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Deep Event?: Atlanta Airport Shut Down
[URL="http://Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world's busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta's mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have noticed one interesting piece of the story that no one in the mainstream press seems to want to mention. That right in the middle of this over 12 hour supposedly complete air traffic shut down, a single plane was mysteriously allowed to leave the airport. Which leaves us with an obvious question. Just what was so special about this lone permitted flight?The plane in question 4X-ICB, is a cargo plane that arrived in Atlanta from Mexico City at 1:00 PM, just literal minutes before the alleged power problems began to make the airport go dark. The plane would then go on to leave for its next destination at 6:27 PM, right in the middle of the blackout that ran from about one to midnight. With the official record indicating that the first flight post blackout was not allowed to take off from the airport until 12:56 AM the next day, how then how do we account for our mystery flight?The cargo plane in question is owned by Cal Cargo Airlines. A Jewish owned company based out of Israel who specializes in the transportation of nonstandard cargo such as, live animals and dangerous goods.The company's leadership also has clear connections to the Israeli government. This includes it's Vice Chairman Muli Ravini, who previously served as Assistant to the Director General at the Ministry of Finance in Israel.Even more suspicious though is that Cal Airlines owns another business known as LACHS. A company who operates at the Atlanta airport, loading and offloading cargo planes. Most importantly LACHS boasts the ability to load and unload places without the presence of a customs agent. Meaning no one outside the companies own employees were aware of what was inside the plane as it either landed in or took off from the airport. So to sum this up so far. An unprecedented power outage occurs at the busiest airport in the world. Despite the airport having backup generators for just this occasion that mysteriously somehow went out at the same time. Minutes before the blackout, a cargo plane from Mexico City arrives at the airport. Due to a special customs arrangement, it is not boarded by security or customs officials. Then approximately 5 hours later, despite all flight having been ordered grounded by both the cities mayor and the FAA, the flight leaves for its next destination.With so little clear information to go on, it's of no surprise the theories as to just what was likely inside the plane are diverse. Though most seem inclined to believe the likeliest motivation for such an elaborate ruse, would have been to get weapons out of the country, and most likely into Israel. Of course it's worth noting that this this is hardly the first Israeli cargo plane to have mysterious circumstances surrounding it. As all the way back in 1992, the crash of flight El Al Flight 1862 caused quite a stir when it was revealed to have been secretly carrying the ingredients for sarin nerve gas.By far the most popular suggestion is that this blackout was part of an operation to discreetly move some W80 variable yield nuclear warheads out of the country, and into the hands of the Israeli's. The power outage being a necessary part of the ruse to blind nuclear detection devices that are standard at all major airports. The belief being this was all done to discreetly arm our military ally in a region where the current situation is becoming increasingly unstable and hostile. One user in particular breaks down a complete scenario, which also makes reference to the not widely known 2007 Bent Spear Incident. Where a number of W80 Nuclear Warheads were mistakenly transported on a cargo plane, and off the grid for over 36 hours.Whatever the truth of the matter is. It's both intriguing and disturbing that no mainstream media outlet will likely investigate or question just why this one plane was allowed to leave the airport during yesterday's outage. Even if there is a perfectly reasonable explanation, we now live in a world where establishment journalists can't be trusted to investigate a possible lead enough to deliver it to us. Certainly a story like this is worth taking a second look at. Especially when you consider the other odd elements to it, such as the fact an eerily similar fire drill got out of hand just over a week ago at the airport. Which quite possibly contributed to the slow response by officials to recognize the true nature and severity of yesterdays fire that officially at least, caused the outage in the first place."]FWIW
Quote:Late last night a sudden power outage shut down the world's busiest airport. With the outage leading to both the FAA and Atlanta's mayor ordering the suspension and grounding of all flights going both in an out of the airport while work was done to restore power. However the internet detectives over at 4chan have noticed one interesting piece of the story that no one in the mainstream press seems to want to mention. That right in the middle of this over 12 hour supposedly complete air traffic shut down, a single plane was mysteriously allowed to leave the airport. Which leaves us with an obvious question. Just what was so special about this lone permitted flight?[Image: 59gTmB.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]
[Image: Dh6v4.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]

The plane in question 4X-ICB, is a cargo plane that arrived in Atlanta from Mexico City at 1:00 PM, just literal minutes before the alleged power problems began to make the airport go dark. The plane would then go on to leave for its next destination at 6:27 PM, right in the middle of the blackout that ran from about one to midnight. With the official record indicating that the first flight post blackout was not allowed to take off from the airport until 12:56 AM the next day, how then how do we account for our mystery flight?[Image: T3qwH.jpg?w=640&ssl=1][Image: Hy7qY.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]The cargo plane in question is owned by Cal Cargo Airlines. A Jewish owned company based out of Israel who specializes in the transportation of nonstandard cargo such as, live animals and dangerous goods.
[Image: L42-v.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]
The company's leadership also has clear connections to the Israeli government. This includes it's Vice Chairman Muli Ravini, who previously served as Assistant to the Director General at the Ministry of Finance in Israel.[Image: 4y2P4f.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]Even more suspicious though is that Cal Airlines owns another business known as LACHS. A company who operates at the Atlanta airport, loading and offloading cargo planes. Most importantly LACHS boasts the ability to load and unload places without the presence of a customs agent. Meaning no one outside the companies own employees were aware of what was inside the plane as it either landed in or took off from the airport.
[Image: 63FJb.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]So to sum this up so far. An unprecedented power outage occurs at the busiest airport in the world. Despite the airport having backup generators for just this occasion that mysteriously somehow went out at the same time. Minutes before the blackout, a cargo plane from Mexico City arrives at the airport. Due to a special customs arrangement, it is not boarded by security or customs officials. Then approximately 5 hours later, despite all flight having been ordered grounded by both the cities mayor and the FAA, the flight leaves for its next destination.[Image: 6nQ6Mj.png?w=640&ssl=1]
With so little clear information to go on, it's of no surprise the theories as to just what was likely inside the plane are diverse. Though most seem inclined to believe the likeliest motivation for such an elaborate ruse, would have been to get weapons out of the country, and most likely into Israel. Of course it's worth noting that this this is hardly the first Israeli cargo plane to have mysterious circumstances surrounding it. As all the way back in 1992, thecrash of flight El Al Flight 1862 caused quite a stir when it was revealed to have been secretly carrying the ingredients for sarin nerve gas.[Image: 6FPGKT.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]By far the most popular suggestion is that this blackout was part of an operation to discreetly move some W80 variable yield nuclear warheads out of the country, and into the hands of the Israeli's. The power outage being a necessary part of the ruse to blind nuclear detection devices that are standard at all major airports. The belief being this was all done to discreetly arm our military ally in a region where the current situation is becoming increasingly unstable and hostile. One user in particular breaks down a complete scenario, which also makes reference to the not widely known 2007 Bent Spear Incident. Where a number of W80 Nuclear Warheads were mistakenly transported on a cargo plane, and off the grid for over 36 hours.[Image: 4VTSLN.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]Whatever the truth of the matter is. It's both intriguing and disturbing that no mainstream media outlet will likely investigate or question just why this one plane was allowed to leave the airport during yesterday's outage. Even if there is a perfectly reasonable explanation, we now live in a world where establishment journalists can't be trusted to investigate a possible lead enough to deliver it to us. Certainly a story like this is worth taking a second look at. Especially when you consider the other odd elements to it, such as the fact an eerily similar fire drill got out of hand just over a week ago at the airport. Which quite possibly contributed to the slow response by officials to recognize the true nature and severity of yesterdays fire that officially at least, caused the outage in the first place. [Image: 5Tw6fv.jpg?w=640&ssl=1]
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl
While I'll grant that whoever did that research has spotted a very strange airline and airplane, which likely had very strange cargo, I don't see how powering-down the airport gave CAL and its plane any advantage no matter what it was doing. It would be better hidden in the mix of other planes having a normally operating airport. Now it sticks out like a sore thumb. How they ever got permission to take off - and the needed military type strip lights to see the runway - only further indicates they had special military/intelligence connections. However, such planes are regularly moving in/out of airports unbeknownst to most all. This flight, however, is very noticeable now. A quiet airport makes a big plane leaving it very noticeable - and I believe it was dark at that hour in Atlanta [though not sure]. Spook airlines have special arrangements with tower and airport personnel to do special things. I guess what I'm trying to say it the power outage was not a good shield for any clandestine activity IMO. They may well have had special goods of some kind or felt that keeping on schedule was more important than an airport shut-down. I just don't at this point see how the power outage got them any advantage. It would be interesting to look further at this CAL airline - and I doubt they often carry animals.......except perhaps behind the yoke and in their boardroom.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:While I'll grant that whoever did that research has spotted a very strange airline and airplane, which likely had very strange cargo, I don't see how powering-down the airport gave CAL and its plane any advantage no matter what it was doing. It would be better hidden in the mix of other planes having a normally operating airport. Now it sticks out like a sore thumb. How they ever got permission to take off - and the needed military type strip lights to see the runway - only further indicates they had special military/intelligence connections. However, such planes are regularly moving in/out of airports unbeknownst to most all. This flight, however, is very noticeable now. A quiet airport makes a big plane leaving it very noticeable - and I believe it was dark at that hour in Atlanta [though not sure]. Spook airlines have special arrangements with tower and airport personnel to do special things. I guess what I'm trying to say it the power outage was not a good shield for any clandestine activity IMO. They may well have had special goods of some kind or felt that keeping on schedule was more important than an airport shut-down. I just don't at this point see how the power outage got them any advantage. It would be interesting to look further at this CAL airline - and I doubt they often carry animals.......except perhaps behind the yoke and in their boardroom.

Did a little research on CAL. The do carry animals - they handled hundreds of them for the Olympics. They also carry radioactive materials - no problem..and they have the largest [they claim] 54-ton forklift in Europe for moving heavy objects from planes. They operate out of Ben Gurion and Liege airports.

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"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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