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Joe green black op


His latest book is Biting The Elephant whitch refute's Reclaiming History very well Destroys Vincent Bugliosi with 53 Evidentary claims Exposes the fraud of "reclaiming history"

Show #468
Original airdate: April 1, 2010
Guest: Joe Green / Rodger Remington /Jim DiEugenio
Topic: JFK Assassination Research

Play Part One Interview - Joe Green

Joe's a political researcher and reviewer Joe is a member of COPA and JFKMI and his website is Dissenting
and his blog is at
Joe did a review of Voodoo History by David Aaronovitch In this book, Aaronovitch lumps a great many conspiracies together that really don't belong together The gist of the book is to prove that conspiracy researchers get into groups that confirm each others conclusions Of course like minded people tend to find each other so the argument falls flat Green shows how the conspiracies cited in the book often don't have any logical connection The book, to the serious reader is often confusing Jesse Ventura and Dick Russell's book, American Conspiracies, was a polar opposite not only in... ...quality of material but in layout and conclusions, head and shoulders above Voodoo History Joe refers to the Texas school book system rewriting national school books to suit their agenda Texas is the state that produces most of the school books America uses nationwide How Occam's Razor is very often misused to explain away conspiracy theory Where a cover-up exists, Occam's Razor cannot apply. It simply dismisses hidden evidence

Play Part Two Interview - Rodger Remington

Roger's challenge to Vincent Bugliosi and everyone His contact information: Mail Address: Rodger A Remington, 1756 Lyon St, NE Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503-3718 His latest book is Biting The Elephant whitch refute's Reclaiming History very well Destroys Vincent Bugliosi with 53 Evidentary claims Exposes the fruad of "reclaiming history" Bugliosi refuses the defend Reclaiming History by refuting Remington's questions Chapter one states it's all about the facts but he doesn't define what he calls a fact Bugliosi's use of Italics in value judgements in Reclaiming History Bugliosi segragates events as having no connection to other events Bugliosi rattles off several questions in an attempt to minimize their value in the JFK assassination Bugliosi states these questions have no relavence because he says Oswald did it He can therefore shoot down every statement as if there were no evidence to support it It is a far too selective way of laying out the assassination This method of segragation ignores all of the surrounding events as if nothing else happened Rodger covers a few items of his 53 refutations Focusing on item # 13 P 957 & 958 The selective interviewing of witnesses by Belin & Specter Humes & Boswell and the artist renderings of the JFK wounds How Bugliosi justifies Oswald being on the sixth floor Rodger refutes the Bugliosi statements One point is: Bugliosi placing words in Oswald's mouth with no proof he said anything Rodger goes through witness testimony and proves several items were not followed up The Cigarette, Shirt, Jacket, Raincoat story that Belin used to give Givens's testimony creedence Givens was used to place Oswald on the sixth floor Rodger talks about drawings Bugliosi included to prove the unrealistic bullet trajectory[Image: modify_inline.gif]

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