaeda."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]It's the CIA.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]"There could never be a real investigation. The entire shadow government, as you call them now, are implicated."[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The 79-year-old, spending his final weeks at home, said he doesn't expect to be taken into custody following his confession because "[/FONT]then they'd have to go after everyone else. They will just use the media to attack me. They are all on the payroll to suppress everything around 9/11[FONT=&amp]."[/FONT]

"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
Hmmm. Interesting. Of course we know that WTC-7 was brought down with controlled demolition - and yes, explosions were heard well before the collapse [as is true on a shorter time scale with WTC-1&2]. I personally don't think CIA was the lead agency in the events of 9-11 [although they surely had some involved and knowledgeable]...but his story could be true if his background is true. It shouldn't be too hard to work out his background and if his personal account is likely true. although, if he was CIA, then getting proofs will not be very easy on his background - especially on this subject! It will be interesting to see what becomes of this story and how the 911-Truth movement deals with it and him. My first reaction was to ask him a LOT of follow up questions not asked that would tell ME if he was telling the truth or not. If not telling HIS TRUTH, he is certainly telling some small group's truth. The most suspicious thing is where this article apparently appears first or early on...which is a somewhat sensational internet 'rag'....far from the worst of the species - but not a good one either. The next suspicious thing is the writer - if one clicks on his name and looks at other articles he's written, they don't follow any pattern other than being sensational. How did he get this story from this man?! Time will tell.......

It is possible a dying man would want to tell what he feels is the truth though not involved - equally possible a dying man might want to tell what he knows is the truth he was involved in. The low-level 'outlet' and 'author' of the piece however is somewhat suspicious. :Sherlock:
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Two links away is this video. I hate the comical [sic] style on a deadly serious topic...but what is says is true; although the way it says it is made to perhaps make the truth look like some 'crazy conspiracy theory' by some 'crazy nuts out there'...

"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Surely clickbait, but Miles Mathis did actually write an article a few weeks back arguing that The Onion was a CIA-linked site and a lot of the stories there frequently included an extra layer to provide chuckles for the intelligence community laughing at the general public, like a wink that only a certain few would get, with occasional truths being stated as a 'fuck you' to those who wouldn't be able to do anything with the knowledge. Sure enough, if you search the Onion site for pieces on Cheney and Rumsfeld, there are a couple of very sly nods that will make anyone reading this thread pause for thought. The piece above is almost certainly clickbait, but the Intel community likes to laugh as much as the rest of us. The same thinking would probably apply to the smart-ass who officially named the site where the WTC rubble was taken 'Fresh Landkill'.
Having thought a bit more about the piece and the site on which is shows up as an exclusive, it is very much like the true stories written to look fake in such 'newspapers' as the National Inquirer in the USA and their clickbait equivalents on the internet. This morning I looked to see how far the story had spread. Not far! One person made a youtube video about the article and added in footage long known to support the story, generally. Two others were repeating it verbatim and that was it so far. No real 911 analysts nor websites have picked it up or commented on it - and no one else has tried to interview this man. At this point, only further interview of this man might lend more credence to his story [that HE was involved and that the CIA was and in that building only]. Again, while they certainly would have been privy to what was going to happen before and even more so what happened, after the fact - I have never felt that CI, as an agency, was prime in the events of that day at all. It is true that CI and other intelligence agencies had rented large parts of WTC-7 [along with IRS, Smith Barney, Secret Service, SEC, American Express, NYC office of Emergency Management and a few other tenants], but that really didn't offer easier access of explosives and timers, etc. - as the same was done in the much more public and larger WTC 1&2. On reflection, while basically true [WTC7 brought down by controlled demolition], the focus on CI is IMO wrong and misleading and this is like the multitude stories floated about what happened in Dallas - containing a kernel of truth and misleading in part to add to the confusion. A modified limited hangout most likely or perhaps an invented (if basically true) scenario by the author to pad his pay at the clickbait site. Strange, but the 'usual' strangeness. Unless this 'dying man' answers more specific questions or provides further proof of his employment there is nothing to hang one's hat on, even if the basic story as presented is true and infinitely truer than the 'official' explanation. I also find it very difficult to believe that the all the WTC buildings wouldn't have been wired and planted for demolition by the same group. Lastly, there is nothing to say that a writer of clickbait stories can't have a good grasp of what happened on 911 and invent a story around that - or that as many of us suspect - that many clickbait writers are in league with propaganda interests of the country. One other interesting thing I noticed today is that going to several sites to find the list of tenants in WTC7 by floor - EVERY one of them differed and by a LOT. Almost none of them listed CIA, although I have seen authoritative research in the 911-Truth community that outside of Langley, this was the largest CIA office in the country - they didn't list their presence in the lobby, but apparently used another tenant as cover. They had many floors and used only a few for themselves - the rest really being CIA. The only thing the CIA has admitted on this is that in the days after the collapse of the many towers, CIA personnel were allowed to search on the pile of rubble for recovery of classified materials on paper and digital media. From here the CIA did 'work' on/in the U.N. and many foreign and likely some domestic entities - of which many important ones exist in NYC and the area. If, however, they had actually worked to set up the demolition, then they would have prior removed all important documents and computers, etc. - and crews to clean up the pile would not be necessary...but that could have been a cover story to stop any suspicion of their involvement in the demolition. In the murky world of intelligence and covert operations, clarity and being able to believe official statements is low to nil. However, spooks of all kinds WERE on the pile in the hours and days after the collapses/explosions hunting for all nature of things [to find other's secrets; to hide their own; and to hide the footprints and evidence of an inside job. Some proof of this by Sonnenfeld forced him to flea for his life to Argentina. As complex a covert operation as Dallas was, 9-11 was perhaps 1000 times more complex and even more massive in the shear amount of potential evidence [mostly promptly destroyed]. No one was able or allowed to get a handle on it when it was fresh and even now there is massive resistance from the powers that be - the usual pattern. 19 Arab terrorists did it for OBL [many still alive; many with US and foreign intelligence and military connections; having received money from intelligence sources; and no proofs they even boarded the flights; lives totally at odds with 'jihadis', clearly planted 'evidence' to make them suspect, etc.] - and no one need look any further. HA!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
It is apparently written by a known hoax writer named Jay Greenberg. :Turd: It starts out almost word for word for an earlier Greenberg article on 'A dying British Intelligence agent has made a series of stunning confessions after being told he only has a matter of weeks to live.....[about the murder of Princess Diana - written one month ago]. Whether this guy works for the Sunstein and related dis-info crowd is an open question.....

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Of course Fetzer had this posted on his fb page as "truth". That and Paul is dead. Can't argue with this lack of logic. ::rockon::
It is a very clever kind of disinformation: having some hack writer of trash sensation stories on the internet writing what is the basic truth [in these two cases I'd gladly argue the basic story minus the confessor and confession are the basic truth] and then subtly let it be known or able to disclose it at anytime to other confederates that this was a made up confession in order to hide the general truth of how the event was carried out. Again, I don't think the CIA was primarily involved in 9-11-01, although some of their assets may have been used or been witting and certainly after the fact they'd know it is all a big lie...and the confession is obviously made up - but the core issue of the controlled demolition of the building and buildings is true. Another added lie is that different teams may have done the different buildings at the WTC - which I think highly unlikely. Hiding the truth in plain sight along with false information/facts to discredit the research community is an old trick often used re: JFK Assassination, and used to this day with 911 and other fact so many things. Many true facts and suspect actions are included in the article: the fact of controlled demolition; the likely use of nanothermite; that CNN and BBC both reported at separate times in the hour before the collapse that the building had or was about to collapse [foreknowledge on someone's part]; freefall speed at beginning of fall; that a team had to have brought in all the explosives and electronic detonators/timers and wired the building; that those who did it had to be professionals used to doing the best controlled demolitions; the building fell into its own footprint; etc. So, the fact that the story is fake is to discredit all the truth mentioned, IMO.

Also very suspicious is that both the Princess Diana story and the almost word-for-word remade WTC story on different websites list the writer as [FONT=&amp]Baxter Dmitry on some and as Jay Greenberg on others - likely written by neither or one person using multiple names. And most of 'Jay Greenberg's' articles are PURE invented bullshit - not reportage...a good example is here: [/FONT] The photo being used by Baxter Dmitry seems to be actually a photo of someone named David Hardy [and may be one and the same as Sean Adl-Tabatabai, or a friend of this man] who are all connected in someway with the fake 'pizzagate' story and apparently with some of the disinformation that boosted Trump into power - so these names [perhaps all false and perhaps all one person] are being turned out not just as 'clickbait', but as disinformation to counter dangerous [to the propagandists in the intelligence community and others such as Sunstein] stories/facts/incidents. These are pumped out along with mostly OBVIOUSLY false stories about aliens, impossibly contrived conspiracies, etc. It is very hard to get to the truth of who the people behind these shifting names on these horrible websites are [or work for/are provided stories by], but my strong suspicion is that these are not just horrible hack writers [they are that too], but actively working to hide important truths under layers of trash stories and disinformation cleverly mixed with real information [to discredit the real information]. Caveat Emptor!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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