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Zionist control of the western geo-political narrative
A couple of things have been gnawing away at me this last week, both of which fit this threads heading and neither of which has been discussed here yet - or if they have I've missed it and apologise. So here goes:

1. The UN General assembly meeting; specifically Ahmadinejad's address and the response to it. A number of Western representatives - mainly from the Echellon countries and their surrogates - walked out on cue. The Daily Telegraph reporting of the matter was typical - "Britain walks out of Iran's Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic speech at UN" was the headline. A US State Department spokesman accused Ahmadinejad of using “hateful, offensive and anti-Semitic rhetoric”. Stephen Harper said Ahmadinejad had said “absolutely repugnant” things about Israel.

Whereas the speech did not contain the words 'Jewish' or 'Holocaust' at all. the word 'Jews' appeared just once as in "....preparing a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony...”

Here is the 'hatefully repugnant' part that prompted the walk out:
Quote:"How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peacelovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists. How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenceless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine. They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure. It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions."
Raw anti-semitism eh? Talk about Orwellian doublespeak! Do these guys actually believe their semantic inanities I wonder?

2. The furore at the G20 opening over the Iranian "hidden" Uranium processing facility. Gordon Brown said: "The scale of the Iranian deception is breathtaking .... The international community has no choice today but to draw a line in the sand.” Similar rhetoric poured ad nauseam from Obama, Harper, Sarkozy and others. And not a word about Israel's quarter century long defiance of international law on nuclear matters. No mention of her nuclear weapons or the fact that the country is neither a signatory to the Nuclear NPT or the IAEA, with pretty much exactly the same to be said about those other Western Allies Pakistan and India. The double standards are so damned IN-YOUR-FACE as to be near unbelievable!

And of course Iran has broken neither international law NOR IAEA rules. It is required to report the existence of any nuclear facility only 180 days before nuclear material is introduced to it - which is exactly what it has done. The fact that the facility has been built in relative secrecy - though no doubt known to Western SIS's all along - is hardly surprising in view of Israeli threats to bomb Nantaz on an almost weekly basis for the past 3 years or more.

The facts simply do not appear to matter to a Zionist dominated western geo-political narrative, intent as it is on demonising any country that declines to see things its way. And Western populations give every appearance of lapping it all up. It really is a desperately sad and deeply worrying state of affairs.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Peter Presland Wrote:A couple of things have been gnawing away at me this last week, both of which fit this threads heading and neither of which has been discussed here yet - or if they have I've missed it and apologise. So here goes:

1. The UN General assembly meeting; specifically Ahmadinejad's address and the response to it. A number of Western representatives - mainly from the Echellon countries and their surrogates - walked out on cue. The Daily Telegraph reporting of the matter was typical - "Britain walks out of Iran's Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic speech at UN" was the headline. A US State Department spokesman accused Ahmadinejad of using “hateful, offensive and anti-Semitic rhetoric”. Stephen Harper said Ahmadinejad had said “absolutely repugnant” things about Israel.

Whereas the speech did not contain the words 'Jewish' or 'Holocaust' at all. the word 'Jews' appeared just once as in "....preparing a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony...”

Here is the 'hatefully repugnant' part that prompted the walk out:
Quote:"How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peacelovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists. How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenceless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine. They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure. It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions."
Raw anti-semitism eh? Talk about Orwellian doublespeak! Do these guys actually believe their semantic inanities I wonder?

Israel is a flag of convenience for the Anglo-Americans, Peter. The quo for the quid is the Israeli downplaying of who enabled and financed Hitler. The silence of the Zionist lobby on this subject permits state propagandists from both countries -in the UK, for example, Andrew Roberts, the equally ludicrous Christopher Andrew etc - to manufacture a narrative which has the Anglo-Americans claim they fought totalitarianism of both shades, red and brown, throughout the 20th century.

When Israel has served its purpose, the Anglo-Americans will shed Israel with all the sentiment of a snake contemplating an old skin.

As for Brown's speech-reaction to the non-revelation, the man is a joke, and his words without a shred of credibility. But then you know that.
Paul Rigby Wrote:Israel is a flag of convenience for the Anglo-Americans, Peter. The quo for the quid is the Israeli downplaying of who enabled and financed Hitler. The silence of the Zionist lobby on this subject permits state propagandists from both countries -in the UK, for example, Andrew Roberts, the equally ludicrous Christopher Andrew etc - to manufacture a narrative which has the Anglo-Americans claim they fought totalitarianism of both shades, red and brown, throughout the 20th century.

When Israel has served its purpose, the Anglo-Americans will shed Israel with all the sentiment of a snake contemplating an old skin.

As for Brown's speech-reaction to the non-revelation, the man is a joke, and his words without a shred of credibility. But then you know that.
I'm about 2/3 through Guido Preparata's 'Conjuring Hitler' right now (thanks for the heads up on it a few weeks ago). I've read enough to know that you are spot on with the 'who financed and enabled Hitler' quid pro quo.

The book really is a revelation. So many things become crystal clear in light of it - and all of them absolutely damning to the UK/US 'Valiant and noble struggle against Fascists and Commies' narrative. The narrative that is so fundamental to how the populations of both States see themselves and thus the 'patriotism' necessary to maintain continued support for all the ridiculous bullshit we are expected to believe.

The depth of UK/US duplicity (and complicity) through the 1920-30's, together with the single-mindedness of its intent to manufacture a fascist regime in Germany to wage war on Russia (whose Bolshevik revolution was being similarly enabled) in order to forestall their greatest fear - that of a genuine alliance between Russia and Germany. The whole damned charade is so utterly damning to the US/UK populations self image that, in similar fashion to the realities behind 9-11, JFK etc, they must be hidden, or as fall-back positions, obfuscated and/or ridiculed, at almost any cost.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Peter Presland Wrote:I'm about 2/3 through Guido Preparata's 'Conjuring Hitler' right now (thanks for the heads up on it a few weeks ago). I've read enough to know that you are spot on with the 'who financed and enabled Hitler' quid pro quo.

The book really is a revelation. So many things become crystal clear in light of it - and all of them absolutely damning to the UK/US 'Valiant and noble struggle against Fascists and Commies' narrative. The narrative that is so fundamental to how the populations of both States see themselves and thus the 'patriotism' necessary to maintain continued support for all the ridiculous bullshit we are expected to believe.

The depth of UK/US duplicity (and complicity) through the 1920-30's, together with the single-mindedness of its intent to manufacture a fascist regime in Germany to wage war on Russia (whose Bolshevik revolution was being similarly enabled) in order to forestall their greatest fear - that of a genuine alliance between Russia and Germany. The whole damned charade is so utterly damning to the US/UK populations self image that, in similar fashion to the realities behind 9-11, JFK etc, they must be hidden, or as fall-back positions, obfuscated and/or ridiculed, at almost any cost.

Delighted you've at last got hold of Preparata's tour de force - stunning, isn't it? And you're right, so many loose ends are suddently united and rendered coherent by it. Preparata offers a priceless paradigm, not least through his dusting off of the Veblenian concepts of the "clubs" and "stewards." This language has such explanatory power.

I was sorting out a file of clippings earlier today on the subject of the BBC. In the course of this laborious plod, I rediscovered the best mainstream piece on it I have yet come across. In "Thanks for the cultural capital, Dad," (The Guardian, Monday, 13 May 1996, p.13), Ros Coward conceived of that dreadful organisation in terms any attentive student of Veblen/Preparata would instantly recognise:

Quote:" has always been dominated by Reithian notions of broadcasting as a ruling-class instrument for educating and influencing the lower orders. This ethos persisted right through to the 70s with the BBC's graduate training is still run like a village. Only a handful of courses provide any real working knowledge of the industry, so how do the powerful make their selections? By recommendation, by networks, and by trusting the 'good' families."

Earlier in the same piece, she wrote that "Everybody knows about the aristocratic dynasties of the media like the Dimblebys." In his coverage of Dachau, Dimbleby senior offered the stewards of British inter-war policy, most of them still in power despite being among the most murderous and cynical in human history, cover-story, alibi, and future pretext.

Don't forget Radio 3 on Mackinder tonight. The sound of whitewash over the airwaves is confidently anticipated!

Should this book be in the definitive book list Paul and Peter? I haven't read it but it sounds good.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Should this book be in the definitive book list Paul and Peter? I haven't read it but it sounds good.

Absolutely, but do make the effort to read it, M. Last I heard, Preparata is working on the post-WWII follow-up. His section(s) on the CIA support for Castro, and much else besides, should be fascinating.

Magda Hassan Wrote:Should this book be in the definitive book list Paul and Peter? I haven't read it but it sounds good.

As you might expect, I agree with Paul. The narrative it presents, of determined, persistent Machiavellian scheming and its agreed objectives as between the US and UK in particular is almost the diametric opposite of the 'Victors' narrative that has become the unquestionable received wisdom. In itself that is not conclusive evidence of its accuracy of course, dealing as it does with well hidden and unspoken motives to such an extent. However, it is the way that masses of otherwise mysteriously inexplicable events fall into place that clinch it for me. Things like ostensible Western assistance to the the White Russian forces when the unequivocal objective was to thwart them and ensure their defeat by the Bolsheviks. The detailed evidence for this is extensive and very impressive. Same applies to lots more otherwise 'coincidental' things too - and of course I abandoned 'coincidence theory' ages ago - there is almost always a non-coincidental explanation involving deliberate, conspiracy and so it is with this book.

IMHO a 'must read' for anyone who believes that Deep State agendas were as operative and decisive through the early part of the 20th century as they are today and who wants to know the real story behind the fairy tale of Hitler's rise to power.
Peter Presland

".....there is something far worse than Nazism, and that is the hubris of the Anglo-American fraternities, whose routine is to incite indigenous monsters to war, and steer the pandemonium to further their imperial aims"
Guido Preparata. Preface to 'Conjuring Hitler'[size=12][size=12]
"Never believe anything until it has been officially denied"
Claud Cockburn

Peter Presland Wrote:A couple of things have been gnawing away at me this last week, both of which fit this threads heading and neither of which has been discussed here yet - or if they have I've missed it and apologise. So here goes:

1. The UN General assembly meeting; specifically Ahmadinejad's address and the response to it. A number of Western representatives - mainly from the Echellon countries and their surrogates - walked out on cue. The Daily Telegraph reporting of the matter was typical - "Britain walks out of Iran's Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic speech at UN" was the headline. A US State Department spokesman accused Ahmadinejad of using “hateful, offensive and anti-Semitic rhetoric”. Stephen Harper said Ahmadinejad had said “absolutely repugnant” things about Israel.

Whereas the speech did not contain the words 'Jewish' or 'Holocaust' at all. the word 'Jews' appeared just once as in "....preparing a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony...”

Here is the 'hatefully repugnant' part that prompted the walk out:
Quote:"How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peacelovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists. How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenceless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine. They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure. It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions."
Raw anti-semitism eh? Talk about Orwellian doublespeak! Do these guys actually believe their semantic inanities I wonder?

2. The furore at the G20 opening over the Iranian "hidden" Uranium processing facility. Gordon Brown said: "The scale of the Iranian deception is breathtaking .... The international community has no choice today but to draw a line in the sand.” Similar rhetoric poured ad nauseam from Obama, Harper, Sarkozy and others. And not a word about Israel's quarter century long defiance of international law on nuclear matters. No mention of her nuclear weapons or the fact that the country is neither a signatory to the Nuclear NPT or the IAEA, with pretty much exactly the same to be said about those other Western Allies Pakistan and India. The double standards are so damned IN-YOUR-FACE as to be near unbelievable!

And of course Iran has broken neither international law NOR IAEA rules. It is required to report the existence of any nuclear facility only 180 days before nuclear material is introduced to it - which is exactly what it has done. The fact that the facility has been built in relative secrecy - though no doubt known to Western SIS's all along - is hardly surprising in view of Israeli threats to bomb Nantaz on an almost weekly basis for the past 3 years or more.

The facts simply do not appear to matter to a Zionist dominated western geo-political narrative, intent as it is on demonising any country that declines to see things its way. And Western populations give every appearance of lapping it all up. It really is a desperately sad and deeply worrying state of affairs.

Agreed. Top post, Peter.
Paul Rigby Wrote:Israel is a flag of convenience for the Anglo-Americans, Peter. The quo for the quid is the Israeli downplaying of who enabled and financed Hitler. The silence of the Zionist lobby on this subject permits state propagandists from both countries -in the UK, for example, Andrew Roberts, the equally ludicrous Christopher Andrew etc - to manufacture a narrative which has the Anglo-Americans claim they fought totalitarianism of both shades, red and brown, throughout the 20th century.

When Israel has served its purpose, the Anglo-Americans will shed Israel with all the sentiment of a snake contemplating an old skin.


However, its hard to dispute the case for Israel being totally out of control at present, whether their role is as a flag of convenience or not. Israel, and Israel alone, is responsible for the genocide in Gaza. Israel pushed hard for war in Iraq and is pushing even harder for war in Iran.

The Anglo-Americans can't even dissuade Israel from their illegal settlement expansion. So I think your last sentence has it back to front.
Peter Presland Wrote:A couple of things have been gnawing away at me this last week, both of which fit this threads heading and neither of which has been discussed here yet - or if they have I've missed it and apologise. So here goes:

1. The UN General assembly meeting; specifically Ahmadinejad's address and the response to it. A number of Western representatives - mainly from the Echellon countries and their surrogates - walked out on cue. The Daily Telegraph reporting of the matter was typical - "Britain walks out of Iran's Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic speech at UN" was the headline. A US State Department spokesman accused Ahmadinejad of using “hateful, offensive and anti-Semitic rhetoric”. Stephen Harper said Ahmadinejad had said “absolutely repugnant” things about Israel.

Whereas the speech did not contain the words 'Jewish' or 'Holocaust' at all. the word 'Jews' appeared just once as in "....preparing a conducive ground for all Palestinian populations, including Muslims, Christians and Jews to live together in peace and harmony...”

Here is the 'hatefully repugnant' part that prompted the walk out:
Quote:"How can one imagine that the inhuman policies in Palestine may continue; to force the entire population of a country out of their homeland for more than 60 years by resorting to force and coercion; to attack them with all types of arms and even prohibited weapons; to deny them of their legitimate right of self-defense, while much to the chagrin of the international community calling the occupiers as the peacelovers, and portraying the victims as terrorists. How can the crimes of the occupiers against defenceless women and children and destruction of their homes, farms, hospitals and schools be supported unconditionally by certain governments, and at the same time, the oppressed men and women be subject to genocide and heaviest economic blockade being denied of their basic needs, food, water and medicine. They are not even allowed to rebuild their homes which were destroyed during the 22-day barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime while the winter is approaching. Whereas the aggressors and their supporters deceitfully continue their rhetoric in defense of human rights in order to put others under pressure. It is no longer acceptable that a small minority would dominate the politics, economy and culture of major parts of the world by its complicated networks, and establish a new form of slavery, and harm the reputation of other nations, even European nations and the U.S., to attain its racist ambitions."
Raw anti-semitism eh? Talk about Orwellian doublespeak! Do these guys actually believe their semantic inanities I wonder?

2. The furore at the G20 opening over the Iranian "hidden" Uranium processing facility. Gordon Brown said: "The scale of the Iranian deception is breathtaking .... The international community has no choice today but to draw a line in the sand.” Similar rhetoric poured ad nauseam from Obama, Harper, Sarkozy and others. And not a word about Israel's quarter century long defiance of international law on nuclear matters. No mention of her nuclear weapons or the fact that the country is neither a signatory to the Nuclear NPT or the IAEA, with pretty much exactly the same to be said about those other Western Allies Pakistan and India. The double standards are so damned IN-YOUR-FACE as to be near unbelievable!

And of course Iran has broken neither international law NOR IAEA rules. It is required to report the existence of any nuclear facility only 180 days before nuclear material is introduced to it - which is exactly what it has done. The fact that the facility has been built in relative secrecy - though no doubt known to Western SIS's all along - is hardly surprising in view of Israeli threats to bomb Nantaz on an almost weekly basis for the past 3 years or more.

The facts simply do not appear to matter to a Zionist dominated western geo-political narrative, intent as it is on demonising any country that declines to see things its way. And Western populations give every appearance of lapping it all up. It really is a desperately sad and deeply worrying state of affairs.

Yes. The media is in a sorry state indeed. Yes, Iran has complied with all the IAEA requirements. France is pissed off because the Russians got the job. The Europeans and the Yankees received billions from Iran during the Shah's time as payment for the nuclear reactors and peripherals that they were meant to build and never delivered. They never refunded a cent. I wonder whose banks accounts that ended up in? Brown wants Iran to comply with UN resolutions while never requiring the same standard of compliance from Israel and going back to 1948. Weapons inspection of Dimona? I don't think that's ever going to happen. I am amazed at their ability to keep a straight face Confusedmokin:
Quote:The facts simply do not appear to matter to a Zionist dominated western geo-political narrative...
I am constantly reminded of Dimitry Orlov's observation on the differences and similarities of the USSR and USA. He said something to the effect that while the USSR handled dissidents in a heavy handed manner he marveled at the strategy of the USA where people were 'permitted' to shout at the top of their lungs and be ignored totally.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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