23-08-2024, 07:27 PM
The current state of JFK Assassination discussion has The Education Forum dominating as the main discussion website...Greg Parker retired his ROKC troll farm from active status to the benefit of credible research and Duncan MacRae is a mentally ill unserious website host whose purpose is undermining serious research...The only other board is this one which appears to have gone read-only...
The Deep Politics board used to be openly opposed to the unfair moderation of the Education Forum...It has since retreated from that stance along with removing its site rules...This situation has been accompanied by a conspicuous cessation of activity on the board...The board has become a discussion board with no discussion...
I'm limited to cell phone so I'll keep it to the cellphone version...Jim DiEugenio has dropped DPF and posts on The Education Forum now...DiEugenio is an open praiser and supporter of Education Forum moderator James Gordon who banned me for posting the correct evidence that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton....My correct evidence directly served the DPF purpose and site rules and helped discredit a notorious troll group that was corrupting the JFK internet...Jim DiEugenio ignored this and praised Gordon for banning me after he gave credit to that troll group and their bogus Prayer Man claim...
My Prayer Man research led to some serious other discoveries like Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he was going in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...I also figured out the scenario in the Lobby to the point of solving the conspiracy...As well as figuring out the Lunch Room Encounter (that DiEugenio denied, agreeing with the trolls)...These are some of the most important discoveries in 60 years of research that have been totally ignored because of DiEugenio's traitorous censoring alliance with Gordon...Jim's teaming up with Gordon to destroy important evidence is so bad that it would have constituted a breach of DPF rules under the original rules...
I guess the point of this post is that DPF is in a very good position to practice its original purpose in order to overcome Education Forum malpractice and malfeasance in order to advance the conspiracy evidence...Right now the EF has allowed ROKC and European trolls and Lone Nutters to shift the balance and stymie the board into its present dysfunction...The present dormant state of this website only aids that self-defeating condition...It is time to get discussion going on this board again for the sake of JFK research...Time to break up the clique...The research community is abandoning its credibilty and a solving of the conspiracy all so it can childishly avoid admitting it was wrong on Prayer Man...
The Deep Politics board used to be openly opposed to the unfair moderation of the Education Forum...It has since retreated from that stance along with removing its site rules...This situation has been accompanied by a conspicuous cessation of activity on the board...The board has become a discussion board with no discussion...
I'm limited to cell phone so I'll keep it to the cellphone version...Jim DiEugenio has dropped DPF and posts on The Education Forum now...DiEugenio is an open praiser and supporter of Education Forum moderator James Gordon who banned me for posting the correct evidence that Prayer Man was Sarah Stanton....My correct evidence directly served the DPF purpose and site rules and helped discredit a notorious troll group that was corrupting the JFK internet...Jim DiEugenio ignored this and praised Gordon for banning me after he gave credit to that troll group and their bogus Prayer Man claim...
My Prayer Man research led to some serious other discoveries like Sarah Stanton hearing Oswald say he was going in to the 2nd Floor Lunch Room during the assassination...I also figured out the scenario in the Lobby to the point of solving the conspiracy...As well as figuring out the Lunch Room Encounter (that DiEugenio denied, agreeing with the trolls)...These are some of the most important discoveries in 60 years of research that have been totally ignored because of DiEugenio's traitorous censoring alliance with Gordon...Jim's teaming up with Gordon to destroy important evidence is so bad that it would have constituted a breach of DPF rules under the original rules...
I guess the point of this post is that DPF is in a very good position to practice its original purpose in order to overcome Education Forum malpractice and malfeasance in order to advance the conspiracy evidence...Right now the EF has allowed ROKC and European trolls and Lone Nutters to shift the balance and stymie the board into its present dysfunction...The present dormant state of this website only aids that self-defeating condition...It is time to get discussion going on this board again for the sake of JFK research...Time to break up the clique...The research community is abandoning its credibilty and a solving of the conspiracy all so it can childishly avoid admitting it was wrong on Prayer Man...