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Doudna Is Proxying For Greg Parker On The Education Forum
Doudna has made a post on the Education Forum trying to insert Greg Parker's lie that the second Oswald seen by Texas Employment Agency employee Laura Kittrell was actually a man named Curtis Craford...Doudna showed up in the JFK research community a few years ago after signing on to Parker's troll farm and the Education Forum...He's yet another assassination internet commenter who drank the ROKC Kool Aid deeply and believed Parker's evidence-hacking disinformation...ROKC member Tony Krome made a new website entitled "Jacks" in order to carry on ROKC after Greg Parker quit...Doudna posted a link to a thread on 'Jacks' trying to imply Kittrell was mistaken and she actually witnessed a man named Craford instead of the second Oswald "Lee"...The idea that Kittrell could not tell the difference between Curtis Craford and Harvey Oswald is an act of insanity that has gotten no resistance on Gordon's Forum...The Forum offers no effort at all to protect site integrity and Peer Review...

To show how poisonous Parker and ROKC is, Doudna enters this deceptive claim without ever mentioning the fact that Kittrell had witnessed the real Lee try to stand in for "Harvey"...Being true to Parker's damaging disinformation purpose, Doudna avoids mentioning Armstrong's claim that Kittrell witnessed both Oswalds...Anyone who examines Kittrell's witnessing will instantly see that Kittrell was trying to say she saw two people who were identical who were trying to pass themselves off as each other...Doudna even takes the side of the government and attacks Kittrell calling her "emotionally disturbed"...

The Education Forum says not a word to Doudna and gives him free access to the Forum as Parker's proxy...Nobody defends Hargrove or Armstrong...DiEugenio is silent because there's no clicks in it...

In order to have a credible research community you have to have "Peer Review"...Peer Review means you can't stay silent when such a dishonest, undermining move is made...There has to be some attempt to maintain research credibility when such a pathetic move is attempted...If Knight, Gordon, and Larsen allow this without comment then they are simply not credible and have failed the basic requirement for Peer Review, as have the members...The silence of the moderators and members is directly responsible for Greg Parker's damage... 

Tony Krome banned me from 'Jacks' when I challenged the membership to answer the recent evidence of a woman's dress neckline on Prayer Man in Darnell...That is exactly what UK James Gordon did when I challenged the Education Forum to answer for the woman's face clearly seen on Prayer Man in Davidson's Enhancement of Wiegman...
Doudna is ignoring the fact that Scheim established that Crafard was missing his front teeth during the time of Kittrell's witnessing...

Therefore the person she described had to be "Lee" of Harvey & Lee despite Doudna's obvious ROKC-inspired desperation to deny this...
Doudna is on The Education Forum admitting to Niederhut that some people post knowingly wrong disinformation claims... However he doesn't mention the best example of that by name in the form of the Prayer Man claim...Niederhut himself doesn't mention the dirtiest bastard of them all in the form of James Gordon who bans innocent people on false charges for refuting Prayer Man...That's what these dishonest bastards do...When they are equally guilty they collectively ignore the subject and ban its disprovers...Niederhut is just as guilty...They know I've refuted the Prayer Man theory, which is why they never mention it any more, but they are still keeping me banned...
Doudna is over on the Education Forum denying the fact that Clay Shaw was documented as having the alias "Clay Bertrand" on his police booking form...Doudna is defending Fred Litwin and his obvious lies...The Education Forum's incompetent crook moderator James Gordon gives preferred access to denier liars and demands they be shown respect and politeness...

Shaw called Dean Andrews because he hung out with one of the Oswalds just like Stone showed in his movie...Shaw was also seen signing-in as Bertrand in an airport waiting lounge...The authorities undermined Jim Garrison in their overt attempt to not investigate it...

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