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Climate Change proponents emails and files hacked
One probably needs to take care with the Monckton family who have been historically associated with the British Establishment, the Conservative Party, and the Her Majesty's Secret Service for generations. The family is also intimately associated with SMOM, also for generations.

This is not to say that his statements are untrue but that they need to be sifted with caution.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
David Guyatt Wrote:One probably needs to take care with the Monckton family who have been historically associated with the British Establishment, the Conservative Party, and the Her Majesty's Secret Service for generations. The family is also intimately associated with SMOM, also for generations.

This is not to say that his statements are untrue but that they need to be sifted with caution.

I'd remove the "probably" and say that Monckton is a far right ideologue.

He was a key advisor, along with Keith Joseph, to Margaret Thatcher when she engaged in her Shock Therapy of the UK from 1979 and in the early 80s.

Also, as David writes above, Monckton is a member of the Worshipful Company of Broderers, an Officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, a Knight of Honour and Devotion of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

Very SMOMy and not to be taken at face value about anything.

Everything he says needs to be unpicked to reveal his true ideological agenda.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
I also note that Gary McGowan's earlier post, enthusiastically endorsing Monckton's views and claiming he was a proud anti-fascist, contained no url.

Perhaps because Monckton's views are promulgated here, on the LaRouche propaganda site:

Presumably, Monckton's nutty viewpoint is to be spread enthusiastically around the internet by the Devoted Cult of Lyndon.

Aka the LaRouchies.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Gary McGowan Wrote:The following statement by Lord Christopher Monckton appeared yesterday on the website, ClimateDepot, run by Mark Moranao, former aide to U.S. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.). Lord Monckton's anti-fascist credentials are well-established, his grandfather having served as the lead solicitor in the 1936 removal of Hitler-admirer King Edward VIII.] by Christopher Monckton

November 23, 2009
This is what they did—-these climate "scientists" on whose unsupported word the world's classe politique proposes to set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all formerly free markets, to tax wealthy nations and all of their financial transactions, to regulate the economic and environmental affairs of all nations, and to confiscate and extinguish all patent and intellectual property rights.

The tiny, close-knit clique of climate scientists who invented and now drive the "global warming" fraud — for fraud is what we now know it to be — tampered with temperature data so assiduously that, on the recent admission of one of them, land temperatures since 1980 have risen twice as fast as ocean temperatures. One of the thousands of emails recently circulated by a whistleblower at the University of East Anglia, where one of the world's four global-temperature datasets is compiled, reveals that data were altered so as to prevent a recent decline in temperature from showing in the record. In fact, there has been no statistically significant global warming for 15 years—and there has been rapid and significant cooling for nine years.

Worse, these arrogant fraudsters—for fraudsters are what we now know them to be—have refused, for years and years and years, to reveal their data and their computer program listings. Now we know why: As a revealing 15,000-line document from the computer division at the Climate Research Unit shows, the programs and data are a hopeless, tangled mess. In effect, the global temperature trends have simply been made up. Unfortunately, the British researchers have been acting closely in league with their U.S. counterparts who compile the other terrestrial temperature dataset—the GISS/NCDC dataset. That dataset too contains numerous biases intended artificially to inflate the natural warming of the 20th century.

Finally, these huckstering snake-oil salesmen and global warming profiteers—for that is what they are—have written to each other encouraging the destruction of data that had been lawfully requested under the Freedom of Information Act in the UK by scientists who wanted to check whether their global temperature record had been properly compiled. And that procurement of data destruction, as they are about to find out to their cost, is a criminal offense. They are not merely bad scientists—they are crooks. And crooks who have perpetrated their crimes at the expense of British and U.S. taxpayers.

I am angry, and so should you be.

What have the mainstream news media said about the Climategate affair? Remarkably little. The few who have brought themselves to comment, through gritted teeth, have said that all of this is a storm in a teacup, and that their friends in the University of East Anglia and elsewhere in the climatological community are good people, really.

No, they're not. They're criminals. With Professor Fred Singer, who founded the U.S. Satellite Weather Service, I have reported them to the UK's Information Commissioner, with a request that he investigate their offenses and, if thought fit, prosecute. But I won't be holding my breath: In the police state that Britain has now sadly become, with supine news media largely owned and controlled by the government, the establishment tends to look after its own.

At our expense, and at the expense of the truth.

Here's the real source.

Planet LaRouche:

Quote:Viscount Monckton on Climategate: They are Criminals
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[The following statement by Lord Christopher Monckton appeared yesterday on the website, ClimateDepot, run by Mark Moranao, former aide to U.S. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.). Lord Monckton's anti-fascist credentials are well-established, his grandfather having served as the lead solicitor in the 1936 removal of Hitler-admirer King Edward VIII.]

by Christopher Monckton

November 23, 2009

This is what they did—-these climate "scientists" on whose unsupported word the world's classe politique proposes to set up an unelected global government this December in Copenhagen, with vast and unprecedented powers to control all formerly free markets, to tax wealthy nations and all of their financial transactions, to regulate the economic and environmental affairs of all nations, and to confiscate and extinguish all patent and intellectual property rights.

The tiny, close-knit clique of climate scientists who invented and now drive the "global warming" fraud — for fraud is what we now know it to be — tampered with temperature data so assiduously that, on the recent admission of one of them, land temperatures since 1980 have risen twice as fast as ocean temperatures. One of the thousands of emails recently circulated by a whistleblower at the University of East Anglia, where one of the world's four global-temperature datasets is compiled, reveals that data were altered so as to prevent a recent decline in temperature from showing in the record. In fact, there has been no statistically significant global warming for 15 years—and there has been rapid and significant cooling for nine years.

Worse, these arrogant fraudsters—for fraudsters are what we now know them to be—have refused, for years and years and years, to reveal their data and their computer program listings. Now we know why: As a revealing 15,000-line document from the computer division at the Climate Research Unit shows, the programs and data are a hopeless, tangled mess. In effect, the global temperature trends have simply been made up. Unfortunately, the British researchers have been acting closely in league with their U.S. counterparts who compile the other terrestrial temperature dataset—the GISS/NCDC dataset. That dataset too contains numerous biases intended artificially to inflate the natural warming of the 20th century.

Finally, these huckstering snake-oil salesmen and global warming profiteers—for that is what they are—have written to each other encouraging the destruction of data that had been lawfully requested under the Freedom of Information Act in the UK by scientists who wanted to check whether their global temperature record had been properly compiled. And that procurement of data destruction, as they are about to find out to their cost, is a criminal offense. They are not merely bad scientists—they are crooks. And crooks who have perpetrated their crimes at the expense of British and U.S. taxpayers.

I am angry, and so should you be.

What have the mainstream news media said about the Climategate affair? Remarkably little. The few who have brought themselves to comment, through gritted teeth, have said that all of this is a storm in a teacup, and that their friends in the University of East Anglia and elsewhere in the climatological community are good people, really.

No, they're not. They're criminals. With Professor Fred Singer, who founded the U.S. Satellite Weather Service, I have reported them to the UK's Information Commissioner, with a request that he investigate their offenses and, if thought fit, prosecute. But I won't be holding my breath: In the police state that Britain has now sadly become, with supine news media largely owned and controlled by the government, the establishment tends to look after its own.

At our expense, and at the expense of the truth.

Moral: if LaRouche claims someone is an anti-fascist, it pays to engage in a little critical examination.

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Thanks Jan. How very cunning of the poster to erase mention of its origin.

Here's a bot more info on the Monckton family.

Quote:MI6 involved in Balkan spy plot, says Croatian paper
Ian Traynor in Zagreb

The Guardian, Friday 27 August 2004 23.58 BST

British intelligence's extensive operations in the Balkans were thrown into disarray yesterday after a Croatian newspaper revealed the identities of several alleged British spies and claimed that the Croatian government had given MI6 agents carte blanche to wiretap and conduct undercover operations against Croatian citizens.

The weekly news magazine, Nacional, published the names of four British diplomats it described as important spies. Nacional's claim followed the recent unmasking by a Belgrade tabloid of the chief MI6 officer in Serbia, Anthony Monckton, who has just left the Serbian capital in what was seen as a blow to MI6's activities. Mr Monckton was then named by at least one British newspaper.

Mr Monckton is said to have played an important undercover role in effecting the transfer of Slobodan Milosevic to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague in 2001 and in the quest to find the assassins of Zoran Djindjic, the reformist Serbian prime minister murdered last year.

"Monckton was a very effective member of the British embassy in Belgrade," said a well-placed British source, who ascribed the outing of the alleged agents to "rogue elements" in the Serbian, Croatian, and Bosnian security services who "don't like the Balkans being cleaned up" and who used the local media to pursue grudges. The tabloid published a full front-page picture of Mr Monckton and gave his private phone numbers.

Article continues HERE

Anthony Monckton is the younger brother of Lord Christopher Monckton. Their father, Major-General Gilbert, the 2nd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (now deceased) was the head of the private security company Defence Systems Plc., that was the major cog in the "Palace Group" of private security contractors who, in turn, connect to such well known mercenary groups as Executive Outcomes. I published a full chart of the Palace Group of Companies in my Project Hammer Reloaded that had been compiled by members of the Palace Group.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
My oh my... :listen:

I'm a tad confused here.

I thought Lyndon LaRouche hated the British royal-banking-intelligence establishment, and blamed them for all the ills of the world. And yet here he is, endorsing the views of far right Shock Therapist and Thatcherite ideologue, Lord - yes, Lord - Christopher Monckton, whose family have been accused of MI6 connections.

Whatever could Lyndon be up to?

Wandering down the spooky hall of mirrors, where nothing is as it seems....

"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Just on the nassy ol' British Queen angle that LaRouche beats on about I need also mention that the late Major General Gilbert Moncton was a Companion of the Order of the Bath, the Queens fourth most senior order of chivalry.

The Honourable Rosamond Monckton, who is the the sister of Christopher Lord Monckton, was Princess Di's closest friend but at the inquest into her death gave evidence to the effect that there was no conspiracy involved in her best freind's death - which on the evidence is farcical.

What we have here is a complete reversal of LaRouche's normal position. In publishing Monckton's comments about climate change he has slept in bed with one of his supposed sworn enemies.

For me the possibility that LaRouche may really be a lightening rod for the politically disaffected in the USA on behalf of the UKUSA moneyed elite cannot be ignored, imo.
The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort. To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspects of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for any kind of self-knowledge.
Carl Jung - Aion (1951). CW 9, Part II: P.14
Aw, shucks. You clever gentlemen have, in one (or two) swell foops, exposed me, exposed Monckton, exposed LaRouche, and God-knows how many other opponents of genocide and fighters for freedom. You are too clever! :congrats:

This is not a googling contest. We are past that. The younger people of the planet want a future. That’s what this is about. That’s what trumps the crap. Human beings are not beasts destined to butcher one another, and squabble, for the entertainment of stuffy know-it-alls and the preservation of their seats in the councils of power, high and low, from transnational elite boardrooms to university committees.

To hell with that crap. :eviltongue:

Quote:Interviewed by broadcaster Alan Jones on Sydney radio Monday [Nov. 3], Lord Monckton said “this is the first time I’ve ever seen any transnational treaty referring to a new body to be set up under that treaty as a ‘government.’ But it’s the powers, that are going to be given to this entirely unelected government that are so frightening.”

He added: “The sheer ambition of this new world government is enormous right from the start—that’s even before it starts accreting powers to itself in the way that these entities inevitably always do.”

[ . . . ] In his exposé* of the draft Copenhagen treaty in St. Paul, he warned Americans that “in the next few weeks, unless you stop it, your president will sign your freedom, your democracy and your prosperity away forever.” Yet his critics fail to deal with the substance of what he says.[size=12]**[/SIZE]

[ . . . ] After all, the final treaty will bind signatories for years to come. What exactly are they hiding? Thanks to Lord Monckton we now know something of their plans.
The network of liars and apologists for the upcoming Copenhagen Summit are evading the issue [PDF link]: Since its public launching at the 1975 Endangered Atmosphere Conference by a gaggle of radical Malthusians headed by anthropologist Margaret Mead, the only purpose of the global warming myth has been to stop scientific and technological progress, in order to drastically reduce world population. Global “warming” proved to be the most efficient of the various scientific frauds promoted by the collaboration of Britain’s Prince Philip and the Nazi Prince Bernhard in their stated effort to reduce world population from the present 6.7 billion to less than 2 billion persons.

Thank you for sharing. (Can we proceed with putting the current financial system through bankruptcy reorganization, and restarting a drive toward economic and scientific progress now?) :top:

* See also the 'more info' at youtube--click on 'more info' upper right of the page. This vid link is a four minute excerpt, links to the whole talk and more can be found in the 'more info.'

** ahem... my emphasis, of course.
I thought was sufficient attribution, but can't find Monckton's latest there, only some interview he did with Glen Beck.

I guess LaRouche's analysis of the Anglo-American establishment comes from Webster Tarpley who used to work for him, has some of Tarpley's works for sale and in whole for reading by computer. I think Tarpley left the LaRouche club when it started to turn into a cult. I first remember hearing about LaRouche when he was being smeared in the MSM in the early 80s, when Thatcher and Reagan were in power. I remember they accused him of going from extreme right-wing to extreme left-wing, or vice versa.

Monckton has never tried to hide his past with Thatcher. I don't see what it matters, if Monckton and LaRouche are making sense now, great. I'm perfectly willing to take their arguments at face value, for what they're worth. It's not like that's a promise to vote a certain way or send contributions.

Monckton is slightly off about the US and treaty obligations trumping the US constitution. It doesn't work that way. NAFTA and GATT proponents tried to pretend it does work that way, but I don't think it's legally defensible. Plus, the US has a long history of violating any treaty it deems fit to violate (from the Cherokees to nuclear non-proliferation).

Quote:Hacked files of the Climatic Research Unit, Global Warming a deliberate fraud

The Death Blow to Climate Science
By Dr. Tim Ball Saturday, November 21, 2009

Global Warming is often called a hoax. I disagree because a hoax has a humorous intent to puncture pomposity. In science, such as with the Piltdown Man hoax, it was done to expose those with fervent but blind belief. The argument that global warming is due to humans, known as the anthropogenic global warming theory (AGW) is a deliberate fraud. I can now make that statement without fear of contradiction because of a remarkable hacking of files that provided not just a smoking gun, but an entire battery of machine guns.

Someone hacked in to the files of the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) based at the University of East Anglia. A very large file (61 mb) was downloaded and posted to the web. Phil Jones Director of the CRU has acknowledged the files are theirs. They contain papers, documents letters and emails. The latter are the most damaging and contain blunt information about the degree of manipulation of climate science in general and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in particular.
Climate science hijacked and corrupted by this small group of scientists

Dominant names involved are ones I have followed throughout my career including, Phil Jones, Benjamin Santer, Michael Mann, Kevin Trenberth, Jonathan Overpeck, Ken Briffa and Tom Wigley. I have watched climate science hijacked and corrupted by this small group of scientists. This small, elite, community was named by Professor Wegman in his report to the National Academy of Science (NAS).

I had the pleasure of meeting the founder of CRU Professor Hubert Lamb, considered the Father of Modern Climatology, on a couple of occasions. He also peer reviewed one of my early publications. I know he would be mortified with what was disclosed in the last couple of days.

Jones claims the files were obtained illegally as if that absolves the content. It doesn’t and it is enough to destroy all their careers. Jones gave a foretaste of his behavior in 2005. Warwick Hughes asked for the data and method he used for his claim of a 0.6°C temperature rise since the end of the nineteenth century. Jones responded, “We have 25 years or so invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it?” He has stonewalled ever since. The main reason was because it was used as a key argument in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports to convince the world humans caused rapid warming in the 20th century. The emails obtained are a frightening record of arrogance, and deception far beyond his 2005 effort.

Another glimpse into what the files and emails reveal was the report by Professor Deming. He wrote, “ With publication of an article in Science (in 1995) I gained sufficient credibility in the community of scientists working on climate change. They thought I was one of them someone who would pervert science in the service of social and political causes. So one of them let his guard down. A major person working in the area of climate change and global warming sent me an astonishing email that said. “We must get rid of the Medieval Warm Period.” The person in question was Jonathan Overpeck and his even more revealing emails are part of those exposed by the hacker. It is now very clear that Deming’s charge was precise. They have perverted science in the service of social and political causes.

Professor Wegman showed how this “community of scientists” published together and peer reviewed each other’s work. I was always suspicious about why peer review was such a big deal. Now all my suspicions are confirmed. The emails reveal how they controlled the process, including manipulating some of the major journals like Science and Nature. We know the editor of the Journal of Climate, Andrew Weaver, was one of the “community”. They organized lists of reviewers when required making sure they gave the editor only favorable names. They threatened to isolate and marginalize one editor who they believed was recalcitrant.
Total Control

These people controlled the global weather data used by the IPCC through the joint Hadley and CRU and produced the HadCRUT data. They controlled the IPCC, especially crucial chapters and especially preparation of the Summary for PolicyMakers (SPM). Stephen Schneider was a prime mover there from the earliest reports to the most influential in 2001. They also had a left wing conduit to the New York Times. The emails between Andy Revkin and the community are very revealing and must place his journalistic integrity in serious jeopardy. Of course the IPCC Reports and especially the SPM Reports are the basis for Kyoto and the Copenhagen Accord, but now we know they are based on completely falsified and manipulated data and science. It is no longer a suspicion. Surely this is the death knell for the CRU, the IPCC, Kyoto and Copenhagen and the Carbon Credits shell game.

CO2 never was a problem and all the machinations and deceptions exposed by these files prove that it was the greatest deception in history, but nobody is laughing. It is a very sad day for science and especially my chosen area of climate science. As I expected now it is all exposed I find there is no pleasure in “I told you so.”

You can download the climate change fraud documents from the link below: or

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