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Nigerian Plane Underpants Bomber - Mind Control Suspect? LIHOP?
Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, December 27, 2009

A passenger who boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in Amsterdam with attempted plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab says the would-be terrorist had no passport and was aided by a sharp-dressed man who claimed Mutallab was a Sudanese refugee, just one of a plethora of startling inconsistencies surrounding an incident that has led to ramped up security and increased levels of harassment in airports.

Every single fact that has come to light since the attempted bombing on Christmas Day directly indicates that the bomber was deliberately allowed to board the plane and that his attack would have succeeded if not for the alert and brave reactions of the passengers and flight crew.

According to Kurt Haskell, an attorney with the Haskell Law Firm in Taylor, Michigan, “He and his wife were sitting on the ground near their boarding gate in Amsterdam, which is when they saw Mutallab approach the gate with an unidentified man.”

Mutallab was a poorly dressed, young looking individual, but he was accompanied by a man in an expensive suit, Haskell told

“He says the suited man asked ticket agents whether Mutallab could board without a passport. “The guy said, ‘He’s from Sudan and we do this all the time.’”

Although Mutallab is Nigerian, Haskell said the well-dressed man portrayed him as a desperate Sudanese refugee in an attempt to elicit sympathy and as a way of bypassing his lack of documents.

“The ticket agent referred Mutallab and his companion to her manager down the hall, and Haskell didn’t see Mutallab again until after he allegedly tried to detonate an explosive on the plane,” states the report.

Crucially, Haskell said that after the plane landed he saw another man being taken into custody by the FBI along with Mutallab. However, the FBI later said that Mutallab was the only individual taken into custody.

Were the feds retrieving their own agent, the sharp dressed man who ensured that Mutallab boarded the plane despite his overwhelmingly suspicious circumstances?

Mutallab was a known security threat who was on the terror watch list. He is barred from entering Britain after being refused a new visa due to applying for a fake university course. Separate reports said that he did hold a valid visa, which begs the question, how can someone on a terror watch list be allowed to fly?

“On the one hand, it seems he’s been on the terror watch list but not on the no-fly list,” he said. “That doesn’t square because the American Department for Homeland Security has pretty stringent data-mining capability. I don’t understand how he had a valid visa if he was known on the terror watch list,” Dr Magnus Ranstorp of the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies told the London Independent.

It has also been revealed that Mutallab’s father contacted U.S. intelligence officials a month ago and warned them that his son was a threat, but nothing was done.

The bomber’s father, Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, was a a former minister and chairman of First Bank in Nigeria. The bomber does not fit the image of a disgruntled, rag-tag terrorist. His considerable wealth allowed him to live in luxury at an imposing London mansion.

As a result of the failed attack, new security directives have been introduced for anyone traveling into America. Intense body and hand-luggage searches and sniffer dogs have been beefed up at departure gates and passengers have been ordered not to stand during the final hour of the flight and are not allowed access to any of their hand luggage during the final hour.

However, if you’re a suspicious looking man on a terror watch list with no passport carrying explosives, you should breeze through security with no questions asked, just be sure to have a sharp-dressed man with you at all times.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
They do these stunts periodically as excuses
to tighten the grip on airline "security" and to
focus on "new" terrorist "enemies".

Jack White Wrote:They do these stunts periodically as excuses
to tighten the grip on airline "security" and to
focus on "new" terrorist "enemies".


Thanks Jack!, Would 'They' have any relationship to the the 'they' who are often referred to as in: "they" assembled all the the operatives into Dealey Plaza to have their photos taken - or "they" have kept anyone who tells the truth about 911 from speaking or returning from Argentina?...etc.? [Just trying to ID the provenance of 'they', as in 'them' - as opposed to us. :flowers: Happy New Year to you young man - for all your good work on the above and more....!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Peter Lemkin Wrote:
Jack White Wrote:They do these stunts periodically as excuses
to tighten the grip on airline "security" and to
focus on "new" terrorist "enemies".


Thanks Jack!, Would 'They' have any relationship to the the 'they' who are often referred to as in: "they" assembled all the the operatives into Dealey Plaza to have their photos taken - or "they" have kept anyone who tells the truth about 911 from speaking or returning from Argentina?...etc.? [Just trying to ID the provenance of 'they', as in 'them' - as opposed to us. :flowers: Happy New Year to you young man - for all your good work on the above and more....!

An oldie from the internet, but still valid:

Who is They?

When I make statements like; “they that really run the country” or “they that are really pulling the strings”, I always hear rather sarcastically, “who are they?” Must be one of those Conspiracy Nuts! Oh the illuminati….. etc., etc.,

So you want, names?

Let me ask you something first. Do you really think George W. Bush was doing all the thinking behind the wars, the police state and the running of this country? Do you really think he was making all the decisions? Are you so naive to believe that “he” is the sole responsibility for our national crisis? This is exactly what the Democrats would like you to believe! Because then the solution is rather simple… just vote left!

If you believe that then you are exactly where they want you- blaming the opposing political party for all the wrongs so that the solution is always, just vote for the other side next time. That will fix it!

Well sorry but George W. was not the one calling the shots! and Obama your Savior will not call them either!

When your president stands up in front of the country giving a speech- do you think he spent all night writing it? Or do you realize someone else wrote it? Most likely many different “experts” contributed to his speech. I don’t think there is much disagreement here right?

Well, “they” that are telling him what to say and what not to say (in “his” speech) are a big part of “THEY”!

When a football team comes out of the huddle and commits terrible plays again and again do you believe it is solely the quarterback’s fault? Do you think the quarterback is calling all the plays? I think everyone these days realizes that these plays are orchestrated by the coaches and not solely by the quarterback. Well George W is kind of like the quarterback. His administration is a big part of the shot callers. His administration is a big part of THEY -but not entirely.

Follow the money and you will be closer to they! They is: those that are making all the money whenever there is a crisis, war, etc., Big Oil leaders (no I don’t know each of their personal names), Weapon Manufacturer leaders, Pharmaceutical Corp leaders, Mainstream Media leaders, Technology Corporation leaders (those that are leading the way in government spy programs, surveillance and technology etc.,), and many others…

Here is an example: We all know how Big Oil has been raking in hundreds of billions of dollars in profits for quite a long time, especially since the recent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Without the taxpayer funding the many wars and invasions of oil rich countries however (and the countries in which the Oil Pipelines flow through), these Corporations would be profiting a lot less. So it should be obvious that these Big Oil “leaders” have a big say so in this area of politics. And I would bet my ass that they are passing on perks to their buddies -the politicians and lobbyists who bend over for them, to make sure they get control of the Oil in these regions. Politicians are heavily invested in these Corporations stocks of course. They all profit!

Think about this: The Weapon Manufacturing Corporations are making billions of dollars from the many wars and invasions going on across the globe. War is Big Profit! Their stocks of course are on the rise and their shareholders are profiting. Well what if the wars and invasions stopped? I think it would be safe to assume that their stocks would be affected as well. This is why war must go on!

Can you imagine Weapon Manufacturers going under? Don’t you think government politicians have loads of stocks and perks in these corporations? Do you think that these government politicians would allow their stocks to go under with these corporations or do you think that they would rather make sure that wars and invasions are plentiful?
Remember, these are greedy politicians who we all know LIE for a living. These are not decent minded everyday folks that we are talking about here!

The Defense business (more appropriately OFFENSE business) is big money and there are way too many leaders benefitting financially from it to let it die down even a little. Therefore there will ALWAYS be wars and invasions. They will not allow the contrary!

The Pharmaceutical Industry: First off, can you think of ONE medication that doesn’t have negative side effects? Can you think of ONE medication that has ever cured anyone? You can’t because there isn’t one! NOT ONE! Yet almost every commercial you see on Mainstream Media is promoting these toxic drugs. These drugs are killing people yet it goes on. Why isn’t government doing something about this? Why aren’t they protecting us from the toxic drugs that do not cure or help us? Because the Pharmaceutical Industry is also a big part of they! There is a whole lot of money behind them, and Politicians profit tremendously from their drugs and propaganda.

They pay scientists to arrive at certain conclusions about their drugs being safe and effective and then later after billions of dollars in profits has been made, we find out about the thousands of people that were negatively affected by them or even died. Most of the time however we never find out the truth!

I could go on and on but I think you get my point. Now I don’t claim to know the details in whether these guys all sit around a table and discuss their evil plans in a secret room or something. I don’t claim to know much at all about how they do it or anything like that, but I think it is quite clear that there is a lot of pull by them in how a whole lot of things are done. And if you follow the money trail I think you can see who is behind it to a large degree.

I think also that if you turn off your TV you will see a whole lot clearer too. TV (Mainstream Media) gives you a one sided schooling on what is going on. Mainstream Media is obviously a big part of THEY! This is how they get away with their scamming of America. When THEY want your support for something, or for you to believe a certain way they simply feed it to you through Mainstream Media.

And when you hear something over and over, even those that know better start to believe!

Mainstream Media is used to promote Fear and then show you the Government Solution that will keep you safe and cozy. The solution is created first and then the problem is promoted and played over and over until you are desperate for their help. See how fast thousands of pages of the Patriot Act was put in place immediately following 911? The Patriot Act was all ready to go long BEFORE 911. They were waiting for the New Pearl Harbor to arrive so that they could lay it on us. And this fact is well documented if you care to investigate.

Mainstream Media is also why we are stuck with the Two Party System which I would argue is ONE AND THE SAME!

If they weren’t One and the Same, why is it that the Democrats were voted into Congress last year to stop the War, bring the troops home, impeach Bush (or at least restrain him), and a whole lot of other things that NEVER HAPPENED? Why did they bend over backwards giving the Bush Administration everything they asked for? Oh no, the Democrats are different! They care about the People! Really?

The Bush Administration and the Right Wing Propaganda Machine are responsible for murdering a million Iraqis who they even now finally admit had NOTHING TO DO WITH 911 OR ALQUEDA OR WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION! Yet we are still there murdering Iraqis and the Democrats have approved it all giving them Billions of our hard earned tax dollars! Or is it Trillions? Have the Democrats done anything they said they would do? Have they really even tried?

And Obama your Savior? Well he claims he will end the Occupation of Iraq, but merely move the troops (and a whole lot more too) over to Afghanistan to murder Afghanis who also had NOTHING to do with 911!

Personally I think you Democrats are really lying to yourselves, simply wishing this wasn’t all true! Deep inside though I think you know? Is it pride that keeps you from breaking ties for something better?

And who do you think it is that actually picks the candidates that are given to you to choose between anyways? Hint: they do! Why is it that Third Party Candidates are not allowed in the debates? Yea, it’s because they didn’t receive enough votes’ right? Well how can they when the Mainstream Media won’t give them any coverage? This is part of their scam! They keep these candidates and their ideas hidden from you!

And to prove this; does anyone out there even know who the third party candidates were? Id bet not many! Do you even know the names of the third party organizations? Again I doubt if many do! What do these parties believe and stand for? You don’t know because Mainstream Media won’t give them the time of day. And this is what the Media should be doing. It’s their job. Or it used to be anyway. If they did their job then there would be equal time for all the political parties and we could even have a legitimate Democracy. You know, that democracy that we are trying to force on Iraq and the rest of the world!

So I hope now you can see who and what I mean by THEY. How many of them are there? How do they plot their evil schemes? Where do they organize? I don’t know! But one thing for sure… they exist , and I refuse to be a part of their scam! How about you?
Jack White Wrote:An oldie from the internet, but still valid:

Who is They?

When I make statements like; “they that really run the country” or “they that are really pulling the strings”, I always hear rather sarcastically, “who are they?” Must be one of those Conspiracy Nuts! Oh the illuminati….. etc., etc.,

So you want, names? ...

Nice summary Jack! You're on a roll.
Magda Hassan Wrote:I find all the timing suspect. A nice diversion from the US involvement in Yemen.

I think you're right Maggie. It's a new New Year. Now that they're done urging us to give money to our corporate masters for christmas, they'll justify the tax money they're about to shovel to the war for profit machine. And since they also want to distract us from the health care "reform" flim flam, guess it's time to trot out the ol' bogeyman.

Well Göring said it best. I know we're all familiar with this gem:

"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

...The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
I just heard on the TV news a general saying that
Yemen is a big threat to our security, and we are
going to have to invade them.

Once it took attacking the WTC. Now all it takes
is a guy with bad underwear.

What they really need to do is bomb Britain.
Crime Reporter
Published: Today

COPS fear that 25 British-born Muslims are plotting to bomb Western airliners.

The fanatics, in five groups, are now training at secret terror camps in Yemen.
It was there London-educated Umar Abdulmutallab, 23, prepared for his Christmas Day bid to blow up a US jet.
The British extremists in Yemen are in their early 20s and from Bradford, Luton and Leytonstone, East London.
They are due to return to the UK early in 2010 and will then await internet instructions from al-Qaeda on when to strike.
A Scotland Yard source said: "The great fear is Abdulmutallab is the first of many ready to attack planes and kill tens of thousands.
"We know there are four or five radicalised British Muslim cells in the Yemen.
"They are due back within months when they will be under constant surveillance."
The 25 suspects, of Pakistani and Somali descent, were radicalised in UK mosques.
Some had been to university and studied engineering or computer sciences.
Others were former street gang members.
Special Branch monitored them as they flew to Yemen, in the Middle East, from British airports in the spring and summer.
In almost every case, their tickets were paid for in cash and bought less than a week before travel.
The source added: "Imams would have promised them rewards in heaven for becoming suicide bombers prepared to kill Westerners."
PM Gordon Brown and Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson were being briefed.
The warnings came as another Nigerian was last night held in Detroit on the same flight attacked on Christmas Day. It later emerged the man had fallen ill.
Al-Qaeda in Yemen warned the West four days before Friday's attack that a bombing was imminent.
Terrorist Mohammed al-Kalwi issued the video threat in the wake of a Yemeni airstrike on a militant training camp.
Al-Kalwi was reportedly killed in another airstrike on Thursday.
President Barack Obama's administration is to review all airport security.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Jack White Wrote:I just heard on the TV news a general saying that
Yemen is a big threat to our security, and we are
going to have to invade them.

Once it took attacking the WTC. Now all it takes
is a guy with bad underwear.


The question is....what do they want from Yemen (assuming they want to invade and occupy)? Just control?
Interesting question. In fact, Yemen is going to be the first country to run out of oil in the Middle East [very soon, in fact] and has all but run out of water for its growing population. But look on a map - it makes a wonderful location for a strategic new base. And besides, killing Yemenies makes the usual people just as rich as killing anyone else. What made me sick was O-bomb-A's statement that we'd hunt down anyone who wanted to kill innocent women and children etc. Don't we do that everyday in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and even did the other day in Yemen BEFORE this happened?.......Part of being an Empire is to not care about people or logic or ethics - only money and power, money and power. And thanatose is the best way to get there for them [Jack's them].
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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