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Priory of Sion - the Fraud Revealed and a Light Shined on the Real Underlying Mystery
Yep, a crap title. But accurate.

Others here may, or may not, have had an interest in the Priory of Sion as it emerged in the best selling book published in 1981 Holy Bloody and Holy Grail by three authors who were or at least are, I believe Freemasons.

It was a book that certainly caught my imagination and I spent some years researching this subject. In the course of that I joined an internet forum (now closed to all but invited members) and during my membership I was informed of a number of intriguing things. If my memory serves almost all of the member of that forum were interested in the occult.

Following threads leading outward from there I came across a network of post war fascists, educated Nazi's to be accurate, who were deeply mired in the PoS story. One name that now springs to mind was Colonel John Driscoll who was said to have been the No. 2 in the CIA station in Paris and involved in founding the hoax that we know as the Priory of Sion. Whether this is actually true or not I don't know for sure, but it certainly accords with some of the visitors he had at the Castle he bought in Limerick, Ireland after he retired and left Paris.

Upon retirement he changed his name to the more Irish Sean O'Driscoll and bought Matrix Castle - and since Merovingians (an integral part of the Priory story) appear in the 3rd Matrix film trilogy, if not the second too, there clearly is a connection to the name Matrix - unless you happen to believe in coincidences (I do not).

As the curious tine little website ( ) reveals:


Sean O'Driscoll
Sean O'Driscoll was an American who served in the US Air Force during the Second World War. In 1945, he engineered the first defection from behind the Iron Curtain, through the escape of Theodore Schmidt.

O'Driscoll served for a time as aide to Charles Lindbergh, who was the first man to fly solo across the Atlantic. He also worked with John Wheeler, who was the first person to discover black holes. Later in life, he moved to Ireland and bought Castle Matrix in Co. Limerick.

Quite clearly O'Driscoll did have an intelligence background firstly with the OSS as the foregoing says he "engineered the first defection from behind the Iron Curtain", so it is not unreasonable to believe he later switched to the CIA as so many former OSS officers did.

Many years ago I wrote an article titled Princes of Plunder that covered a number of interconnected matters that drew on my trawls through the foregoing forum and subsequent research. In particular the article outed for the first time a curious chiviric society located in the Mojave desert called The Augustan Society that was very closely connected to SMOM, the Knights of Malta. It also presented details of The Noble Order of the Rose (NOR), that was a subsidiary entity of the Augustan Society. The founding members of the NOR were the Lippe family:

Quote:The curiosity here is that many of the early, and some of the founding members, were formerly with wartime intelligence services, mostly the OSS. These included Crolian Edelen, Robert Formhals, Robert Gayre, John Driscoll, George Balling and Forest Barber all of whom had also earlier been Shickshinny knights, a so called "fake" Order that claimed descent from the Russian Grand Priory of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem. The Shickshinny knights boasted some really heavy weight English and American pro nazi military and intelligence officers. [30]

Note: Footnote 30 links the reader to a further article of mine titled The Spoils of War HERE, which into more details of the Shickshinny Knights, Nazi and Japanese plunder from WWII and a section of the Priory of Sion.


The full title of NOR was actually The Noble Order of the Rose of Lippe [hello Peter - :-)] the family name of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a Nazi spy and, imo, the traitor who organised - with VIP others in Britain - the betrayal Operation Market Garden, General Montgommery's audacious plan to capture the Dutch bridges concluding with the bridge at Arnhem, thus providing direct access into the Ruhr, the industrial heartland of Germany. Had the operation been successful - and it very nearly was - it would most likely have seen the war come to an end by Christmas 1944 -- which would've really screwed Martin Bormann's plan to relocate the Fourth Reich to Argentina with all their loot plus all the advanced weapon technology. Which was very, very advanced indeed.

A further extract from Princes of Plunder:
The Lippe family appears to have any number of connections to enterprises with intelligence connections.[/FONT] [/FONT]Take for example, the Order of the Rose of Lippe, a chivalric Order awarded to German House of Lippe.[/FONT] [/FONT]An offshoot of this order is the Noble Company of the Rose, founded by Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe the first cousin of Prince Bernhard - and Sir Rodney Hartwell.[/FONT] [/FONT]Today, the Noble Order of the Rose is awarded exclusively and by invitation only to members of a curious research institute with a focus on genealogy, royalty, nobility, chivalry, herald[/FONT]ry, and related topics called The Augustan Society that is housed in a mansion located in the Mojave Desert near Dagget, USA, and which was founded in 1957.[/FONT]


The Augustan Society was originally located in Torrance, California, a location that gave rise to an insider adage "when you hear a sneeze in Torrance, you hear a God Bless you' on the Via Condotti." The Via Condotti is the location of the Palazzo di Malta in Rome, the HQ of SMOM. The SMOM connection to this story is not without considerable interest. Members of this order have included such nazi notables as Dr. Herman Abs, a director of I G Farben and Deutsche Bank and who was known as "Hitler's paymaster." Robert Gayre, one of the founders of the Augustan Society was awarded the Grand Cross of Merit of SMOM. Another to be honoured by SMOM was nazi spymaster, Reinhard Gehlen discussed above who received the prestigious Grand Cross of Merito Melitense in 1948. Another honoured by SMOM was James Jesus Angleton, to whom we shall return shortly. Neither of the Dulles brothers were honoured by this August body simply because they were Protestants rather than Catholics.
Curiously however, Martin Bormann's eldest son, Adolf Martin chose to take holy orders in 1946 following a preliminary course at Federaun Monastery, located close to Villach in Austria. This monastery was under the patronage of Bishop Hudal one of the most senior Vatican insiders who was responsible for running the nazi underground escape railway known as the Ratlines. More alarming is the fact that Hudal was the "guardian" of Aldolf Martin Bormann, as he was also the guardian of another monk, Brother Avery Dulles, son of John Foster Dulles, elder brother of Allen Dulles. It's a small world isn't it.
The Knights of Malta were also responsible for helping thousands of the worst Nazis and members of the SS escape to freedom down these Ratlines, thus evading justice and avoiding the hangman's noose at Nuremberg. Originally conceived as an underground railroad for wanted war criminals, it was quickly co-opted, I understand, to smuggle nazi gold, currency and other plunder to replenish the enormous sums lost by the Rockefeller family in pre-war German investments. Assisting Rockefeller in this sleazy endeavour were, Allen Dulles, Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton, the OSS Italian bureau chief and later CIA Rome Bureau chief. As such Angleton was in charge of the Vatican "account" and I understand that he learned about the homosexual proclivities of Pope Pius XII (formerly the Papal Nuncio in Bavaria) and was able to use this information for blackmail purposes. Meanwhile, Allen Dulles, Herbert Walker and James Jesus Angleton are said to have benefited most handsomely from "commissions" earned for their assistance in shifting plunder on behalf of the Rockefeller's. Angleton benefited even more since he was able to co-opt SMOM, the intelligence arm of the Vatican, to work on behalf of US intelligence interests.
Patrons of the Augustan Society are listed as Ernst August Prinz zur Lippe, Dr. Otto von Habsburg the old Austro-Hungarian Imperial House and Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy son of King Umberto II, the last Italian king who was forced to relinquish his throne after the war for being pro-Mussolini. [31] Prince Victor Emmanuel is the Grand Master of the authorised Vatican chivalric Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus.
Another of those beguiling coincidences is that Robert Gayre, who is mentioned above, was the head of the US branch of the racist organisation, the International Association for the Advancement of Eugenics and Ethnology, which is headquartered in Scotland. Eugenics formed a very powerful undercurrent in nazi ideology and thinking.
The IAAEE was founded by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton who was a Wing Commander in the RAF during WWII. Lord Malcolm was, moreover, a member of the "Cliveden Set" - which is another name for the Rhodes-Milner Oxford "Group" that was sympathetic to Hitler's war aims. Not least, Lord Malcolm had the honour of being the brother of the Duke of Hamilton who, as we know, was the host of Rudolf Hess after his flight to Scotland in 1941.
Colonel Gayre also founded the Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem in Edinburgh, with the US branch of this Order being established by Lord Malcolm Douglas-Hamilton. Lord Malcolm is a relative of the late Queen Mother via his mother, Pamela Bowes-Lyon. Robert Gayre was also the vice president of the International Commission for Orders of Chivalry (ICC). The VI International Congress of the ICC was held in Edinburgh in 1962, under the Honorary Presidency of the Duke of Edinburgh and was presided over by the Duke of Hamilton.

The foregoing should provide some insights into my interest in the Priory of Sion mystery. But there was an even deeper interest due to my lifelong study of the occult. But more on the positive side of things further below.

I have to say a belated thanks for Robert Richardson, the author of the below two articles, for bringing the story of the PoS and the far deeper mystery that underlies the Rennes le Chateau story into far sharper focus for me. Is it my belief that the mystery of both is now settled albeit apart from the minutiae.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
The Priory of Sion Secret and the Da Vinci Code

With the international success of the bestselling novel The DaVinci Code, esoteric subjects have been enthusiastically received by a large audience. But that audience does not realize information about the "Priory of Sion" presented in The DaVinci Code as "fact" is a fraud. Nor do the readers realize why that fraud was created and the reason why its existence has been maintained. Those who have embraced the novel's subject matter will be shocked to find by believing The DaVinci Code claim that the "Priory of Sion" and its fabrications are real, they are embracing the hate and fear filled mindset of religious fanatics. The following pages are the first serious attempt to explain the secret "why" of the "Priory of Sion" fraud and the real goals its animators are trying to achieve.

Every person is the product of their environment and their experiences, and the traits exhibited by the so-called "Priory of Sion" are the products of intellectual constructs and life experiences from a particular period carried onward by the "Priory of Sion" founders and by its adherents. It is valuable to review the often-overlooked recurring themes at the foundation of the fabrications promulgated by the "Priory of Sion." Those recurring themes are more mundane than mystical:

  • It is extraordinarily Franco-centric. From the point of view of those behind the "Priory of Sion," France is the center of all key events which have shaped Western history.
  • It is intensely Catholic. The Catholic Church is a major player in the "Priory" playbook. A sub-theme is its portrayal of a recurring struggle for control of the church itself.
  • Names of modern Catholic Ultra-Traditionalists are alleged as associates, supporters, and key members of the "Priory of Sion" and select Catholic Ultra-Traditionalist organizations are alleged to be, or proudly proclaimed as, predecessors or implied fronts for the "Priory of Sion". (An Ultra-Traditionalist Catholic may be defined as someone who desires a return to a Catholic Church with pre-1960 institutions but more influence in spiritual, political, and personal affairs than in the past.)
  • European politics appear repeatedly, but in relation to the Roman church.
  • Monarchical restoration.
  • Esoteric and Masonic allusions appear like a set in a play, a backdrop to the other five recurring themes.
Through these recurring themes we will come to see the "why" of the "Priory of Sion."

While the tumultuous French cultural events of the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century raged - the constantly changing government and roles of royalty and the Catholic Church, the visible rise of esoteric studies as a cultural force in France, and the smothering atmosphere of the industrial revolution - one more critical change was fast evolving. The role of the Catholic Church throughout Europe was in astonishingly sudden transition, and that transition was a decline in power and in influence. Everything seemed to assail the Roman church in a sustained onslaught. In Italy, it was stripped of its role as a true landed state and of its worldly political influence. In its place, new democratic forces and a new societal order arose. The spiritual influence and temporal wealth and power of the French Catholic Church were castrated. In every old Catholic stronghold, once inconceivable governmental restrictions altered the traditional role of the church.

Throughout Europe a generation of scholars employing new methods of academic inquiry were questioning and rewriting the very foundations of belief on which the Papal throne and church power had been constructed. As a response, the doctrine of Papal infallibility was created, and asserted, but it was laughed at. Even the fearsome power of the Inquisition, so recently the scourge of Europe and the ruthless enforcer of Papal will, withered rapidly and became a paper ghost. As a series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary were reported across France in the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century from Lourdes to La Salette, the power and influence of the church was crumbling in its own hands. No one seemed to realize this was the real end of the Middle Ages. The ancient institutions were finally confronted with the inevitable reality of time and change.

But many conservatives among prelates and the devout could not accept this change. For them, the church was the only legitimate source of worldly power. Men were lost without its authority. They could not accept that the structures of the Middle Ages had come to the end of their time. For almost 2,000 years, the Church had maintained its power and influence. It had outlasted dynasties and nations. How could such a fall from power and grace happen to the elect of God? How could the world have turned against them so suddenly? The only answer could be hidden adversaries. And those adversaries were readily found. Freemasonry had become a publicly visible influence in Europe. Masons actively worked to lessen the power of Royalty, the Church's traditional ally. Masonry advocated equality and freedom of religions, equal rights for all social classes, and the separation of church and state.

Masonic lodges supported the rise of constitutional democracies - whose spokesmen and elected officials often happened to be Freemasons. Freemasons were successful in the new, rising commercial class. Freemasons supported the publication of esoteric books such as the H.P. Blavatsky's Isis Unveiled, and The Secret Doctrine. All these things were anathematic to the Church's sense of the right order of the universe. It was evident that Masonry was a tool of the Devil. Masonry was the archenemy of the church. And the more open Masonry became, the more other esoteric societies seemed to appear from hiding. And then, there were always the Jews.

In 1877, H.P. Blavatsky published Isis Unveiled. The New York World described it as,
"an extremely readable and exhaustive essay upon the paramount importance of re-establishing the Hermetic Philosophy in a world which blindly believes it has outgrown it".
The opening words of the author's preface confirmed the worst fears of the Catholic Traditionalists by stating,
"The work now submitted to public judgment is the fruit of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with Eastern adepts and study of their science... It is an attempt to aid the student to detect the vital principles which underlie the philosophical systems of old."
Not only were the philosophical systems of old examined, but they introduced the books' wide readership to what Blavatsky claimed were Hidden Masters guiding the destiny of humanity.

Unfortunately, none of the Hidden Masters proved to be Catholic. Rather inconveniently, they all seemed to be from Somewhere In The Far East. To compound matters, when Blavatsky published The Secret Doctrine in 1888, her preface emphasized that while her work might be appear to be Eastern, it was not about any religion, but rather about the truths which under girded all faiths.

Blavatsky's books symbolized the new ideas and heretofore seemingly hidden wisdom that created a cultural explosion and found a receptive and long-suppressed lay audience. For years the complacency and authoritarian power of the Catholic Church had inbred corruption, and abuses had worn on its lay people like a yoke. Periodic internal efforts to reform it were met with opposition. Of more concern to the church was the priest who strayed from the official church position. They were subject to harsh internal punishments. Orders sprang up inside the church to fight its external enemies but also to police its own. In 17[SUP]th[/SUP] century France, a group called the Compagnie du Saint Sacrement arose. A genuine secret society, its real aims were understood by no one and it seemed to frighten just about everyone, from the church to the state.

Eventually it was disbanded, to the relief of all. It has been accurately described as "a bastion of rigidly entrenched and fanatical orthodoxy" that "devoted itself to weeding out heretics".[SUP](1)[/SUP] It was a precedent as much intellectually and spiritually as physically for the groups which would fight to restore the Roman church's traditional role in midst and aftermath of the chaos that the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] century created for the Catholic church. Centuries later the "Priory of Sion" would make references to the Compagnie du Saint Sacrement and regard itself as its heir.

In the 19[SUP]th[/SUP] and early 20[SUP]th[/SUP] centuries the ardently faithful, in particular Royalist Catholics and some members of the priesthood, fought back fiercely against what they perceived as worldly depredations against the rightful position and prerogatives of monarchy and the church. In Rome, in the heart of the Vatican itself, a secret society called Sodalitum Pianum was formed under the direction of Monsignor Umberto Benigni. Benigni sacrificed his rising clerical career and his future role in the Society for the Propagation of the Faith to found and run Sodalitium Pianum. The basic function of Sodalitum Pianumwas to gather information for key Curia officials - the Vatican administration - and for the Pope on what was actually happening inside the Church. It received its support from several influential Cardinals and from the defender of traditional Church privileges, Pope Pius X.

Sodalitum Pianum was for all intents and purposes a secret police force. Its job was to fight the challenge posed by Modernism to the traditional church teachings. Internally, it would make rebellious priests march to the dictums of the church hierarchy, and it hunted to uncover any sources of internal heresy. It was founded in 1909 and terminated in 1914, when Pius died. But it was reborn in 1915 and continued until 1921, when it was formally disbanded. Despite formal cessation of its activities, the heritage of Sodalitum Pianum would continue. As Sodalitum Pianum waged its battle from Rome, in France another Catholic secret society thrived. It had appeared some thirty-six years earlier. The roots and the ideas of the latter day "Priory of Sion" come directly from this group, the Hiéron du Val d'Or.

The Force Behind the "Priory of Sion"

In 1873, the very curious organization called Hiéron de Val d'Or was founded. It made its base near the Catholic shrine at Paray-le-Monial. Here, two centuries earlier, the mystic St. Marguerite-Marie Alacoque beheld visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, beginning the Catholic devotion to the Sacred Heart. Paray-le-Monial had a long history within the Catholic Church. The first of several monastery facilities, a Benedictine abbey, was established there as early as 973. Later, the area seemed to foster Protestants, and in 1618 the Jesuits were called upon to save the faithful from the usurpers. The Jesuits had remained at Paray-le-Monial ever since and the Sacred Heart became the paramount devotional symbol for the Jesuit Order, which was consecrated to the Sacred Heart in 1872. [SUP](2)[/SUP]

[Image: priorysion08_01.jpg]
Paray-le-Monial was an important point on the Jesuit compass and at least one member of the Society of Jesus would become a key founder of the Hiéron du Val d'Or. At Paray-le-Monial the Hiéron du Val d'Or built a museum and research center in 1877 and housed itself in a pentagonal building reflecting the Hiéron's interest in geometry and sacred architecture. Long established as a Catholic pilgrimage site, from 1873 onwards Paray-le-Monial began to attract more visitors. Thousands Catholics from all walks of life journeyed to Paray-le-Monial in devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, hoping to stem the changes of the times. The Hiéron du Val d'Or deliberately targeted these pilgrims as its potential recruits.

Victor Drevon, a Jesuit priest, and a nobleman from Spain, the Baron Alexis Sarachaga, were the two key founders of the Hiéron. In 1854, Drevon, then 34 years old, established the Association of the Communion of Reparation in the ancient monastery and Jesuit base at Paray-le-Monial with the purpose of atonement, or reconciliation, of man and God through the mediation of Jesus. For his part, the wealthy Baron Sarachaga was a devoted but esoterically oriented Catholic. His family linage claimed the famed mystic, St. Teresa of Avila, and he was a personal friend of the besieged Pope Pius IX and his successor Leo XIII.

Drevon brought the focus and discipline of the Jesuits to the Hiéron, and Sarachaga brought his wealth, his influential Vatican and social connections, and his odd Catholic/esoteric orientation, which the Hiéron proclaimed as esoteric Christianity, or Christian Hermeticism. As the spiritual head of the Hiéron and titular head of its church approved school, the Insititut des Fastes ("Fastes" refers to Roman calendar church feast days), Sarachaga would dedicate the last forty years of his life to the Hiéron, until his death in 1918. It would be become a forge in which the shock troops of the anti-Masonic and anti-occultist Catholic Ultra-Traditionalists would be molded and it would reflect Sarachaga's eclectic ideas.

The Hiéron du Val d'Or focused on propagating a very Catholic focused worldview, born in the church-challenged circumstances of the times, encompassing the occult and the monarchy, and a return to worldly glory for the church. It countered occultist's claims of a universal tradition. To the Hiéron, the only universal tradition was a Catholic Christianity, which was, like Atlantis, lost, and which must be rediscovered. The Hiéron version of Christianity traced directly back to an idealized vision of Atlantis via the Celts, Judaism, and Egypt. Christianity, according to the Hiéron, originated in Atlantis and was itself the universal tradition. Atlantis, the legendary lost civilization at the root of humanity became, to the members of the Hiéron, an idealized vision of the world as it should be, and a code word embracing every aspect of their vision. As proof of this heritage, the Hiéron revealed to its adherents the name Aor-Agni (Light-Fire), that it claimed opened the secrets of all knowledge of the universe, as taught in its school.

As important to the Hiéron and its members as rediscovering its version of the lost Catholic heritage by preserving Celtic sacred sites, and by studying symbolism, astrology, and a peculiarly Catholic Kabbalah, was the heritage of the future. The Hiéron was obsessed with preparing for the year 2000. That was when the golden time would come - an absolute monarch would rule Europe and, eventually, the world. The Great King, the worldly reign of Christ the King. And the Vatican would be supreme again, together with this King. The Pope and the King would rule by fiat over a United States of Europe. Their dictums would be absolutely obeyed.

Behind them would stand a secret elite, powers behind the throne in the service of Christ, "eminences grises from whom the great of this world seek counsel." - as the latter-day "Priory" would try to depict itself. [SUP](3)[/SUP] The Hiéron wanted, as onetime Plantard associate and later adversary Jean-Luc Chaumeil wrote,
"a theocracy, wherein nations would be no more than provinces, their leaders but proconsuls in the service of a global government consisting of secret elitists. For Europe the regime of the Great King implied a double hegemony of the papacy and the Empire... . . "[SUP](4)[/SUP].
And the devoted members of the Hiéron were dedicated, willing to sacrifice and work to achieve these goals.

The Hiéron had another purpose, a secret one. It secretly and forcefully advocated that Masonry was an anti-Christian movement requiring reformation. A secret and sacred war must be fought against Freemasonry by the church and its phalange, the Hiéron, a war which would give birth to a new and "Christian Freemasonry of the Great West" [SUP](5)[/SUP], or the "Occident". For Catholic Ultra-Traditionalists, the Grand Lodge of French Masons and claims for an ancient common spiritual primacy in books like Blavatsky's would be replaced by a "Grand Occident Lodge" and the spiritual primacy of Catholic Christianity. "Occident", too, grew to become a key password for the prolonged and intense activities of the Hiéron's Catholic vanguard to supplant Freemasonry with an Ultra-Traditionalist Catholic creation. By overcoming the threat of occultists with a creation which proved Catholic supremacy, they would bring Masons and occultists back into the fold of the Catholic church.

Great effort was made to clearly differentiate the teachings of the Hiéron from those of other esotericists and especially Freemasons. For the Hiéron and its followers, Masonry had become corrupt. The corruption could be clearly traced and even dated. Freemasonry had once been noble. But the influence of the English had become too strong in the late 18th century. The English branch had been corrupted because it was dominated by Protestants. The Germans, too had become corrupted, and this corruption eventually spread to French Masonry. The corruption was caused by the Illuminati of Bavaria - which had been led by a Jew! They had corrupted Masonry and the French Revolution. To Hiéron acolytes, the French Revolution was originated by the nobility and the church who, because of their higher consciousness, deemed it necessary to help their lesser evolved citizenry by graciously and voluntarily surrendering all their privileges and powers.

But the revolution became twisted and violent because of the influence of corrupt elements of Illuminati-dominated Masonry. Masonry had, in fact, became a Jewish/Protestant tool which overthrew the Catholic Church and the nobility in France and laid virtual siege to the Vatican itself. Any claims of a descent of Freemasonry from the Templars were merely proof of its corruption, because the Templars, too, had lost their way. But their positive principles survived and were now embodied in the "Occidental Masonry" advocated by the Hiéron. And so Freemasonry became a hated symbol, a target which had to be reformed and replaced by intentional and covert actions of the elite troops and superior Catholic Hermeticists dispatched by the Hiéron du Val d'Or.

But common pilgrims were not the only recruits sought by the Hiéron. To realize its goals, the Hiéron needed to attract an elite. And it did, drawing to it royalty and the wealthy and many artistic and intellectual notables. A very prominent intellectual drawn to the odd esoteric spiritual recipe of the Hiéron was Louis Charbonneau-Lessay, a well-born Catholic author and former priest. Charbonneau-Lessay was widely known and acclaimed in scholarly, religious, and esoteric circles for his research and writings on the use of symbols in medieval Catholic times. His major work on this subject, The Bestiary of Christ, is still in print today. Charbonneau-Lessay actively sought esoteric knowledge. From his studies he had concluded that the Templars held a secret and special knowledge and he was drawn to contact several secret societies and to the Hiéron school to search for it.

When Drevon had died in 1880, Sarachaga increased his already potent influence in the Hiéron and his ideas dominated it for 38 more years. The activities of the Hiéron were encouraged and its practices which seemed to conflict with Catholicism were protected by Sarachaga's friends Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII. When Pius X became Pope in 1903, the conflict between the church and state in France was so intense that the Vatican needed Sarachaga and his devoted followers more than ever. In 1903 the French church became subject to state overview and in 1905 the Law of Separation in France nullified Napolean's old agreement with the church.

The church lost its property and revenue in France, while by 1907 on the spiritual and intellectual front Pius X was so besieged by Modernism that he wrote a Papal Encyclical against it. With the passing of Pius in 1914 and the beginning of the First World War, the French Catholic Church was pushed further away from its traditional prominence in French life. And in 1917, six mystical visions of the Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, spoke of a new threat to the church from Russia, and a mysterious Catholic end-times prophecy. All these factors emphasized the need among Traditionalist Catholics for a reformation of the Masonic-Jewish forces that to their view were behind the devastating blows to church and royalty.

From 1910 throughout the turbulent time when First World War raged, the symbolism of the Sacred Heart and related symbols and spiritual aspects progressively gained prominence in Catholic intellectual and religious circles. The monarchist Abbé Felix Anizan had been focused on this subject since 1909. In 1921, after the death of Baron Sarachaga, Abbé Anizan started a journal called Regnabit ("He will reign"), Revue Universelle du Sacre-Coeur, funded by a bequest from Sarachaga and supported by a number of high ranking clerics. Its name referred to a prominent Hiéron theme, the Kingdom of Christcoming at the end of the Millennium. In 1922, at the request of Archbishop Louis-Ernest Dubois of Paris, Charbonneau-Lessay began to write for Regnabit, increasing his involvement and interest in the work at the Hiéron.

René Guénon also came into prolonged contact with the Hiéron at this time through Charbonneau-Lessay, whose knowledge he wanted to share, and through their mutual association with the anti-Masonic magazine, La France anti-maconnique. And another figure who at the same time began moving visibly into the orbit of the Hiéron was Paul Le Cour. Years later La Cour would be alleged in "Priory " publications as a friend of "Priory" creator Pierre Plantard. In November of 1923, Le Cour began an intense period of contact with the Hiéron du Val d'Or through Jeanne Lepine-Authelain, an aging Hiéron founding member.

In 1918, with the death of Sarachaga, three administrators headed the daily affairs of the Hiéron, Gabriel de Noaillat, Mathe Devuns, and their associate, Jeanne Lepine-Authelain. Absent Sarachaga's powerful influence, internal church forces critical of the practices and philosophy of the Hiéron began to politic against it in church circles. As a defensive measure the administrators increasingly moved the Hiéron into more conventional Catholic circles. In 1925, the Hiéron triumphantly received formal recognition from the Vatican for the creation of the Feast of Christ the King. But by February 1926, the three aging lay administrators passed away. With Abbé Felix Anizan under mounting pressure from church officials in France and in the Vatican to moderate its practices, and no full-time administrators to run its affairs, the Hiéron lost control of its facilities at Paray-le-Monial. The Hiéron disappeared.

But while it may have disappeared as a physical entity, the Hiéron's ideals continued without abatement. Its work was carried on by those who adhered to Sarachaga's original principles. In 1926, Le Cour quickly founded a group called Societe d'Etudies Atlanteennes and its successor "Atlantis" in 1927, to carry on the ideas of the Hiéron. Also in 1927, at the age of 56, Le Cour began to write books and publish a magazine trumpeting key Hiéron and Sarachaga themes on Atlantis, astrology, and other metaphysical subjects. His last book was published in 1955, after his death, and just before the "Priory of Sion" was born. Le Cour was regarded by the adherents of the Hiéron as the spiritual heir to Baron Sarachaga, a leadership transition symbolized by a particular Sarachaga ring Jeanne Lepine-Authelain left to him.

In fact, the groundwork for this transition had been laid in the contentious years after Sarachaga's passing. During its last few years, the Hiéron was a hotbed of conflicting esoteric topics molded in the vision of Ultra-Traditionalist Catholicism. The esoteric intellectual and spiritual intensity of the atmosphere at Paray-le-Monial is witnessed by the presence of Charbonneau-Lessay and Rene Guenon, who were drawn to the topics it studied. The rapid founding by Le Cour, within four months after the loss of the Hiéron facilities, of a well subscribed successor society to carry on the ideas of the Hiéron, and Le Cour's publication in 1927 of his first book perpetuating the key points of Sarachaga's philosophy, speaks more of a determined plan to continue the spirit and principles of the Hiéron than an independent impulse. Le Cour's organization still exists today, with some 3,000 members.

In 1922, as the future Hiéron program was being conceived, Georges "Count Israel" Monti created an esoteric society called the Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques. Two unique characteristics of this group clarify in light of the history and goals of the Hiéron du Val d'Or and they foreshadow the principles behind the later formation of the "Priory of Sion" and its wartime incarnation, Alpha Galates. Those two characteristics are the specific goal of reconciling esoteric orders with the Catholic Church, and claiming a fictional affiliation with occultist Alister Crowley. Claiming a fictional affiliation - in short, lying - would later be raised to a new level by the "Priory of Sion." But for a religious fanatic, the end always justifies the means. For Monti's group, its highly contradictory cover story served well for the real purpose of Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques: acting in the esoteric world to implement Hiéron ideals to reform Masonry from within and reorient it under the firm direction of Catholicism.

It is most likely that Monti was affiliated both directly and spiritually with the Hiéron and that he was acting on its behalf. His long affiliation with the devoutly Catholic Josephine Péladan as his secretary and the goals of Péladan's Order Rose-Croix Catholique of the Temple and the Grail, founded in 1891 to reveal the mysteries and prepare for the coming of Christ are also perfectly in keeping with the goals of the Hiéron. The Jesuit educated Monti moved in overlapping circles with Paul Le Cour. Their mutual interests seem to coincide - a study of Anthroposophy; an interest in its predecessor, Theosophy; an affiliation with Péladan's Order of the Rose-Croix Catholique; and very strong anti-Semitism.

Another important and revealing similarity is an emphasis on political activity and reformation of the body politic. If, as is advanced in this hypotheses, Monti was acting on behalf of and in concert with the progeny of the Hiéron, his documented breathless insistence on meeting important people and being associated with secret political operations are in keeping with activities the Hiéron would seek out to reform the influence of Masonry. All these activities would be necessary to win control of Masonry and then use its presumed influence to prepare for the coming kingdom in the year 2000.

The word "occidental" would later became a password into the paradigm of the "Priory of Sion." It means the West, and specifically Western Europe. It is the differentiator of the split in French Masonry. The Lodges which were aligned with the tradition of French Masonry were called "Orient". The lodges aligned with Catholic Traditionalists and which sought to bring Masonry under the rule of Vatican Catholicism were called "Occident." A Masonic reconciliation with the church was one of the goals of the Hiéron du Val d'Or, and of Monti's group. The Hiéron saw the future world run by a group of elitists - their members. This is exactly the elitist role sought by George Monti for himself, and it is how the successor organizations, Alpha Galates, and later the "Priory of Sion," would strive to position their image.

As a conscious and deliberate front for the work of Hiéron adherents in implementing its goals of reforming Masonry and reconciling it with the Catholic Church, the leader of Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques would not be inaccurately described by the Grand Lodge as a trafficker in information and, given the Jesuit presence at Paray-le-Monial and Jesuit involvement in the Hiéron formation and activities, a Jesuit agent. In 1936, one year after his close friend and associate Dr. Camille Savoire severed his association with the Grand Orient Lodge and one month after he was publicly so described by the Grand Lodge, Georges Monti would die under mysterious circumstances and Groupe occidental d'etudes esoteriques would disappear. Sixty years later, the "Priory of Sion" would allege Camille Savoireto have been one of its key members.

The next small person who would become enamored with the ideals emanating from the world of the Hiéron would be sixteen when George Monti died. He, too, would very soon become the front man for groups carrying forward the cause of the Hiéron, a cause he himself would come to adopt. And he, too, would come to a sad end. His name was Pierre Plantard.

The Education of Pierre Plantard

His father was a butler, killed in an accident while Pierre Plantard was still young, but in middle age he would allege his father was a member of the nobility. His mother, a sometime cook for the wealthy, would support him well into adulthood on a small pension received from his father's accident. He was an unsuccessful student, not advancing beyond primary school to higher or trade education, unemployed, drifting, his only brief job as the sexton of St Louis d'Antin parish in Paris.

In 1936, when Pierre Plantard, the future founder of the "Priory of Sion," was sixteen, for the French right and some devout Catholics a horrific event took place - a Jewish socialist, Leon Blum became French prime minister. Both his faith and his political orientation mobilized these groups against Blum. In 1937, the young and poorly educated Pierre Plantard suddenly became precociously politically active when he tried to found an organization called "The French Union" and to distribute a periodical "The Renewal of France." His co-officers in The French Union were very close to his own youth: Simone Gabrielle Brue, and Andre Bergerand, both also born in 1920; and a secretary, France Brubius, was three years older. [SUP](6)[/SUP] In that same year, Paul Le Cour would publish a work on astrology, "The Era of Aquarius," containing future predictions colored by his dedicated Hiéron-focus.

In 1938, Plantard published and distributed for free "French Renewal" a pamphlet with a circulation a 10,000. It was printed by Poirer Murat, who later would print another publication ostensibly for Plantard. Now 18, Plantard was also active with Groupement Catholique de la Jeunesse, a Catholic youth group. Supposedly he was involved in its formation. By 1939 he was speaking to small gatherings sponsored by this group, which arranged free holidays for young people. In 1940 Plantard was writing directly to Marshall Pétain, leader of the Nazi Collaborationist government at Vichy, warning of a Masonic-Jewish plot. In 1941, French authorities denied Plantard his application to found an organization called "French National Renewal".

According to a 1941 police report, [SUP](7)[/SUP] Plantard was unemployed and supported by his mother. They had lived together for fourteen years in two sublet rooms, which were former maids' quarters. But in 1942, Alpha Galates, an organization headed in name by Plantard and alleging a substantial membership, made its appearance, with its first issue of Vaincre, an ardently pro-Vichy periodical featuring articles by a number of prominent rightists on superficial esoteric, and extreme right-wing political themes. Illustrated and produced on good quality stock, it, too, was printed by Poirer Murat.

Where did the money come from to fund all these activities?

Obviously it did not come from Plantard or his mother. By 1942, he was 22 and still unemployed. He had a minimum of formal education. Most of the police reports about his activities from this wartime period when political activity was investigated dismiss him as an eccentric. But a 1945 police report on Alpha Galates, provides an insight in its list of the officers theoretically serving with Plantard on its leadership committee. They were:

  • Jacques Theureau, Alpha Galates vice president, an actor living with his parents and one year younger than Plantard
  • Suzanne Libre, its secretary, two years younger than Plantard, and living with her parents while studying acting
  • Jules Tisser, the Treasurer of Alpha Galates. He was 24 years older than Plantard, a childless WWI veteran employed as the chief accountant at a manufacturing firm [SUP](8)[/SUP]
The dreary police report is oblivious to Jules Tisser. He is like an invisible man. Accountants sometimes are. But it is an odd circumstance that a man old enough to be Plantard's father and holding a responsible position would be associated with a group of young people in a chimerical organization. And that he would gladly submit to the leadership of its illustrious chief, Plantard, who police reports saw as an "odd young man"[SUP] (9)[/SUP] and a "deranged individual"[SUP] (10)[/SUP]. Wartime France was a difficult economic period. Why would a chief accountant - a very good job in a time of high unemployment - risk his position by involvement in the enterprise of Alpha Galates if it were just the immature work of a few politically impassioned but confused young people?

But if a group of determined adults impassioned about its religious concepts being implemented in society were promoting a young front man to send its message and spending scarce funds on free publications, they would want one of their numbers involved to watch the puppets. And to count the money. Someone like an older and very experienced accountant.

The unemployed, devoutly Catholic Pierre Plantard was a front man for older people dedicated to the concepts of the Hiéron du Val d' Or. He did not have the money to pay for and distribute multiple runs of 10,000 copies for his first publication, nor for the 1300 to 4500 free copies claimed by the six issues of the illustrated Vaincre. Nor did a young man of 22 - even an unemployed one with a lot of time on his hands - have the knowledge to write all the Vaincre articles by himself nor to understand obscure esoteric references in some Vaincre articles. But older men who adhered to the concepts of the Hiéron du Val d'Or did.

In the first issue of Vaincre is a particularly interesting illustration that reveals the real sources for this publication and the puppet masters behind it. It shows a solitary horseman in Celtic dress carrying a flag and riding into a distant sunrise, which reads "1946" and is labeled with the symbol of Aquarius - the time of the coming of the Great Monarch. Either side of the road he rides is labeled "Bavaria" and "Brittany". The start of the road is labeled "1937". On the rider's flag is a symbol called the Cross of the South. And the road he rides is labeled "United States of the Occident."

It is debatable whether young Pierre Plantard could have created this illustration. It sums up too neatly the philosophy of the real animators behind Alpha Galates. "Occident," or West, is a term closely associated with Ultra-Traditionalist Catholic efforts to reform Masonry into alignment with the Catholic Church. A United States of the West is the vision of a western European super government under the hegemony of France. It is the vision of Hiéron du Val d'Or. A Celtic rider affirms the Hiéron emphasis on its ties to Celtic traditions.

[Image: priorysion08_02.gif]
The Cross of the South is in keeping with the Hiéron's interest in simbology: a cross with a heart is a specifically Hiéron symbol, and the Cross of the South relates to another Hiéron interest, a Catholic oriented astrology. In 1942, few people would have knowledge of the meaning of this symbol, or of its existence unless they were well steeped in the teachings of the Hiéron du Val d'Or. Young Pierre Plantard would not have known the workings these concepts. As a front man, he would have sat admiring and obedient at the feet of men who helped mold the effort to see the ideals of the Hiéron become reality.

Several other factors confirm that this illustration, Alpha Galates, and its front man Pierre Plantardwere creatures of Hiéron acolytes. Young Plantard was involved with Catholic youth groups and was said to be the leader of one which provided free vacations for Catholic youth. In 1920, the Jesuits formed the Catholic Scouts youth group and, later, the Catholic Rover Scouts to inculcate young people with proper religious and political values. At the same time, Abbé Felix Anizan of the Hiéron formed a youth group to recruit young people to the Hiéron, a group referred to by Paul Le Cour in his 1920's writings as a force to be used in helping to bring Hiéron policies to a future reality.

The youth group with which the young Pierre Plantard was associated was modeled along these lines. Alpha Galates, by its constitution, was anti-Masonic and anti-Semitic, confirming the presence of Hiéron values. Like key people associated with Hiéron ideals, Plantard would be repeatedly confirmed by police reports as anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic. [SUP](11)[/SUP] By coincidence, both of Plantard's publishing ventures involved the same printer. And while the later well-known Robert Amadou may have claimed to discontinue his work with Alpha Galates, he was associated with, and published in, Le Cour's journal Atlantis.

In the issues of Alpha Galates' Vaincre, Robert Amadou and Pierre Plantard echoed the philosophy of the Hiéron. As Amadou would write for Vaincre, Chivalry (meaning traditional non-Masonic Orders ) belonged,
" ...not in opposition to the Church, but within the heart of it"[SUP] (12)[/SUP]
Plantard, or someone writing under his pseudonym of Pierre de France, would take the neo-fascism of the Hiéron and the French far right to an extreme by proclaiming,
"I want Hitler's Germany to know that every obstacle to our own plans does harm to him also, for this is the resistance put up by Masonry that is undermining German might."[SUP] (13)[/SUP]
Like Amadou, he would write of the new face the Hiéron followers saw for the esoteric orders that foreshadowed the "Priory of Sion" hoax:
" . . . what happened after the disappearance of [the last Templar Grand Master] Jacques De Molay will no longer hamper our progress since from now on the orders will be kept in existence."[SUP](14)[/SUP]
Last is astrology. It figured in the world of the Hiéron du Val d'Or and more prominently in the post 1926 expressions of its teaching. Paul Le Cour was an important figure in the development of French astrology in the twentieth century. Of his eleven books, his most revised and reprinted work was "L'Ere du Verseau" ("The Era of Aquarius"). It was first published in 1937 using different astrological processional calculations than those in vogue at the Hiéron base at Paray-le-Monial. Le Cour announced his calculations saw the beginning of a key period in 1937- 1946. This was the period which Alpha Galates, the front for the followers of the Hiéron and predecessor of the "Priory of Sion," specifically indicated by the dates in the illustration in their publication, Vaincre. Le Cour himself is specifically referenced in the same first issue of Vaincre as Paul Lecourt, a punctuation closer to his real name, Paul Lecour.

The activities of this group faded in the last years of the war. Soon the older leaders passed on. But Plantard and others dedicated to their secret, carried on their ideas. In 1947, Paul Le Cour and writers sharing the Hiéron philosophy called for the creation of a new order of knighthood, and in 1947 Plantard formed a new group for the purpose of "historical research," The Latin Academy. In 1956, following the death of Paul Le Cour, Plantard legally formed the "Priory of Sion".

In the 1950's Plantard began to appear at the old Celtic religious site of Rennes-le-Chateau, researching the background that would create the "Priory of Sion" fiction. Gradually both fictional documents and new editions of "Priory" publications appeared. These "Priory documents" reproduce the positions of Alpha Galates and the Hiéron, including calls for a United States of Europe. These are a clear indication that the "Priory of Sion" program issues from the Hiéron principles. It shows that Plantard and the followers of his generation of Hiéron acolytes had no interest in new ideals. Plantard tried to relink with his earlier associates and successfully joined with Philippe Chérisey, who he had first met in 1938.

Other "Priory" articles would tie Plantard with names of people from the wartime years, key people associated with perpetuating Hiéron goals. Their citation affirms the presence of the Hiéron du Val d'Or in its cadet operation, the "Priory of Sion." These articles, written by Plantard's first wife, associated Plantard reverentially with Georges "Count Israel" Monti, Paul LeCour, and one "Th. Moreux." (Abbé Theophilus Moreux, a Jesuit, was a noted astronomer who wrote a book on Atlantis. He was imprisoned in Frenes prison for his resistance activities in 1943.). In 1962-65, the activities of the "Priory" shifted into a higher gear as its sought to capitalize on publicity from the Gisors affair and began to deposit fabricated documents in libraries, postdating them to the prior decade.

One example, which also illustrates how the Hiéron descended "Priory" saw esoteric groups as a threat and sought to control them in a manner similar to the original Hiéron, is a fabricated document giving the fictitious "Priory" Grand Master the title of Jean 23rd. This title does not refer to the Catholic Pope, John XXIII. Limited information appeared in esoteric circles in the 1960's about a small but genuine esoteric group whose Grand Master bore that title.

Using this name is an attempt by the "Priory" to blend its identity with the real organization to achieve what esoteric groups call "authority." It shows how the "Priory" reacted to esoteric activities posing a perceived threat to its goals. The fiction of the Templars being subservient to an ancient "Priory" was also conceived at this time to counter the revival, with which the real group was associated, of interest in the Templars. And, at the same time, the "Priory" begin to associate itself with a new generation of Ultra-Traditionalist Catholics, who held positions similar to Hiéron ideals.

On October 11, 1962, Pope John XXIII inaugurated the Second Vatican Council, promising its result would "shake the heavens and the earth." For parts of the Catholic world, it did just that. John's successor, Pope Paul, expanded the College of Cardinals, forced mandatory retirements, reformed church practices and teachings, and endorsed the council decision to hold mass in the vernacular. This tidal wave of change increased "Priory of Sion" activity. When internal critics of the church reforms spoke out in open rebellion, the "Priory of Sion" claimed them as its members. It specifically alleged as one of its own a prominent critic of Vatican reform and an advocate for a return to the church governance of the past that resembled the vision of the Hiéron, Archbishop Marcel Lefevbre.

Lefebvre, who had a political predisposition to vocally supporting repressive dictatorships, urged a return to the Tridentine (Latin) mass and an end to Vatican council reforms. He soon formed his own seminary and ordained his own priests, in violation of Vatican rules. Lefebvre christened his opposition organization the Sacred Society of Pius X (SSPX) in honor of the turn of the century Pope who condemned Modernism and instituted the Soldatum Pienum. For Lefevbre, this was the model for the Church. His stance agreed with the end-times scenario the Hiéron adherents saw rapidly approaching.

Throughout the 1970's and 1980's, Plantard and his "Priory" rode a wave of publicity from inaccurate and fanciful books about the Rennes-le-Chateau affair, which would become the basis for The DaVinci Code. The "Priory" continued to wave as its banner the themes of the Hiéron du Val d'Or: the "Priory" as the ultimate authoritative esoteric body representing a universal tradition that spans western history; and the Grand Monarch, a coming of the Christ embodied in their fantasy of the bloodline descended from Jesus. As researchers Bernardo Sanchez da Motta and Peter O'Reilly have shown, Hiéron du Val d'Or originated documents and symbols reappeared on documents used to allege a pedigree and a secret heritage for the "Priory of Sion" hoax. [SUP](15)[/SUP] That hoax would be treated as fact by the author of The DaVinci Code and its falsehoods perpetuated in his novel.

Plantard supposedly resigned from the "Priory of Sion" in 1984, but in 1989 reappeared to revive it. The reason for this attempted return was because an important French astrologer claimed 1989 would be a key year for world political events. That made urgent the need to position Hiéron ideals for the year 2000, a year the Hiéron saw as the worldly return of Christ, the monarchy, and Church hegemony. Instead 2000 was a year when Pierre Plantard would pass away, he and his "Priory of Sion" having been exposed in 1989 by a French judge as a fraud. Yet with the passing of Plantard, still others have stepped forward to attempt to carry on the myth of the "Priory of Sion". But why would they continue this fiction?

The purpose of the "Priory of Sion" begins in an adherence to the original fanatical, self-deluding precepts set forward by the Hiéron du Val d'Or. Most specifically, the mission of the "Priory" is to crush Freemasonry and esoteric groups by replacing them with an Ultra-Traditionalist version. To aid that process, they have created, in occultist Anne Osmont's description of Monti's goal, an "illusory society." Its purpose is to superimpose over Masonry and esoteric orders an allegedly esoteric super-society via a fabricated ancient lineage and claims to spiritual primacy or "authority."

In the minds of those who to this day adhere to the programs of the Hiéron du Val d'Or, this will bring Masonic and esoteric groups under control of the Catholic Church, paving the way for the Hiéron fantasy of the return of Christ as a worldly ruler rushing in a restoration of Catholic Traditionalism, monarchy, and Vatican power. Working to create the realization of this fantasy is the secret purpose of the "Priory of Sion" and the reason for its existence.

But this secret bears in it a tragedy of multiple meaning. For over a hundred years, Masonry and Judaism have endured attacks and terrible distortions of the truth by Hiéron deluded fanatics. Now, because the immensely successful novel The DaVinci Code presents as fact a "Priory of Sion" which propagates the mad dreams of the Hiéron du Val d'Or, a wide public has been exposed to a twisted version of esoteric ideas that many may mistake for reality. Instead of leading people to Christian ideals, the "Priory of Sion" has led them away.

The end result will be as Anne Osmont wrote of Monti's group "to destroy all which is dear and precious" to staunch Catholics and esotericists alike. The lesson from the "Priory of Sion" secret is an ancient one. It is in having the integrity to find and follow one's own beliefs. For if we allow fanatical minds like those behind a Hiéron du Val d'Or or a "Priory of Sion" to define for us the form and meaning of our beliefs, then we quickly become captive to the twisted terrain created by those minds.

(1) Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, Henry Lincoln. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Delacorte Press. New York. 1982, p.148.
(2) Malachi Martin, The Jesuits. The Linden Press/Simon & Schuster. New York. 1987, p. 218. Also see p.209.
(3) Baigent et. al. Holy Blood, Holy Grail, p. 196, quoting an article in Priory publication Circuit.
(4) Baigent et. al. Holy Blood, Holy Grail. p. 172, quoting Jean-Luc Chaumeil, Le Trésor du triangle d'or. Paris. 1979, p. 139 ff.
(5) Pier Luigi Zoccatelli. "Notes on an unpublished correspondence between René Guénon and Louis Charbonneau-Lassay" A paper presented at CENSUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania, 1999. p.3.
(6) May 9, 1941 police report.
(7) Ibid. Also see February 8, 1941 police report.
(8) February 13, 1945 police report.
(9) Ibid.
(10) January 3, 1943 police report.
(11) June 6, 1946 and May 9, 1941 police reports.
(12) Robert Amadou, "The Place of Chilvary" Vaincre. October 21,1942. It references the work of Paul Le Cour.
(13) Pierre de France-Plantard. "27 December 1942" Vaincre. January 21, 1943.
(14) Ibid.
(15) Peter O'Reilly. "More on Paul Le Cour, The Hiéron and the Priory" The Rennes Observer. June 2001, pp.18-20. Bernardo Sanchez da Motta, "Pilhagem a Paul Lecour"

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
[TABLE="width: 85%"]
[TD="width: 467, align: left"][B]The Secret of Rennes-le-Château[/B][/TD]
[TD="width: 467, align: left"]By Robert Richardson[/TD]
[TD="width: 467, align: left"]Over 100 books have been written about the mystery surrounding the tiny, mountaintop village of Rennes-le-Château, France. Most of these books merely advance the fictional claims of a modern, extreme right wing French group, which grandly calls itself the Priory of Sion. The real nature of that group and its motives were exposed in a recent issue of New Dawn. But is there really anything of historical or spiritual value about Rennes-le-Château?

Once the fictions created and perpetrated about Rennes-le-Château are stripped away - a phony bloodline allegedly descended from Jesus; gravesites of (pick one) Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Isis; secrets of the Templars; lost records of man's origin; etc., etc. - only three trails of actual evidence remain: the odd lives of several generations of local priests; ancient traditions in the area; and oddities of the local landscape. Each of these three trails overlap, and they are the keys of this much misunderstood and deliberately distorted mystery. The modern keys begin just prior to the French Revolution.

In 1774, Abbe Antoine Bigou moved to Rennes-le-Château to replace his uncle as the parish priest. He continued his uncle's close relationship with the village nobility, the Hautpouls. The large Hautpoul Château, rebuilt by the family in the 16th century and still standing today, was filled with esoteric symbols. The symbols spoke of the family's long-standing ties to esoteric traditions and to perpetuating ancient, secret knowledge. And the close Hautpoul relationship with multiple generations of Bigou priests spoke of the equal commitment of the priests to those same ideals. In 1792, before he fled the French revolution to Spain, Antoine Bigou carved a strange headstone for the Hautpoul matriarch in the church graveyard - even though she had died a decade earlier.

Almost a century later, in 1872, Abbe Henri Boudet arrived as the new parish priest at nearby Rennes-les-Bains. Erudite and taciturn, the popular priest joined the Society of Arts and Sciences of Carcassonne and immersed himself in studying local history. By 1886, he had published a strange book called The True Celtic Language and the Stone Cromlech of Rennes-les-Bains. It dwelt on differences in dialectic pronunciation and advanced the bizarre thesis that English was the source of the Celtic language. Boudet also wrote in it of the key to a local mystery which can be accessed by a word in a foreign language, and of 12 chests which concealed a fabulous treasure in the countryside surrounding Rennes-les-Bains. Despite these contradicting themes, Boudet continued his linguistic studies. In 1893 he presented a 40 page paper on differences in pronunciation in the Languedoc region to the Carcassonne Society of Arts and Sciences, where it was regarded as a very serious work. And again in 1896, he presented another paper on local dialects and their roots. But in 1890, when he is alleged to have written a book captioned Lazarus Come Outside, his Bishop supposedly banned it.

While Boudet immersed himself in these activities, Abbe Berenger Sauniere was appointed parish priest three miles away, at Rennes-le-Château in 1885. Sauniere and Boudet became quick friends and in 1887 Sauniere began a nine year restoration of the old family chapel of the Hautpouls, which served as the Rennes-le-Château church. Through the restoration, the church took on a character more resonant with esoteric and Masonic symbolism than Catholicism. In his restored church, Sauniere placed the stations of the cross in reverse order, with symbolically esoteric roses carved atop the crosses on each station. He carved Rosicrucian symbols into the confessional. He relocated headstones in the church graveyard. He deliberately defaced Abbe Bigou's headstone of Madame Hautpoul. And starting in 1901, Sauniere began to acquire tracts in the village for an ambitious building program - a large villa; a castle-like tower which housed his considerable personal library; a garden; and a greenhouse. During this time, he continued to live modestly in his official priestly residence, but lavishly entertained celebrated political and cultural figures who journeyed from Paris to meet the obscure priest in the remote country village. In 1905, Sauniere's Bishop demanded to know the source of the wealth behind all these extravagances. When Sauniere refused to reveal the basis for his income, the Bishop tried to remove Sauniere from the priesthood. He spent most of the remainder of his life fighting to remain a priest. When he died in 1917, he was revealed to be penniless - all of his assets had been transferred to his housekeeper. For several years, local people speculated he had found some sort of treasure. The story faded into obscurity until, beginning in the 1950's, French magazine articles and a series of increasingly speculative books brought it into the public eye and progressively stretched the story to encompass wild claims about a vast canvas of history and religion. Religion lies at the heart of the heart of this story, but not in the way advanced by many authors. Secret societies play in it; but their role is not as spectacular as the fictions that have been spun about them.

Abbe Antoine Bigou preserved information about Rennes-le-Château by creating the odd, coded gravestone of Madame d'Hautpoul. A gravestone is rarely deliberately destroyed. It is never pillaged in wartime or revolutionary looting. It lasts, overlooked, for many years. It is an ideal "message drop" for anyone who comes looking for what may have been long "lost". The people who in this case would come looking were members of a secret society. The medium of preserving the message for a long time indicates membership in, indirect affiliation with, or knowledge of such a group. It also indicates knowledge of something worth preserving. In Sabadell, Spain, Abbe Bigou orally passed what he knew before his death to another refugee priest, Abbe Caunielle.(1) Abbe Caunielle may not have been the member of such a society but he did not hesitate to preserve what he knew and transmit it for the future through the best and most reliable sources available. Abbe Caunielle is alleged to have written two rare books, The Ray of Gold and The Line of Fire,(2) about the area around Rennes-le-Château. Abbe Caunielle transmitted the information given him by Abbe Bigou to two other priests, Abbe Jean le Vie, who served at Rennes les Bains for thirty years prior to Abbe Henri Boudet, and le Vie's contemporary, the priest at St. Laurent de la Cabrerisse, Abbe Emile Francois Cayron.(3)

During Jean le Vie's tenure at Rennes-les-Bains, slowly and deliberately the old Celtic names of landmarks and places in the area began to change to names resonant with Catholic mysticism. Henri Boudet succeeded Jean le Vie as parish priest at Rennes-les-Bains. Boudet had for years been deliberately prepared for his role in the drama of Rennes-le-Château, "educated and formed" by Abbe Cayron.(4) Boudet continued the practice of quietly and systematically altering the names of local geographic landmarks. One of the characteristics of Catholicism has been its ability to absorb existing traditions and practices into it, in the manner of its role model, the Roman Empire. For example, in ancient Rome, the Pope was the title of the chief pagan priest.(5) A cardinal was the title of a high imperial government official. When the church stepped into the power vacuum created by shifting the seat of the Roman empire to Constantinople, it adopted these titles to give it widespread spiritual and political credibility. When the church converted France and England, many Druids were absorbed into it as bishops and Catholic churches were built atop old Celtic sacred sites. At Chartres, the tribal seat of the Celtic Carmites tribe,(6) Chartres cathedral was built over a special place for the Druids and for all of the Celtic tribes in France, a great gathering point and seat of religious and judicial judgment.(7) This adaptive absorption by Catholicism has preserved many aspects of the ancient traditions. In transferring the nomenclature of local landmarks to a more Christian timbre, Jean le Vie and Henri Boudet were acting totally in accordance with Catholic church traditions and practices. They were also consciously acting to preserve what they knew to be a valuable spiritual tradition.

The arrival at Rennes-le-Château of Berenger Sauniere moved forward the efforts of Abbe Henri Boudet to document and preserve the initiatic nature of the secret of Rennes-le-Château. Both were affiliated with esoteric orders. Sauniere was most probably associated with the Masonic Regime [Obedience]. This group was founded sometime between 1778 and 1782 by Jean-Baptiste Willermoz in Lyons, a city to which Sauniere often journeyed. Boudet was probably associated with it or with another order, possibly the Order of the Rose-Croix of the Temple and the Grail. Their documented actions, interests and associations are entirely consistent with such affiliations.

Another person with a documented interest in the initiatic traditions was Sauniere's priest brother Alfred. Long an influence in his brother's life, Alfred was employed by the Chefdelbien family of Narbonne, until his dismissal for illicitly searching through their records. The Chelfdelbien family were custodians of the records of the lodge of Philadelphes in Narbonne.8 This group strongly defended the continued existence of the Templar Order and of the Templars as the secret chiefs of Masonry.(9) Hautpoul relative Jacques Entienne Marconis de Negre, founder of the Rite of Memphis, maintained considerable respect for the Philadelphes. He said they were structured along Rosicrucian lines and had one lodge which was the custodian of very interesting historical manuscripts.(10)

Through the information available to them from local tradition, the oral message passed to Henri Boudet by Jean le Vie and the teachings of Abbe Cayron, the legacy of Abbe Caunielle, and the knowledge at their disposal through their esoteric affiliations, Boudet and Sauniere knew part - but not all - of several secrets associated with the valley and with the church at Rennes-le-Château. Boudet wrote of them in his book, The True Celtic Language and The Stone Cromlech of Rennes-les-Bains in a certain code. If he did in fact write the book Come Out, Lazarus as asserted by some sources, this would be even more proof of his esoteric affiliation.

The title Come Out, Lazarus refers to the raising of Lazarus by Jesus at the ancient initiatic centre at Bethany. The Egyptian and Mystery School initiatic process of inducing through magical rites a coma like state for an out of body experience was fading from use. Few were still able to survive it at the time the New Testament was written. As originally practiced in Egypt in the Kings Chamber of the Great Pyramid, it was extremely dangerous, often resulting in the death of the initiate. To bring back the seeker required a magical operation by a priest and 12 assistants. The initiate, when returned to the world, now saw life as if he had been "born again". This is origin of that phrase, now so popular among evangelical Christians. The raising of Lazarus is a metaphor indicating Christ's superiority to the old initiatic system in a code understood by the audience of the time, for whom the New Testament was intended. If such a book were actually written by Boudet, it is also a hint of what he and Sauniere encoded in the church at Rennes-le-Château.

When Boudet wrote of the solution to the local mystery being a word in a foreign language, by this he implied the reassemblage symbolism of the Egyptian Osirian mysteries, the finding the of true self, and the reuniting with lost knowledge. It is the Masonic word, the secret name of god whispered once yearly by the high priest in the ancient temple at Jerusalem. It is the transformation of consciousness. He wrote specifically of language - after the manner of 19th century occultist Fabre d' Olivet (11) - and the countryside around Rennes-les-Bains for a very particular purpose.

At Rennes-le-Château, Abbe Sauniere also had a purpose. He was trying to rediscover what had been hinted at by Fathers Bigou and Caunielle and by the incomplete, limited knowledge about Rennes-le-Château in the hands of some high level members of several secret societies. This accounts for a number of his actions that puzzled later investigators. In June, 1891,(12) in a formal ceremony directed by his Bishop, Sauniere rededicated the church at Rennes-le-Château and publicly displayed the Dalle des Chevaliers. This ancient stone from the church floor had been turned over a century earlier by Abbe Bigou to conceal the entry to the church crypt from looters during the revolution. By publicly displaying it, Sauinere was announcing to members of secret societies, in a simple language which they understood but which was meaningless to the public, that he had rediscovered and entered the ancient crypt. Its removal from the church stated that he had again permanently concealed the entry to the crypt. The secret of the crypt, he was saying, was his alone to guard and to parcel out as he saw fit.

Sauniere pillaged tombs in the crypt, not out of greed for wealth, but out of greed for knowledge. He gave ancient jewellery and crowns from the crypts to his housekeeper, Marie Denarnaurd, and to other priests and family members.(13) But until September 1891, he did not find what he sought all along. It was a tomb holding the archives of a particular historical period for an ancient, esoteric society, along with related papers of possible historical importance. He was previously unable to find it because, like the entry from the church to the crypt, it had been carefully concealed. The discovery is noted in his journal on September 21, 1891, three months after the ceremony rededicating the church. And on September 29, he wrote that he had seen the secret.

Sauniere's relationship with many celebrated cultural figures was that of those who consult with a keeper of secrets, seeking some knowledge from him. The governmental officials who visited Sauniere in the remote village of Rennes-le-Château were high level Masons.(14) The reason for the association with these people - many of whom gravitated around the Order of the Rose-Croix of the Temple and the Grail - was because of these overlapping interests. Sauniere was thought to be on the trail - if not the guardian - of long lost, information of interest to them all. A cache of esoteric records would be a dazzling discovery of immense interest for anyone associated with an esoteric or initiatic order, a pearl almost beyond price.

Also in the tomb was information about the secrets of the surrounding countryside in a form accessible to initiates, but only partially comprehensible to Sauniere. When Henri Boudet wrote of the Cromlech - or stone circle - surrounding Rennes-les-Bains, he was speaking quite literally. He was derided in his time, as he still is today, because he has been taken literally. But author David Wood has rediscovered a circle of churches rebuilt atop older ruins - as was customary for Catholic churches to be built atop Celtic sacred sites - which does encircle the area around Rennes-le-Château. Boudet knew that the Celts used standing stones to designate telluric points. And they used standing stone circles for religious purposes.(15) When he wrote that a stone cromlech (i.e, circle of standing stones) marked the area around Rennes-les-Bains, Boudet was saying that the entire area is key telluric point which was used for religious purposes.

Most of the characteristics of an area of high telluric activity are present in the physical characteristics of the Rennes-les- Bains/Rennes-le-Château area - underground water, radioactivity, many minerals, the odd appearance of rocking stones, and other signs. The best known telluric point on land today is Sedona, Arizona, because it has been highly publicised in New Age periodicals. Such points in the past were also called woevres, as in la Foret du Woevre, near Stenay where the Merovingian king Dagobert was alleged to have been killed. Rennes-le-Château was long an exceptionally unique power point. This was known to initiates for centuries, and the valley bares considerable evidence that it has been used as an initiatic labyrinth in the past.

A labyrinth is a particular type of spiritual training tool, a groundplan which the seeker physically walks, and which incorporates three degrees, or stages. In the first stage, the individual sheds, or is stripped, of his personal entrappings, and sheds and transforms his unnecessary, negative characteristics. In the second stage, the individual is forced to come face to face with himself and find the core of his being. In the third stage, the individual returns to the world a different person. Like the old initiates, like Lazarus, he comes out of the initiatic cave or labyrinth, born again. These stages mirror the steps of the spiritual training systems used in monasteries and initiatic esoteric orders. In the western training system, these steps can take many years. In the eastern system, they are designed to take lifetimes.

Until the last century, in parts of rural Ireland and Wales, many ancient Celtic customs were preserved and several labyrinths, their actual purpose long forgotten, were maintained and the custom of ritualistically walking them observed. The ancient ritual consisted of entering the labyrinth from the north, and proceeding through it in a clockwise, processional fashion. At Rennes-le-Château, this would entail entering the valley near Blanchefort and the mountain of Pech Cardou, and eventually emerging at Rennes-le-Château. This represents the descent of spirit into man, its symbolic entombment at Rennes-le-Château, and eventual emergence.

Thus, in the much debated Poussin painting Le Bergiers d'Arcadie (see page 59) which is said to be associated with Rennes-le-Château, the processional path is implied in the distance. The transformation of consciousness is indicated by the geometric organisation of the artwork, with the centre of a pentagon on the forehead of the shepherdess, and it is affirmed in the painting by the shadow of the hand of one of the shepherds marking the same spot on the brow of his shadow.

The path of the Rennes-les-Bains / Rennes-le-Château labyrinth was clearly marked in the past by a series of fourteen carved crosses in the landscape. They eventually became overgrown and forgotten. They were rediscovered by Abbe Boudet and he wrote of how he found Greek crosses carved in the landscape of his Cromlech.(16) To the Celts, the landscape held a special meaning.(17) They held a special spiritual communion with it, and used it as a mirror for the themes of their bards and of their Druids.(18) 600 years before Christ, Celtic crosses were used to mark special locations in the landscape.(19) Later, in these same locations in Christian times, the stations of the cross were placed in the landscape in Italy and in France to reenact in Christian terms the labyrinth experience,(20) and to create a mystical Christian spiritual transformation. In the area surrounding Rennes-les-Bains, the crosses were recarved in Christian times into "Greek" Christian crosses. Visiting these sites was the reason Sauniere took long walks in the countryside. The labyrinth of the two Rennes can be walked in fourteen successive stages.

Most labyrinths, however, are not accompanied by the telluric strength of Rennes-le-Château. When acting upon the receptive capacity of a spiritually oriented person, such areas can have a powerful transformative effect, which accelerates the intended result of a labyrinth. However, it cannot be approached without considerable training and preparation. This effect can be potentially very dangerous and harmful. It is related in the fable of the minotaur. In the labyrinth of mythology, the minotaur lies in wait at the centre of the labyrinth. It is fearsome. It must be slain, or it devours the lost seeker in the labyrinth. The lower nature must be confronted and transformed, or it will destroy the spiritual seeker. The thread of Ariadne leads the victorious knight out of the labyrinth. The thread of reintegrated feminine consciousness, opened when the lower nature has been transformed, leads the seeker to be born again. Again, when Boudet writes that the key to the secret is a word in a foreign language, he writes of the 15 parts of the scattered body of Osiris reunited and made whole at last, the uniting of the transformed lower self with the higher consciousness.

The fourteen stages of the cross in the church at Rennes-le-Château phonetically reassemble the body of Osiris in ancient local language, Oc - thus utilising Boudet's study of the regional dialects - and play out in the church the drama of the labyrinth. The reversed order of the stations of the cross in the church at Rennes-le-Château is an initiatic code. It means a process is taking place on a spiritual plane, rather than only a material level. The positions of the statues of the saints serve a multiple purpose, both in the drama itself and in reverse position of places in the valley landscape with similar names given them by those noted local historians, Jean le Vie and Henri Boudet. The mural beneath the church alter is a reintegration (i.e., transformation) code. In Celtic ritual, the skull is the symbol of the personality.(21) In the mural, the personality is still as indicated by the skull position. The balanced fingers of Mary Magdalene, three from each hand and all interlaced, balance masculine and feminine, a goal of reintegration, the accomplishment of the Great Work of Masons, Mystics, and Occultists.

Two other signs mark the importance of this valley as a spiritual centre, one from its ancient settlers, one from Abbe Sauniere and Abbe Boudet. Every major Celtic tribe had under its control a special area which had religious significance.

Chartres, for example, was under the control of Carmites and was the chief seat of judgment and the centre of Celtic life.(22) It was the centre of the high Druidic court where tribal disputes were judged, as well as a major spiritual centre. A carved stone called "Devils Armchair" in the landscape near Rennes-les-Bains is characteristic of most of the special areas where the Druids - high priests and judges - held court throughout Celtic Europe in similar naturally formed or man-carved chairs.(23) Every Celtic tribe had a nameton, a sacred place or grove associated with the idea of worship and justice.(24) The remnants of stone walls and "bee-hive shaped stone structures"(25) or capitelles in the "Great Camp" above Coustaussa near Rennes-le-Château appear typical of a Celtic Castro, or tribal settlement. Similar settlements are found across southern Europe, but with circular and more conventional living quarters. Yet such "bee-hive shaped stone structures" were long used in the Middle East and Ireland as housing for early Christian monks.(26)

The Celts had a particular concept of a holy city. It was in the shape of a cross, located at the centre of the country, with roads extending into the four cardinal directions. Law and justice were represented around the holy city by a rectilinear grid which mirrored the cosmic order,(27) just as the later Christian cathedrals, smaller in scale but equally spiritual, were in the shape of a cross and the human body, and just as the Paris church of St. Sulpice was oriented on the four cardinal points when its first stone was laid in 1646.(28) The key determinator for the Celts in this holy city was the heart, or sacred mountain, which was the ruler - or Cardou - of the country, and which held a special spiritual significance.

"Cardou" is not a French word or name. Its origin appears to be the word Cardo, from the latin "Cor", an older term meaning heart or wisdom. It was used in ancient times in the Middle East to indicate a sacred line, or regulator, drawn from North to South which was used both as a starting point for geographical measures, a basis for the creation for tithing districts, and for the creation of a system similar to our present latitude and longitudinal measurements. It was also used in religious rites. These special religious sites each had their "... sacred Mount or Cardo or Acropolis or Olympus or stone circle, around which the processions, the Deisuls, the voyages of salvation, were made..."(29)

Circa 1670, the Paris Meridian was established. It is the original North-South marker of longitudinal measurement in Europe. It is located just to the east of Rennes-les-Bains, and is immediately adjacent to the mountain of Pech Cardou. Also nearby, before its disappearance, a painting called "Le Pape" hung in the church at Rennes-les-Bains. Set in the church graveyard at Rennes-les-Bains, the painting shows two tonsured priests from the Middle Ages, standing before the Pope, who is wearing the three tiered Papal tiara, which was in ancient times the sign of an initiate. On a background hillside is a unique local stone menhir which aligns with the church at Rennes-le-Château. The Pope has two raised fingers. One finger points to a circle on his crozier, the other to a symbol that is the Greek letter Pi, which is used for calculating the various properties of a circle. Two circles and their properties.

Underlying much of sacred geometry is a vescia pisces, two equal interlocking circles where the centre of each circle is a point on the circumference of the other. Once the vescia pisces is constructed, it is possible to recreate mathematical models on the ground which involve not only much of the knowledge in sacred geometry, but also to mathematically reproduce many dimensions and features of the Great Pyramid.(30) Similarly, once a such circle has been established, it is relatively easy to divide the circle into twelve parts - the twelve treasure chests described by Abbe Boudet in his book.

Abbe Boudet believed the Rennes-le-Château/Rennes-les-Bains area was a religious centre for the ancient Gauls.(31) Commentators from Caesar onwards have opted for the explanation that the Druids all seemed to derive their knowledge from a common school,(32) perhaps even of Pythagorean origin.(33) Curiously, in keeping with the ideas in Pythagorean training, Druids all wore a special cord, a rope of 13 sections marked with 12 knots, so that its bearer could lay out a right angle and the seventh part of a circle (34) in keeping with the knowledge in sacred geometry. And the valley of Rennes-les-Bains was known as the "Valley of the Cross" until the middle of the last century,(35) entirely in line with the concept of the Celtic Holy City.

Many of the religious sites of the ancient Greeks were similarly organised around a sacred mountain. The surrounding countryside in many parts of the ancient world was organised into twelve districts for governing purposes and to create both a numerological/mystical rhythm and a giant zodiac. Presently, the best known of these zodiacs was rediscovered at Glastonbury by Katherine Maltwood in 1929, who believed the secret of its zodiac had been transmitted by the Druids to the Glastonbury monks and then eventually to the Knights Templar.(36) The Glastonbury zodiac embodies "the scale on which the ancients applied the emblems of esoteric science to the sanctification of entire landscapes."(37) Such mystical districts became the basis for the recurrence throughout the ancient world of the number twelve in nations which supposedly had their origins in twelve tribes. The purpose in creating these societies and districts structured around the concept of twelve was "to create and maintain a perfectly balanced human order in harmony with the heavenly order, where life is experienced on a high level of human intensity, as traditionally follows the discovery of the Grail."(38)

Traces of this objective remain scattered through Europe and the Middle East and resurface periodically in modern religions. For example, a meridian, or ley, has been identified as connecting many of the old religious sites in England. Similarly, meridians, or leys, have been found to stretch far across the landscape, connecting a string of sites associated with ancient traditions and relabelled as St. Michael's, whether locally across southern England from St. Michael's Mount to Bury St. Edmund's, or from Skillig Michael in western Ireland to Mount Carmel in Lebanon.

In the Middle East, running down through Lebanon, from Mt. Lebanon onward south through Jerusalem and Bethlehem, is a corridor-like axis that aligns most of the key sites in both the Old and New Testament.(39) In Jerusalem itself, Dr. Asher Kaufman has discovered a ley which realigns the holy places.(40) His discovery, in turn, has led authors John Michell and Christine Rhone to rediscover the pentagonal/pentagram ground plan of a geometric Temple which is created by the alignment of many sites in Jerusalem. This alignment was one of the ancient keys to maintaining order and harmony, and it transcends and at the same time unities all western religions. Its secret reassemblage was one of the key missions of the Knights Templar.(41) Perhaps not coincidentally, many researchers have found pentagons and pentagrams are created by linking many of the sites in the area around Rennes-le-Château and Rennes-les-Bains.

The humble French priests who struggled to preserve the ancient ground plan at Rennes-le-Château knew the importance of their obscure efforts. Men, as usual, have misinterpreted their meaning. Their efforts were directed at maintaining the ancient spiritual traditions which both undergrid and transcend all religions. Those traces were preserved in ancient temples, and more recently in gothic cathedrals. Increasingly, man has distanced himself from them and forgotten their use and importance. Perhaps in the future the value of the humble priests' efforts will be appreciated. But until the layers of fictions created about Rennes-le-Château are finally stripped away, time will not yield its evidence - just as time will eventually prove or disprove the accusation of the Jesuit, Father Gautier, writing in the 17th century, who attributed some of the Rosicrucian works to a group headquartered in the labyrinth in the Pyreenes.(42)
1. Tatiana Kletzky-Pradre. Rennes-le-Château: A Practical Guide to the Site. Translated by Celia Brooke and Nicole Dawe. Privately Published. 1993. p. 8.
2. Tatuana Kletzky-Pradre cited by Tim Haydock. Treasure Trove. Where to Find the Greatest Lost Treasures in the World. Henry Holt and Company. New York. 1986. p. 122.
3. Kletzky-Pradre, p. 8.
4. Ibid.,p. 9.
5. See Julius Evola. Revolt against the Modern World. Translated by Guido Stucco. Inner Traditions International. Rochester, Vermont. 1995. Many other writers have commented on the adoption of initiatic and pagan symbols by the Catholic church.
6. Lewis J. Spence. The History and Origins of Druidism. New Castle Publishing. Van Nuys, California. 1995. p. 102.
7. Ibid. p. 58.
8. Gerard DeSede. Rennes-le-Château: Le Dossier, les Impostures, les Phantasmes, les Hypothesis. Editions Robert LeFont. Paris. 1988. p. 218.
9. Jean Robin. Rennes-le-Château, la Colinee Envoutee. Editions de la Maisnie. p. 60.
10. DeSede, p. 206.
11. DeSede, p. 204.
12. Paul Smith. "Rennes-le-Château Chronology". Le Reflet. Autumn 1994. pp. 10-13.
13. DeSede p. 37.
14. Ibid. p. 45.
15. Nigel Pennick. Celtic Sacred Landscapes. Thames & Hudson. New York. 1996. p. 51.
16. Michael Gabriel. The Holy Valley and The Holy Mountain. Hurst Village Publishing. Reading. 1994. P. 131.
17. John King. The Celtic Druid's Year. Blandford. London. 1995.p. 20.
18. Pennick, p. 9.
19. Ibid., p. 47.
20. Ibid., p. 90.
21. Ibid. p. 74.
22. Spence, p. 22.
23. Pennick, p. 42.
24. Spence, p. 118.
25. Henry Lincoln. The Holy Place. Arcade Publishing. New York. 1991. p. 152.
26. Robert Graves. The White Goddess. Farrar Strauus & Giroux. New York. 1966. P. 147.
27. Pennick, p. 117.
28. Franck Marie. Le Surprenant Message de Jules Verne. S.R.E.S.- Verites Anciennes. Malakoff. 1981. p.99.
29. Godfrey Higgins, Anacalypsis, quoted by David Wood and Ian Campbell in Geneset. Bellevue Books, Sunbury on Thames, 1994 pp 86-87.
30. For an extensive analysis on this subject see David Furlong. The Keys to the Temple. Piatkus. London. 1997.
31. Gabriel, p. 2.
32. Spence, p. 22.
33. Spence, p. 92.
34. Pennick, p. 117.
35. Gabriel, ix.
36. John Michell and Christine Rhone. Twelve Tribes Nations and the Science of Enchanting the Landscape. Phanes Press. Grand Rapids. 1991. pp 71-73.
37. ibid., p.73.
38. ibid., p. 17.
39. ibid., pp155-64.
40. ibid., 164-172.
41. ibid., pp 172-83.
42. Michel Lamy. Jules Verne, initie et initiateur. Le cle du secret de Rennes-le-Château et le tresor des rois de France. Editions Payot & Rivages. Paris. 1994. p. 135. The reader should not conclude that the Rosicrucian Order was headquartered at Rennes-le-Château. It was in another country.
© Copyright New Dawn Magazine, http// Permission granted to freely distribute this article for non-commercial purposes if unedited and copied in full, including this notice. For further information, visit New Dawn Magazine.
© 2000 by Robert Richardson. All rights reserved. Article appeared in New Dawn No. 63 (November-December 2000).
Robert Richardson is the author of The Unknown Treasure: The Priory of Sion Fraud and the Spiritual Treasure of Rennes-le-Château (Houston, TX: NorthStar, 1998), available from Pratum Book Co., PO Box 985, Healdsburg, California 95448, USA.[/TD]
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Should anyone have an interest in discovering more about the Great Work and, in particular, the symbol of the Labyrinth which Richardson discusses as being central to the Rennes le Chateau story, I would recommend the mysterious Fulcanelli's second book The Dwelling of the Philosophers (but his 1st book Mystery of the Cathedrals is an excellent work too.

I say this in the exact knowledge that it will leave enquiries puzzled and with numerous questions and quite likely gripes of "what the hell..."

To which I reply:

Vive le Mystere!

And should anyone understand those two books, they will understand his third. Titled Finis Gloriae Mundi -- End of the World's Glory, which has never been published.

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9638&stc=1]

Finis Gloriae Mundi by the 15th century Spanish artist Juan de Valdes Real. Real was a Knights Templar. His painting In Ictu Oculi connects to the Rennes le Chateau mystery I think.

Back-slapping yes.... but I do take credit for today's public association of Vales Real's paintings with Fulcanelli, that are now quite widespread on the net. For example HERE.

The fact is that in a certain other "closed" and private forum in the 1990's where the members were very keen on Nazi era occultism and, indeed, what happened to Nazi gold, I first posted these two artworks by Real in connection with Fulcanelli and its connection to the Qabalistic Tree of Life.

I was an anonymous lurker there, and while lurkers were not that welcome, they were certainly not to be invited into the deeper private levels of that forum, the truth is I founded it originally - as a means of acquiring non-public information for my digital book The Secret Gold Treaty. After publication of that book, I promptly left the forum first having turned it over to another member, figuring the game was up and that my name would, thereafter, be known and that I would be regarded as tainted meat.

Yet, I tarried there a few years later and got invited back in and slowly invited into ever deeper private forums within forums as I wanted to know the identity of one very knowledgeable member who protected his name with great skill. He claimed to be a Knight Templar, and I still have no reasons to disbelieve this claim. He was extremely knowledgeable about gold bullion in all it aspects, especially what I called "black gold" or the black market in unofficial gold that is traded off the books. Off any books, in fact.

That gold still does not exist and have never been included in the "official" (whatever that actually means?) figures of all the gold ever mined. Those figures are fake and used to keep the price high. In the same way that De Beers is said to fake the the rarity of diamonds which, like gold are far more abundant than ever admitted. But since this would ruin a market in "precious" metal and gemstones, and since those who control these markets were and are powerful people, the scam goes on.

Attached Files
.jpg   Finis_gloriae_mundi_from_Juan_Valdez_Leal.jpg (Size: 579.18 KB / Downloads: 15)
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
[FONT=&amp]The Name of the Rose[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]One of the intriguing stories written by the late Umberto Eco was his book the Name of the Rose, which became a major film production featuring Sean Connery. The story was set in a medieval castle and Connery played the part of Brother William of Bakerville. In the book William;s protagonist was the Dominican friar and Inquisitor, Bernard of Gui. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Gui was an actual person and was appointed to the Inquisition in 1307 and is known for persecuting the Cathar's for their heresy and they were hunted down and killed. Their last stand was at fortress atop Montsegur, which was besieged by troops operating on behalf of the Bishop of Narbonne. Trapped and starving all committed suicide apart from, apparently four members who escaped with the Cathar secrets.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Montsegur was one of the sites investigated by the Nazi SS before WWII via the SS Annerherbe officer Otto Rahn (égur#Th...3.A9gur.3F). There are reports that on the 700th anniversary of the fall of Montsegur, 16th march 1944, Nazi aircraft flew in a Swastika formation over the top of Montsegur (it is worth mentioning here in passing that the Cathars deeply connect to the story of Rennes le Chateau).[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]There is another curiosity in regard to Montsegur. There is a legend that 700 years after the destruction of the Cathar religion in March 1244, the Holy Grail would be returned to its rightful holders. This has been adopted, adapted to mean the SS or the DHvSS, the "Lords of the Black Stone" where the black stone' is said to be the Grail. It's not, but this doesn't stop legends being lifted and adopted or adapted for other agendas ( ). [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]However, it is noted that 700 year on from March 1244 take us to March 1944, thus the Nazi flypast over Montsegur.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]In this connection the following:
[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9639&stc=1] [Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=9640&stc=1]

On the left are the ruins of Montsegur. On the right the "teehaus"

[TD]It may be of interest to note in this connection that the Tea House designed by Hitler and built atop the Mooslahnerkopf at Obersalzberg, the stone pavillion still standing today, bears a striking resemblance to Montsegur when viewed at certain angles from the foot of the great rocky outcrop. Whether this was a coincidence remains in the mind of the beholder.Iy outcrop. Whether this was a coincidence remains in the mind of the beholder.[/TD]

[FONT=&amp]There is additionally, another old legend that concerns the revelation of Isais, the daughter of the goddess Isis. She is said to have appeared to the Templar Knight Komtur Herbetus Koch as he returned from the Crusades. Isais told the Templar to withdraw to the Untersberg mountain where he was to build a house and away her next apparition. Thereafter other apparitions occurred and a series of prophesies given. As a consequence the Templars formed the secret sect Knights of the Black Stone based on the belief that the Grail was a crystal of a black-violet hue ( ).[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The principal point in connection with this is, of course the Untersberg which is the northernmost massif of Berchtesgaden where Martin Bormann built Hitler's favourite dwelling the Berghof which had a clear view of Unterberg. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The Knights Templar also had a very telling 700 year anniversary. Three years before the 700th anniversary, the Knights Templar of Hertford in England, announced that the Vatican should announce their innocence on their 700th anniversary due in 2007. This followed the banishment of the Order on the 13th October 1307. The Templar announcement was accompanied by a veiled threat to Cardinal Ratzinger, later Pope Benedict XVI, the nature of which has never been made public. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Benedict was known as the Panzer Pope due to his dalliance with the Hitler Youth which he joined in 1941 ( ). He was elected Pope. Earlier, in his career he had been appointed as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - formerly known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition that was founded to defend against heresy. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Thirteen days before the 700th anniversary of the Templar persecution, on 4th October 2007, the Vatican Information Service announced that the Templar Order were absolved and belatedly found innocent ( ).[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]I note here that Himmler formed the senior echelons of his SS on the basis of Teutonic Knights and the twelve most senior SS officers met in a chamber in Himmler's private castle at Wewelsburg - where it is said, occult rituals were practised.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Another book by Umberto Eco that is of interest to us is Foucault's Pendulum that was set about the "lost treasure" of the Knights Templar ( ). It remains my conviction that this treasure was not related to wealth or worldly treasure but rather was of another treasure as detailed by Robert Richardson in his above essay The Secret of Rennes le Chateau. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Meanwhile, we know that Umberto Eco himself was fascinated by the Knights Templar order ( ), so much so, in fact, that he wrote a glowing forward to Barbara Fale's book The Templars The Secret History Revealed. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Interestingly, during my lurking years in the private forum I mentioned earlier, Umberto Eco came up for discussion multiple times and he was said to not only be an academic specialising in the Knights Templar but to also be a member of the Knights Templar himself, as was the key man in that private forum who's identity I wished to establish. But I've been unable to establish if this is fact. Then again, it is almost impossible to access any sort of membership roster for modern day Knights Templars who remain a very secretive order. But it would make sense, I think, that a talent of his order would be a member.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]An intriguing quote attributed to Umberto Eco is this:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"The [Da Vinci Code] author Dan Brown, is a character from Foucault's Pendulum! I invented him. He shares my characters' fascinationsthe world conspiracy of Rosicrucians, Masons, and Jesuits. The role of the Knights Templar. The hermetic secret. The principle that everything is connected. I suspect Dan Brown might not even exist. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp] interview with the Paris Review in 2008"[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The Paris Review article is locked behind a paywall and is therefore impossible to access without buying a subscription. However, the full article and quote can be found at ( ). Is Eco saying that he was the originator of Dan Brown? [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]An article by the occult researcher and writer Philip Coppens titled The Dan Brown Phenomenon - Foucault's Pendulum reveals that Umberto Eco was familiar with the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail ( ). An interesting facet of Coppens article is the Knights Templar plan to take over the world via their discovery of the Grail location and thereafter take over the world. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The character Colonel Ardenti in Eco's Foucault's Pendulum states that Chevalier Ingolf found a coded Templar document - much like the priest Berenger Sauniere is said to have done in Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Later in his article Coppens states:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"But according to Ardenti's calculations, the Templars should have taken over the world in 1944. As that did not take place, evidently the plan had been interrupted."[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]But the real question is who actually was on the verge of taking over the world in 1944?[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]In any event, Coppens goes on in his article:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]"The final version involves the Knights Templar's discovering secret energy flows telluric currents during the Crusades. "[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Can Telluric currents really be the great Templar secret? Well no, it can't. But anyone who researches the Rennes le Chateau mystery will certainly find many discussions regarding telluric currents which are said to be particularly strong where there are standing stones, menhirs, cromlechs, stone circles etc. In this regard one might mention the very curious book by Abbe Henri Boudet titled The True Celtic Language and the Stone Cromlech of Rennes-les-Bains as discussed by Robert Richardson in his above article The Secret of Rennes le Chateau.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]It is here that we enter deep occult lore because in times past, occult candidates and initiates seeking to access what was known then as the astral regions (these days this is better known as the Collective Unconscious), were assisted in their so called scrying (a directed form of meditation) due to proximity to these telluric currents. In other words they received a kick in the right direction. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Today, occult school and orders still make use of these portals to aid and focus meditative journeys to certain areas of the Collective Unconscious, but they are imagined - following a physical inspection and familiarity of the one to be used (of which there are a great many). [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The same would, I think, be true of walking the Labyrinth in Cathedrals such as Chartres in France. First the candidate would walk the physical labyrinth but later on, once familiarity and attunement has been reached, it would be sufficient to use the focused power of imagination to walk the labyrinth to achieve the same result. But it should be noted that each person should - indeed must - be trained to become spiritually receptive as Richardson says above, otherwise there are great dangers involved. Each persons must firstly confront and transform as the fearsome Minotaur that resides in the Labyrinth as recounted in the tale of Ariadne's thread that Richardson relates. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]This is no easy process; it is terrible and normally takes several years of personal agonising as the tension of opposites takes hold and carries one to almost the breaking point. It should always be conducted under the guidance of someone who has been through the same process and is skilled. Carl Jung, the Swiss psychologist terms this the Shadow confrontation and regards it as a heroic deed. It takes years to fully absorb and achieve. Hence:[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]This Place is Terrible[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]The words Terribilis eat Locus Iste have been inscribed in the stone lintel above the doorway of Berenger Sauniere's church in Rennes le Chateau and tell us what awaits us should we take on the journey therein.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]In the final analysis, the work of consciousness represents the contest between the two great opposing forces of this planet's history. There are those who seek to gain this deep knowledge and understanding for the reasons of advancing their consciousness as well as a wider consciousness amongst their fellow men and women in order to bring a greater civilising effect to their world.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Then there are the others who seek this knowledge for no better reason than to gain access to great power. These seek the darker side of the equation and the raw power associated with it. The Thule Gesellschaft and other occult orders tread this path. In the case of Thule, they sought access to knowledge of the underworld - called by the Nazis Agartha - in order to develop weapons of great destructive power so they could take control of the world. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]That battle is ongoing and far from over.[/FONT]

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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
[FONT=&amp]Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld married into the Dutch family pre WWII when he was an SS officer and worked for I G Farben's notorious spy department NW7. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Here we see Bernhard with his wife, Daughter, Queen Beatrix and his Grandson, Prince (now King) Willem-Alexander - all members of SMOM, the Knights of Malta[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]King Willem-Alexander married Maxima Zorreguieta in 2002, in a world-wide televised glittering marriage. Maxima is the Argentine born is the daughter of Jorge Zorreguieta, a former Argentine Minister of Agriculture in the regime of General Jorge Rafael Videla, who came to power following a military coup d'etat in 1985 when he deposed Isabel Martinez de Peron, the wife of Nazi supporter Juan Peron. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]In 1951, Prince Bernhard awarded the Grand Cross of the Orange Nassau to Evita Peron, the first wife of Juan Peron and the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 until her death in 1952.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Arggentine's General Videla later faced a trial for crimes against humanity that occurred under his rule. These included forced disappearances and extrajudicial murder. He was well known for harbouring many Nazi's in Argentina, including Juan Peron, Alfredo Stroessner, the former Nazi leaning president of Paraguay as well as Hugo Banzer, the former dictator and president of Bolivia and yet another who was politically on the far right.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Prince Bernhard owned a large estate of approximately 1,500 acres called the Estancia Pipilcura in Pilcaniyeu, Argentina, lofted in the province of Patagonia and close to the town of Bariloche that is dominated by German ex-pats a great many of whom arrived immediately after WWII. [/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Readers may recall that there is now excellent evidence revealing that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun did, in fact, escape Berlin at the end of WWII and spent ten years living in a large villa looking over Lake Nahuel Huapi just outside of Bariloche, Argentina.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]There is a great deal that can be said on this subject. But the fact is that it has already been said and rather than copy and piece material parts, I'll simply copy and entire article that has the basic facts of the case.[/FONT]

Quote:Bariloche and Soestdijk
Last tango in Bariloche

Máxima, Jorge Zorreguieta, Willem-Alexander, Prince Bernhard: they all come to San Carlos de Bariloche, the chic Argentine winter sports paradise. However, there is also a dark side to this «Bavaria at the foot of the Andes».

René Zwaap
February 2, 2002 - appeared in no. 5

San Carlos de Bariloche - Traveling through Patagonia, the deep south of Argentina, is a surreal experience. Not only because of the overwhelming landscape, with massive mountains and eternal snow, the immense azure blue lakes, the desolate plains and the thousands of miles of deserted beaches, but mainly due to the penetrating presence of pan-Germanic culture, and all that about 1700 kilometers south of Buenos Aires.

In the chic ski resorts of Patagonia, such as Cerro Catedral, where Willem-Alexander and Máxima stayed for two weeks late last year, yodel music, the Münchner Bierstuben shoot the visitor from all sides and the dominant architecture is entirely Tyrolean style, complete with cuckoo clocks and oak pergolas. There is actually a Saint Bernard dog shuffling around.

Máxima spent an important part of her youth here. Father Jorge had a holiday home in the Cerro Catedral. Until 1996, the year in which a large fire, of which the traces are still visible, a large part of the buildings laid in the ashes and Jorge Zorreguieta sold the site. A neighbor can still remember the family well, even though she never had direct contact, because before that the Zorreguieta family said she was "much too high". «Always romping with the boys, that Máxima», according to the neighbor. «A wonderful girl. Very good that she becomes Queen of the Netherlands. Good for the fraternization of our peoples. "

At the time that the Zorreguieta family came to ski in the Cerro Catedral every year, the instructors present were strictly German-speaking. Bariloche and the surrounding area were even more exclusive than at present. It emphasizes the Germanophile traits of the Zorreguietas, whose daughter was raised by German nuns at the primary school in Buenos Aires.

San Carlos de Bariloche, with its eighty thousand inhabitants, is also in the Tyrolean-Teutonic atmosphere. On top of the Cerro Otto, the mountain above the town, lies the Berghof. In the alpine hut there lived until his death in 1989 Bariloche's prominent resident Otto Meiling, an alpinist from Bavaria who acted as ski instructor of the legendary dictator Juan Domingo Perón. Meilings Berghof is now a museum and is still in perfect condition. A poem carved in a wooden blade says something about the philosophy of this legendary "hombre de montaña":

"Kommt mit auf den Berg, Kamerad / Hoch were wir steigen / Bis oben aus Hoffen und Tat / Schliessen wir der Reigen".

Meiling came to Bariloche in the early thirties. He was one of the driving forces behind the Hitler Jugend in Argentina, which could operate undisturbed until well into the thirties. In 1931, together with four other German emigrants, Meiling was co-founder of the Club Andino Bariloche (CAB), officially an association for organized snow fun, in reality a mantle organization for virulent pan-Germanic intelligence in Patagonia.

The German agitation in Bariloche was already quite manifest in the 1930s. On top of the building of the German language school Primo Caparo (the name of an Italian fascist who had settled in Bariloche) the swastika flag flew and the teachers from Germany were obliged members of the League of National Socialist Teachers. Hitler's Mein Kampf was the most important exercise book. In 1938, the chosen Argentinian president Roberto Ortiz put an end to these "anti-Argentine activities". The institute was disbanded, after the Second World War, when dictator Peron once assumed office, to be re-established by Nazis who had fled to Bariloche.

Downstairs, in the tourist town itself, people feel as much in Teutonic spheres. The houses and shops do not differ from the Germanic model in any way. The most important export product of the town is chocolate. In the Stube of the Weiss family, smoked red deer and mulled wine are served. In the establishments Der Biergarten, El viejo Munich and La Alpina you will find a variety of German beers. The hotels Edelweiss, Pirker and Wickter contribute to Bariloche's name as "the Bavaria of Argentina". The Belgrano district houses so many German migrants that it is popularly called "el barrio alemán", the German Quarter.

Only the scenes on the square in the center of Bariloche, where an angry mob has gathered and throws stones at the town hall in protest against the failure of the salaries, make it clear to the visitor that he is still in deep economic crisis entangled Argentina.

San Carlos de Bariloche was founded in 1902 by the German consul in Chile, Carlos Wiederhold. The decades-long massacre of the stubbornly opposed indigenous population was at that moment in its completion. The vast area - Patagonia has 787,163 square kilometers and covers one third of the state of Argentina - urgently needed repopulation. On the large lake Nahuel Huapi, forty kilometers from the border with Chile, Wiederhold founded the merchant house La Alemana, where the Sociedad Anónima de Importación y Exportación de la Patagonia of José Menéndez and Mauricio Braun did good business and would grow into the largest supermarket chain of South America, La Anónima, now accounts for an annual profit of three hundred million dollars a year. From the merchant house La Alemana - now the town hall - the town of Bariloche grew.

In 1910, a prince from the German royal family Schaumburg-Zur Lippe, a distant relative of prince Bernhard zur Lippe-Biesterfeld (Juliana's first biographer J. Waterink mistakenly referred to Bernhard in his book Our young Queen at home in 1936 as Prince Schaumburg-Zur Lippe), the San Ramón estate located fifteen kilometers outside Bariloche. This "estancia" counted no less than thirty thousand hectares and was managed locally by Baron Ludwig von Bülow, who in 1915 accommodated Wilhelm Canaris, the later chief of Hitler's Abwehr. Canaris, as the second mate of the German cruiser Dresden, fought in the name of Kaiser Wilhelm II in 1914 against the British on the Falkland Islands (Las Malvinas), which lies opposite the extreme south-eastern point of Patagonia. He was captured in Chile, but then escaped to Bariloche with a few confidants. There he received a warm welcome from Baron Von Bülow in the estancia San Ramón.

The later admiral and spy chief immediately saw the strategic value of the location. In 1926 San Ramón was transferred to the German company Treuhand - the later business branch of the NSDAP - and then to the brothers Dietrich and Christel Lahusen from Bremen, business relations of the already mentioned Mauricio Braun. In collaboration with Prince Stephan von Schaumburg-Zur Lippe, adviser to the German embassy in Buenos Aires, the Lahusen brothers from San Ramón created a center of German espionage activities. Conveniently, the estancia was the only airport in the region from 1940 onwards.

Argentinian politician Silvano Santander accused Prince Schaumburg-Zur Lippe and the Lahusen brothers of providing hand and sports services to the Third Reich. In 1941, these accusations were investigated by the Comisión de Actividades Anti-Argentinas of the parliament in Buenos Aires, which had to cease its activities two years later at the insistence of the Nazi-friendly Peron.

After the Second World War, the influx of German emigrants to Argentina could not stop at all. Patagonia was by far the most popular travel destination, because anyone who had arrived there was hardly traceable anymore.

Previously, the American gangsters Robert Leroy Parker and Harry Longabaugh, better known as Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, who had robbed the First National Bank of Winemucca, Nevada in 1900, found a safe haven in Cholila near El Bolsón. , about 120 kilometers south of Bariloche. Even the fanatical thieves of the detective agency Pinkerton could no longer find them there. If the duo had not gone further with the robbery of banks (in 1909 an attempt to arrest the recession of a mine in Bolivia became fatal) they could have spent their days undisturbed in Patagonia.

Juan Perón began his presidential career in 1945. At the last minute - three weeks before the German capitulation - he did declare war on the Axis powers, but that was only for the form, a diplomatic gesture towards the Americans and the British. In practice, Perón, who had been deeply impressed by the fascist movement as an Argentine ambassador in Mussolini's Italy in the 1930s, supported the Nazis wherever he could. According to a statement by his adviser Pedro Bianchi in 1979, Perón sold two thousand passports and eight thousand blank identity cards to Nazi circles in Europe alone in his first term at the Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires. It did not do the dictator any harm. Perón, with the current price level, would have earned six million dollars in this mediation, his confidant told Bianchi proudly.

Between 1945 and 1955 an estimated 80,000 Germans, Austrians and Croats in all started a new life in Argentina. About fifteen thousand of them did so with false identity cards, which gives a cautious indication of the Nazi population in Peron's Argentina.

Evita Duarte Perón also personally interfered with the so-called "rat lines". To this end, the Argentinean first lady toured Europe in the summer of 1947, visiting Franco in Spain, Pope Pius XII and representatives of the Swiss government. A secret emigration office was set up in Bern, Switzerland, led by former SS man Carlos Fuldner. A flight to the pampas cost the traveler, including adapted proof of identity, about fifty thousand dollars. Less wealthy fugitives had to do with a trip on one of the many ships of Uruguayan ship owner Alberto Dodero, a personal friend of the couple Perón.

This immigration flow did not go unnoticed at San Carlos de Bariloche either. Journalist Abel Basti of the local newspaper Mañana del Sur made it his life's work to map the Nazi population of his hometown. He did so in numerous reports for his newspaper, which often led to national news, and in a "tourist guide to Nazi locations in Bariloche" that had not yet been published. «Maybe it can be published in the Netherlands», he sighs. "The Argentinian public is not quite ready for this yet, at least, nobody wants to spend it."

Basti became interested in the matter when in 1995 ex-SS and former Gestapo officer Erich Priebke was arrested in Bariloche and deported to Italy, where he was accused of leading and personally participating in a massacre in the caves of the Fosas Ardeatinas near Rome in 1944. 335 Italian men and boys, all civilians, were executed by way of reprisal for an action by partisans. Priebke arrived in Argentina in 1948 by boat. With a passport from the Red Cross in the name of Otto Pape in his pocket he settled with his wife and two children in Bariloche. There he became the manager of a delicatessen, specializing in smoked ham.

Soon he felt so safe that he again used his own name, which many exiled Nazis in Argentina used to do. In Bariloche Priebke was a key figure in public life: he was founder of the local Asociación Cultural Germano-Argentina and of the German language institute Primo Capraro, of which he was also chairman. He regularly traveled to Europe. The former SS man had just planned to retreat to an estate that he had purchased just outside Bariloche when the Simon Wiesenthal center in Vienna got air from him.

In 1994, Nazi hunter Rick Eaton landed in Bariloche in search of the still very active Nazi propagandist Reinhard Kops, alias Juan Maler. The Kops / Maler born in Hamburg in 1914 was a secret agent of the Nazis during the Second World War in Albania. In 1948 he had moved to Argentina, where he was the publisher and editor of the Neo-Nazi struggle Der Weg in Buenos Aires in the 1950s, a magazine banned in Germany. In Bariloche he was the manager of hotel Campana in Bariloche's «barrio alemán».

Wiesenthal's agent managed to win his trust in a meeting at the Edelweiss hotel in Bariloche as a millionaire willing to donate a lot of money to the international neo-Nazi movement. Kops / Maler said that the money would be donated to various underground cells in Germany. These statements were recorded on a tape and played by CNN. Once confronted by a reporter from the American news channel, Kops / Maler continued. "I am only a small cog in the organization," he exclaimed. "Why do not you go after the brain, why do not you take Priebke?"

So the curtain fell for the executioner of Rome. At the request of the Italian justice he was arrested and in November 1995 the Supreme Court of Argentina decided with three to two votes to actually deliver him. In Bariloche, this led to some indignant reactions, according to Abel Basti. «Priebke, also called Uncle Erich, was a welcome figure, especially in the better circles of this city. Many saw him depart with dismay. But once it became known what Priebke had done exactly during the war, most of them felt that he deserved his punishment. Except of course the many comrades he left here. "

The large international publicity surrounding the Priebke case led to the setting up of a special commission for the then Argentinean government led by President Carlos Ménem to map the activities of Nazis in Argentina. This Comisión de Esclarecimento de las Actividades Nazis and Argentina (CEANA) delivered a fairly elaborate piece of work in 1999, although it was emphatically concerned to go into the dominance of the numerous Argentine entrepreneurs still living with Nazi relations. Ménem also set up a Center against Racism and Discrimination in Bariloche. This Instituto Nacional Contra la Discriminación, Xenophobia y Racismo already exists in 2002. Apparently it was nothing more than a PR stunt, mainly intended for consumption abroad. The sincerity of the Peronist Ménem may be questioned in this matter, according to Basti.

For Basti, the Priebke case was the reason to exhaustively map the Nazi connections of his home town. Where possible, he also searched the men themselves for an interview. Anyone who has read his "guide to Nazi tourism in Bariloche eo" looks at the seemingly idyllic town at the Nahuel Huapi lake. Joseph Mengele, the "Angel of Death" of Auschwitz, according to the research of Basti, would have lived for several years in the barrio alemán. In 1948 or 1949 Mengele even got his driving license in Bariloche, a former municipal official said to the reporter. Mengele would return to Bariloche several times, where he would be a welcome guest at the estancia of the wealthy entrepreneur Ludwig Freude and his son Rodolfo, private secretary of the Peron couple from 1946 onwards.

Opposite Basti, Mengele-hunter Simon Wiesenthal stated that the former camp doctor was recognized in Bariloche in February 1960 by a 48-year-old tourist from Israel named Nora Eldoc, who was a survivor of Auschwitz and was personally sterilized by Mengele. Eldoc came across Mengele during a party in a hotel. She stood face to face with him for a few seconds, then left the hotel in haste and warned the police. A few days later, on February 12, 1960, the body of the woman was found in a cave in the mountains outside Bariloche. The finder was the Slovenian mountaineer Vojko Arko, the friend and biographer of Berghof resident Otto Meiling. He told Basti that the dead woman, in his opinion, was "an agent of the Mossad." Van Mengele himself was missing every trace. It was not until 1995 that a mortal remains was found in Brazil that, according to the local authorities, belonged to the Angel of Death.

Also the Austrian Adolf Eichmann would have been spotted in Bariloche, and in 1956, when an Israeli secret agent who only became known as BA settled down in a café at the Nahuel Huapi lake and heard a group speak in German. One of these men talked with some authority about his collection of Austrian stamps. When BA later came to Buenos Aires and found a picture of the wanted war criminal in a newspaper, he recognized the philatelist from Bariloche. This would eventually lead to the kidnapping of Eichmann in 1960 by a group of agents of the Israeli secret service in Eichmann's residence Buenos Aires. In the book The fatal friendships of Adolf Eichmann of the Belgian Stan Lauryssens based on conversations with Eichmann's confidant Willem Sassen, this fact is missing. It does make clear, however, that Eichmann had received an offer to work in Patagonia as overseer in the process of beating oil wells. Eichmann would have rejected this offer. If he had accepted it, Eichmann, according to Sassen, would never have been found by the Israelis.

Intriguing in Basti's guide is the story that Hitler's deputy Martin Bormann would have stayed in Bariloche. The Italian magazine Tempo reported in 1960 a tombstone with the inscription M. Bormann to have found. Shortly after this this grave turned out to be gone. Officially, Bormann died in Berlin in May 1945. According to Basti, the Deputy Fuehrer continued undisturbed in Patagonia under the name Ricardo Bauer, where he was still photographed on the side of a local beauty. From the photograph that Basti shows, in any case, speaks a stunning resemblance. Basti: "I think there is enough reason for research, but even the Wiesen thal center does not want to. A certain nazi fatigue has developed. "

According to the journalist, the vast deserted coast of Patagonia was visited many times by German submarines immediately after the German capitulation, which transferred the stolen treasures of the Third Reich plus the surviving leaders to what the Fourth Reich should become. Basti: "The fact that the Patagonian coast was frequented by U-boats before and after the German capitulation is a fact confirmed by many reports from the Argentinian Navy. Still years after the war, people in Patagonia's hinterland reported that they had seen German U-boats. A few years ago I spoke with a captain of the Argentine navy who had participated in the war with the British for the Malvinas. He swore at high and low that in 1982 he had observed Nazi-under-sea-men. Call it local folklore, but it remains fascinating. "

The SS man Horst Fuldner played a crucial role, together with Priebke founder of the Asociación Cultural Germano-Argentina in Bariloche. Fuldner was convicted in absentia by the Nuremberg tribunal. In Argentina, he held a high adviser position with the first government of Peron. In Córdoba, north of Buenos Aires, he founded the Fuldner Bank. In this province, the Nazi activity was already large before the Second World War. Thus the brothers Walter and Ullrich Eichhorn drove the gigantic and internationally renowned hotel Eden in the village of La Falda. The Eichhorns were Hitler fans from the very beginning. As early as 1925, they transferred large sums of money to the NSDAP. Hitler was so happy that he later invited the Eichhorns as special guests on the NSDAP party days in Nuremberg.

Fuldner was responsible for the arrival of Kurt Tank, a well-known Nazi scholar, to Argentina. Tank, initially hiding in Argentina under the name of Pedro Matthies, took a large proportion of its employees from the Nazi company Fucke-Wulf and the designs of the latest model Messerschmidt. In Córdoba, Tank of Perón got his own factory, El Instituto Aeronáutico de Córdoba, where he designed the Pulque II, the supersonic fighter plane that the engineer donated to the "New Argentina" by Juan Perón, and that the pride of the Argentine air force. As a test pilot, Tank Hans Ulrich Udel took part from Germany.

In Bariloche, both Fuldner and Rudel were registered as members of the Club Andino Bariloche. From Argentina, former Colonel of the Luftwaffe Rudel, in 1952, again acted as leader in the Bundestag elections in Germany on behalf of the Deutsche Reichs Partei, but the German government stuck out because of his membership of the NSDAP.

One of the first non-Argentineans to admire the Pulque II with his own eyes was Prince Bernhard, during his legendary tour of South America in 1951. Bernhard was on April 3 that year as a "goodwill ambassador" of the Dutch business community. Buenos Aires arrived, after having first visited Rio de Janeiro and Uruguay.

Bernhard's assignment was "to cultivate the land for Dutch trade in Argentina". As a translator during the conversations of the Prince with the Perons, the Dutch SS Willem Sassen, former editor-in-chief of De Telegraaf in 1944 and in Argentina worked as a PR advisor and translator of the couple Peron. Via Sassen, war criminal Klaus Barbie in Argentina would have had access to the prince. However, that only led to some consternation much later, when the weekly De Tijd put an article on September 14, 1984.

The official deployment of Bernhard's mission in Argentina was a million-dollar order for the Dutch job track, which had been trying to win an Argentine mission since 1936. The Argentine rail network was traditionally built with British expertise and materials, but it was the Dutch entrepreneurs who learned that Peron wanted to break that tradition. This was due to the fact that his wife was not welcome in England during her big European tour in 1947.

The construction of the Argentinian rail network was now the subject of open registration. So Bernhard arrived in his wake a procession of entrepreneurs per Fokker Friend ship in Buenos Aires, with in his luggage the Grand Cross in the Order of Orange-Nassau for Evita (Juan already had it) and a load of precious jewels. Later on, the list of gifts - at least that article VS Naipaul and the Argentine historian Felix Luna - would be extended with five thousand automatic pistols and 1500 machine guns for the benefit of the peronist militia. Anyway, the mission succeeded. NV Werkspoor received an Argentine order amounting to 250 million guilders, which for a large part would be contracted out again to the rising Krupp group in Germany. In addition - according to vindictive British sources - thirty million guilders would have to be repaid by way of bribes on secret Swiss bank accounts of the Peron couple.

However, the Argentine mission of Bernhard was not yet finished. In Buenos Aires he was welcomed at a demonstration of the Pulque II. Both Bernhard and his pilot Gerben Sonderman were particularly impressed, writes Bernhard's secretary FA de Graaff in his travelogue With the Prince on his journey.

However, there was another fruit of German-Argentinian cooperation that interested Bernhard even more, and that would lead him to San Carlos de Bariloche. It is an episode that has remained very underexposed in the Netherlands so far, but it was examined and described in detail in Argentina, by the renowned physicist Mario AJ Mariscotti of the University of Buenos Aires in his book El secreto atómico de Huemul (1996).

On the day Bernhard began his journey to South America, on March 24, 1951, Juan Peron announced at a spectacular press conference that Argentina had developed a proprietary process for the development of nuclear energy through a controlled process of thermonuclear atom fusion. All this, Perón said, was thanks to his nuclear scientist Ronald Richter, who had built a nuclear reactor a year earlier on the island of Huemul in the Nahuel Huapi lake near Bariloche.

Argentine nuclear plans have been a concern in international relations for some years. In 1944 the Asociación Física Argentina was founded, which according to sources in England, America and Brazil would be aimed at the development of an atomic bomb. This was followed by the establishment of an Argentine atomic agency, the Instituto Nacional para la Energía Atómica, chaired by Peron itself and funded by the wealthy entrepreneur Otto Bemberg, owner of tens of thousands of hectares of agricultural land in Patagonia and other parts of the country, and the Menéndez conglomerate -Braun clan.

In the international scientific environment Ronald Richter was a big unknown. The reactions to Peron's announcement were therefore skeptical. Mariscotti writes that Richter, a born Austrian, worked in 1942-1943 in a private laboratory of baron Manfred van Ardenne in Berlin.

In 1946 he met Kurt Tank in London, who was already on his way to Argentina. However, Richter preferred to wait and see if the Americans might be interested in his services. When that turned out not to be the case, he left for Buenos Aires, where he spoke with Peron on 24 August 1948. Richter stated that he could supply his own atomic bomb to American model for six million dollars, but that he also had his own, considerably cheaper method for the generation of nuclear energy on offer, although two or three more discoveries were needed.

It was a challenge that the Argentine dictator liked to respond to. In November of that year Richter got his own laboratory within the workshop of Kurt Tank in Córdoba. Tank had already made the dictator tasty with the prospect of the development of an atomic submarine, so that Peron thought he could beat two birds with one stone. In 1949 Richter refused to continue working in Córdoba. There had been a fire in his laboratory, presumably due to a short circuit, but Richter immediately thought of sabotage and threatened to leave for America. The atomic scientist demanded his own autonomous workplace, where his secret could be kept well.

The choice fell on the island of Huemul, seven kilometers outside Bariloche. It was inaccessible to the outside world and the lake of seven hundred square kilometers provided sufficient cooling water for the reactor to be built.

Bariloche was then still a small village. The rest of the area was totally depopulated. The Nahuel Huapi area had already been declared a protected reserve in the 1920s, as a result of which the residents had been rigorously expropriated and sent away. Richter could work here on his top secret project in peace and quiet.

In March 1950, Ronald Richter, now an Argentinean citizen, settled in Bariloche. Under his supervision, four hundred soldiers, electricians and carpenters worked on the construction of the laboratory and the reactor. Richter had received carte blanche from Juan and Evita Perón, who quickly visited him that year.

Especially at night, when the bright lights from the reactor burned over the water of the giant lake, the Atomic Island made a mystical impression on the inhabitants of Bariloche, Mariscotti writes. Nobody knew what exactly happened on the island, only that it was very secret. Some whispered that Perón had a hydrogen bomb built here.

Exactly what was being done on Huemul remained shrouded after the historic press conference of Peron and Richter on March 24, 1951. For safety reasons it was not possible to make a complete public disclosure of the precise experiments, as they told the press. Richter wanted to say that there had been no danger for the immediate environment. This contradicts a secret memorandum from his hand that Mario Mariscotti found in the archives: it showed that Richter had indeed warned of possible dangers, such as the fertility of the men in the vicinity of the reactor.

Four days after the announcement, on March 28, Richter received the peronist medal of Honor, the highest distinction of the country, at a special ceremony in the Salon Blanco of Perón's Casa Rosada. He also became doctor honorary causa at the University of Buenos Aires, among other things "because of his work in continual mortal danger". In the Argentinian parliament, Perón was adored by his paladins "because he solved the now cleaved problem of Argentina for the honor and glory of the fatherland and for peace in the world".

Together with the Pulque II of Dr Tank, the nuclear breakthrough in Bariloche was the definitive proof for Peron's prophecy of the arrival of the "New Argentina", a new superpower in the world.

Naturally, the spectacular news was also mentioned in the various tête-à-têtes by Bernhard and the presidential couple. On Bernhard's side, there was more than just interest: he offered cooperation.Professor Richter, according to his own words, had found the recipe for the nuclear big bang, in practice he had many important elements before there could be any Argentine nuclear industry. For example, he lacked the know-how to make electromagnetic energy conductor, a cyclotron; an indispensable part of a nuclear reactor. Coincidentally, Philips Duphar in Amsterdam had just managed to manufacture one of the largest cyclotrons in the world in collaboration with the University of Amsterdam. As a result of this development, the Netherlands had an important step as a future nuclear power, independent of British and American technology, precisely what Peron wanted for its country.

Bernhard offered to the Amsterdam professor CJ Bakker to Bariloche with a model of the cyclotron from Philips. Peron eagerly accepted that offer. Bakker was not yet on the plane or the New York Times reported that the Netherlands and Argentina worked together in the nuclear field. Peron feared that this would lead to irritation with his beloved atomic scientist Richter. On May 23, 1951, Peron wrote to Richter: "When Prince Bernhard visited me recently, he Showed That he was willing to providence us with products from Philips' That would be of great use to us. I accepted the offer and he offered to send someone to investigate in which form we could cast the cooperation.You must understand clearly that what he offered was an industrial cooperation, and no scientific cooperation, which we do not need either. The publicity that preceded Bakker's visit made a bad impression on me, because it is the impression that it would be a part of the scientific research, which, however, is exclusively in your hands. all atomic works in Argentina. For these reasons, I ask you to be very careful with everything you say to Dr. Baker. I tend to continue on the path I have chosen, with the utmost caution, so that Philips can supply you with the desired items and nothing more. "

Dr.Bakker arrived in Bariloche that same month. For four days he hero conversations with Richter, but he did not allow him on the reactor island. On 27 May, Bakker returned unsatisfied to Buenos Aires.

"Professor Bakker received us with the greatest possible kindness and we did everything we could to make his visit to Bariloche as interesting as possible", Richter wrote to Peron. "We asked for our experimental installations, which we had to reject in the most friendly terms in accordance with your wishes." Richter also argued that he would find the purchase of the Philips Duphar Synchro Cyclotron a good purchase. Bakker, he wrote, had expressed the "fear of what is happening in the event of nationalization" (apparently people's feared patent rights).

On 30 June the sale was concluded for an amount of 790,000 dollars. From the Dutch side it was still stipulated that the equipment would be used for "peaceful purposes". Fortunately, this clause did not have to be tested. In 1952, Ronald Richter was exposed to other Argentine nuclear scientists as a charlatan. His spectacular discoveries were mainly based on autosuggestion. Working never did his reactor.

His island was dismantled and Richter left Bariloche. The Centro Atómico Bariloche moved to the mountains just outside Bariloche, where Richter's place was occupied by another Nazi scholar, Wolfgang Meckbach, who died in 1998 after forty years of faithful service.

Just before the unmasking of Richter took place, Bernhard came to Bariloche at the end of March 1951 at the invitation of Peron himself. He descended with his retinue into the exclusive Llao Llao hotel, which was entirely available to the Dutch delegation. The prince stayed there three days before traveling back to the Netherlands. At Peron, Bernhard clearly could not work anymore. The prince in turn was very impressed by this part of Patagonia, where he would return year after year.

In the same hotel Llao Llao, another typical example of Patagonia-Tyrolean architecture, Willem-Alexander introduced himself in August 1999 to his future in-laws. The first photographs that appeared in the Argentinian press of Willem-Alexander and Máxima were also tasks in the mountains of Bariloche. And Argentine television reported this week that the couple will be traveling to Bariloche again after 02-02-2002.

Apparently the spouses are caught by the South American grandeur in a Tyrolean jacket of the landscape here. But to avoid misunderstandings, they have to declare that so many Nazis in one place are seriously spoiling the environment.

[FONT=&amp]From: and translated to Googlish.[/FONT]
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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