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More Baconia-Shakespeare
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The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
There used to be a far more detailed thread on the Shakespeare mystery in this folder, but I think it got lost when the forum was stolen some years ago. Which is a pity because that thread had an awful lot of info on it detailing the various theories about who Shakespeare really was, including my favourite candidate, Sir Francis Bacon. It's far too hard to try to reconstruct all this again now.

But interestingly enough, Consortium News has just published an essay about Shakespeare's missing body, following a recent ground penetrating radar investigation of Shakespeare's supposed burial site. There is no body there and probably never has been. Instead of highlighting this important discovery, the scientists appear to be engaging in an occult whodunnit by raising the spectre of a missing skull - quite possibly a play on the skull of Yorick from Hamlet - but if not that then certainly, I should think, a Masonic grin at skull symbolism (the talking head) of the Knights Templar and John the Baptist fame (where John is very dear to the Knights Templar in any case).

Read on!


The Mystery of Shakespeare's Tomb

April 5, 2016

Special Report: A radar scan of William Shakespeare's supposed tomb in a Stratford church came up empty, fueling the old debate about who really wrote the famous plays and sonnets, writes ex-CIA analyst Peter W. Dickson.
By Peter W. Dickson
The 400th-anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare to be observed in late April was supposed to be a moment for global celebration of the literary genius long believed to have been from Stratford-on-Avon. But, in a classic case of "unintended consequences," a reluctant decision by Anglican Church officials to permit scientists to use modern technology to study his presumed grave inside the local church has backfired because the inconclusive results of this investigation the apparent failure to confirm conclusively the presence of any human remains in the tomb is casting a shadow over the celebration.
Indeed, the fiasco may cause more people to doubt or even reject the longstanding claim that the man with this famous name from a market town in the British Midlands was the true author of the Shakespearean works.
[Image: Unknown-2.jpeg]A portrait of William Shakespeare.
That concern may explain, in part, why the scientists who conducted a radar scan of Shakespeare's alleged tomb have been busy obscuring the curious results of their inspection and refusing to admit the possibility that no one was buried in the floor tomb. Instead, the scientists have been distracting a media with a dubious suggestion that the Bard's skull is missing from the tomb and perhaps was stolen.
The serious shortcomings in this scientific investigation of the spot traditionally believed to be Shakespeare's final resting place validates the need for a closer, meticulous examination of the entire historical context surrounding his death and burial, including what those facts say about whether the wealthy businessman from Stratford-on-Avon actually penned the Shakespearean dramas and the famous sonnets.
Many are well aware that there has been, for more than 150 years, an often bitter debate about the true authorship of the extraordinary body of work attributed to the name Shakespeare. Given this longstanding dispute, the deepening of the mystery surrounding Shakespeare's supposed tomb what we might call "Tomb-gate" further erodes the traditional narrative.
Unwittingly, the tomb project has drawn public attention to arguably the most dubious part of the official Shakespeare narrative, that the esteemed author was buried unceremoniously and anonymously under a slab of stone in a small church in Stratford. The ultimate damage to the Stratford orthodoxy may prove profound.
Nonetheless, the true believers, including those in a media deferential to the Stratford orthodoxy, will still gather in the town (about 100 miles northwest of London) in late April to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Bard's death. The celebrants will pay homage at this grave where their attention will be drawn to a floor tomb containing only a maledictory epitaph, a curse warning others not to move his bones. The core problem with this grave site is that there is not now and never has been a person's name carved on this gravestone.
Furthermore, there is no record of any reaction in 1616 to Shakespeare's passing, despite the astonishing fact that he died only a few weeks after the less distinguished and much younger dramatist Francis Beaumont was given a high-profile burial in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey next to Chaucer and Spenser. Shakespeare's interment could not have been more dissimilar.
The notion that the remains of this literary genius, supposedly the senior dramatist at the royal court for almost 20 years, whom Ben Jonson declared the greatest since the ancient Greek dramatists in the First Folio collection of Shakespeare's works in 1623, would have been dumped into an anonymous tomb, with no surviving tribute to his memory at the time of his death in 1616, is not only counter-intuitive; it is totally preposterous.
Along with the absence of a personal literary paper trail for this man during his own lifetime, this bizarrely obscure burial has helped to keep alive persistent doubts that the wealthy William Shakespeare of Stratford-on-Avon really was the author of the great literary works that carry this name.
The Nameless Tomb
Embarrassed Shakespeare biographers tend to deflect attention from this nameless tomb and what it might signify but the Shakespeare Trust in Stratford, along with a British film company, nonetheless persuaded reluctant officials at the Holy Trinity Church to permit a radar scan of the floor tomb to "learn more" and in the process prove to the skeptics that the Bard really was buried in that anonymous tomb.
[Image: shakespeare.jpg]The purported tomb of William Shakespeare inside the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-on-Avon, England.
This was a risky decision by the church and the Shakespeare establishment for a number of reasons, not the least of which are the limitations of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to detect human remains (bones) beneath solid material like concrete or in this case a limestone gravestone slab.
And no matter what the results, the bottom line is that there is no way to prove to whom any bones belonged, especially those beneath a nameless tomb, without direct physical access to conduct DNA analysis of the kind in 2014 that helped prove where Richard III was buried after he lost his crown following defeat at the famous battle at Bosworth Field in 1485.
Ironically, it was the stunning discovery of Richard's remains a monarch whose historical legacy Shakespeare did so much to disparage that built pressure on the church officials to investigate Shakespeare's tomb. The examination proceeded despite the doubts about how conclusive it would be and despite other credible indications that it was likely to backfire on the Shakespeare establishment and the Anglican Church.
For instance, there was a published account of an earlier direct visual inspection of the contents of Shakespeare's supposed tomb in the church floor. During a visit to this church in late 1815, American author Washington Irving spoke with an elderly sexton who told Irving that a few years earlier that he had an opportunity to see beneath the gravestone in the floor when an excavation was underway to create another vault adjacent to this gravestone.
The sides of the excavation collapsed and in the process created a hole permitting a view of what was underneath the alleged floor tomb for Shakespeare. Irving states in his Sketch Book, published in 1819, that the sexton "told me he had made bold to look in at the hole, but could see neither coffin nor bones, nothing but dust." For his part, Irving lamented his inability "to have at least seen the dust of Shakespeare."
Some two centuries after Irving's visit, the documentary film, entitled "Secret History: Shakespeare's Tomb" (shown on Britain's Channel 4 on March 26), endeavored to take a modern scientific peek beneath the stone. Like the sexton, it found no evidence of Shakespeare's skeleton. The radar scan also found no signs of a coffin, such as metal nails for sealing a coffin shut.
The Missing Skull?
The scientists who conducted the scan did claim there are hints in the radar imagery of the location where they speculate one might expect to find a skull that suggest some "disturbance" of the soil. That led to their curious theory that perhaps the tomb was opened by grave robbers who took the skull.
[Image: shakespeares-tomb-300x218.jpg]The wording of the inscription chiseled into the tombstone over the purported grave of William Shakespeare.
The problem with that analysis is that ground penetrating radar did not detect any part of a human skeleton which means that this claim of a missing skull is unsubstantiated speculation and "spin" coming from scientists who seem eager to show that they had produced some meaningful or at least newsworthy results.
Under pressure to prove the value of the project, they tried to defend their claim about a missing skull by citing an article in a magazine called Argosy in 1879 that alluded to an oral tradition that some grave robbers stole Shakespeare's skull, or perhaps someone did that during an effort to repair the gravestone in the mid-1790s. But this claim was called into question by Shakespeare scholars, especially after the same scientists were permitted to study an alleged stolen Shakespeare skull kept in a parish church 13 miles north from Stratford and determined that it was the skull of a woman.
Nevertheless, the senior supervisor of the radar-scan project Kevin Colls of Staffordshire University seems undeterred. He insisted that this project "should open up a whole new line of research for us. We believe that his skull is probably located somewhere else, and further research is required to figure out where that might be."
But the bottom line is that you cannot speculate about a missing skull without radar imagery clearly proving that the rest of a human skeleton is present below this nameless tomb. And even if some remains were ultimately recovered, you would still have to match the DNA to Shakespeare's descendants to establish that the skull or bones belonged to Shakespeare and that still wouldn't help prove whether the wealthy Stratford merchant named Shakespeare was, in fact, the Bard.
For these reasons, it should not come as a total surprise that the rector of Holy Trinity Church, the Reverend Patrick Taylor, issued the following statement tinged with some regret about having permitted this radar scan:
"We are not convinced that there is sufficient evidence to conclude that his skull has been taken. We intend to continue to respect the sanctity of his grave, in accordance with Shakespeare's wishes, and not allow it to be disturbed. We shall have to live with the mystery of not knowing fully what lies beneath the stone."
Taking everything into account, there is little doubt that this embarrassing outcome will fuel legitimate skepticism about the Stratfordian tradition as the 400th anniversary approaches in late April to be followed by the World Shakespeare Congress in London in late July.
Indeed, it is a huge embarrassment and a major setback for the orthodoxy because the unintended consequence of this attempt to learn more about the alleged author's grave has drawn public attention to what is essentially a clandestine tomb one with no proper personal identification and quite possibly no human remains inside.
What About the Other' Tomb?
Arguably, however, the most devastating and damaging consequence of this attempt to prove where Shakespeare was buried is that this mindless attachment to a dubious oral tradition that he was buried in an anonymous floor tomb flies in the face of a clear and emphatic declaration about where the body may have been buried inside this same church.
[Image: statue_stratford-199x300.jpg]The statue of William Shakespeare on the north wall of the Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-on-Avon, where he was believed buried.
Most Shakespeare biographers mention but pray that others do not pay close attention to the expensive, huge memorial with a bust of Shakespeare mounted high on the church wall overlooking the altar and the nameless tomb. They hope others will ignore the fact that the eulogy an inscription beneath the bust signals twice that the remains were interred within the church wall. The inscription asks visitors to the church:
Stay Passenger Why Goest Thou By So Fast.
Read If Thou Canst, Whom Envious Death
Hath Plast With In This Monument Shakespeare.
With Whom Quick Nature Dide Whose Name
Doth Deck this Tombe.
Burials within walls are unusual but not unknown. One Medici prince arranged for that and apparently this practice happened in some monasteries. The Vatican once issued an edict to prohibit any burials inside churches because of the health and other risks, especially if the tomb was not properly sealed, but the practice continued.
Samuel Schoenbaum, arguably the preeminent Shakespeare scholar until his death in 1996, insisted in his famous book, Shakespeare's Lives (1970), that the eulogist (whom he suggests was in London where the bust was made) made a mistake because he was not informed that (inexplicably) Shakespeare's remains were to be placed in an anonymous floor tomb. This was a rather pathetic theory which Schoenbaum dropped from the second edition of his book in 1991.
A floor tomb right in front of the altar rail involved a substantial fee and the wall memorial with the bust was even more expensive. So why not spend a little more to have "William Shakespeare" inscribed on the floor tomb?
For his part, Shakespeare curiously left no instruction in his will concerning his burial. But why should his wife (Ann Hathaway) and daughters pay big money for anonymity or (if the real tomb is in the wall) want any confusion to persist? But nothing was done.
Making Excuses
Stanley Wells, Schoenbaum's successor as dean of Shakespeare scholars, speculated in The Oxford Companion to Shakespeare (2001) that an altar step was later extended outward and covered up Shakespeare's name originally inscribed on the floor tomb. But who would ever allow this immortal name to be hidden? And this theory still does not get around the fact that the wall inscription clearly asserts Shakespeare's remains are to be found inside the church wall.
Orthodox scholars are well-aware that Shakespeare's wife (Hathaway) was buried in the floor almost flush to the church's north wall and just below the wall memorial with the bust of her husband. But this arrangement makes no sense if we are asked to accept without question the oral tradition about where her husband was buried.
[Image: anne-hathaway-shakespeares-wife-759x1030-221x300.jpg]Portrait of Ann Hathaway, William Shakespeare's wife.
Also, why should her tomb bear her name, give the date she died and her age at death with a nice Latin inscription in honor of motherhood, when her husband (supposedly the most illustrious literary figure since the ancient Greek dramatists) had his remains (in stark contrast to those of Beaumont a few weeks earlier) dumped into a nameless tomb?
This storyline is quite absurd. The chronology and the contradictory pattern of evidence reeks of a later attempt to concoct the visual impression of a tomb, the one in the wall with Hathaway buried as physically close to her husband's wall tomb as possible. It is significant that Hathaway died in August 1623, only four months before the massive folio of Shakespeare's 36 dramas went on sale in London bookstores, establishing the permanence of the playwright's fame.
Yet, Ben Jonson, the renowned poet, playwright and literary critic who helped complete this folio, astonishingly asserted in his grand dedication that Shakespeare was "a moniment without a tomb." Meticulous about editorial precision, did Jonson insist that the "i" in monument be put into bold type to emphasize that "moniment" can also mean a collected body of work as opposed to a physical monument?
Hard to know exactly what Jonson meant in referring to the Bard's lack of a tomb. But the curious "i" in bold type was conspicuously changed to a "u" for the Second Folio edition in 1632 which is a strong hint that something was afoot to clear things up. But that has never really happened because the glaring contradiction between the Stratford man's floor tomb and wall monument/tomb persists.
In any case, Jonson should have known that Hathaway had just died and would be buried close to her husband. Yet he speaks disrespectfully because the only persons denied a proper burial meaning "without a tomb" were persons who had committed suicide and were buried below intersections of roads.
Evidence of a Pen Name
Also disrespectfully, in the main dedication of the folio to the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery, the Bard's fellow royal actors say: "In that name, therefore, we most humbly consecrate to your Lordships, these remains of your servant Shakespeare."
"In that name"? Why not say "In his name"? These remains? Why not say "these immortal works of your servant"? This strange impersonal language suggests that the Bard's "remains" are to be found only in his plays and poems and that this immortal literary name "William Shakespeare" did not refer to a singular, physical Shakespeare, but was rather a pen name used by whoever wrote or collaborated on the famous works.
It was also false to assert that the Bard's patrons were these two Earls, the oldest of whom was only 13 when Shakespeare became famous overnight with the publication of Venus and Adonis in 1593. His patron was Queen Elizabeth and then King James to whom the publishers and the royal actors known as "the King's Men" curiously refused to dedicate the First Folio in 1623.
[Image: 1221-300x300.jpg]Portrait of Queen Elizabeth I
In my book, Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard (2011), I called for a non-intrusive scan of both tombs in Stratford to test Professor Wells's absurd claim about a possible extension of the altar's floor that covered up of Shakespeare's name and whether Shakespeare actually rests in the church wall behind or near the memorial and his bust.
Since the radar scan of the floor tomb has not proven there are any human remains beneath the gravestone, it makes sense now to take the next step and scan the church wall behind and around the wall memorial to see if there is a cavity in the wall large enough to have placed some human remains.
However, given the Shakespeare establishment's investment in the oral tradition of an anonymous floor tomb, there probably will be resistance to any proposal to scan the church wall, because if it shows the church wall is solid, then this would be prima facie evidence that the inscription beneath the Shakespeare bust is fraudulent, constitutes an act of deception and indicates that the true author was another person not from Stratford-on-Avon.
There is no doubt that a solid church wall, coupled with an anonymous floor tomb with no conclusive evidence that it contains human remains, would deepen the larger Shakespeare mystery.
The Reverend Taylor's press statement suggests that church officials will not take that the risk and approve anymore high-tech research, nor is the Shakespeare establishment likely to roll the dice again on a wall scan.
After all, the stakes would be enormous. There are many professional reputations invested in protecting the Shakespeare orthodoxy that the Stratford businessman named William Shakespeare was the famous playwright.
Yet, I believe that, as the situation stands, the argument now favors those anti-Stratfordians who have challenged the orthodoxy and maintain that the businessman and the actual author are not one in the same person.
Taking everything into account, there is no credible reason to accept the claim that the literary genius (whoever that was) for whom "Shakespeare" or often "Shake-speare" appears on title pages of published quarto edition of these dramas was buried in the Stratford church in 1616 or in 1623 or any later time.
In his original folio dedication, Jonson surely revealed the truth behind Bardgate when with the revealing assertion "thou art a moniment without a tomb" he signaled that Shakespeare was not an identifiable person with a known resting place, but instead a pen name for a collection of dramas composed by a person or persons who wanted or needed to remain incognito.
Peter Dickson is a retired CIA political-military analyst and the author of an intellectual biography entitled Kissinger and the Meaning of History published by Cambridge University Press in 1978. This up-to-date article concerning Shakespeare's death and burial summarizes much of Dickson's analysis contained in chapter six in his book entitled, Bardgate: Shake-speare and the Royalists Who Stole the Bard (2011). Copyright © Peter W. Dickson, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

For a detailed examination of the evidence that Sir Francis Bacon was Will, visit the website It's well worth the visit. And do click on anything you see, as there are cloaked portals on that site.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
This one?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:This one?

Blow me down, Maggie. I searched and searched for that. Obviously not nearly enough. Ta!
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:This one?

Blow me down, Maggie. I searched and searched for that. Obviously not nearly enough. Ta!

You have to use Google to search DPF, especially to find anything very old.
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:This one?

Blow me down, Maggie. I searched and searched for that. Obviously not nearly enough. Ta!

You have to use Google to search DPF, especially to find anything very old.

I appreciate the advice, Tracy. By all means, call me old fashioned and silly, but I won't use Google on principal. I was really put off almost all of the major US search engines when I learned that a joint US/Israeli company automatically tracked all one's Googling activity. I'll never use any of them again, and would rather try doing it the old way. I now use a variety of others that might not be as functional but that are at least secure.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:
Tracy Riddle Wrote:
David Guyatt Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:This one?

Blow me down, Maggie. I searched and searched for that. Obviously not nearly enough. Ta!

You have to use Google to search DPF, especially to find anything very old.

I appreciate the advice, Tracy. By all means, call me old fashioned and silly, but I won't use Google on principal. I was really put off almost all of the major US search engines when I learned that a joint US/Israeli company automatically tracked all one's Googling activity. I'll never use any of them again, and would rather try doing it the old way. I now use a variety of others that might not be as functional but that are at least secure.

We are so offended by Google that it is no longer even an option in this home.

Interesting piece about Shakespeare. So many secrets.
Well, I used the term "Google" generically, as a substitute for any search engine. They're probably monitoring all of them, plus this website, so what are you gonna do?
Brass it out!

There was a very good thread a few months back (HERE) that set out exactly what anyone can do to avoid that private company, Akamai, tracking all their internet activities. There are a number of browsers that are private and some other options that you can take to improve privacy on the internet, including using Disconnect Desktop and Tor Browser to browse etc. This, of course, won't stop government tracking - and I can't do anything about them anyway. However, I wasn't referring to them but to the private corporations. And those I can do something about. And have.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14

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