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How The Education Forum Destroyed Credible JFK Research
It is time for the JFK Research Community to admit that Conspiracy Research has been successfully defeated by means of the Education Forum and its influence...

This has been perpetrated by means of the allowance of Lone Nutterism on the board under the guise of tolerance of differing opinions...

It is 2023...It has been long proven there was a conspiracy that strongly points towards government involvement in Kennedy's assassination...So the allowance of denial of this fact under the guise of tolerance of differing opinions has given undue legitimacy to what is basically a denial movement...Lone Nutters gain false legitimacy by being allowed to present what is now understood to be a false position...They enjoy the benefit of forcing Conspiracy Theorists to prove the same points over and over in order to satisfy their denial...

There is a second source for the defeat of Conspiracy Research...Bogus websites like Greg Parker's ROKC site have used moderation and membership control to give false venue to what is basically crazy research...If you don't see that Greg Parker is a person driven by mischievous compulsion to permanently damage credible research by inventing lunatic revisions of the main evidence then there's nothing I can say to you...Parker is an evidence gremlin...It is highly unfortunate that one of the community's foremost researchers continues to give irresponsible praise to Parker and his vandalism...This trend to avoid academic rigor by means of independent websites has caused great damage to credible conspiracy research...It is an abuse of the internet for dubious purposes by questionable characters...These people tend to form majorities that then result in false consensus'...They have succeeded in ingratiating themselves and used that familiarity to hijack the JFK internet...Pet theories like Prayer Man gain undue support due to this dynamic...

As it stands, the main impediment to credible JFK conspiracy research is not the Lone Nutters...It is actually this clique and those who call themselves the main conspiracy researchers...The main center of gravity for this corruption is the Education Forum and the acceptance of the moderation by the Conspiracy Theorists members who regularly attend that site...The fact that those conspiracy theorist members are forced to accept the Lone Nutters has been expanded in to acceptance of the denial of good conspiracy research by conspiracy theorists...The Education Forum is much more popular with Conspiracy researchers than is the Deep Politics website that was designed to counter it...This has led to CT-ers adopting and accepting the denial of good conspiracy research and also accepting its denial by means of unfair banning and ignoring...This corrupted oversight has led to an informal clique of main Conspiracy researchers who operate in a presumptive way...Because the CT research internet has been hijacked by the artificial premise of confronting Lone Nutters there is now zero scrutiny of Conspiracy claims whether valid or invalid...In short, the main Conspiracy Theorists who now use the Education Forum as their posting space are using the Education Forum and its bogus moderation as a means to deny seriously important Conspiracy evidence and therefore betraying their own cause...The only hope for an unfairly banned CT-er on the Education Forum is that Forum's CT members...Those members have collectively betrayed their own principles and remain silent when it comes to a member being unfairly banned for correct CT evidence...This issue has pretty much killed JFK Conspiracy research and directly prevented a solving of the case...All so CT-ers can trade visibility on a popular website for research integrity...All so the clique can have its way and not be challenged...

In 2018 I discovered one of the most important new evidence discoveries in JFK Conspiracy research history...I discovered that Sarah Stanton ran in to Oswald hiding out on the 2nd Floor staircase landing waiting for Mrs Reid to clear out the ladies from the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...Stanton thought Oswald was a loner who was going to miss the motorcade so she went out to the landing and asked him if he wanted to go downstairs and watch the motorcade with her...Oswald responded "No, I'm going back in to the Break Room"...That Break Room was the 2nd Floor Lunch Room where Carolyn Arnold would see Oswald alone eating lunch shortly after...Because I dared exert my skill and out-argued the clique and its favored members on the Prayer Man issue, proving Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton, and bursting the bubble of one of the clique's pet theories, I am being retaliated against in a shamefully crude way by being ignored, even though I have produced something that would normally incur notation in the research community...The only two sources that recognized it were Vinny Palamara in 'Honest Answers' and Richard Gilbride in 'Inside Job'...Other than that, the clique and that monster Gordon have pretty much disappeared my discovery from research annals... 

Again - it is not Lone Nutters who killed the advancement of the final solving of the conspiracy...The people who did it are firmly Conspiracy Researchers and they did it via the Education Forum and its false consensus in order to maintain their clique...
A prime example of how the Education Forum destroyed credible research is seen in Roger Odisio's post on the Forum in reaction to the New York Post doing an article on the original Nix Film...Odisio added that the original Wiegman & Darnell films would aid in finding out if Prayer Man was Lee Harvey Oswald...The Education Forum moderators and its members allowed Odisio to post this without challenge and in doing so allowed Odisio to ignore the firm proof that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton...JFK research websites don't really operate by Peer Review and rigor...They operate by an established insider group of regulars who develop a sort of license to violate the norms of evidence...What rules the Education Forum is the fact the membership backed the false Prayer Man theory by a 95% majority...It was the site's most popular theory...So in this case the unspoken rule of the clique going by whatever they want whenever they decide applies and a whole hard fought case of evidence can be ignored as long as you are a member of the clique...So, typically, the clique ends up doing exactly what the government insider's club that killed Kennedy did and completes the grand circle of hypocrisy...Clique membership isn't for nothing and there is high value in being able to get out of what you ban and moderate others for at will...A clique member is allowed to ban, censor, and ignore those who present correct evidence while operating under a website that says it doesn't do that...That's why they have the clique...They are using the real offenses of the government in the Kennedy assassination as an excuse to commit their own...This whole process has been brought to its full fruition on the Education Forum by its overseers and membership...Roger Odisio is an ROKC site member who is proxying for Greg Parker...Greg Parker invented the Prayer Man theory...

  Because of this primitive attack on good research Odisio will never be informed that Prayer Man has already been proven to be Sarah Stanton by myself...No Education Forum member will ever inform Odisio that the original Wiegman Film he calls for will show Sarah Stanton's face on Prayer Man exactly like Chris Davidson discovered...No Education Forum member will ever tell Odisio that the reason this is important is because once you produce the exact same results from the original film then that proves that Davidson's enhancement is accurate and does legitimately represent what is seen on Wiegman's original celluloid...All the JFK research community is showing here is that it dishonestly needs to exclude and ignore the proof that Prayer Man is Stanton in order to make its case that Prayer Man is Oswald...The community is unfortunately showing its incompetence and corruption in doing so...Unqualified individuals are running the program and they are lowering the Peer Review standards to meet their deficiencies...

A good example is Sandy Larsen...Sandy did an excellent high quality photo analysis of Couch/Darnell, proving beyond a doubt that Lovelady was one of the two men walking up the Elm St extension...Sandy had matched the plaid bars on that man's shirt precisely to that of Lovelady in other images...However, Larsen then read my analysis of Frazier speaking to Sarah Stanton after Calvery shouted the president has been shot and realized that by proving the man was Lovelady he had inadvertently proven the timing that meant Frazier was talking to Stanton at that precise time...One look at Couch/Darnell shows Frazier standing and talking to Prayer Man at that exact instant - therefore proving Prayer Man is Stanton...Larsen knew he had refuted his own Prayer Man theory so what he did was he went back to the Education Forum and deleted his photo analysis...The whole board saw that photo analysis and its proof that the man on the extension was Lovelady...Those same people never said a word to now-administrator Larsen who uses crooked methods to delete evidence that refutes him...Larsen also applied his skill to identifying Gloria Calvery on the front steps in Darnell...This correct identification also proves the timing that places Stanton in the Prayer Man spot...I have never seen Larsen mention his discovery of Gloria Calvery on the steps since...All of this is proof that the Education Forum is centered not around credible discussion of conspiracy evidence...This is proof that the main emphasis of the Forum and its members is avoidance of correct conspiracy evidence by means of an insider clique who control the moderation...It is not the Lone Nutter members of the Education Forum who are perpetrating this...It is squarely a core insider group of persons who identify as Conspiracy Theorists who are egotistically guarding their defective pet theories and maintaining a substandard status quo...It has created a bizarre situation where the best and brightest and their best evidence are unwelcome and met with irrational hostility - facts be damned...

No credible website would disallow this conversation...It should be had on the Education Forum without its facts being prevented by false claims of bad manners...And then the violators who are ignoring it should be made to answer...THAT is where the moderation is needed and NOT against the victim...

No credible website would answer this with silence...
If you go to the Education Forum Denis Morissette posted his images of Sarah Stanton from the Owens Film...Robin Unger responded by posting images from Willis showing a woman on the steps near to the same time as Stanton in Owens...I am honestly not sure if the woman in Willis is Stanton or not...I previously scolded Morissette for posting that woman in Willis telling him that it was obviously not Stanton and he was not helping things by posting it...Morissette promptly put me on Facebook block...Now, however, on second look from Unger I am not 100% sure if that woman in Willis is Stanton or not...If you look closely she has Stanton's light-colored hair...If you go to Darnell she matches up exactly with Prayer Man's height as compared to the aluminum window frame behind her...So I might owe him an apology, however the thin-skinned Morissette put me on block so there's no way for me to do it...

The thread on the Education Forum needs me as a participant...Because I have been banned by that ignoramus James Gordon I am unable to go to that board and do what it was designed for...I cannot put the best interpretation on the evidence Morissette and Unger presented...That evidence was posted there exactly so a person like myself could come in and tell the members what that evidence is showing...If indeed the woman in Willis is Stanton then the research community needs to be shown that and how it relates to the rest of the Prayer Man evidence...It is only because of the gross incompetence and stupidity of James Gordon and his backwards moderation that the whole purpose of the conversation Morissette has initiated is disallowed...If indeed the woman in Willis is Stanton then she lines-up with Prayer Man's height...Her light-colored dress also appears dark in the shadows in Darnell...I'm not 100% certain on this because Stanton's obesity is obvious in Owens...Not so much in Willis...

And so, as it stands, the current cutting edge of the Prayer Man issue lay in moronic non-response because the ******** who call themselves the moderators and members of the Education Forum are content with leaving those obvious begging points ignored while the correct intelligent, evidence-based solution goes unspoken...This, according to the intellectual criminal James Gordon, is good moderation that he is happy with and stays on in order to enforce...There is a core group that praises Gordon and his moderation and asks him to stay on...Those people show their rotten loyalty and duty by remaining faithfully absent from Morissette's thread that happens to prove me correct...Just like I was 7 years ago when I was banned - with that core group of cowards also staying silent (The same group that happened to be those who backed Prayer Man as Oswald)...

Certainly Jim DiEugenio, who praised Parker and his trolling "research" a few weeks ago on the EF, is not going to enter Morissette's thread to discuss this new confirming evidence that Prayer Man is Stanton...This is where Jim stays silent the most...It is also where my good evidence gets proven the most...There's a sick qualification on the EF of ignoring my proof that Stanton is Prayer Man...If you ignore it then you are accepted in to the clique...The requirement on the EF is that the normal conversation of intelligent evidence discussion that would happen with any other subject is disallowed and Morissette's very important evidence discovery is left to die of starvation...The dishonest members then ignore this giant rogue elephant in the room and pretend it isn't happening...It gives them power, which is what this is really all about...The research community, as represented on the Education Forum, is not about honest objective research...There's no shame or embarrassment amongst that wayward group...Let's be honest...They are staying silent because they know it proves me correct...
Jim DiEugenio is openly promoting Greg Parker and his BS research on the Education Forum...Greg Parker is a research troll who specializes in deeply-researched false revision of the evidence as sort of an evidence iconoclast who tries to rework the Conspiracy evidence in to his crazy solutions...Because Greg's evidence vandalism covers the evidence so extensively it attracts the interest of a large number of internet-based Kennedy Assassination researchers and observers...Greg Parker was the original source for the Prayer Man theory before Murphy and Kamp took it over - just to show a good example of Parker's dangerousness to the credible research community and how his influence caused the research community to waste a decade on a wild goose chase over one of his crazy theories...The research community managed to detect and ban Ralph Cinque...It did not do so with Greg Parker who now enjoys a permanent sector of support in the Kennedy research community that is tolerated by "moderators" like the Utah-based Mormon Sandy Larsen...I have credibly debunked the Prayer Man theory, yet this Parker-supporting majority have managed to corrupt the moderators on the Kennedy internet in to ignoring my evidence and continuing to promote false claims that Prayer is Oswald...They have achieved this by two means...The first being outright censorship through banning that prevents me from posting the correct evidence on the Education Forum...The second is more subtle and depends on the approval of Jim DiEugenio, whom a good percentage of internet researchers take his word on evidence matters...Jim skips all the hard fought evidence detail and simply deals with it by giving overly-broad approval to the dangerous evidence troll and good research-harmer Greg Parker...He does this with the silent consent of the internet research community who seem to accept this blatant corruption...The current JFK research world and progress of the correct Conspiracy evidence is literally hung-up and paralyzed at this point because of this situation...The JFK research community is aware it has ham-strung itself with this but doesn't seem to care as long as the current arrangement indulges their pet theories and leaves the right people in power, right or wrong...As Richard Gilbride said, it is incumbent upon certain mainstream figures in the research community to do the right thing and heel to Peer Review on this and the correct evidence...Right now serious advances in the conspiracy evidence are being ignored in order serve this ridiculous clique and its self-indulgence at the expense of good research, so the effects of this are not insignificant...An extra unspoken rule is being enforced on the Kennedy internet...That rule says - despite all the regular rules posted at the site - that certain members and moderators are allowed to ignore the posted rules at their own will and just go with their friends...And Jim DiEugenio will be the overseer of that invisible set of site rules and not be accountable for ignoring serious new evidence or supporting destructive trolls...And he'll be allowed to ignore answering for that...I have never seen DiEugenio publicly confront the serious rift between his support of Parker and Parker's denial of Armstrong's Harvey & Lee theory...The latter is some of the most important highly sophisticated Conspiracy evidence...You would think in the name of good research that DiEugenio would owe us that and not be allowed to avoid it like he has been...
My response to Gil Jesus' Education Forum-defending post on Alt.Conspiracy.JFK...

The Deep Politics Forum was formed in order to combat the outrageous violation of research standards Gil commits in his Why "Prayerman" is NOT Sarah Stanton thread...Gil is using the Education Forum and its corrupted management as justification to ignore my evidence that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...If I'm not mistaken, that used to be a violation of DPF rules (that all members and moderators were subjected to by site rule):

Your thinking you are above answering my evidence is a pure example of the rotten double standard being practiced in the JFK internet research community...You also fail to see the irony in the fact that there is a reverse standard on the JFK internet that is run out of the Education Forum where Mickey Mouse hacks like yourself, who aren't afraid to basically troll in front of the best cutting-edge evidence on the subject, are welcomed as members while a serious researcher who argues seriously and is the best expert on the subject is disallowed from the website with focused energy...Yes, that is my point exactly that a person who is low enough, intellectually, to call for discussion on the Prayer Man subject and then give that answer in response to the best arguments on the subject, is a favored, unquestioned member on the Education Forum while there is a concentrated effort to remove myself from all JFK research venues and destroy me as a researcher...

When I was removed from the Education Forum by James Gordon in 2016 he said it was because I had been told the proper research methodology and failed to do what I was told...That, of course, was an outright lie and it was actually the Prayer Man people he was openly favoring as moderator that were guilty of that offense...After all, since I was the only member posting the correct evidence on Prayer Man, showing that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton, how could I be guilty of not following Gordon's ill-defined methodological complaint that he refused to show any examples of?...Your cowardly, juvenile response here, Gil, is yet another example of the obscene travesty being conducted by the Prayer Man-hijacked research community...A clear expert who is many orders of magnitude superior in research ability is insulted and his evidence is trolled and ignored, while an apparent sh*t-heel and hack like yourself gets away with research murder and then justifies it by Education Forum membership to boot - even though that justification serves as a pure example of the corruption of the JFK research community that I have been pointing-out...Even with this situation being shown in broad daylight right here in this thread, over on the Education Forum James Gordon is still getting away with calling himself a credible moderator and is still enforcing that obscenely outrageous ban against my self for the crime of posting the correct Prayer Man evidence...

When I re-applied for membership at the Forum last fall the decision was kicked-out to Mark Knight who promptly did what he does on every moderator decision and came in in favor of Gordon...Knight never once commented on the travesty the Forum was committing in relation to the actual evidence...Knight said that he wasn't familiar with the reason for the original banning but he had determined that I was a "shit-poster", similar to Greg Parker, who "was not able to play nicely with others"...Knight was doing what Gordon and Beckett had obviously dog whistled to him and was simply reinforcing Gordon like he does each and every time...So being a member of that forum is not necessarily a good thing under these circumstances, seeing how the moderation seems to think its purpose is enforcing terribly unjust bannings and defamation of innocent researchers for the crime of having skill...Which is why this thread needs to be brought to to the Education Forum for FAIR review instead of the automatic Gordon-favoring decisions that come from Beckett and Knight...

All Gil is doing is what every pathetic guilty party does when proven guilty but they know they have a corrupted court that will find in their favor...These people have taken over the Conspiracy research world and they are destroying innocent researchers all so they can maintain their clique...Apparently the moderators are allowed to call innocent people "shit-posters" yet others are banned for it...The moderators on the Education Forum are equating holding people to correct evidence (like they are supposed to be doing) as a rules violation and not getting along with others...It is actually the moderators of that forum who are in violation and Gordon is making sure no one ever gets the chance to show it...
The Conspiracy community has allowed Greg Parker to break their previous level of research integrity and destroy good Kennedy assassination evidence discussion on the internet...Fetzer and Cinque also added their part, however the main cause is Greg Parker and his Prayer Man theory - which led to a rift in the Conspiracy community and subsequent silence as far as productive discussion...Ignoring good evidence is now preferred over skilled research...

If you go to the Alt.Conspiracy.JFK website you will see Gil Jesus take the lead from Parker and his proxies and post that Sarah Stanton cannot be Prayer Man...If you read my reply to Gil Jesus you will see that there is just no comparison between our material...My analysis is comprehensive and proves several times over that Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...There is just no doubt about it by normal research standards (that seem not to apply to myself)...Gil does this because he's just not a very good researcher and is running with the crowd for acceptance (like most Prayer Man posters)... 

Gil gets away with that because the Kennedy internet is run by an insider's group that are all friends and automatically approve of certain researchers despite the serious flaws in their offerings...In any case there is no doubt that 10 years ago it was understood that this website was formed to cut through that BS and be a safe place for skilled researchers who were unfairly treated elsewhere in the Kennedy research world to have a safe sanctuary to prove their evidence...If that premise were actually practiced a person like me would be hailed like a hero for proving the DPF's ethos and carrying out its purpose against the Education Forum and its corrupted moderatorship...The DPF produced a member who was capable of single-handedly going in and disproving the Prayer Man theory and therefore doing everything the DPF was designed for by bringing JFK research away from the cranks and bogus theory-makers and back to credibility...

Their silence, and therefore acquiescence to the Education Forum's malfeasance, is a capitulation by the research community to Greg Parker and the Education Forum and a choosing between good research and the clique...This is a betrayal and it is simply unforgiveable that a person could endure so much, and produce such important evidence, and the result is hostile rejection from the people who describe themselves as being the hosts of such research...The research world has chosen popular egos over good research and there is no excuse for it...They have no shame over their silence and therefore consent to Greg Parker and the Education Forum's disruption of good research...The current low point we are at in the Kennedy research world is directly trace-able to Greg Parker and the community's foolish backing of his bogus Prayer Man theory...Attacking and ignoring the person who disproved Parker's bogus theory, and responding by eliminating skilled vetting-type discussions of evidence, is only giving Parker a victory for his mischief and allowing him to take down the entire productive research world...Shame to those who enforce that from false positions of authority...  

Time to return the JFK research community to credible Peer Review and end the era of silly website "research"...
The current Education Forum Prayer Man thread represents the research community yielding and giving victory to Greg Parker and his proxies...

The moderator at the Education Forum, James Gordon, banned me in 2016 because I was in the process of refuting the Prayer Man theory and he wasn't going to let me do that on his website...That type of unfair banning was exactly the reason the Deep Politics Forum was formed years ago...So there is no doubt that the current counter-productive discussion on the Education Forum, where Greg Parker and his Prayer Man supporters are being given censorship-protected free reign in the thread by having all those who can refute the theory banned, is the best embodiment of why the DPF was formed...This situation is the epitome of the reason DPF was formed and its purpose as defined in its self-definition and previous site rules (before they were trimmed by an unknown hand)...

The research community has not only accepted James Gordon as their dictatorial master on who is allowed to exist as a researcher and who isn't, but it has also deliberately defaulted and allowed the Prayer Man nuts to reign unchallenged...They now have an official position of ignoring correct evidence and lowering academic rigor to the level of a children's playground...What is happening here on the JFK internet is the equivalent of allowing Ralph Cinque and James Fetzer to not only post unchallenged but to also fix the playing field so they and their garbage offerings are the only thing allowed and to do so by the pathetic means of lack of any challenge through banning...The JFK research community has given Greg Parker a total win here and contributed to it by means of failure to challenge...It has reduced itself to a clique that operates by a High School standard of who they like and who they don't like, while trying to get away with haughty self-reference of high research standards while they allow Parker's garbage to take center stage...

And, to add insult to injury, at the same time Jim D posts yet another click-count post on the Education Forum, whose moderation he seems to be very happy with while no DPF official asks him about that or how it conflicts with the purpose of this website...James Gordon and Sandy Larsen are limiting those who can comment on Prayer Man to only pro-Prayer Man posters and they are lying about the reason why I am restricted from posting...In doing so they are proving the purpose of the Deep Politics Forum as a counter to the corrupted moderation at the Education Forum...Only the entire community has defaulted and allowed the Education Forum to win anyway - a betrayal of the clearly spelled-out purpose of this website and good research...
Davidson just posted some weak nonsense saying Sean Murphy should have kept quiet about Oswald being Prayer Man before he asked for the films...

To show how sick and dysfunctional the current research community is, Davidson is the guy who refuted the Prayer Man theory by bringing Sarah Stanton's face out on Prayer Man in Wiegman...So the guy who refuted Prayer Man doesn't even mention his own discovery and then goes out and violates his own evidence by backing Murphy...

These people are sick and the research community is so poisonously corrupted that depraved conflicts like this are practiced without fear and are not even detected by its members...And these are supposed to be the people who are sorting out the Kennedy Assassination...

This is a dysfunctional research community that is so dysfunctional that credibility-destroying business like this is practiced without detection or fear (or comment)...The only credible way forward here is Peer Review of Davidson that Davidson himself doesn't even call for...That's pretty demented...
ROKC's "Vinny" wrote:

" If DPF hoped that letting Brian back in would lead to a re-invigoration of the site they are badly mistaken. Nobody cares enough to respond to Doyle's moaning there. He is basically talking to himself. Even his old buddy and fellow ROkC hater Gilbride no longer responds to him there. "

The only reason why Vinny gets away with what he writes above is because the JFK research community failed to back me on my good Prayer Man evidence...Richard Gilbride was the only CT researcher who was decent enough to back me and my evidence against the self-defeating embargo that has obviously been put on it by the CT community...

My evidence is the best treatment on the subject and has conclusively proven Prayer Man is Sarah Stanton...So the CT community has betrayed itself and its so-called pursuit of the correct evidence and is directly responsible for empowering Greg Parker's trolls and their damage to good JFK research...

This isn't a minor matter because my dismissing Prayer Man from being Oswald helps establish Oswald's true location in the 2nd Floor Lunch Room...As Gilbride correctly stated, this is a fight for the credibility of JFK research and some of the most prominent researchers are coming in on the side of the ROKC disinformation trolls because they buddy up with them on the internet...It is so bad at this point that it is literally preventing a solving of the case...Apparently some people are not capable of disconnecting from their personal relationships with the main offenders... 

It can be truly said that the blame now lay with the moderators for failing to apply objective scrutiny to this situation and recognize my evidence...No one is above the evidence and that includes the clique and Jim D...

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