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Zodiac Killer was a Member of the International White Guard
The fiftieth anniversary of the Zodiac Killer's first acknowledged murder is coming up this December.

According to a letter read by Mae Brussell, the Zodiac Killer was not a deranged killer working alone, but a member of a group of fascist, white supremacist killers called the International White Guard. She read excerpts of the letter on her program
[FONT=&amp]Dialogue Conspiracy[/FONT] of July 14, 1978. The Worldwatchers Archive has this program available for listening.

The letter itself was dated November 21, 1971, and written by a woman who wrote to a judge presiding over a trial of John Frazier, the accused murderer of the Ohta family. The letter contains interesting details. The letter writer knew who the Zodiac was and she refers to him by the name of Robert. (Brussell kept the last name confidential.) The letter writer also says that the Zodiac was present in the home of Sharon Tate along with Tex Watson, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, and Linda Kasabian the night of the murders and that he lost his glasses there. The Zodiac had a sister who read his first message, the one that had a cryptogram. Three days after reading the message, the sister "committed suicide." The woman also says the Zodiac was involved in the slaying of the Ohta family in October 1970. I have transcribed the letter as read by Brussell on her program:

[FONT=&amp]"The Los Angeles Times of today finally had a story about the trial and murder of the Ohtas and their secretary. You asked if I was certain it was John Frazier who was with Robert ---------. They were here in Woodland Hills less than a month prior to those killings. He looked exactly like Frazier, when they were arrested, except for one thing. He also wears glasses. About the van, there were two people in the car and it was Robert who was driving it. I do not recall something in the newspaper about that at the time. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I have some reason to believe that Robert was driving north just last Thursday[/FONT][FONT=&amp]. [/FONT][FONT=&amp]So if you are observant, you will see him snickering in the courtroom to see how his murders are done and taken care of. He is the man that John Frazier is trying to find at the rear of the courtroom. Does Frazier know about the organization of killers called the International White Guard? Does he fear his wife will be killed if he were to name Robert and his father as being heavy in this honorable organization of killers? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Robert was also identified as the Zodiac by his sister three days before her death. She had read his first message, that was partly coded. I never believed that she committed suicide any more than their brother-in-law was shot down. These two children were witnesses the night of the Tate murders. These are the kind of killers that this state has been cultivating and nurturing.

[FONT=&amp]This particular man, Robert, is 27. Sometimes he lets his beard grow. Within the past two years, I have seen him in all colors and wig lengths. I know him as Robert and also as the Zodiac. In Los Angeles he sometimes waits for me on Ventura Boulevard, driving on my way to pick up some children from school. He follows behind and then moves to the side until he is sure I recognize him. Someone must know how smart he is.

[FONT=&amp]He stays sometimes at Lake Tahoe with his older sister, who is a widow, and belongs to the Sierra Club, which is interested in the misuse of the environment.

[FONT=&amp]This Robert, may I say, has the eyes and fingerprints that should be checked. Also I believe Dr. Ohta must have prescribed those glasses that were lost the night of the Tate murders.

[FONT=&amp] plea of not guilty by reason of insanity is no defense at all [/FONT][referring to Frazier][FONT=&amp], because of the horror of those murders. They should convict everyone who is brought in before the courts[/FONT]
Mae Brussell identified Robert Linkletter, son of the famous Hollywood entertainer and celebrity Art Linkletter, as the Zodiac Killer. Brussell disclosed the last name of Robert (mentioned in the letter read by her) on her Dialogue Conspiracy Program of September 21, 1980.

See the article below
William Weston Wrote:Mae Brussell identified Robert Linkletter, son of the famous Hollywood entertainer and celebrity Art Linkletter, as the Zodiac Killer. Brussell disclosed the last name of Robert (mentioned in the letter read by her) on her Dialogue Conspiracy Program of September 21, 1980.

See the article below

an article added to the above blog shows that the Zodiac Killer, aka Linkletter, was in the house of Sharon Tate the night of the murders.
Were the glasses found at the Cielo Drive house perhaps those of victim Steven Parent?
David Andrews Wrote:Were the glasses found at the Cielo Drive house perhaps those of victim Steven Parent?

They certainly look like Steve Parent's glasses, don't they?

According to Lt. Helder at a press conference October 23, 1969, the eyeglasses found inside the Tate house "belonged to neither Miss Tate's husband, film director Roman Polanski, nor to any of the victims." (Associated Press story)

That would rule out Steve Parent as the owner of the glasses.

According to a variety of sources I have read, the identity of the owner of the glasses remains a mystery to this day.
William Weston Wrote:
David Andrews Wrote:Were the glasses found at the Cielo Drive house perhaps those of victim Steven Parent?

They certainly look like Steve Parent's glasses, don't they?

According to Lt. Helder at a press conference October 23, 1969, the eyeglasses found inside the Tate house "belonged to neither Miss Tate's husband, film director Roman Polanski, nor to any of the victims." (Associated Press story)

That would rule out Steve Parent as the owner of the glasses.

According to a variety of sources I have read, the identity of the owner of the glasses remains a mystery to this day.

Thanks, William.

Do you recall if it was determined whether the rail fence section that was knocked down (by a vehicle?) was damaged on the night of the crime? If I read about this over the years, I've forgotten. I've forgotten where the break was located, also.
David Andrews Wrote:[quote=William Weston][quote=David Andrews]

Do you recall if it was determined whether the rail fence section that was knocked down (by a vehicle?) was damaged on the night of the crime? If I read about this over the years, I've forgotten. I've forgotten where the break was located, also.

Your question touches on a point that is rarely mentioned in the Manson books or the Manson/Tate-LaBianca discussion forums. As far as I know, no one has come up with a satisfactory explanation. Here I propose a theory that I believe will answer your question.

The split-rail fence served as a barrier along one side of the parking area of the Tate house. In front of the fence is a concrete curb. Beyond the barrier is a steep slope.

The picture below shows the parking area of the Tate house. The broken fence is in the background.

Below is a picture showing damage to the fence.

Officers noted scrape marks on the concrete curb. Corresponding scrape marks appeared on the undercarriage of Steve Parent's car. The rear bumper had white paint marks that came from the fence.

Steve's body was in the car. The car was found near the gate. Below is a picture of the car in front of the garage and next to cut telephone lines.

Steve Parent was a visiting a friend, William Garretson, who was employed as a caretaker and lived in the guest house in the back of the property. About fifteen minutes after midnight, Parent departed to go to another friend's house. He got into his car and drove toward the electrically controlled gate, where he would have had to push a button to open it. It was here that he was surprised by Tex, Linda, Susan, and Patricia and murdered. Tex then pushed the car a short distance from the gate.

Coming back to the broken fence, when did that occur? There are two theories that are commonly mentioned.

The first is that Parent, an eighteen-year-old, was an inexperienced driver. As he prepared to leave, he put the gear shift into reverse instead of drive and stepped on the gas. The car jumped the curb and banged into the fence.

Considering the amount of damage done to the fence, the impact must have been loud. This would have alerted the four people in the house. Yet apparently no one in the house was aware of what happened. Sharon Tate continued undisturbed to converse with Jay Sebring in one room, and Abigail Folger continued reading her book in the bedroom. (Frykowski was asleep.) The lack of response of those inside the house presents a great difficulty to the first theory.

The second theory is that Parent saw or heard something that frightened him a killer team already on the rampage. Jumpy and nervous, hoping to get away quickly, he accidentally put the gear shift into reverse.

The problem with the second theory is that it goes against the combined accounts of Susan Atkins and Linda Kasabian who said that Parent was surprised in his car and that he was the first to die.

An alternative theory comes from a suggestion made by Ed Sanders in his book "The Family." He believed that the various loose ends in the case can be resolved by assuming a second entry into the house after Tex, Linda, Susan, and Patricia had left. Manson himself confirmed Sander's idea in a book called "Manson in His Own Words." He is quoted as saying that he entered the house that same night with a partner, whom he did not name. They viewed the carnage and left before dawn.

Let us assume that despite the deadly assault, Parent managed to survive. Tex and the girls thought they had killed him, but his wounds either put him into temporary unconsciousness or he feigned death. Because of the severity of his wounds, he was unable to do anything more than to sit in his car and perhaps call out for help. When Manson and his partner approached the car to check the status of the person inside, Parent aroused himself and tried to escape. He put the car into reverse to get away from the two killers and recklessly drove backwards until he hit the fence and stopped there. Someone firing a pistol delivered the coup de grace. (Officer Bullington at a nearby location heard three shots at 4:10 am.)

Manson and his partner then moved the car back to the place where Tex left it in an attempt to cover up their role in the killing of Parent.
"Does he fear his wife will be killed if he were to name Robert and his father as being heavy in this honorable organization of killers? "

Not only Robert but Art Linkletter, afternoon television host in the early 60s?

Bill Fite Wrote:"Does he fear his wife will be killed if he were to name Robert and his father as being heavy in this honorable organization of killers? "

Not only Robert but Art Linkletter, afternoon television host in the early 60s?

Yes, Art Linkletter too.
"We'll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false." --William J. Casey, D.C.I

"We will lead every revolution against us." --Theodore Herzl

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