Tunisia Girl - A voice of reason from a revolutionary country.
Some Thoughts about the USEmbassy Incidents
Tonight, I feel bad for my country. But also for theentire region, for the Arab world, the Muslim world ... For humanity. Ido not understand this resentment and hatred coming from all sides. I do notunderstand these wars, and all these interventions here and there.
I do not understand this killing silence as to the denial of the right tofree movement. A denial that forces young Africans to risk their lives inthose death rafts. I do not understand that torture is still practiced inmy country. I can not admit or accept the attacks on the first of thefreedoms we have secured thanks to the sacrifices of our martyrs and wounded:the freedom of opinion and expression.
Today we experienced a tragic day, two / three -two different numbers given bythe Minister of the Interior and his spokesman- Tunisians have lost theirlives while they were trying to break into the American Embassy in Tunisin what they thought to be an action to defend Islam and our Prophet. Thishappened as a reaction to the dissemination of an "anti-Islam"movie.
Personally, I can't talk about the movie itself. I did not watch it. I cannot make comments neither on its content nor on its artistic andtechnical quality.
I understand that young people feel annoyed, attacked and harmed in theirsacred, but I do not understand at all those who push them to react violentlyin a country where peaceful youth overthrew a dictator. I am doingmy best to understand those who get excited because of a movie or a book.Moreover I think that the response to a movie should be a movie, a deepcriticism or a peaceful, well-organized demonstration.
The USA Embassy's incidents are beyond my imagination and apprehension. What happened worries me. Many questions hit my mind after what happened:
-Who is the manipulator standing behind these events occurring onan international scale?-Who are his allies / collaborators acrossthe region in general and in our country in particular?I do notunderstand at all why are some parties and occult forces initiating, from timeto time, provocative actions despite knowing in advance that theyare going to put some countries on fire. I do not understand who is behindthe manipulation of the masses. Who pushes them to react violently? Nevertheless, I have a feeling that those behind the alibi and those behind the reaction arethe same.
Furthermore I am astonished at the passivity and incapacity of the securityforces to control the situation despite their awareness of the possibility ofsuch events in advance. Why didn't they cut off the access to the area ? Howdid they let excited and angrypeople reach the walls of the embassyand climb them so easily?We have already seen these same forces actwith promptness and rigidity against people who wanted to celebrate the memoryof the martyrs on April 9th, 2012. Theyhave been very efficient against strikers and protesters in SidiBouzid, the Hencha, Kebili, and many other areas of the country. why did they fail in stopping the angry masses?
There are probably thousands of questions to be raised. Personally, I amconvinced that these incidents are neither spontaneous nor an action that isthe natural reaction of disappointed people hurt in their self-esteem.However, I still have confidence in our youth. I strongly believethat we will succeed in defending and expressing ourselves peacefully. Ihope that the forces of peace and progress around the world will succeed instopping the evil campaigns causing hatred and wars.
Publié par
lina ben Mhenni à l'adresse
samedi, septembre 15, 2012 [IMG]file:///C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif[/IMG]
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6 commentaires:
andersljungbergsamedi,15 septembre, 2012
Christians and Jews have been murdered since muhammed livedon earth
and this sannng can not say when it demeans muhammed and people get upset whenthe mad and violent
this can only mean one thing Muslims can tolerate no criticism even when thecriticism is based on facts
Cyrinasamedi,15 septembre, 2012
what u say anders ljungberg is simply ridiculous or may be unever heard about crusades or hitler, get ur facts, and please stop beinghateful, coz u're not less hateful than those who did these acts to USembassies!
BrunoSantos Ribeirodimanche,16 septembre, 2012
All religions have blood in their hands but that isradicalism! So let's not fed it please.
RamziAtwidimanche,16 septembre, 2012
Entered Tunisiain Hurricane Islamists
Eivindlundi,17 septembre, 2012
It's a tragedy.
Some rightwing nutjob is of the opinion that islam is a violent and intolerantreligion, so he sets out to "prove" it by creating a movie.
The technical and artistic qualities of the film are bad, it's on the lever youwould expect from 14-year-olds making a school-project, and not on the levelyou'd expect in a professional movie.
The movie is unable to hurt Islam. It's ridicolous. If nobody had flipped outabout it, all it would amount to would be: "intolerant assholes publishesbad movie, the
world ignores him."
A tiny minority of extremists have a fit about it. Even a peaceful protest ismore attention than these film-makers deserve, but they get more than that.They get cars
on fire. They get rocks thrown at the police. They get stormed embassies. Theyget killings.
These reactions, hurt Islam.
From the perspective of the film-makers this is an astounding success ! Theyset out to "prove" that islam is violent and intolerant. And now theyfeel that their "proof" is valid. They can stand triumphant and say:"See ? Muslims flip out with violence and killings over the slightestprovocation, just like I said!"
That too, is a lie offcourse. Reality is that 99.9% of muslims react sensibly,that is they offer critique, they may even attend some demonstration, if theythink the issue is even worth it. In short, they do their best to prove thatthe picture of Islam that this movie attempts to draw, is a false one.
Of course, those of us lucky enough to have friends who are muslims, have knownthat for a long time. I'm an atheist myself, and my muslim friends surelydisagree with me, like I disagree with them, about many issues. But we agree100% that the way forward is respect, understanding and friendship, notneedless provocations, hatred and violence.