18-12-2009, 06:03 AM
"What Happened to JFK--and Why it Matters Today" (Portland, 12 December 2009; two hour video)
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NOTE: I have noticed a couple of small glitches--"Harvard" when I meant "Dartmouth" and "1964" vice
"1994"--but the only important points are (i) the absence of discussion about a photo of Lucien Conein
and of other CIA agents in Dealey Plaza and (ii) misstating the name of the person who I believe fired
the shot that entered the right temple, an Air Force expert named "Jack Lawrence", not "(Jim) Lewis",
who has been traveling around the South firing bullets through junked cars at dummies in the back. I
think (i) was lost due to a tape change, but the most important part of what is missing can be found
in "Revisiting Dealey Plaza: What Happened to JFK?", which is archived at jamesfetzer.blogspot.com.
"Critical Thinking about Conspiracy Theories" (Portland, 11 December 2009; two hour video)
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NOTE: I have noticed a couple of small glitches--"Harvard" when I meant "Dartmouth" and "1964" vice
"1994"--but the only important points are (i) the absence of discussion about a photo of Lucien Conein
and of other CIA agents in Dealey Plaza and (ii) misstating the name of the person who I believe fired
the shot that entered the right temple, an Air Force expert named "Jack Lawrence", not "(Jim) Lewis",
who has been traveling around the South firing bullets through junked cars at dummies in the back. I
think (i) was lost due to a tape change, but the most important part of what is missing can be found
in "Revisiting Dealey Plaza: What Happened to JFK?", which is archived at jamesfetzer.blogspot.com.
"Critical Thinking about Conspiracy Theories" (Portland, 11 December 2009; two hour video)
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