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False Memory Syndrome Foundation
The False Memory Syndrome Foundation serves as a textbook psyop, used to manipulate public opinion and cover up the crimes of long-running covert "mind control" programmes whose visible tips include Projects Artichoke, Bluebird and MK-ULTRA.

Joël van der Reijden's essential website has a very useful introduction to key members of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Please note that when FMSF was founded in 1992, the involvement of many of its members in everything from "mind control" research to the promotion of paedophilia was not known. The grisly reality was uncovered during the 1990s (and afterwards) by diligent researchers, even if much of the information has been ignored by MSM.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I first became very intersted in this subject in 1990 after reading about the Florida day care ritualistic sexual abuse case prosecuted by then state attorney Janet Reno in a book called "Unspeakable Acts" by journalist Jan Hollingsworth. A few years later I discovered the False Memory Syndrome goons and noticed some very creepy associations. Lots of FBI for one thing. Now when you try to research this subject online most of the articles are debunking the children, via FMS methods.
Of course our compliant media would never touch something like the Franklin case.

This evil is very real and pervasive.

Jan Klimkowski Wrote:The False Memory Syndrome Foundation serves as a textbook psyop, used to manipulate public opinion and cover up the crimes of long-running covert "mind control" programmes...

If anyone reading this comes across (an) example(s) of members of the FMSF involved in "shaping" the public reaction to the TV showing of the Zapruder fraud in 1975, please get in touch.

Although, I am able to understand about the bad implications for the False Memory Syndrome Organization to have been set up. However, I do have some real doubts in regard to the theory of the so-called Forgotten or Recovered Memories, as being viable. It is actually rather controversial. Psychiatrists say they are unable to tell if someone is lying under regressive hypnosis, if the person actually believes what they are saying, to be true.

Those who are put into a Trance state, are open to suggestion and manipulation and can recall things that actually never happened. Key words can trigger thoughts of things they have heard or read or maybe dreamed, which can be integrated into their minds as reality As in the case of molestation charges, it is claimed that children do not lie and most everyone will believe that. But that is just not true...children can and do lie. That is because they are so easily brainwashed to believe what they are claiming to be true. I will give a good example of that.....

I live in an area where several years ago, there was a big rash of what was later referred to as a witch hunt of child molestation as well as satanic rituals involving baby sacrifices. Altogether, around over 100 persons were arrested, although many were unrelated to each other. In one instance, the charges were from a grandparent who was both imagining things and was not actually very mentally competent. Most of the children in these cases, testified against their parents. Two of the children (females) claimed that their grandparents were also involved in the molestations and they had witnessed babies sacrificed and they were buried in the grandparents yard. At one point, the entire yard was dug up and nothing at all was found. However, the grandparents did move away, which probably made them appear to be even more suspicious. All of the 100 adults were found guilty and sentenced to prison for many, many years.

As the children became older, most recanted their former childhood claims. They said they had been brainwashed and thoughts and ideas had been implanted in their minds and they had been played off against each other as well as they were both punished and rewarded when they said the right or wrong things. One of the therapists was also fired when it was discovered the quite unethical tactics she had used with the children.

I believe most all of these parents have been released from prison because of various technicalities as well as the discovered coercion of the children. There was possibly a few parents who may have actually been guilty, but not all of them were. One set of parents have never seen their daughter again, since she had been adopted. A couple of the parents were highlighted on a TV Dateline program, right after they were released from prison Their children (boys), as now adults, told what methods were used to get them to testify against their parents. They said that primarily they were just wanting to please their questioners and didn't really understand all the implications as a result.

In addition, a few years later a friend of mine mentioned that he had been employed for the Child Protection Dept during that time. Although he wasn't involved in any of the investigations of these cases, ho had frequently discussed it with some who were. At this time, the first two couples had just been released from prison..I mentioned to him, that I believed it had all been a big witchhunt He told me they were gulfy and so forth. When I expressed my doubts, he finally admitted that it had all only been circumstantial
evidence against them. He also told me how specific things found in their home was made to appear as something to fit the accusations...yet were actually things that most everyone else also had in their home. For example, those hooks that are used to hang up a jacket or to hang a plant or lighting, they made other claims about them.

In addiction, I have four sisters and one of them sometimes remembers things that we just don't believe actually ever happened. One such thing, involved a girlfriend of hers and the friends parents. This she only remembered through a session with a Psychiatrist, who she went to, for a completely different reason. This revelation gave her quite a lot of anguish. However, she also told us that she had decided this was most likely false memories which came about through specific questions the Psych ask her She is also a Creaive Writer and even teaches at a University....and she also has an imagination.

The mind reacts quite strangely sometimes and facts can get jumbled with false memories because of other stimulus. such as books, conversations with others, or also dreams. Regressive hypnosis is actually a lot like dreams....sometimes they are actually true actual forgotten memories and other times they are only imagined yet appear to be true.

I would not be able to put all my trust into claims of forgotten memories!



Edited for Typos
Dixie - welcome to Deep Politics Forum!

You are correct that memory is a very strange thing. Artists like Marcel Proust have written thousands of exquisite pages about its fluctuations and mystical nature.

The issue with the False Memory Syndrome Foundation is not whether some memories are "false". Of course some memories do not represent a true, or entirely accurate, account of past events.

The issue is rather that the FMSF was set up in 1992, precisely when many victims of covert "mind control" programmes such as MK-ULTRA were remembering horrible experiments that had been perpetrated on them - often as children.

The scientists involved in these covert "mind control" programmes knew the principles of creating dissociative states and false memories through narco-hypnosis. They also had access to the raw materials - chemical and human - needed.

It's important to state, on the historical record, that much of the focus of Bluebird/Artichoke/MK-ULTRA research was directed towards the creation of dissociative states in order to be able to manipulate them (for whatever precise purposes an operation demanded).

For instance, Dr Louis Jolyon West was the Top Secret Contractor for MK-ULTRA Sub-project 43: "Studies of dissociated states" (1956).

The first page is stamped: "WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED". The first page includes the following words written by West:

Quote:"The literature concerning clinical entities ordinarily considered to constitute the dissociative reactions is fairly well limited to case-studies of patients with fugues, amnesia, somnambulisms, and multiple personalities.

"Unpublished studies by the writer have led him to a greatly expanded concept of dissociation. Dissociative phenomena are found in everyday life. Such manifestations include "highway hypnosis", states of "fascination" in flyers, hypnagogic and phantasy hallucinations, transient anaesthesias, and many other examples. These reactions have many features in common with a variety of clinical disorders including "sleep paralysis", trance states, Gilles de la Tourette's disease, latah, "Arctic hysteria", and a number of other disturbances in addition to the well-known dissociative reactions of the text-books.

"There is considerable experimental evidence pointing to the significant role played by dissociative mechanisms in the production of the various phenomena of hypnosis. In fact, hypnosis may be considered a pure-culture, laboratory controlled dissociative reaction. Of the entire phenomenology of the various states described above, there is not one single manifestation which cannot be produced experimentally in the hypnotic subject. Thus, through the use of hypnosis as a laboratory device, the dissociative mechanisms can be studied with a high degree of objectivity."
(quoted on p107, Ross, "The CIA Doctors")

One can guess at what MK-ULTRA doctor, West, is referring to by his "unpublished studies". It is also revealing that West states emphatically, in 1956, that "of the entire phenomenology of the various states described above, there is not one single manifestation which cannot be produced experimentally in the hypnotic subject".

And the author of this TOP SECRET memo about MK-ULTRA research that he has conducted on humans is the very same Louis Jolyon West who became a key member of the board of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation in 1992.

Check out the link I provided in the first post in this thread listing the background of key FMSF board members.

West's background was not a mistake, or an anamoly. It was the norm for the psyop known as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Thanks Jan, for your welcome as well as all the additional info. It is all quite interesting to me. A lot of what you have stated goes along with spme of my indings in regard to another study, I have been doing for awhile. I also posted about this today, in another post that David had his UFO thread. Hopefully, I will eventually be able to put it all together soon, in order to share it here. THis has all taken me into some unexpected areas, which also requires extra study....and some things not very easy to find. THen too, you have to sift through all the wheat and chaf to try and ascertain what seems most acceptable.

Dixie, I would also like to add the idea -- no more than that at this stage - that the whole thing about satanic ritual abuse and regressed memories under hypnosis may possibly have had reality at its core - either in some or perhaps in many cases (I simply don't know?).

The reports that came out awhile back (I remember them too) about this were intriguing.

To this end I am going to post below a long article about the Dutroux Paedophile Ring in Belgium ably written and researched by a friend of mine, Joel van der Reijden. Joel had the input of certain Belgian police officers, so we're not dealing with something fantastic or "far out" here.

The subject matter which forms the last segment of the piece is so unpopular as to be almost impossible to discuss coherently and objectively these days.

Perhaps there is a reason for making this subject off-limits?

But be warned. It is a harrowing read.

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Hi David,

I do realize that in some cases, bad things may have been occuring with some of those kids. But it is also true, that in some cases what was actually going on, was fun and games between constenting adults. some cases these adults may have stupidly neglected to remove the kids from the premises when having these type parties. THen when reported by someone, the adults will be arrested. They will always be accused of messing with the kids. PLus it will most always at least get them some jail time or a prison sentence, even though the kids were never actually touched. Still they were there and they did see and hear things, even though maybe told to stay in their room and watch TV. These kids can also be manipulated into making false claims, depending on the law enforcement and therapist methods.

It is my own thoughts that something we are talking about, was actually occuriing with a well-known little girl who was murdered several years ago, and the case has never been solved. It possibly even has to do with a child porno ring, involving some who have been able to shut down any real investigation. Maybe I am all wrong, but then alos maybe not!

I have previously read something about what you mentioned, but I did bookmark your link to read more about it later.

I am sure it is all quite horrendous...yet I am use to much, as a former Alcohol & Drug Specialist and working at a Woemns's Recovery Home for awhile. I heard many horrendowus claims and some maybe true and some fantasy or lies, or some claims just for shock value.

So, I have to conclude that we can't really generalize with any such claims. THey all requite intense examination.

David Guyatt Wrote:Dixie, I would also like to add the idea -- no more than that at this stage - that the whole thing about satanic ritual abuse and regressed memories under hypnosis may possibly have had reality at its core - either in some or perhaps in many cases (I simply don't know?).

The reports that came out awhile back (I remember them too) about this were intriguing.

To this end I am going to post below a long article about the Dutroux Paedophile Ring in Belgium ably written and researched by a friend of mine, Joel van der Reijden. Joel had the input of certain Belgian police officers, so we're not dealing with something fantastic or "far out" here.

The subject matter which forms the last segment of the piece is so unpopular as to be almost impossible to discuss coherently and objectively these days.

Perhaps there is a reason for making this subject off-limits?

But be warned. It is a harrowing read.



Thanks for posting this article again. As you know I read it in full when you posted it at EF. It is one of the most important articles I have ever read. Yes long, chilling beyond belief, and exposes the essence of evil in our governments, both here and across the pond.

I think it appropriate to share the following story on this page.

Over the years many of us in what is loosely referred to as the "JFK research community" have been approached by individuals claiming to have highly significant inside information that they wish to share,

Almost always these dangles are prefaced with ego-stroking: "You're the only person who can understand what I have to say!" -- b.s. along those lines.

About 15 years ago I was approached by a fellow who at the time was a regular contributor to one of the finest JFK research journals ever and whose work was worthy of true respect. I'll refer to him as "Phil."

He spun the following tale.

He had been contacted by a psychoanalyst who claimed to have a terrifying and all-too-true JFK assassination-related story to recount. He alleged that one of his patients was suffering from repressed memory syndrome. Under treatment and hypnosis, the patient spoke of ritual Satanic abuse at the hands of her mother and the leader of the cult -- a world-renowned financier and backer of national Republican politicians, including Nixon.

The patient claimed that Nixon was a passive member of the cult, witnessed the sexual abuse to which she was subjected, and was aware of this story.

To cut to the chase, the patient said that the JFK murder was itself a Satanic ritual killing; that JFK's brain is missing because it was ingested by cult members as part of a so-called black mass on the weekend of the assassination; that a demonic presence killed a Marine guard stationed at the Capitol while JFK lay in state.

Phil asked if I were interested in writing a book and/or screenplay about this business -- one in which the patient, who had signed a release permitting her analyst to talk about her experiences, would participate and speak freely.

It all sounded too pat -- in fact, Phil's presentation boasted all the qualities of a classic Hollywood pitch. Today he might have described a film treatment as JFK meets The Exorcist.

I quickly passed. And all these years later I'm glad that I did.

Phil has all but disappeared from public view vis a vis JFK research. I think fondly of him personally and continue to value his contributions to the cause.

So what was the game?

Did Phil believe any of this? It is relevant to this story to note that the walls of his office were covered with crucifixes, photos of saints, and other Christian paraphernalia.

I expressed to him my suspicion that he was being sold a bill of goods by a person looking to make a score in the book and film markets. He offered no reaction to my hypothesis.

We did not meet again on this or any other issue.

If forced to offer an opinion, I'd say that it was all hokum.

I present the story here as a cautionary tale.

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