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Child Porn Found on Holocaust Museum Suspect's Computer
FBI: Child Porn Found on Holocaust Museum Suspect's Computer

Agents Also Report Ammo, Hitler Painting in Search of Von Brunn's Home, Car

June 18, 2009


FBI agents have found images of child pornography on the computer of the suspected Holocaust Museum shooter, 88-year-old [url=]James Von Brunn
, ABC News has confirmed with two federal law enforcement officials.
[Image: abc_holocaust_von_brunn_02_090611_mn.jpg]Bullet strikes are seen in one of the doors to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum after a... [Image: icon-arrow-down.gif]
Bullet strikes are seen in one of the doors to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum after a shooting left a security officer dead and the gunman wounded in Washington Thursday, June 11, 2009. The suspect, James von Brunn, 88, is seen in the inset. [Image: icon-arrow-up.gif]
(The Star Democrat, via AP/AP Photo)

Searches of von Brunn's car and house in Annapolis, Md., also found him to be in possession of additional ammunition, including some hollow-point bullets found at his home, according to paperwork on the search.
Also found in his home were a 30-30 Winchester rifle and several computers.
Agents also recovered a letter mailed to von Brunn from the Ronald Reagan Library and found a "painting of what appears to be Hitler and Jesus," according to a source.

Von Brunn's Ex-Wife 'Despised' His Beliefs

Ever since investigators identified von Brunn as the man who allegedly walked into the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum with a .22-caliber rifle on June 10 and began shooting -- killing a security guard and suffering gunshot wounds of his own -- they have been piecing together a disturbing portrait of him.
Writings in his name have been found on numerous racist, anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi Web sites.

One of Von Brunn's ex-wives told ABC News by phone after the shootings that "he was eaten alive like a cancer with his hatred of Jews and blacks." The ex-wife, who asked that her name not be used, said she was appalled by her ex-husband's alleged actions, calling the incident "very, very sad. Horrible."
The woman said she and the shooting suspect were married for a decade, but divorced about 30 years ago because she disagreed with his extremist views, which she said she learned about after they married.
Von Brunn's ex-wife said her ex-husband is an artist, and often painted themes with ducks.
She also said she was not aware of any diagnosed mental health issues or other health problems that he had, "but he was an elderly man, he wanted to go out with his boots on like the John Wayne movie 'The Shootist.'"

Suspect's Son: Von Brunn 'Twisted by Hate'

For the past four years, Von Brunn lived with his son Erik Von Brunn and his son's fiancee in a condo in Annapolis, Md. During that time, Erik Von Brunn said his father was vocal about his racist viewpoints, but he never had any inclination that he would allegedly hatch a plan that would end with a shootout in a Holocaust museum.

Before the incident, Erik Von Brunn told ABC News' "Good Morning America," his father spewed the same hatred he always had: no more, no less. And he said there were no warning signs that his father might act on his hatred of other races.
"I never once believed that he could've done anything like this," he said. "I never believed it was more than just talk."

Although his father was linked online to several hate groups, von Brunn said his actions and motivations were his alone.
"This was just him," he said. "There's obviously a desire to kind of explain why it happened, to label it, 'Maybe he was part of a group.' That just wasn't it. He frequently condemned them. He spoke out against the KKK."
He said his father's racist viewpoints became more extreme when he moved into Erik von Brunn's home in 2005. Erik von Brunn said his father couldn't talk about anything else.
"He was twisted by hate; it consumed him," Von Brunn said. "It prevented him from doing anything normal. There was no normal conversation."

Alleged Holocaust Museum Gunman Tried to Arrest Fed Members

On the Web site, James von Brunn described himself as "an artist and author who lives on Maryland's Eastern Shore". He also claimed a background as a Midwesterner who became a PT boat captain with the Navy reserves in World War II and later worked as an ad executive and film producer in New York City.

He said he has been a member of Mensa, and he has six chapters posted from a book he authored, "Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!" which translates as "To Kill the Best Gentiles!" and claims to outline a Jewish plot against society.
Von Brunn's writings also outlined his 1981 bid to "place the treasonous Federal Reserve Board of Governors under legal, non-violent, citizen's arrest."
On the site, he claimed he unjustly received an 11-year jail sentence, of which he served 6.5 years, when he was arrested at the Fed after entering the building where the board of governors was meeting, carrying a camera and with weapons hidden under his trench coat.
Von Brunn argued the Fed was not allowed to exist under the Constitution and claimed it was a Jewish means of controlling the U.S. government.

"It is one of many parasitical Rothschild Central Banks infesting the world stage," he wrote on "Its power ascends over every U.S. citizen from cradle to grave. Every dollar in your wallet is a note issued by the FED. The U.S. Government redeems that note (principal and interest) with your taxes. Through its enormous resources and power the FED controls the machinery of the U.S. Government."
A neighbor in Maryland described von Brunn as a standoffish man who didn't socialize with neighbors. The neighbor expressed shock upon hearing von Brunn had been identified as the alleged shooter.
"My God, I live next to that man," Harold O'Lynnger, 82, told ABC News.
O'Lynnger recalled a comment von Brunn had made over drinks three months ago that the media had been giving the Holocaust too much attention.


Holocaust Memorial Killer James Von Brunn & Reagan Aide Todd Blodgett of the Omaha Lincoln Savings/Washington Call Boy Scandals

Also see: Child Porn Found on Holocaust Museum Suspect's Computer

Research by Alex Constantine & Friend
(This compilation is dedicated to Ms. Coe and the bovine donut heads at

[Image: a1376_3.jpg]DC Call Boy Operator Todd Blodgett with Ronald Reagan

From: "Holocaust Museum Shooting Suspect Had Been Growing More Hateful and Desperate"

Source -,2933,525825,00.html

... Neighbors of Von Brunn said they had recently invited him over for a drink, and out of the blue, he said the Holocaust did not occur, the Post reported.

Todd Blodgett, a former White House aide to President Ronald Reagan who later became affiliated with extremist groups, said he spent a lot of time with Von Brunn in the 1990s and early 2000s.

"Von Brunn is obsessed with Jewish people," Blodgett told the Post. "He had equal contempt for both Jews and blacks, but if he had to pick one group to wipe out, he'd always say it would be Jews."

Von Brunn went so far as to say he fought on the wrong side of World War II, according to Blodgett.

"You'd get the impression that he was intelligent and a bit off," said Blodgett, who worked as a paid FBI informant on white supremacist groups. ... "

I'm so pleased you asked:

Source -

Blodgett is the head of an advertising or PR agency in DC, called the TAD Agency.

Blodgett first emerges in the 1989 Washington Times expose of gay escorts being taken on midnight tours of the Reagan/Bush WH. These tours were organized by Craig Spence, an associate of Lawrence King of the Franklin credit union S&L looting/boy prostitution scandal. It is frequently claimed that Spence recorded his clients and used his lists/recordings for blackmail and political power purposes. He also claimed to be working for the CIA, although those claims could have been self-serving attempts to deflect prosecution.

At the time this story broke, one person publicly identified as caught up in the credit card lists was Todd Blodgett. He credit card was used to pay for prositutes, but he always maintained that he allowed a friend to use his card. At the time, Blodgett was a protege of Lee Atwater, carrying out negative research on Democrats. In the Reagan/Bush WH he was a staff editorial assistant, then moved on to be advisor to the Bush/Quale campaign as domestic policy advisor.

After leaving politics for the private sector, Blodgett played a peculiar role as a middle man in several transactions seemingly designed to protect the assets of far RW neo-Nazi companies and institutions that were insolvent. He purchased mailing lists from the Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby for $85,000 (which were allegedly worth in the millions), delivering by his own testimony the last $25,000 in cash as 250 $100 bills.

The purpose was to get the lists out of Liberty Lobby ownership, because it was being forced into bankruptcy because of lawsuits by the "revisionist" Institute for Historical Review.

Blodgett similarly came to the rescue of skinhead/neo-nazi Resistance Records. Its owners faced judgments in Canada under that country's hate speech law and in Michigan for back taxes. Blodgett and Carto purchased the record label. After a falling out with Carto, Blodgett brokered the sale of the record label to Turner Diaries author and National Alliance founder William Pierce. This took place in DC's University Club. Blodgett was eventually ejected from membership of the Club once it was discovered he brokered this deal in their building. Washington Post 1/12/00.

Blodgett was a very busy young man running several businesses out of the Kennedy-Warren that landmark building. In addition to his mailing list business and Resistance Records (which the Kennedy-Warren politely asked him to take off premises), it is alleged by TBRNews and Cannonfire blog that Blodgett ran a call boy service.
Bush press pal quits over gay prostitute link

by Helen Kennedy
New York Daily News
February 9, 2005

WASHINGTON - A conservative ringer who was given a press pass to the White House and lobbed softball questions at President Bush quit yesterday after left-leaning Internet bloggers discovered possible ties to gay prostitution.

"The voice goes silent," Jeff Gannon wrote on his Web site. "In consideration of the welfare of me and my family, I have decided to return to private life."

Gannon began covering the White House two years ago for an obscure Republican Web site ( He was known for his friendly questions, including asking Bush at last month's news conference how he could work with Democrats "who seem to have divorced themselves from reality."

Gannon was also given a classified CIA memo that named agent Valerie Plame, leading to his grilling by the grand jury investigating her outing.

He came under lefty scrutiny after revelations that the administration was paying conservative pundits to talk up Bush's proposals. By examining Internet records, online sleuths at figured out that his real name was Jim Guckert and he owned various Web sites, including, and

"The issue here is whether someone with connections to male prostitution was given unfettered access to the White House and copies of internal CIA documents. For a family values administration, that's pretty creepy," said John Aravosis, one of the bloggers chasing the story.

The White House didn't return a call asking how someone using an alias was given daily clearance to enter the White House.

On his TalonNews Web site, Gannon had written that liberals were out to get him because he's a white conservative man who owns a gun, drives a sport-utility vehicle and is a born-again Christian.

Yesterday, however, he abruptly quit, and all of the stories he wrote were erased from the Web site. A great many were on gay issues, including one detailing John Kerry's "pro-homosexual platform" that was headlined mockingly, "Kerry Could Become First Gay President."

Voice of the White House

October 15, 2004: “ The last material I sent you, about a pending war, is causing pandemonium inside the Monkey Palace. They have been looking for the leaks for months now and we have the Secret Service, the FBI and Homeland Security all involved at one level or another. Phones are being watched, laptops searched physically, in some cases we have seen staff taking lie detector tests and over all of this, threats of arrest and imprisonment for violating National Security! I will have more for you tomorrow on the possibility/probability of military action against Iran but in the meantime, here is a juicy bit for you. For the present, no names but they will follow. Seems a former White House aide, (Reagan White House) was caught running a male prostitution service and got fired from the Monkey Palace, and later from the RNC for supplying muscular boy toys to some top Beltway gays. Well, after being fired, our bozo got together with a Muslim druggie and set up operations at the Kennedy-Warren, a landmark DC apartment/business complex. They ran a male escort service supplying young studs to older Beltway citizens. Among these citizens were: Federal judges, top political figures, mostly Republican, very senior military people and certainly members of Congress. The head of this service, that utilized credit cards for payment, supplied young men, mostly young servicemen, between 18 to 25 for sex. They kept very complete records, including names and address of the johns as well as credit card receipts. And later there was blackmail and now, I have learned from the inside, this joker has sold the lists to: Iranians( through his partner’s Arab connections) and a gay group in DC. Sold the lists twice and got twice the money. I have seen a partial list and it reads like the DC social register, believe me! This enterprising young man is very liable to end up at the bottom of the Potomac River just like ex-CIA chief Bill Colby who was terminated by his former employees because he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut about certain things. I won’t have old Bill’s problem because I am not a Princeton man and even you don’t know who I am. You had the intestinal fortitude to print the material about the planned Iranian attack and maybe you will do the same with this one. I know a number of people inside the Beltway read your site…and loathe you…and if they read this and are closet queens, the sale of dignity pants will soar in the next few weeks. My, my, such lovely names! The Washington Times did a front page story on this joker some time back, by the way, but no one dared to touch him because of what, and whom, he knew…and serviced…”

TAB Agency
Todd Blodgett Advertising Director
3133 Connecticut Ave, Suite 32
Washington, District Of Columbia 20008-5147
(202) 265-8588
(202) 319-9867 (FAX)

Claims to fame: Son of Iowa state Republican assemblymember Gary Blodgett; protégé of GOP dirty-trickster Lee Atwater; Bush/Quayle election committee domestic policy adviser; Council of Conservative Citizens ...

Moral apex: Implicated in the Franklin Credit Union Child-Sex Ring Scandal (q.v.).


[T]here they were, National Alliance leader Dr. William Pierce at a table along with two Skinheads and his host Todd Blodgett, a former Reagan White House staffer, GOP strategist and associate of national socialists, finalizing Pierce’s takeover of the most lucrative white supremacist enterprise in North America: Resistance Records. …

Pierce and Blodgett’s high-dollar dealing in the exclusive environs of Washington’s University Club was the culmination of what began more than six years earlier in a suburban Ontario bedroom with a young Skinhead’s dream of an Aryan rock ‘n’ roll empire. …

Padded by a wealthy Republican father, Todd Alan Blodgett has been a free-range hustler inside and out of the Washington Beltway since he served as a staffer in the Reagan White House.

The 39-year-old son of Republican State Rep. Gary Blodgett of Iowa, Todd Blodgett was a protégé of the late Lee Atwater, a key GOP campaign strategist of the time. Fresh from Drake University journalism school in 1983, Todd Blodgett went to work for since-retired Republican Sen. Roger Jepsen of Iowa.

Within a year, he was enjoying the run of the Reagan White House as a staff editorial assistant. Then it was on to the Bush/Quayle election committee as a domestic policy adviser.

But by 1995, Blodgett also had slipped into the anti-Semitic arms of Willis Carto. Splitting his time between GOP strategy and marketing Carto’s anti-Semitic tabloid The Spotlight, Blodgett was soon operating a number of Carto’s financial shells, including one that later held Resistance Records.

Late in 1998, Blodgett was a glad-handing fixture at the functions of various racist groups, including American Renaissance, a magazine run by white separatist Jared Taylor that focuses on alleged biological differences between races; the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group with ties to many politicians that long has tried to portray itself as a mainstream conservative organization; and the neofascist British National Party.

By early spring 1999, having already reached out to Pierce, Blodgett was knocking back drinks with National Alliance middle managers, white supremacist Hammerskins [Hammerskin Nation] and assorted Klansmen.

Resistance Records LLC was incorporated in the District of Columbia on April 26, 1999. The names on the incorporation papers read William Luther Pierce and Todd A. Blodgett. The magazine initially was supposed to appear in June. The Resistance catalogue and inventory was supposed to be relocated from California to Washington that same month. …

During Pierce’s annual Labor Day weekend “leadership conference,” Blodgett delivered a brief report on the Resistance project. He was not well received. …

To cap off his weekend humiliation at the hands of Dr. Pierce, Blodgett managed to get himself punched out in a bar near Hillsboro by an irate West Virginian who took offense at his attentions toward a local young lady.

Mistrusted by veteran Skinheads, especially those in the militant Hammerskin Nation, Blodgett was flogged by white nationalists via the Internet and faxes. In a “Movement Warning” flyer from one of Todd’s former Skinhead gofers, Blodgett is described as “a parasite” and “a class ‘A’ horse’s ass.” The screed lambastes Blodgett and Jason Snow for allegedly bleeding the assets of Resistance for their personal gain.

But Blodgett appears oblivious to such attacks. He is now moving into the fresh green pastures of the Council of Conservative Citizens, where he and Aryan Nations crony Chris Temple expect to pull a few hundred thousand dollars out of CCC bosses Gordon Baum and Tom Dover in return for upgrading the Council’s publication and fundraising efforts. …

Money, Music and the Doctor
Southern Poverty Law Center

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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