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Yemen events and connections
Billions in Recent Yememi Investments and The Underwear Bomber’s Daddy. It’s a Small World Ain’t It?

Posted on December 30, 2009 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
Did Daddy Warbucks sell Little Orphan Umar to the CIA?
[Image: umar.gif?w=123&h=164]Daddy Warbucks

Why are we attacking the people of Yemen? Because some kid is alleged to have sewn a big fire-cracker into his underwear then sat on it in a plane over Detroit? Nope. Not even close. If you want to know what this is all about, follow Daddy’s money all the way to the IMF and Jaiz Bank.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t brave soldiers used to throw themselves on grenades back in the day to absorb the shock and therefore save their fellow soldiers. Isn’t there a saying about “throwing yourself on a grenade” to that end? So the big “terrorist” plot here is to get a small amount of PETN onboard a plane and then SIT ON IT, thus absorbing the relatively small explosion… with his ass and his 150lb body?
That’s the “plan” that requires, as President Obama blusters, “every element of national power” to fight? I don’t think so. You gotta look a little closer than a singed pair of tightie-whities if you want to know why President Obama is going to kill more people in Yemen. I have. Take a look.

The other day I wrote about President Obama’s attempt to assassinate a witness in Yemen as well as the IMF and World Bank connections related to that nation as the probable reason the US feels compelled to invade. The premise was, that with all the free-market “reforms” being forced on the people of Yemen by these privately owned international banking institutions, the poor of that nation were rising up against the corrupt government and it looks like without our help, there will be a regime change. I wrote about the involvement of the Kuwait Energy company and their connections with the World Bank as it relates to the multiple ongoing oil and LNG pipelines running throughout the country. Basically, I estimated based on information from the websites and publications from the World Bank, IMF, and Kuwait Energy websites that there was about a quarter of a billion dollars at stake and that it was that money that was the reason President Obama chose to attack the people of Yemen.
Once again, Obama and his adminstration are serving the banks interests first.
Well, hold onto your hats folks… I was wrong. Yes, you heard that right. Scott Creighton (willyloman) is admitting he was wrong. My research was incomplete and I missed the mark by quite a bit.
Instead of having a quarter of a billion dollars of foreign investment on the line… it’s more like 5 billion dollars.
Yemen’s foreign debt has increased from $8.9 million to $5.9 billion since July 2009, according to the report on banking and currency developments issued by the Yemen Central Bank.
The IFC’s institutions topped Yemen creditors, with Yemen owing them about $3 billion, including $2.2 billion for the International Development Foundation.
The rest of the debt was for the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, the International Fund for Agriculture Development IFAD, the Islamic Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the OPEC and the EU.
Yemen’s debt for the Paris Club Members came second by about $1.8 billion, with $1.3 billion in Russian loans.
Many outstanding loans come from Japanese, U.S., French, Italian, Spanish, Danish, Dutch and German sources.
The country’s debt for other creditors came in the third place with Yemen owing Saudi, Kuwaiti, Chinese, Algerian, Korean, Polish and Iraqi funds about $836 million. The debt for unidentified sources reached $195.7 million by July. YOB Sept. 2009
Since July of 2009, money has been pouring into Yemen fast and furious; money that may never be recovered were there to be a revolution and subsequent regime change in that nation. President Obama can’t allow that to happen. But how is he going to go to the American people and tell them that foreign investors and international banks are worried about their billions in investments in the “reforms” of Yemen’s socioeconomic system? That wouldn’t be an easy sell to a post TARP Bill nation now would it?
[Image: petn.jpg?t=1262091976]Be Afraid!

Enter Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and his ridiculous “underwear bomb”.
Now, all this time after the terrorist attack on Flight 253 (and I will call it that because whether it was done by one “lone gunman” or the state, it’s still an attempt to effect change through the use of fear so it is terrorism) what do we really know about Abdulmutallab? Well, we have been told by an agency that has lied to us many, many times that he has “confessed” to the attack because he was “radicalized” and that he received help from terrorists in Yemen. All too convenient of a story isn’t it? Billions on the line in Yemen, Obama tries to assassinated a guy there killing scores of innocent people instead, and ALL OF A SUDDEN we have this guy coming out of the woodwork with his silly “underwear bomb”.
After scouring though all his emails (I told you they keep every single comment and email forever) the only “radical” thing the media can say about him… is he’s lonely. Imaging that; a lonely student.
Well, what isn’t the MSM and President Obama telling you about Abdulmutallab that is relevant to the story? Let me fill in some blanks.
1. The Underwear Bomber’s IMF and World Bank indebted Father
Abdulmutallab’s father is indeed a banker just as the MSM has said. The interesting thing is, he’s not JUST a banker, he is THE banker in Nigeria. According to a recent Times story, Abdulmutallab’s father, Umaru Mutallab is one of the wealthiest men in Africa; that says a lot in a continent as corrupt as Africa.
In Nigeria, the nation Umaru Mutallab lives in, according to the World Bank, 53% of the population lives on less than $1 per day. Abject poverty is rampant in Nigeria and so are human rights violations. Kinda has to be that way to keep the super wealthy in control of the population.
On February 25, police killed approximately 50 persons, burned nearly 100 homes, and destroyed more than 150 market stalls in Ogaminana, just outside Okene, Adavi local government area, Kogi State.
On November 27, in Jos, ethno-religious violence erupted during the vote tabulation for the Jos North Local Government Area elections resulting in the deaths of approximately 300 persons. Credible reports indicate the police and military used lethal force during attempts to quell the violence, killing approximately 100 civilians.
Police officers were not held accountable for excessive or deadly force or for the deaths of persons in custody. Police generally operated with impunity in the apprehension, illegal detention, and sometimes execution of criminal suspects. 2008 US State Deptment Report on Human Rights Violations in Nigeria
How did Abdulmutallab’s father become so wealthy in the first place? Umaru Mutallab was the Nigerian Minister of Economic Development in 1975. He then spent a decade as the Managing Director and CEO of United Bank for Africa. For the last ten years, Umaru has been the chairman of the First Bank of Nigeria.
So, Abdulmutallab’s father was instrumental through his government position in facilitating the World Bank and IMF’s entrance into the Nigerian economic system. He then goes on to head up several banks making himself filthy rich while the vast majority of Nigeria is impoverished to unprecedented degrees all the time and kept in check by ruthless police and military oppression.
That’s the “underwear bomber’s” “banker” father; a corrupt Nigerian banker with excessive connections to the IMF and the World Bank and who OWES everything he has to them.
So far what we know about Daddy Warbucks is this; he went to the State Department (U.S. Embassy) and then he went to the CIA offices in Nigeria supposedly to “warn” them about his “radicalized” son. Yet, no emails or web comments appear to make Abdulmutallab look very radical. So why was Daddy Warbucks with his deep IMF and World Bank connections really meeting with the State Department (US Embassy) and CIA? Why is it that after the supposed “warnings” Abdulmutallab was STILL able to get on that flight with all the warning signs and red flags? Hmm?
When Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab’s father in Nigeria reported concern over his son’s “radicalization” to the U.S. Embassy there last month (Nov. 19th), intelligence officials in the United States deemed the information insufficient to pursue. Washington Post
Abdulmutallab’s father Alhaji Uma Abdulmutallab, a prominent banker, was said to have had one face-to-face meeting with a CIA official in Nigeria (just 5 weeks ago) and several contacts by telephone. Telegraph
2. The Underwear Bombers Mother
Abdulmutallab’s mother isn’t talked about much. Ever wonder why that is? Well, I’ll tell you; it’s because she is from Yemen. That’s right. Yes, Abdulmutallab went to Yemen. But is it possible he went to visit his mother or other relatives there and NOT “al-Qaeda” operatives? It’s hard to figure out, because everything about his mother is being scrubbed up on the net. Very little is being said about her and who she is. But this much I know, she is from Yemen and may live there, or may not. I will continue looking into it.
Now, here is what we have learned;
  • Yemen increased its national debt to the tune of 5 billion dollars from July to September of this year (they may have borrowed more since Sept). The IMF, World Bank, and Paris Club members are on the hook for that money if the revolution in Yemen is successful.
  • A World Bank and IMF indebted super wealthy “free-market” reformer in Nigeria goes to the State Department and then to the CIA in Nigeria to talk about his son.
  • That same son, for reasons unknown decides “out of the blue” to sit on a small amount of explosives in a plane in Detroit. The CIA somehow misses the warning signs.
  • The FBI announces immediately that the son “confessed’ that it was all Yemen’s fault.
  • After the attack, all the banking controlled congressmen and the Obama administration announce we will attack “the terrorists” in Yemen and thus help “stabilize” the current corrupt government of that nation.
Now, one more thing… this one is funny actually that no one else caught it.
Daddy Warbucks, Umaru Mutallab (remember, one of the wealthiest men in Africa, banker extraordinaire) played a major role in introducing Islamic banking into Nigeria. Islamic Banking is represented and organized globally by what is called the Islamic Development Bank which is deeply involved with Nigeria now (thanks in part to Umaru Mutallab) mainly through a bank called Jaiz Bank.
Umaru Mutallab sits on the board of Jaiz Bank and is in fact it’s chairman.
This year, however, should see the launch of Nigeria’s first Islamic bank. A holding company called Jaiz International, has been set up in the country to launch what will eventually be called Jaiz Bank International. It is being supported in its endeavours by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), which is helping to ensure that the launch of Jaiz is a success and that the bank complies with international banking regulations and Nigerian laws. All Business 2007
Well look at that. Jaiz Bank, headed up by the “underwear bombers’ father is in fact supported financially by the Islamic Development Bank (IDB).
Now remember what I first put up in this article, the IDB is also heavily invested in the neoliberal reforms of Yemen’s economy which are at this very moment, under serious risk of the ongoing revolution in that country.
Daddy Warbucks, whose banking ties are under threat of serious set-backs, goes to the State Department and then the CIA and all of a sudden his lonely, college drop-out, populist son, ends up getting on a flight and setting his nuts on fire and the good-old U.S. of A can now come running in to the rescue to save all those precious investments in Yemen that are directly tied to, you guessed it, the underwear bomber’s daddy. A small world, ain’t it?
I hope that clears things up a little bit.
Either that or they just “hate us for our freedom”. Take your pick.
“Billions in Recent Yememi Investments and The Underwear Bomber’s Daddy. It’s a Small World Ain’t It?” is the 1st part of my “Understanding the Panty Bomber Mythology” series
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.
So was Daddy Mutallab a participant in this piece of political theatre designed to provide a new chapter in Their War on Terror?

Did Daddy Mutallab provide the back story - denouncing his son to the American embassy and CIA offices, (which of course he knew how to find)?

And who was the smartly-dressed man described by an eyewitness as accompanying Mutallab Jr, and helping him get onto the flight despite a lack of proper ID in Amsterdam?
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Hmmm......the usual unusual we get in the never-to-end 'war on terror' scare stories. Glad we got to see his actual underwear..... I'm sure it was just coincidence that the USA used robot craft to kill a few Yemeni 'bad guys' and some innocents nearby just about ten days before this incident.....just another one of those strange coincidences that seem to pop up EVERYWHERE.
Good point Jan, how did Daddy know where the CIA offices were. I heard a former State Dept Official last night talking and he said that among all the other things that would have gotten anyone thoroughly searched were:
- the no luggage on an international flight
- buying a one way ticket
- buy the ticket cash
- no passport
- no proof of means of support in USA
- no proof of reason for trip to USA
- no proof of plans to return to Nigeria and leave USA
All of these are S.O.P. for getting a visa and boarding an international flight - but by coincidence [and a few others] he had NO problems....not to mention the 'well-dressed' man who helped him get on the flight who is not spoken about, but several passengers saw and heard. Oh well, next they'll have someone bring in [on request/command] some PETN in a body cavity I'll leave to your imagination, and then everyone will have to have a body cavity search with a gloved hand or some special electronic device before visiting grandma...and grandma will be searched inside and out too....nice world we now live in.

It did happen here!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
Someone help me here.Supposedly the bomber set the explosives on fire.Then how come there are NO burn marks on the underwear in the picture? :dontknow:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:Someone help me here.Supposedly the bomber set the explosives on fire.Then how come there are NO burn marks on the underwear in the picture? :dontknow:

Maybe he peed in his pants or it is the 'Z-film' or 'Manlicher-Carcano' of underpants. :reddy: The authorities never present false evidence - never....nor do they create and hide the reality of patsies or false-flag operations. You can trust the government more than you can trust your own eyes and sensibilites - trust
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
OK,here are pictures that do show some scorching of the bomb materials.

Photos of the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 Bomb
Accused Bomber Abdulmutallab's Underwear, Explosive Packet and Detonator

Dec. 28, 2009
[Image: carousel_blotter_logo.gif]
[/URL]A singed pair of underwear with a packet of powder sewn into the crotch, seen in government photos obtained exclusively by ABC News, is all that remains of al Qaeda's attempt to down an American passenger plane over Detroit.
[Image: abc_a_PETN_underwear_091228_mn.jpg] The underwear with the explosive worn by alleged Northwest 253 bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is shown in this undated photo.
(ABC News)

As seen in these photos, the alleged bomb consisted of a packet of powder sewn into the briefs of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a 23-year-old Nigerian. Al Qaeda took credit Monday for the attempted bombing, boasted of its ability to overcome U.S. intelligence and airport security, and promised new attacks.
The first photo, to the left, shows the slightly charred underpants with the bomb packet still in place. All photos include a ruler to provide scale.

[Image: abc_a_PETN_underwear_091228_main.jpg]

The bomb packet is a six-inch long container of the high-explosive chemical PETN, less than a half cup in volume, weighing about 80 grams.

[Image: abc_d_PETN_underwear_091228_main.jpg]

In the second photo (right), the packet of explosive powder has been removed from the underpants and displayed separately.
A government test with 50 grams of PETN blew a hole in the side of an airliner. That was the amount in the bomb carried by the so-called shoe bomber Richard Reid over Christmas 2001.
The underpants bomb would have been one and a half times as powerful.

Acid in Syringe Was Detonator

The packet of PETN explosive powder is shown separately here.

[Image: abc_c_PETN_underwear_091228_main.jpg]

Tragedy was averted only because the detonator, acid in a syringe, did not work.
"It's very clear it came very, very close," said Rep. Pete Hoekstra, R.-Mich., ranking minority member of the House Intelligence Committee. "The explosive device went off, but it became an incendiary device instead of an explosive device, which is probably what saved that airplane."


The acid in the melted plastic syringe, pictured below, caused a fire but did not make proper contact with the PETN.

[Image: ht_syringe_02_091228_main.jpg]

Abdulmutallab told FBI agents he received the bomb from and was trained by al Qaeda in Yemen over the last few months. In a web posting today, the al Qaeda group displayed a picture of Abdulmutallab, calling him a hero who "overcame legendary American intelligence which showed its fragility, putting its nose in the ground, using all of what they spent in new security techniques against them."

The al Qaeda group in Yemen has been calling for attacks against the U.S. for months.
Two of its four top leaders were U.S. prisoners at Guantanamo until November, 2007 when they were turned over to Saudi Arabia and then set free after supposedly being rehabilitated.
Now U.S. officials say these men have shown they pose a much greater operational threat than al Qaeda in Pakistan or Afghanistan.
Richard Clarke: Yemen is the new Afghanistan. It is the new sanctuary, the new al Qaeda base where people from around the world, who want to be trained are sent. No longer to Afghanistan, but to Yemen.a
In its statement today, the al Qaeda group said the attempt to bring down the jet was retaliation for U.S. air strikes in Yemen.
But those air strikes took place on December 17, and Abdulmutallab's mission was already underway then as he bought his ticket to Detroit on Dec. 16.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I'm still not trusting the official story.I do think the guy is a patsy,and that the explosives were never meant to detonate.I only have some experience with C-4,and not PETM so I'm no expert here.I have a question.

Why,didn't the guy mix and explode while he was in the bathroom?Nobody could have stopped him.

I would like to hear what some demolition experts have to say about the supposed acid in the shringe being able to set off the explosives.You need more than just something that sets it on fire.We used to use C-4 to heat up our C-rations.It burns hot and bright.The word was,just don't stomp on it.Of course nobody ever tried stomping on it to test the theory of the Big Bang.:bird:Like I was saying,you need some kind of spark,and (pressure?)to blow the stuff.

Cooking with C-4

[Image: C-4.jpg]
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Well,this is from the comments from the below link.It answers the question I had about how to detonate the explosives without an electrical charge or pulse.So perhaps my theory that the bomb was never intended to be exploded,just some fire,is incorrect.Confusedtupido2:

[Image: b16-rounded.gif] Irvine Engineer said... Just to be clear: I doubt that
sulphuric sets off PETN directly. But
you put PETN at the bottom
of the condom, with sugar+chlorate
mix at top. The latter you ignite
with the syringe, its exothermy
sets off the PETN.

You see, this was an exercise in
non-electrical detonation.

In thermodynamics, the term exothermic ("outside heating") describes a process or reaction that releases energy usually in the form of heat, but also in the form of light (e.g. a spark, flame, or explosion), electricity (e.g. a battery), or sound. Its etymology stems from the Greek prefix ex- (meaning "outside") and the Greek word thermein (meaning "to heat"). The term exothermic was first coined by Marcellin Berthelot. The opposite of an exothermic process is an endothermic process, one that absorbs energy in the form of heat.
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
Keith Millea Wrote:Peter,
I'm still not trusting the official story.I do think the guy is a patsy,and that the explosives were never meant to detonate.I only have some experience with C-4,and not PETM so I'm no expert here.I have a question.

Why,didn't the guy mix and explode while he was in the bathroom?Nobody could have stopped him.

I would like to hear what some demolition experts have to say about the supposed acid in the shringe being able to set off the explosives.You need more than just something that sets it on fire.We used to use C-4 to heat up our C-rations.It burns hot and bright.The word was,just don't stomp on it.Of course nobody ever tried stomping on it to test the theory of the Big Bang.:bird:Like I was saying,you need some kind of spark,and (pressure?)to blow the stuff.

Cooking with C-4

[Image: C-4.jpg]

you make campfires with C-4!...remind me to never go camping with you!~Laugh

The whole incident is strange in the ways that LIHOP or partly staged [part to full false-flag ops] are. And how the hell did ABC get to see the evidence that will be used in the trial. That is not how things are supposed to be done - but is how they are done when they want to frighten the public and prejudice the jury....this guy is already convicted....and will spend the rest of his life in prison being tortured [though we don't torture....we just torture for 'good'.]. Somehow, this case and the case of the psychiatrist who we are told shot lots of persons, while his two accomplices got away after being arrested, seem to me to be out of the same hymn book.... The government would have us believe it was a Koranic hymn book....I'm not so sure!
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass
The Feds have the evidence in this case all locked up.Not sure how ABC got hold of those pictures.I was never able to find what the bomb was made of.The only references were that it was PETN and acid(in the syringe).Well,what kind of acid?If the bomb was only PETN and sulfuric acid,then all you are going to get is fire.Now if the bomb had something like sugar+chlorate added,it could go boom.It's all guessing at this point because the bomb composition has not been released.Add this to the fact that witnesses describe a man standing and filming the episode (even before the attempt).Where is that video?The well dressed man (were's the airport video?).There's too much evidence hidden right now to come to any sort of real conclusion.Hopefully some researchers will keep digging.

And again I ask.If the bomber really wanted to blow the plane,why didn't he just blow it in the bathroom?No one could have stopped him...........
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller

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