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Electoral fraud
I am just listening to a new released by investigative journalists in TV.

Morales, pressed by citizens and political partyes due to electoral fraud suspects and proofs in former electoral events (that he largely wins), has implemented a biomethrical identification registration system for citizens, in order to asure a clean voting for this sunday presidential election.

However, this biometrical registration is under heavy suspicion, due to has made by a venezuelan company that a journalist has say that will win the competition, A MONTH BEFORE the company actually wins.

Now, a crimialist law attourney has suited the president of the bolivian electoral court due to, making a little random sample of voting citizens registred, has discovered more than 70.000 citizens with exactly the same identification number. And was only in a little random sample. Is like if U.S. americans has exactly the same social security number.
Many criminals with police records has the same number than honest citizens, so they can't travel or work or qualify for bank loans, etc.

Another data: last former electoral event in Bolivia was performed about a year ago, and the voting people has barely reached four million citizens. Even in that time, was serious doub about the inflated registration of voters. But now we are nearly FIVE MILLONS TWO HUNDRED THOUSANDS votants, nearly 30% increase in only one year.

As evrytime government is discovered in fraud, accuse the oppositors for the same felony. The government is saying now that has "proofs" that opositor leader has try to make fraud by paying an employee of the national electoral court, to "tweak" the results in computers.

But the observants sended by the Organization of American States are saying that "evrything is clean and ok."....Laugh

If you where a bolivian citizen as I am (be happy you are not), can you trust in the voting results?... can you respect the president, vice-president, deputys and senators that will be elected this sunday?.....Evo Morales claims he will win with "more than 70% of votes".

Democracy in my country is DEATH.Confused:

(Sorry admin. if I am not posting in the right thread. I just realized that... I was in a hurry. :dong: )
Can you provide a link to this programme or some documentation from the attorney?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:Can you provide a link to this programme or some documentation from the attorney?

The program is "Sin letra Chica", by independent journalist Carlos Valverde. I was writing the information at the time he was releasing it live by TV. I contact him to ask a reproduction of the interview in his blog, in the "video" section. He answer that he will do soon. Journalists are very busy with sunday presidential "election".

This is his link:

But there are news about in the newspapers. Here is the attourney and his name, having in hand a registration of thousands of duplicated identification numbers, taken from biometrical electoral registration:

Anyway, too late: elections will be this sunday and anything he can do will take a long time (maybe YEARS) in a judicial court.
Meanwile, Morales ad his followers will be declared "winners" and will asume the presidentcy of republic and the total control of parliament. Lot of time and power to shut many mouths, by any means.
Ruben Mundaca Wrote:
Magda Hassan Wrote:Can you provide a link to this programme or some documentation from the attorney?

The program is "Sin letra Chica", by independent journalist Carlos Valverde. I was writing the information at the time he was releasing it live by TV. I contact him to ask a reproduction of the interview in his blog, in the "video" section. He answer that he will do soon. Journalists are very busy with sunday presidential "election".

This is his link:

But there are news about in the newspapers. Here is the attourney and his name, having in hand a registration of thousands of duplicated identification numbers, taken from biometrical electoral registration:

Anyway, too late: elections will be this sunday and anything he can do will take a long time (maybe YEARS) in a judicial court.
Meanwile, Morales ad his followers will be declared "winners" and will asume the presidentcy of republic and the total control of parliament. Lot of time and power to shut many mouths, by any means.

Carlos Valverde?

Here's IKN's take on Valverde (my emphasis in bold):

Quote:In one of the worst articles to be written on Evo Morales in the last year (and my stars, there's some competition), some damnfool named Eliza Barclay managed to make Morales into Mugabe (she passed on Mandela...wonder why?) and tried to get chattering classes in NE USA nodding in sage agreement over another of her carefully chosen quotes;

"Instead of governing for a whole country, he is governing only for the indigenous class and has brought racism with him."

Now, Barclay's fetid hit-piece has already been thoroughly and correctly lashed by Abiding in Bolivia and other people that actually know the difference between a decent journalism and plain stupidity, but now it's time to gently explain to Barclay what real Bolivian racism is, what it sounds like and where it comes from. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Carlos Valverde Barberí (above), mainstay of Santa Cruz politics, TV and radio personality (his verbal vomit gets spewed out via friendly Santa Cruz media) founder of the now infamous Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UJC) nazi youth thugs and all round piece of shit.

The issue is a commentary on the handing over of 38,000 hectares of land on March 14th that previously belonged to rich white landowners (Larsen, Branko, all the other boys) to indigenous Guarani people. This came about via the newly minted constitution that allows people to own a maximum of 5,000ha going forward, so Branko, his pals and his multizillion hectare soybean business has hit a bit of a bump in the road, all things told. But on to Carlos Velaverde's comments as featured on Radio Patria Nueva, Santa Cruz, today. Eliza, have a pen and paper handy to make notes for your next report, yeah? He said of the handover;

"We have to shoot those that have recently occupied our land. They have to be killed because they are individuals that subjugate. They have to be killed because we are not all the same. This is a subjugation of Santa Cruz. It's incredible that Cambas (Santa Cruz residents) don't agree with us because the indigenous don't have anything to do with us here."

This is the mindset of the people that were presented by Simon Romero in the NYT last year as the anti-Evo heroic resistance movement. These are the people Eliza Barclay decided to ignore when she wrote a 1,500 word expansion on her own prejudices. However, now that the rubber is hitting the road and the real reason behind all this "Autonomy Now!" claptrap is being exposed, namely that those in charge knew all along they'd lose their precious land, the masks have slipped and the vicious underbelly is being exposed for all to see. Ten years ago the racist slavedrivers had their vast tracts of very profitable lands and a virtual unpaid labourforce to work it for them. Now they're losing both and they don't like oh my, dontcha feel sad for 'em?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
IKN states that Valverde founded the Unión Juvenil Cruceñista:

Quote:Santa Cruz Youth Union

The Santa Cruz Youth Union (Unión Juvenil Cruceñista) (UJC) is a militant neo-fascist and as one of its leader Yariel soliz group based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Founded in 1957 as an arm of the Pro Santa Cruz Committee (Comite Pro Santa Cruz)[6], the UJC has recently become the subject of controversy and accusation concerning its activities in support of the Santa Cruz autonomy movement in opposition to the government of Evo Morales and his MAS political party.[1]

Claiming a membership of more than two thousand, the UJC has violently enforced general civic strikes called for by the Pro Santa Cruz Committee,[2] intimidated and assaulted leftist political opponents,[3] and provided security for the illegal May 4 Santa Cruz Autonomy referendum[4], participating in violent clashes the day of the vote.[5] Two members of the UJC were arrested and accused of plotting to assassinate Evo Morales on June 20 2008, when encountered by police in possession of a rifle, scope, and ammunition in Santa Cruz prior to the president's flight arrival.[6] Some sources claimed that they were captured at the airport, but others located the suspects in a popular market.[7] Nevertheless, the prosecutor dismissed the case and they were both released shortly afterwards.[7]

[edit] References
^ [1] UDW, Ben Dangl. The Dark Side of Bolivia’s Half Moon January 2007
^ BIF Bulletin No 8 Santa Cruz and the banner of autonomy
^ [2] Amnesty Intl. Bolivia: Fear for safety 06 March 2007
^ [3] AIN Illegal Autonomy Referendum Deepens Division in Bolivia 17 April 2008
^ [4] UPD Santa Cruz Divided 08 May 2008
^ [5] Prensa Latina Suspected Attackers of Evo Arrested June 20, 2008
^ a b El gobierno boliviano dice que planeaban matar a Evo. El Ciudadano (in spanish). 21/06/2008.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Quote:A Tale of Two Bolivias
Behind the Ongoing Gas Wars, a Geographic Rift Between Rich and Poor

By Teo Ballvé
2004 Narco News Authentic Journalism Scholar
August 27, 2004

Excerpt from the full article here:

Quote:During the “gas war,” the Youth Brigade in Santa Cruz along with the officially unaffiliated, ultra-rightwing Unión Juvenil Crucinista — another militant separatist youth group — violently repelled an approaching march of mostly indigenous protestors. Amid a hail of flying rocks and shouts of “Colla (highlanders) pieces of shit,” the marchers were unable to enter the city.

The first president of the extremist Unión Juvenil Crucinista, founded in 1957, was Carlos Valverde Barbery. He is currently the primary ideologue of Nación Camba — a kind of unofficial godfather of the movement. Valverde first achieved national prominence in the 1970s when the brutal regime of Gen. Hugo Banzer rewarded him with the appointment of Health Minister for his role in leading a paramilitary group supporting the military coup. Valverde believes the creation of two independent republics is “the only solution for the country.” And adds, “Why should we keep unity, if [the two regions] are so totally different? We have absolutely nothing in common on so many levels.”

Nación Camba first began to organize in response to massive land invasions and occupations in Santa Cruz carried out by the Bolivian Landless Movement (Movimiento Sin Tierra — MST) in 2000. Of all Bolivia’s departments, Santa Cruz continues to have the most unequal distribution of land. According to the government’s Institute of Agrarian Reform (INRA), only 25 landowners hold around 22 million hectares in Santa Cruz — almost 60 percent of the department’s total territory, nearly the size of the U.S. state of Montana.

Inaction on promises of land distribution by INRA and the recent arrest of MST leader Gabriel Pinto has led the MST to step up their land occupations. Many MST members are recent migrants from the altiplano, which inflames the conflict with ethnic and regional connotations by pitting landless, migrant indigenous campesinos from the altiplano against lowland, mestizo landowners.

At a ranch owned by Rafael Paz Hurtado, MST leaders directed authorities to a weapons cache they alleged belonged to paramilitary “self-defense” units hired by landowners to protect their lands from encroachment. Paz told authorities he had the rifles, automatic weapons and grenades to protect his farming equipment and animals. A press release by the local bloc of the MST firmly denounced the arms deposit: “Our country cannot stand for the proliferation of paramilitary movements at the command of landowners due to the voracity of transnationals and local oligarchic interests.”

To counter the growing presence and strength of the MST, Nación Camba has its own program for providing landless campesinos with a small plot of land. It has even managed to build a small base of support among new arrivals from the altiplano by offering parcels to those that join the ranks of Nación Camba. It also seeks to sway public opinion throughout the media luna region to its favor by functioning somewhat like a think tank, publishing articles, editorials and position papers.

Because Nación Camba’s proposed separation from Bolivia is presented as a vehicle for greater economic independence and prosperity, the movement has found a willing partner in—and built a strong alliance with—the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CAINCO). CAINCO president Zvonko Matkovic, for example, declared, “What we should do is simply and smoothly separate ourselves [from Bolivia].” The alliance between these two groups represents the urban, mestizo elite at the helm of the autonomy movement.

When asked what he thinks should be done to the “radical” (indigenous) movements Matkovic responded: “A heavy hand, a heavy hand. In any other country, people that go against the economy of the country, of the state, are people that are arrested and tried. That is what this government does not have the will to do.”

CAINCO represents about 1,500 companies operating in the region, and according to its mission statement it “serves to protect and defend the interest of its member companies,” among them, oil and gas companies. In fact, many of the international conglomerates with existing gas contracts in the region—Repsol-YPF, Petrobras, Enron—are members of CAINCO’s board of directors.

CAINCO enjoys generous funding from local and international organizations. It has a long established relationship with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The IDB’s Multilateral Investment Fund gave 1.3 million dollars to Bolivia’s Foundation for Business Development, of which CAINCO is one of four members.

The stated objective of the IDB loan is to “facilitate the entry into the formal economy of businesses located in Bolivia.” However, the category of “Awareness and Dissemination” in the loan accounts for an entire 21 percent of its total funds. The bulk of funds in this category finance a “communications campaign,” “printed materials,” “contracting the mass media” and “service promotion.”

Media has played a significant role in shaping public opinion on the gas issue, according to Bolivian political analyst Eduardo Gamarra in a risk assesment paper he wrote for the USAID agency: “An autonomous media-based opposition (oposición mediática) exerted an unusual degree of influence and was a significant source of conflict [in the gas dispute]. The media have indeed been extremely active and critical of government policy and also of … [indigenous] opposition groups.”

More striking, however, is that, according to documents released by the U.S. government under the Freedom of Information Act by Narco News journalism professor Jeremy Bigwood, CAINCO receives funds from the congressionally funded U.S.-based National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The NED has a controversial history of supporting groups in foreign countries hostile to governments that Washington deems unseemly. Earlier this year in Haiti, the NED contributed to the destabilization of the government of a democratically elected leader. The NED also gave funding to Súmate, a group whose sole purpose was to organize a recall referendum against twice-elected President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela.

In this case, the NED’s activities are seemingly business-oriented. CAINCO’s first ever NED grant came just in time for the July 18 gas referendum. CAINCO received the grant, totaling 128,285 dollars, on May 1. The stated purpose of the grant is to research and advocate for the modification of the federal law on “Contracts of Goods, Labor, General Services and Consulting,” which sets rules on purchases, bids and contracts. Gas exploration and exportation contracts, for instance.

According to the NED, the law needs changing because “the decree puts more emphasis on the private sector than on the public sector to reduce corruption at the same time that it does not guarantee bidders’ rights,” says the grant. And, says the NED, fighting corruption will make Bolivia more attractive to international investment.

The NED grant, among other things, is therefore helping CAINCO pave the way for private companies to obtain favorable government contracts and invest in the exploration and exportation of the region’s natural gas. Despite the pending hydrocarbons law still to be decided in congress to determine how the reserves should be developed, Matkovic firmly supported recent moves by President Mesa to prematurely begin selling gas to Argentina. And he did not fail to mention that he was worried by “pressures imposed by radicalized social sectors, looking for another upheaval in the country”—a veiled reference to altiplano groups.

Clearly, the gas issue has become the most divisive issue Bolivia has faced in decades. But the fallout from the gas war along with other recent and similar upheavals—the April 2000 Cochabamba “water war” and the February 2003 tax riots—are only symptoms of a more profound process currently underway. These insurrections have forced a nationwide evaluation of the gamut of neoliberal policies—market liberalization, privatization and the general dissolution of the state—carried out in recent decades.

The majority of the population in the altiplano, the part of the country most devastated and marginalized by these policies, is wholly rejecting the neoliberal economic model. Groups like CAINCO and Nación Camba—along with its offshoots—have recently gained prominence because they are directly contesting this blatant rejection, in some cases violently, because it is an economic system that continues to serve them particularly well as the landed elite and captains of industry.

Since they comprise a minority elite, these groups have manipulated and exploited prevalent threads of racism and regional divisions that have long-plagued Bolivian society. Much like the conservative movement of the United States, these groups have decided to maintain their economic hegemony by waging their battles in terms of culture rather than economics, because the latter would alienate their less affluent supporters.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Wrong, Jan.....
He is not Carlos Valverde Barbery, he is Carlos Valverde Bravo.

He is son of Carlos Valverde Barbery, one of the most well known rigth wing representative man. He (the father) found The Union Juvenil Cruceñista as an arm of the Santa Cruz Civic Comitee. But don't be wrong: What the official government propaganda avoid to say is that The Santa Cruz Civic Comitee it has also some well known left wing leaders president, as Jerjes Justiniano, one of main supporters of Morale's MAS party in Santa Cruz.

Other thing that Morales party avoid to say, is that the most infamous and notorius (nazi) members of the Union Juvenil Cruceñista ( the ones filmed hitting indigenous farmers with clubs), now belong to Morale's party, as Chichi Pérez and Mario Cronenbold. They has been recived in a big public ceremony made it by MAS to the media, so their are not longer criminals just because they join the Morale's MAS.

But right wing Carlos Valverde (Sr.) has been punished by destiny: Their two sons were known as left wing men since their where young, including the journalist Carlos Valverde Bravo (Jr). His other son has even recived training in urban and jungle guerrilla and political murder in Castro's Cuba. He is now an attourney at law (don't remember his name now).

The first journalist to celebrate Morale's first victory was Carlos Valverde (Jr) and he was one of most flattered journalist by MAS at that time: he invented the sentence: "How beautiful Democracy is", widely used by MAS party in his political propaganda.

But then the Morale's killings and frauds began he denounced them, and he becames one of the most hated journalists of Bolivia and discredited by MAS and his journalist allieds, including internal and external. But his sources has been proved to be right and seriuos most of the time in many capital events. He is critizised by the rude and plain language he uses, but no one has suited him by not sayin the truth.

MAS has been chasing him and pressing the media. That has lead to his work contract be resigned from PAT, one of the most biggest and well known TV network of Bolivia. Now his is still denouncing Morale's felonys fom a little TV network that has an agreement with him: that he take all personal responsability for what he show and say.

He has just presented a documentary film video about Morale's killings and felonys, named ¿que pasó? (what happened?).....

He is one of the voices that probably be shut up when Morale's win this sunday.
Ho, and about the "landowners"......
I see you are posting news that go to the times of Zvonko Matkovic. He has been authority a long time ago.

Actual reality is that most landowners has selled their land and the ones that remains are keeping 5000 Has. the most. But the fight was mostly not about land, but the physical situation of the land.

Let me explain: about just 50 years ago, Santa Cruz region was a territory in the middle of nothing, with no roads, no electricity, no services and no way to produce and carry goods to internal or external markets. So, landowners built roads and make most infraestructure to produce and export, with little or no participation of government in the big effort. It was a great success.

There is land for "colla" inmigrants (in fact, most of the land of Santa Cruz is gived to colla migrants (paynig political favours), but not the indigenous cambas, and that's the Camba Nation claims. The local indigenous where displaced from their land by colla indigenous. But colla indigenous want to take the land with services of roads and electricity, so they assault old oppositors farmers that make those services mostly by own effort.

The truth is that government is promoting those assaults, as a way to weaken resistance to them by local farmers, by taking away their economic support, placing "their" obedient farmers. Government do not give land to the "colla" farmers, but to UNIONs of colla farmers, under government control. So, if a colla farmer don't agree to obey government, he might be expelled from the community (UNION) because he is not the owner, but the union. He doesent have private property, so he have to obey OR ELSE.

As another step to archieve this goal (weaken resistance of local farmers), government has forbid the export of goods produced or quota them only by authorisation of government (authorisations that are frequently delayed by "burocracy"), weaken even more oppositor farmers. They even have great difficultyes to have loans from banks... Many of them has selled their land very cheap.

This problem is very complex and can take a lot of space in the forum. But maybe with this you can understand it a little more.
Senor Mundaca - does the biography and video below, relate to the Carlos Valverde Bravo whose material you want to post on DPF?

Quote:A Desmemoria: carlos valverde (with fine print)
Written by Jose Alvarez
Octubre 09, 2008

Now Carlos Valverde via their television aims to become the only pure voice of Bolivia, in the person that defiles the image of how many people would think and go through your mind, yet we know very well the Santa Cruz history, linked to the paramilitaries, drug traffickers, and the extreme right.

Quien Es? Quien Es? Que Hizo? He did? Cual es su entorno? What is your environment?
Jose Alvarez (21/10/2006 14:36)

What is your environment?

1) Paramilitary University Gabriel Rene Moreno (UAGRM 1976-1980) perternecía paramilitary group (RAF) led by the Vice Chancellor of University UAGRM (Walter Parada), armed wing of the Bolivian Socialist Falange (FSB), part of the extreme right , neo-ally of the dictator Hugo Banzer. Carlos Valverde, was the fiercest patedor Flogger and student autonomy, along with Sullivan Camba, Nando stop and Rommel Pantoja, all of them militants FSB.

2) Head of National Intelligence under President Jaime Paz Zamora (MIR? DNA):

a) Participated in the murder of businessman La Paz Londsdale

b) Case Narco Figurines, was involved in the case called Narcoestatuillas, along with Fernando (Nando) Cutuchi alias Gutierrez, who exported statues stuffed with cocaine, this drug dealer had an intelligence department credential signed by Carlos Valverde Bravo, this fact caused who retired from office in the interior, it stopped and that the United States Embassy will remove the entry visa to that country. (Case commented by press time)

3) most closely related to Drug Trafficking: His father was loved NALLAR (brother-Razuk Widen, drug traffickers and former prefect of Banzer, disappeared by the Colombian mafia). NALLAR, fue el segundo hombre del narcotráfico después de Roberto Suarez (El Rey de la Cocaina), NALLAR, falleció hace unos años. Nall was the second man after drug Roberto Suarez (The King of Cocaine), Nall, died some years ago.

4) Visitas a la Estancia Perseverancia: 4) Visits to the Farm Perseverance: At 20-odd years Carlos Valverde, while still in love with Cinthia Nallar (his wife), daughter of Amado Nallar (1980 -1981), a frequent visitor to stay Narcotraficante PERSEVERANCE, property NALLAR and main manufacturing hub for cocaine in the department of Santa Cruz.

5) Jorge Nallar, The Cuñado Paramilitary: Your brother George Nallar Razuk, is the most known paramilitary Bolivia today lives in San Javier (Departamento de Santa Cruz), is known for the abuses against peasants and his humblest links with neo-Nazi groups, the Comité Pro-Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Youth Union. There are classified reports that his wealth is hidden in the weapons they have entered the country clandestinely, in order to overthrow the government of Evo Morales. Jorge Nallar, the brother-in-law of Carlos Valverde, is a man hired by the DEA and by the intelligence services of Bolivia, as extremely dangerous man

6) Carlos Investigator: Currently has a research agency dedicated to chasing and photographing unfaithful husbands and wives to initiate divorce proceedings then.

This is the fine print of the story of Carlos Valverde Bravo and its surroundings, the fine print that is known for the Santa Cruz who are now between 40 and 55 years and should again be remembered as the era of drug traffickers, dollars, whiskey, the band and display, we destroy our values and ashamed to Santa Cruz.

Now Carlos Valverde via their television aims to become the only pure voice of Bolivia, in the person that defiles the image of how many people would think and go through your mind, yet we know very well the Santa Cruz history, linked to the paramilitaries, drug traffickers, and the extreme right.

Is it possible that we have to stand and listen to this character in his youth left him and other fascistic have fun beating up humble citizens of the interior (Collas)

Última actualización ( Octubre 09, 2008 ) Last Updated (October 09, 2008)
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
That's exactly what I mean by "government chasing and discredit" of Carlos Valverde.

You know Jan, Santa Cruz is not a big town. We know the background of each other, because 20 or 30 years back in time, we were a little population.

1.- FALSE. I was studyng in the Gabriel René Moreno University by the time Carlos Valverde was. He is older than me, but I saw a time of extreme violence carried by leftist and rigthist (both) for the control of University. We were there in the middle, trying to finish our careers while rocks and figths was all around. I saw Rommel Pantoja in the front of the right wing, but I dind't see Valverde anywhere.
In the University everybody was expecting some actions from him (due to his father background), but some people begin to call him " little radish", because his "red" ideas. He was not bold at that time, but with a kind of "afro" hair and scarce beard.

2.- He work in intelligence department during DEMOCRATIC government of Jaime Paz Zamora (MIR meaning= Revolutionary Leftist Movment or Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria)= centrist left ("traitors" for the extreme left). That's not a felony, isn't it ?......

3.- Businessman Jorge Lonsdale was kidnapped by CNPZ leftist gerrillas, who wanted big money for his release. Intelligence police locate the building and quietly surrounded it. But the gerrilleros saw the police and opened fire against them and killed Lonsdale too. Why this people are trying to charge the responsability of that death to Carlos Valverde?...because he was working in the intelligence police department, behind a desk?...strange...

4.-In the case of narco figurines: Valverde know his name released in press linked to this case. He went by himself to Santa Cruz Police asking to be investigated, but Santa Cruz has no charges against him and released him. So he went to La Paz Police Department. There was caught in jail many months for "investigation", but latter he was released because lack of evidence or links with the case. I remember it because was a big scandal and his attourney want to release him imediatly, but he denied to place any judicial claim until police was satisfied. USA visa is automatically removed to ANY person (guilty or not) that has any trouble or even named in relation to traffic.

5.- I don't now his wife links or his wife's family links with traffiking, because I don't know his wife, so I can't say if is true or false about HER, beeing the DAUGTHER of a trafiker.

About his brother-in-law Jorge Nallar: that's another strange "information": How can he abuse humble peasants and can exists "clasified reports"¿? of "hidden clandestine weapons" to overthrow Morale's government..?.. Why then, police has done NOTHING against him, if for much less than that ( a dispute for a piece of land with "humble" colla assaultants), a farmer was recently kidnapped from Santa Cruz by Morale's police special force and carry to La Paz to be judge against the law?... with government Prosecutor and Judge, of course......?... when they where kidnapping him, a tv channel filmed them, so they turn against TV cameras, destroy it and shot with automatic weapons the TV news vehicle...
Is not the only case: many other citizens, farmers and oppositors have been kidnapped from Santa Cruz and other places and illegaly carried to La Paz, to be prosecuted by Morale's Prosecutor and Morale's Judge... Why they don't do the same with a man that have hidden arsenals?.....

About "he has fun beating humble citizens of interior (collas)": The one most active denouncing and releasing videos of collas been beaten (by the facists that now are with Morale's MAS, Chichi Pérez an others) was... Valverde.Big Grin

I don't like to be anybody's defendant, but when I saw "José Alvarez's" ¿? defamatory writing, I can't stay silent.

(By the way: the picture of Valverde with Hitler's moustaches painted says all about the nature of the "Jose Alvarez" lampoon.)

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