17-05-2010, 05:50 AM
In the Mouth of Madness
Posted on May 16, 2010 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
This is just a brief start to a larger article I am writing today which deals with certain revelations from a new article published by the New York Times. I am a 9/11 Truth Advocate and writer living in the PSYOP capital of the world.
1. International Media Ventures - St. Petersburg Fl. Very slick webpage with disturbing images. One image, is of a young girl of Indian or Pakistani origin. At first you don’t notice it, but, as the image is about to change to another, you realise that the shadow stretching across her face is barbed wire. I mean, what the fuck?
![[Image: imv-home-page.jpg?w=300&h=187]](http://willyloman.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/imv-home-page.jpg?w=300&h=187)
3. American International Security Corp - The third company is out of Boston, and I just thought I would mention them because they are just obscene in so many ways… not only are they a PSYOPS program, but they also offer the SCAB/UNION BUSTING THUG package, if your workforce looks to get a little uppity… their clients includes banks, major corporation, and of course Homeland Security and DoD…
These people have been trained to understand that anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is acceptable as long as “national security interests” are at stake. By “national security interests” they mean, leading U.S. businesses and banking interests. Institutional lying is part of the programs which they call controlling the narrative. They also work to infiltrate movements, disappear leaders, and even one goes so far as to talk about implementing operational events which will help to advance an “agenda”.
David Ray Griffin’s newest work is going to be about the infiltration of the Truth Movement.
I myself have written about obvious PSYOPS groups like Jim Hoffman,Victoria Ashley, and Gregg Roberts and their little “don’t look at the Pentagon” PSYOP program WTC7 . You had another one back a few years ago, Morgan Reynolds, Judy Wood, and Steven Jones. They were all serious PSYOPS… Reynolds telling us “no planes hit the Towers”; Woods telling us “Ray beams from Space” destroyed the Towers; and Steven Jones who job it was to convince the entire movement to not test for high explosive residue in the Trade Center dust, but rather to keep looking at “thermite” and all its variations instead.
Now of course, we have Gregg Roberts (trained psychologist?) working to push Dwain Deets into Richard Gage’s spot in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Dwain Deets is from the NASA program that developed the DRONE INDUSTRY and worked closely with Lockheed Martin. Most of these people come from the defense contractor alley in California…
The “agenda” is always the same… to fuck the little people for the benefit of their clients, and make large sums of money in the process.
Like I said, I am working on a more in-depth article… this is just a preliminary outline really.
Filed under: 002 Scott's 911 Writing, 911 Scholarly Articles, 911 investigations, fake war on terror | 3 Comments »
Posted on May 16, 2010 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
This is just a brief start to a larger article I am writing today which deals with certain revelations from a new article published by the New York Times. I am a 9/11 Truth Advocate and writer living in the PSYOP capital of the world.
The web of private businesses working under the Lockheed contract include Strategic Influence Alternatives, American International Security Corporation and International Media Ventures, a communications company based in St. Petersburg, Fla., with Czech ownership.
One of the companies employs a network of Americans, Afghans and Pakistanis run by Duane Clarridge, a C.I.A. veteran who became famous for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. Mr. Clarridge declined to be interviewed. New York Times
Of these three companies contracted to run CIA intel programs for the main contract holder, Lockheed Martin, two are right here in my hometown area, Tampa/St. Petersburg Fl. And the reason for that is simple – the entire Global War on Terror fraud, aka The Global Free Market Wars, are being run out of MacDill Air Force Base, right here in Tampa.One of the companies employs a network of Americans, Afghans and Pakistanis run by Duane Clarridge, a C.I.A. veteran who became famous for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. Mr. Clarridge declined to be interviewed. New York Times
1. International Media Ventures - St. Petersburg Fl. Very slick webpage with disturbing images. One image, is of a young girl of Indian or Pakistani origin. At first you don’t notice it, but, as the image is about to change to another, you realise that the shadow stretching across her face is barbed wire. I mean, what the fuck?
![[Image: imv-home-page.jpg?w=300&h=187]](http://willyloman.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/imv-home-page.jpg?w=300&h=187)
- Strategic Communication – The art of influence
- Media Creation – Complete audio-visual content production cycle for any region
- Content Delivery – Your message on any medium, from print to viral video
- Global Media Campaigns – Marketing on a global scale
Richard Pack, CEO – Prior to joining International Media Ventures, Dick Pack was the Vice President of the Special Operations Support Division of L-3 Com, GSI, located in Tampa, Florida. The organization that he led served the Special Operations Community in a variety of locations, under several separate contracts including the U. S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) headquartered at MacDill Air Force Base.
Robert Holmes – Director of Stratigic Communications – Prior to joining International Media Ventures, Brigadier General “Bob“ Holmes was the Director, Inter-Agency Task Force, Center for Special Operations, Headquarters U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. Pior to his role at USSOCOM General Holmes was the Deputy Director of Operations, U.S. Central Command.
Marc Sherril - Director of Operations – Before accepting his current position with International Media Ventures, Marc Sherrill was a Senior Program Manager for IT Engineering Support to the Special Operation Resources Business Information Systems (SORBIS) for US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) IMV About Webpage
2. Strategic Influence Alternatives – The other company run out of St. Petersburg, Fl. is Strategic Influence Alternatives. That company is run by this man…Robert Holmes – Director of Stratigic Communications – Prior to joining International Media Ventures, Brigadier General “Bob“ Holmes was the Director, Inter-Agency Task Force, Center for Special Operations, Headquarters U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla. Pior to his role at USSOCOM General Holmes was the Deputy Director of Operations, U.S. Central Command.
Marc Sherril - Director of Operations – Before accepting his current position with International Media Ventures, Marc Sherrill was a Senior Program Manager for IT Engineering Support to the Special Operation Resources Business Information Systems (SORBIS) for US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) IMV About Webpage
Christopher J. Bailey’s Summary
Experience from Strategy to Tactics in National Policy development and implementation.
Christopher J. Bailey’s Specialties:
SC, IO, PSYOP, Influence Activities, Civil Affairs, Policy Development, Education, Consulting, Marketing, Personal Services, Operational Implementation
Duanne Clarridge is mentioned in the article as someone who works for one of these CIA/Lockheed Martin subcontractors… about the illegal overthrow of the Democraticly elected government of Chile on Sept. 11th, 2001, he said “…sometimes, unfortunately, things have to be changed in a rather ugly way…”. After that comment, he goes on say that all the research into the Pinochet government crimes were from “Propaganda Mills”. Duanne Clarridge now works for a company that advertises that it is a PSYOP operation… a “propaganda mill”.. “We will intervine whenever we decide it is in our national security interest to intervine“Experience from Strategy to Tactics in National Policy development and implementation.
Christopher J. Bailey’s Specialties:
SC, IO, PSYOP, Influence Activities, Civil Affairs, Policy Development, Education, Consulting, Marketing, Personal Services, Operational Implementation
3. American International Security Corp - The third company is out of Boston, and I just thought I would mention them because they are just obscene in so many ways… not only are they a PSYOPS program, but they also offer the SCAB/UNION BUSTING THUG package, if your workforce looks to get a little uppity… their clients includes banks, major corporation, and of course Homeland Security and DoD…
AISC provides companies vulnerable to high-pressure union tactics with the security measures necessary to maintain stability throughout this potentially volatile period.
AISC has the ability to mobilize immediately and effectively implement a comprehensive security management plan.
AISC conceived and implemented a new strike security plan and restored order within 24 hours. Under AISC’s supervision, the distribution firm was able to safely transport workers and goods across the picket lines. It successfully maintained its operations for the duration of the strike, which lasted for more than one year. [URL="http://www.aisc-corp.com/strike_management.html"]AISC website
The long and short of it is this, my hometown is apparently the PSYOPS capital of the world. These companies are run by professional, trained, well-educated liars and in some cases, such as with Mr. Clarrage, complete sociopath and free market corporatist zealots. In one case, they even have a service to provide jack-booted thugs to come bust up your labor strike or take incriminating photos of the union leaders. These people are crazy. They are zealots for the free market wars. And here I am, signing my real name, right in the mouth of the madness.AISC has the ability to mobilize immediately and effectively implement a comprehensive security management plan.
AISC conceived and implemented a new strike security plan and restored order within 24 hours. Under AISC’s supervision, the distribution firm was able to safely transport workers and goods across the picket lines. It successfully maintained its operations for the duration of the strike, which lasted for more than one year. [URL="http://www.aisc-corp.com/strike_management.html"]AISC website
These people have been trained to understand that anything, and I mean ANYTHING, is acceptable as long as “national security interests” are at stake. By “national security interests” they mean, leading U.S. businesses and banking interests. Institutional lying is part of the programs which they call controlling the narrative. They also work to infiltrate movements, disappear leaders, and even one goes so far as to talk about implementing operational events which will help to advance an “agenda”.
David Ray Griffin’s newest work is going to be about the infiltration of the Truth Movement.
I myself have written about obvious PSYOPS groups like Jim Hoffman,Victoria Ashley, and Gregg Roberts and their little “don’t look at the Pentagon” PSYOP program WTC7 . You had another one back a few years ago, Morgan Reynolds, Judy Wood, and Steven Jones. They were all serious PSYOPS… Reynolds telling us “no planes hit the Towers”; Woods telling us “Ray beams from Space” destroyed the Towers; and Steven Jones who job it was to convince the entire movement to not test for high explosive residue in the Trade Center dust, but rather to keep looking at “thermite” and all its variations instead.
Now of course, we have Gregg Roberts (trained psychologist?) working to push Dwain Deets into Richard Gage’s spot in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Dwain Deets is from the NASA program that developed the DRONE INDUSTRY and worked closely with Lockheed Martin. Most of these people come from the defense contractor alley in California…
The “agenda” is always the same… to fuck the little people for the benefit of their clients, and make large sums of money in the process.
Like I said, I am working on a more in-depth article… this is just a preliminary outline really.
Filed under: 002 Scott's 911 Writing, 911 Scholarly Articles, 911 investigations, fake war on terror | 3 Comments »
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