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MissSovComm laundered funds from Draper to Weyher
Hmmm... why would Harry Weyher receive the proceeds laundered through the Mississippi Sov Comm from Draper his fearless leader at The Pioneer Fund and in June of 1965 no less? More later.|1|50529||1|112453||1|112460||1|112462|
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Mississippi Sovereignty Commission .. Because the Past is the Present, and the Future too.

The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission was a secret state police force operating from 1956 to 1977 to suppress the civil rights movement and maintain segregation. The commission harassed and branded many as communist infiltrators via agents who were retired FBI, CIA and military intelligence. No one was safe in Mississsippi.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Mississippi & JFK: Links

John Bevilaqua has been investigating the Kennedy assassination and Wickliffe P. Draper for almost 20 years. He offered some interesting observations in Dec. 09 on, including the following ...

"Sam Crutchfield was also the attorney of record for the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission during the period when Wickliffe P. Draper provided secretive funding to the MSC using his J. P. Morgan trust fund account as documented by recent Pulitzer Prize winning author, Doug Blackmon in a Wall Street Journal article published on June 11, 1999.

"Three of the four major funds transfers from Draper to the MSC occurred either right after the assassination of Medgar Evers, Jr., in Mississippi in June 1963, just before the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, in Mobile, Alabama, in September of 1963, killing several choir girls, or just before the murders of the Freedom Riders: Chaney, Schwerner and Goodman in Philadelphia, Mississippi in June of 1964.

"Draper was linked to the Medgar Evers, Jr. murder via Senator James Eastland, from Mississippi, who headed up the Draper Genetics Committee for the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee. Evers' killer was KKK and NSRP member, Byron DeLa Beckwith, who was visited often in jail after he was arrested for the murder of Medgar Evers, Jr. by Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker who had organized and led the riots at Ole Miss when James Meredith attempted to enroll there as the first Afro-American student.

"Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker was specifically named by Jack Ruby, who shot Lee Harvey Oswald, in his Warren Commission testimony as being directly involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

"Byron DeLa Beckwith whose middle name was only one word and pronounced like "delay" and not like "day-lah" was also a close friend of Joseph A. Milteer a racist leader in both the KKK and The National States Rights Party (NSRP), who predicted the exact way that JFK would meet his ultimate demise a few weeks before the assassination actually occurred: "...from a tall building with a high-powered rifle."

"This statement was made by Milteer and secretly tape recorded by Willie Somersett, an informant for the City of Miami Police Intelligence Division. This intelligence gathering incident was arranged by Lt. Gracey Lockhart from that department while Somersett and Milteer were attending a Congress of Freedom convention in Indiana.

"The Congress of Freedom was started in the early 1950's by Willis A. Carto with financial support from Wickliffe P. Draper. Conventions of the COF featured rabble-rousing, hate filled and vitriolic anti-Kennedy speeches made by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver who was later referred to in the novel, The Manchurian Candidate, by Richard Condon in 1959. Some of his bombastic, vindictive and hate filled tape recorded anti-Kennedy speeches can be heard at this white supremacist website:"
* * * * *

Here are some Mississippi Sovereignty Commission files that support some of what this well-known (and controversial) JFK assassination scholar says:|1|50529||1|112453||1|112453||1|112460||1|112462|

These links and others were used to support what I wrote in Where Rebels Roost:

Both researchers (Tucker and Blackmon) met by coincidence in Jackson, Miss. while looking into boxes of Sovereignty Commission files newly released to the public.

“Blackmon was the only national reporter that I know of who seemed interested in Draper,” Tucker said.

Blackmon, searching for bottom line information, and after looking through the treasure trove of ledgers, invoices and correspondence recording the commission’s finances, reported that

"[R]ecords show large transfers of money by Morgan on behalf of a client who turns out be a wealthy and reclusive New Yorker named Wycliffe Preston Draper. Mr. Draper used his private banker to transfer nearly $215,00 in stock and cash to the Sovereignty Commission for use in its fight against the Civil Rights Act. The entire budget for the effort amounted to about $300,000.

"Adjusted for inflation, Mr. Draper's contributions would be worth more than $1.1 million today. The Sovereignty Commission files do more than simply document one man's role. They show that some of the most virulent resistance to civil-rights progres in the 1960s was supported and funded from the North, not just the South. The files also highlight the ethical issues that confront an institution like Morgan Guaranty, the private-banking unit of J. P Morgan & Co., when it is drawn, even unwittingly, into a client's support for repugnant causes.

"When Mr. Draper died in 1972, Morgan was an executor of his estate, overseeing distributions totaling about $5 million to two race-oriented foundations. The primary beneficiary was the Pioneer Fund, an organization Mr. Draper helped found and which became known in recent years for funding research cited in "The Bell Curve," a book arguing that blacks are genetically inclined to be less intelligent than whites or Asians. In his will, Mr. Draper instructed that after his death, the Pioneer Fund use Morgan for financial advice; the fund did so for two decades.xxv

"Embedded within Sovereignty Commission files was a note to Erle Johnston regarding a phone call from Satterfield, and instructing Johnston to send a telegram to “Mr. Rossiter” in the Trust Department of Morgan Guaranty in New York. “Satterfield had a call from Draper’s attorney Weyher about the telegram” regarding stock transfers and sales, and “the banks need to be advised what action to take.”xxvi

"Most of the money supporting Mississippi’s fight against the 1964 Civil Rights Act, so it turned out, came from outside of Mississippi, from a Northern neo-Nazi, racist “philanthropist” with a focused racist agenda.xxvi

"Satterfield and others used these funds for putting together an impressive marketing campaign that emphasized a mix of speeches, publicity, direct mail, newspaper advertising, radio and television advertising, ghostwritten editorials and pres releases."
* * * * *

Spending a little more time, lately, I found some more interesting files that relate to these topics... focusing on Satterfield, who died on 5 May 1981 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Satterfield headed the Mississippi Bar and for two terms headed the National Bar Association.|1|1|5404||1|50514||1|75424||1|80446||1|81020||1|83072|
Posted by Susan at 8:37 PM
Labels: asesinato de JFK, civil rights history, Eastland, James O. Eastland, JFK, JFK assassination, John Dulles, Mississippi history, Mississippi Sovereignty Commission
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Hmmm... why would Harry Weyher receive the proceeds laundered through the Mississippi Sov Comm from Draper his fearless leader at The Pioneer Fund and in June of 1965 no less? More later.|70|0|105|1|1|1|50529||15|0|15|2|1|1|112453||15|0|17|2|1|1|112460||15|0|17|3|1|1|112462|
So, these payments (part payments?) are for 'services rendered' in the murder of Medgar Evers? Grease to stop the wheels of intergration from moving forward?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
The payments you refer to happened between the Summer of 1963 when Evers was killed, through the Summer of 1964 when the Freedom Riders were murdered (Total of $255,000). This payment in the Summer of 1965 was just a continuation payment for whatever anti-Civil Rights campaign was ongoing then since the last payments had bought Draper and Eastland something of value to them at that time.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
Thought I would throw this in here.Are things still "STINKY" in good old Mississippi??????:flute:

Civil Rights Hero to Begin Serving Prison Sentence

Wayne Drash

(Jan. 4) -- Bobby DeLaughter, the prosecutor who secured the conviction in the infamous Medgar Evers Mississippi murder case, is himself now headed to prison.

It was DeLaughter's dogged 1994 prosecution and the subsequent conviction of Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith that helped trigger the reopening of dozens of civil rights cold cases.

DeLaughter became an instant hero of the civil rights movement. Alec Baldwin portrayed him in the 1996 movie, "Ghosts of Mississippi," and his closing statement was once dubbed one of the greatest closing arguments in modern law.

"Is it ever too late to do the right thing?" DeLaughter told the jury of eight blacks and four whites. "For the sake of justice and the hope of us as a civilized society, I sincerely hope and pray that it's not."

DeLaughter would go on to become a state judge in 2002. His years in the robe came to an end in 2009, when DeLaughter pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice for lying to an FBI agent in a far-reaching corruption probe that has rocked Mississippi's judicial system.

When DeLaughter was sentenced in November, Byron De La Beckwith's son sat in the chamber wearing a Confederate flag pin on his red blazer. His father had also worn a Confederate pin during the 1994 trial.

DeLaughter is to begin serving his 18-month prison sentence today at a facility in Kentucky.

"The man has now been destroyed, politically and economically. It's that serious," said Charles Evers, the brother of Medgar Evers.

He said he is trying to raise money to help pay DeLaughter's expenses while he's in prison. "What can we do but fight for a man who fought for us?" he said. "I want DeLaughter to know I'm behind him 100 percent."

DeLaughter's attorney, Tom Durkin, refused CNN's request to speak to the prosecutor-turned-judge ahead of his incarceration.

"Bobby DeLaughter remains a civil rights hero, and nothing is going to tarnish that," Durkin said. "The penalty he's paying is enormous, and I think it's sad and unfortunate. But that's simply the way it is."

Over the past month, CNN spoke with more than a dozen lawyers in Mississippi about DeLaughter's fall from grace. They paint a picture of an ambitious man with a brilliant legal mind who ran afoul of the law -- of friends betraying friends and of big-time money corrupting the system. Some take delight in his downfall; others call it a tragedy that has stained the legal community.

In the end, the lawyers said, DeLaughter trusted one man too much: his mentor, Ed Peters, who exploited their friendship and then turned on DeLaughter to avoid prison.

"This is a Shakespearean tragedy in the sense that a person falls from grace due to their own character defects -- in this case, misplaced trust in a friend and, perhaps, some combination of ambition and hubris," said Matt Steffey, a law professor at Mississippi College School of Law.

The story of DeLaughter going from civil rights hero to convicted felon is complicated, involving years of contentious litigation in his courtroom.

At the heart of the case is Dickie Scruggs, a high-powered lawyer who made tens of millions of dollars in tobacco and asbestos litigation. Scruggs is the brother-in-law of former Sen. Trent Lott and is now serving seven years in prison for trying to influence Mississippi judges, including DeLaughter.

According to prosecutors, Scruggs wanted to get to DeLaughter through his mentor, Peters, to try to influence DeLaughter's ruling in a high-stakes case, potentially worth $15 million. Peters received $1 million in illicit payments as compensation for his actions, prosecutors say. Peters was granted immunity in exchange for his cooperation.

"Mississippi would like to shake its image of being tied to civil rights crimes and the good ole boy network, and we see these two things overlap here," Steffey said.

"It's enormously unfortunate for a person like Judge DeLaughter who, at the very least, accomplished heroic things with bringing Byron De La Beckwith to justice. And it's tragic for the people of Mississippi -- that the end story here is that he is a corrupt judge in prison."

DeLaughter has denied taking any money in the case or that he was improperly influenced. In his guilty plea, he admits to only obstruction of justice; the more serious charges of involvement in a bribery scheme and mail fraud conspiracy were dismissed as part of the deal.

"To me, he is a tragic figure because he had a good career and he threw it away," said attorney Bill Kirksey. "He became an embarrassment to the legal community, to the judicial community and, I would hope, to himself."

Kirksey has an ax to grind with DeLaughter. He was one of the attorneys representing the client who stood to gain millions in the case at hand.

Kirksey and DeLaughter also trained under the same attorney several decades ago; Kirksey believes DeLaughter turned his back on everything they learned.

"Bobby DeLaughter betrayed every single oath he ever took. He betrayed the whole system of justice that we live by," Kirksey said.

"You measure a man by the whole of his life, not part of it. When the measure of the man is that he's dishonest in the end, then you have to wonder why he did anything in the beginning."

Merrida Coxwell was one of two lawyers who represented De La Beckwith in the 1994 trial. He has known DeLaughter for three decades, first as a defense attorney, then a prosecutor and finally as a judge.

"Quite frankly, I thought he was a very moderate, straight-down-the-line judge," he said.

He was shocked when allegations first surfaced. For a judge to be caught up in such a scandal, Coxwell said, is unfathomable. "If you can't have justice inside the justice system, then it's no good at all."

Morris Dees, the co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center, represented Myrlie Evers, the widow of Medgar Evers -- the NAACP leader who was gunned down in his driveway on June 12, 1963.

He says only one man had the guts to seek prosecution in the case when two previous trials years before ended without convictions.

"If Bobby DeLaughter hadn't been around, it would never have happened. I can guarantee you that," Dees said. "It was the first modern-day prosecution of one of these old civil-rights-era murders, and it resulted in the prosecution and convictions of a large number later."

DeLaughter's bravery in seeking justice in the Evers case, Dees said, makes it tough to swallow his more recent failings as a judge. "Certainly, when a judge is put in prison and pleads guilty," Dees said, "it certainly tarnishes his legal and judicial reputation."

Charles Evers said he will continue fighting for the man who fought so valiantly for his brother. "We will do whatever's necessary to help him get over his dilemma, and I'll say that over and over again."

Evers blasted prosecutors for offering immunity to Ed Peters, DeLaughter's mentor who avoided jail time even though he was the one accepting illicit payments. "The man who squealed on him should be going to jail," Evers said.

"I hope that some day justice will be fair and equal. ... It's not fair and equal in this case."

© 2009 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Magda Hassan Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:Hmmm... why would Harry Weyher receive the proceeds laundered through the Mississippi Sov Comm from Draper his fearless leader at The Pioneer Fund and in June of 1965 no less? More later.|70|0|105|1|1|1|50529||15|0|15|2|1|1|112453||15|0|17|2|1|1|112460||15|0|17|3|1|1|112462|
So, these payments (part payments?) are for 'services rendered' in the murder of Medgar Evers? Grease to stop the wheels of intergration from moving forward?

A few names that can be found in the files (or could a few years ago):

Hunt, Lamar
Hunt, H.L.
Ferrie, David W.
Surrey, Robert - Warren Commission conducted an investigation into the
circumstances surrounding "the appearance of the 'Wanted for Treason'
handbill on the streets of Dallas 1 to 2 days before President Kennedy's
arrival. These handbills bore a reproduction of a front and profile
photograph of the President and set forth a series of inflammatory charges
against him. Efforts to locate the author and the lithography printer of the
handbill at first met with evasive responses and refusals to furnish
information. Robert A. Surrey was eventually identified as the author of the
handbill. Surrey, a 38-year old printing salesman employed by Johnson
Printing Co. of Dallas, Tex. has been closely associated with General [Edwin
A.] Walker for several years in his political and business activities."
(Warren Commision Report, GPO edition, p. 298)
A Federal Bureau of Investigation monograph, dated June, 1965, on the
American Nazi Party (ANP) of George Lincoln Rockwell reports the following
concerning the organization of the ANP in Texas:

There are reportedly two ANP groups operating in Dallas, Texas. One,
headed by a printing salesman named Robert A. Surrey, is made up of people
who do not want their affiliation with the ANP to become publicly known. It
is alleged that about 30 persons attend weekly meetings of this group in
Surrey's home. The other group, whose meetings reportedly are attended by
four persons, is headed by Jerald Thomas Walraven and openly participates in
various demonstrations. Surrey is alleged to be the Dallas leader of the
ANP, while Walraven is merely a "group commander." (p. 42)

To my knowledge, the Warren Commission was not aware of Surrey's link to the
ANP, which may not have developed until after the assassination.
Another indication of Nazi activity in Dallas was reported in the
Dallas Morning News for April 16, 1963, section 1, page 5. "Decals of the
black Nazi swastika on a flaming red background and the words 'We Are Back'
were found plastered on windows of about a dozen downtown Dallas stores [of
Jewish merchants] Monday morning." General Walker suggested to the Dallas
police that there might be a connection between the swastika incident and
the shot fired at him on April 10. (CE 2001, 24 H 42)
On the evening of November 22, 1963, Ken Elliot reported the
following to the FBI in New Orleans:

[Elliot] said he had learned from an unrecalled source that General WALKER
of Dallas, Texas, has been visiting in the New Orleans area in the past few
days and that General Walker is a close associate of a ... radio announcer,
CHARLES RAY. He said ... that RAY is considered by him to be a rabid
segregationist and also an advocate of GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL. He said he
"had heard" from an unrecalled source that ROCKWELL was supposed to be in
the New Orleans area in the last few days. (FBI New Orleans Field Office
File on the ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY, serial 89-69-56)

A New Orleans FBI report, dated December 31, 1962, on the topic of
the American Nazi Party, indicates that a Dan Campbell, an employee of Guy
Banister, claimed to be knowledgeable about certain activities of George
Lincoln Rockwell and his New Orleans associates. (Serial 105-70374-1749)
Banister was an object of interest in the Garrison probe, and has been
alleged to have been personally acquainted with Lee Harvey Oswald. Dan
Campbell identified Colonel Bluford Balter and "Ray J. Leahardt" as New
Orleans associates of Rockwell. The New Orleans Field Office file on Lee
Harvey Oswald, contains an interview with "Ray James Leahart" dated December
16, 1963, which I have not yet reviewed. The New Orleans Times-Picayune for
May 25, 1961, section 1, page 10, reports that a "Ray L. Leahart" was
arrested along with George Lincoln Rockwell and nine ANP members from
Arlington, Virginia. Among those arrested were Roy James, who would
criminally assault Martin Luther King in 1962, and John Patler, who would be
convicted of shooting Rockwell himself in 1967.

Lively, Earl -

To: W.C. Sullivan Date 1/20/64

From W. A. Branigan

Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald, IS –R-CUBA

By airtel 1-13-64, Dallas Office reported that on 1-4-64 William James Lowery, Jr. a former security informant of the Dallas Office, reported that he had been contacted by Earl Lively, Jr., of Dallas, Texas. Lowery stated Lively is reported writing an anticommunist book which will stress the Fair Play for Cuba Committee connections of Lee Harvey Oswald. Lively showed Lowery a letter from Herbert Philbrick, former Communist Party member who has testified on behalf of the Government concerning communist activities. According to Lively, Philbrick plans to be in Dallas soon and desires to meet Lowery.

Lively further informed Lowery that he desired Lowery’s assistance in writing his book. He stated that Dr. Robert Morris, former counsel to the Senate Internal Security Committee under Senator McCarthy, was assisting him and Lt. George Butler of the Dallas Police Department was also assisting him. Lively added that Lt. George Butler of the Dallas PD was going to try to get any information he could that the FBI turned over to the Dallas Police Department in connection with the Lee Harvey Oswald case.

In connection with Lowery mentioned above, ha was a member of and active in the Communist Party on a local and state basis from September 23, 1945 to September 23, 1963. He has also testified for the Government before the Subversive Activities Control Board.

Our indices indicate Earl Lively, Jr., probably is identical to Earl William Lively, Jr. In 1962, Office of Special Investigations, Air Force (OSI), furnished us information that Lively was a member of the Air National Guard and at that time was a student of the Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. He was investigated by OSI since a national agency check revealed he was a subscriber to “The Worker” and the “Midweek Worker,” both communist publications. Individuals interviewed by OSI reported Lively was extremely anticommunist and as being extremely rightist in his political views. They reported in their opinion Lively subscribed to communist publications only to obtain background information on the Communist Party line. They also reported Lively extremely anti-Fidel Castro.


In view of the serious allegation that Lt. Butler of the Dallas Police Department is involved in scheme to furnish FBI data to Earl Lively, Jr., desirable we have SAC, Dallas personally discuss this allegation with the head of the Dallas Police Department and impress upon him the undesirability of Lt. Butler being involved with such a scheme as alleged by our source. Inasmuch as Lowery has testified for the Government before the Subversive Activities Control Board, and is no longer a security informant, we will not jeopardize an important informant situation by discussing his allegation with the head of the Dallas Police Department.


Attached is a teletype to SAC, Dallas, instructing the SAC, Dallas, to personally contact the head of Dallas Police Department and alert him to the information furnished by Lowery and impress upon him the undesirability of individuals in his department divulging to unauthorized individuals data furnished the Dallas Police Department by the FBI. We are also instructing SAC, Dallas, to request the that the head of the Dallas Police Department determine whether Lt. George Butler of the Dallas Police Department is involved in a scheme to furnish FBI data to Lively as alleged by Lowery.

Brown, Jack

Swift, Wesley - "Q: Do you think that he (Milteer) knows this Oswald personally, or knows anything about him?
Somersett: Well, I believe that he does, I believe that if he doesn't know Oswald person, he knows the people in Miami or New Orleans that was doing business with the group which he belonged to. And that is where the infiltration was made into it, into this man's group, it was either Miami or New Orleans.
Q: These are two separates groups are they not? They are separated widely in their beliefs so to speak. How do you think they would be coming together?
A: From the impression he give me, and what he told me, was that Oswald group was Pro- Castro, and that they were infiltrated, and their leaders, somebody close to them was given money to infiltrate their group, and pay them to kill Kennedy, and that would throw, if anybody did get caught, that would throw the entire case into the laps of the Communist.
Q: In other words you say that this Constitutional Party, that has not formed yet, or some party to that.....
(BREAKS IN) - Yes I believe what they call the Patriot Organizations over the country, now he talked very briefly about Billy Hargrave who is on the air every now and then, who had raised a lot of money, for the underground, and Swift, and Kenneth Golf [Kenneth Goff], and many others, he even spoke one time, you know uh, uh, Billy Estes had been persecuted very much by the Kennedy Administration. And that he was a man, who, was in a position to raise a lot of money, an that in Texas there were a lot of people who could raise a lot of money, and that they had a good underground in Texas and California. In fact, he says that Illinois is very strong, and he said that Kennedy didn't have a chance, to get away with what he had done, because the Patriots knew that he was in the stages of delivering the country over to the Communists.

Walker, Edwin

Davis, Roy E. "Somersett: The only man in Dallas that he mentioned that was a good patriot down in Texas, and engineering a lot of activity there was a Mr. Davis a reverend Dr. Davis, a preacher, head of the Klu Klux Klan. He was a man who didn't worry about human life, that he worried about his nation now. I know of Davis for several years. "
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
John Bevilaqua Wrote:A few names that can be found in the files (or could a few years ago):

Hunt, Lamar
Hunt, H.L.
Ferrie, David W.
Surrey, Robert - Warren Commission conducted an investigation into the
circumstances surrounding "the appearance of the 'Wanted for Treason'
handbill on the streets of Dallas 1 to 2 days before President Kennedy's
arrival. These handbills bore a reproduction of a front and profile
photograph of the President and set forth a series of inflammatory charges
against him. Efforts to locate the author and the lithography printer of the
handbill at first met with evasive responses and refusals to furnish
information. Robert A. Surrey was eventually identified as the author of the
Surrey, a 38-year old printing salesman employed by Johnson
Printing Co. of Dallas, Tex. has been closely associated with General [Edwin
A.] Walker for several years in his political and business activities."
(Warren Commision Report, GPO edition, p. 298)
A Federal Bureau of Investigation monograph, dated June, 1965, on the
American Nazi Party (ANP) of George Lincoln Rockwell reports the following
concerning the organization of the ANP in Texas:

There are reportedly two ANP groups operating in Dallas, Texas. One,
headed by a printing salesman named Robert A. Surrey, is made up of people
who do not want their affiliation with the ANP to become publicly known. It
is alleged that about 30 persons attend weekly meetings of this group in
Surrey's home. The other group, whose meetings reportedly are attended by
four persons, is headed by Jerald Thomas Walraven and openly participates in
various demonstrations. Surrey is alleged to be the Dallas leader of the
ANP, while Walraven is merely a "group commander." (p. 42)

To my knowledge, the Warren Commission was not aware of Surrey's link to the
ANP, which may not have developed until after the assassination.
Another indication of Nazi activity in Dallas was reported in the
Dallas Morning News for April 16, 1963, section 1, page 5. "Decals of the
black Nazi swastika on a flaming red background and the words 'We Are Back'
were found plastered on windows of about a dozen downtown Dallas stores [of
Jewish merchants] Monday morning." General Walker suggested to the Dallas
police that there might be a connection between the swastika incident and
the shot fired at him on April 10. (CE 2001, 24 H 42)
On the evening of November 22, 1963, Ken Elliot reported the
following to the FBI in New Orleans:

[Elliot] said he had learned from an unrecalled source that General WALKER
of Dallas, Texas, has been visiting in the New Orleans area in the past few
days and that General Walker is a close associate of a ... radio announcer,
CHARLES RAY. He said ... that RAY is considered by him to be a rabid
segregationist and also an advocate of GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL. He said he
"had heard" from an unrecalled source that ROCKWELL was supposed to be in
the New Orleans area in the last few days. (FBI New Orleans Field Office
File on the ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY, serial 89-69-56)
The man's name escapes me for now but wasn't there some one closely connected with the 'Wanted' poster who was Jewish? Was he used just to cover for some of those others behind it or was it to cover for the nazi connection? What do you think is going on there John?
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
Magda Hassan Wrote:
John Bevilaqua Wrote:A few names that can be found in the files (or could a few years ago):

Hunt, Lamar
Hunt, H.L.
Ferrie, David W.
Surrey, Robert - Warren Commission conducted an investigation into the
circumstances surrounding "the appearance of the 'Wanted for Treason'
handbill on the streets of Dallas 1 to 2 days before President Kennedy's
arrival. These handbills bore a reproduction of a front and profile
photograph of the President and set forth a series of inflammatory charges
against him. Efforts to locate the author and the lithography printer of the
handbill at first met with evasive responses and refusals to furnish
information. Robert A. Surrey was eventually identified as the author of the
Surrey, a 38-year old printing salesman employed by Johnson
Printing Co. of Dallas, Tex. has been closely associated with General [Edwin
A.] Walker for several years in his political and business activities."
(Warren Commision Report, GPO edition, p. 298)
A Federal Bureau of Investigation monograph, dated June, 1965, on the
American Nazi Party (ANP) of George Lincoln Rockwell reports the following
concerning the organization of the ANP in Texas:

There are reportedly two ANP groups operating in Dallas, Texas. One,
headed by a printing salesman named Robert A. Surrey, is made up of people
who do not want their affiliation with the ANP to become publicly known. It
is alleged that about 30 persons attend weekly meetings of this group in
Surrey's home. The other group, whose meetings reportedly are attended by
four persons, is headed by Jerald Thomas Walraven and openly participates in
various demonstrations. Surrey is alleged to be the Dallas leader of the
ANP, while Walraven is merely a "group commander." (p. 42)

To my knowledge, the Warren Commission was not aware of Surrey's link to the
ANP, which may not have developed until after the assassination.
Another indication of Nazi activity in Dallas was reported in the
Dallas Morning News for April 16, 1963, section 1, page 5. "Decals of the
black Nazi swastika on a flaming red background and the words 'We Are Back'
were found plastered on windows of about a dozen downtown Dallas stores [of
Jewish merchants] Monday morning." General Walker suggested to the Dallas
police that there might be a connection between the swastika incident and
the shot fired at him on April 10. (CE 2001, 24 H 42)
On the evening of November 22, 1963, Ken Elliot reported the
following to the FBI in New Orleans:

[Elliot] said he had learned from an unrecalled source that General WALKER
of Dallas, Texas, has been visiting in the New Orleans area in the past few
days and that General Walker is a close associate of a ... radio announcer,
CHARLES RAY. He said ... that RAY is considered by him to be a rabid
segregationist and also an advocate of GEORGE LINCOLN ROCKWELL. He said he
"had heard" from an unrecalled source that ROCKWELL was supposed to be in
the New Orleans area in the last few days. (FBI New Orleans Field Office
File on the ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY, serial 89-69-56)
The man's name escapes me for now but wasn't there some one closely connected with the 'Wanted' poster who was Jewish? Was he used just to cover for some of those others behind it or was it to cover for the nazi connection? What do you think is going on there John?

Bernard Weissman was his name as I recall, and I think it was printed on that poster, too. Just like the use of Jack Ruby as a focused minor player in the JFK hit, so they could cite the fact that: "Ruby is really Rubenstein" in later references to him. The influence of Rev. Gerald L K Smith in the design of the plot AND the scapegoating later on was very, very important. Smith was involved in the Huey Long assassination after he found out that Long had plans to get rid of Smith from the Share the Wealth program. Who was the scapegoat then, murdered on the spot by Long's bodyguards? Dr. Carl Weiss, who was later called: "Karl Weiss, the Jewish Communist doctor" in Cross and the Flag when he started throwing stones at him. Smith headed up The Nazi Silver Shirts organization with William Dudley Pelley, who was convicted of violations of the Alien and Sedition Act during World War II then later exonerated when the judge "died" suddenly during the appeal I think. Smith, Draper, Vonsiatsky and Pelley were part of both The Ashville "Nazi" Conference and "The Plot to Seize the White House" against FDR which was detailed by Jules Archer. This plot involved putting in Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler as the proxy President. Butler fought all the Banana Wars for Boston Fruit, later United Fruit which was started by Andrew Preston from Boston, a cousin of Wickliffe Preston Draper who taught all the tricks about Cotton plantation slaves and Banana Plantation slaves to Andrew Preston. The Drapers and the Prestons owned both Mississippi cotton plantations, Latin American Banana plantations and later New England based company town textile mill slave plantations.

Talk about robber barons, the Drapers and the Prestons with the Forbes, the Cabots, the Lodges, the Paines and the Osbornes all mostly Tories from England wrote the book about being an anti-Union robber baron for over 150 years. Draper actually enlisted in the British Army during World War I.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.
[quote name='David Boylan' date='Jan 4 2010, 03:06 AM' post='177485']

I don't believe Banister got the job. He did function as a mini commission though. For a good read about the Miss Sov Commission. Read "Dixie's Dirty Secrets" by James Dickerson. Dickerson takes you to the edge of some interesting subjects but then backs off. The subjects being LHO, James Earl Ray, Leander Perez, and Carlos Marcello. He does go into detail on a key subject here: the Mississippi Sovereignty Commission. The Sov Comm was set up and run by ex-FBI agents, among others. One of the primary backers was George Rogers who later went to work for the CIA.

I always thought that the MissSovComm records should have been declared JFK assassination records. Here’s a partial list of the names that can be found in the Miss Sov Comm files: Lee Harvey Oswald, Marina Oswald, Guy Banister, H.L Hunt, Gen Walker, Wesley Swift, David A. Phillips * (do you think it’s Atlee?), Robert D. Morrow, Willie Somersett, Ned Touchstone, Robert Morris, Henry Palmer (didn’t he see LHO in Clinton?) Alex Rorke, Jr. Ed Butler (maybe Ed Scalon Butler of INCA?) Robert DePugh, John Rousselot, John Lechner (as seen in Richard Nagell’s notebook) John Roselli, Lamar Hunt, David Ferrie, Robert Surrey, and Jack Brown (as named by Joe Milteer).

Couple of items of interest on your short list just above related to Man Cand by Richard Condon and the JFK conundrum:

1) Wesley K. Swift was with the Christian Defense League operated by Gerald L K Smith (Winnipeg Airport Incident) who used Swift as his personal bodyguard for several decades.

2) Edwin A. Walker was not only named by Jack Ruby as his personal suspect in the JFK hit, but interacted with J. Strom Thurmond (Senator Thomas Jordan in Man Cand) during the Muzzling of the Military hearings. Robert J. Morris ("Lord Morris Croftnol" = "Lord Frontal Morris) in Man Cand and "Major Dismiss" = "R. Morris is Mad" also in Man Cand by Condon) was Edwin Walker's attorney right after the Ole Miss insurrection project.

3) Alex Rorke, Jr. of course was with Willoughby/MacArthur forces Man Cand forces, Billy James Hargis, Edward ManCand Hunter and Sarah McClendon at ACL CofC for years.

4) Edward Scanlon Butler of Alton Ochsner's INCA did the Oswald New Orleans radio interview further building his legend as a returning Commie in sheep's clothing.
Ochsner later joined these guys as head of The Council for National Policy: Nelson Bunker Hunt, Edwin Meese III, Pat Robertson whose father Willis A. Robertson was the "other" Senator from Louisiana when Huey Long was assassinated by the Gerald L K Smith forces who then snuffed the resident patsy Carl Weiss, Thomas F. Ellis, III from the Board of the Pioneer Fund, Tim LaHaye, etc. Oswald checked out a book about Huey Long from the N.O. Public Library, something to do with a project related to blowing up the Huey Long bridge across the Mississippi... I forget precisely right now.

5) Milteer, Wesley K. Swift, Jack Brown, Morris and Willie Somersett discussed Oswald and the JFK case plus were implicated in the MLK case as well.

6) The Hunts were very close with Willoughby before, during and after the Korean War. All of them profited to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars by cornering the World Soybean futures market according to Prof. Bruce Cumings then staging the incident leading to the start of the Korean War, exactly like Hitler staged a fake attack on Germany by Polish soldiers and then claimed that he acted with a retaliatory counter attack against Poland.

Overall, the evidence here is almost overwhelming. The John F. Kennedy hit is yet another unsolved Mississippi Civil Rights Cold Case done by Klansmen and kinsmen surrounding Draper, Eastland, Banister, Walker and their Ghosts of Mississippi. Overwhelming, undeniable and penultimately, convincing.

"Dixie's Dirty Secrets" by James Dickerson is on my reading list.
:evil: :rock: :pcguru: Boxing

Amazon will be selling my print-on-demand paperback manuscript at this site within a few days. Volume 1 is 120 pages in length and covers The Manchurian Candidate by Richard Condon, The Winnipeg Airport Incident with Richard Giesbrecht, Anastase Vonsiatsky, THE Manchurian Candidate and Wickliffe Draper and The Pioneer Fund.

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