22-05-2010, 06:38 PM
I should have read all the articles before posting.
(Since they covered my points) I have never read Hogan's book but now it's one to add to my long list.
I always believed Nixon had Dorothy killed , based on what what in the news paper immediately folowing the crash, in 72. Then later I read all of Skolnick's stuff (73) which furthered my belief. But I also knew that the CIA set Tricky Dick up...that was also clear to me from just the press coverage...So now I wonder....Nixon? Or CIA? Who killed Dorothy?

I always believed Nixon had Dorothy killed , based on what what in the news paper immediately folowing the crash, in 72. Then later I read all of Skolnick's stuff (73) which furthered my belief. But I also knew that the CIA set Tricky Dick up...that was also clear to me from just the press coverage...So now I wonder....Nixon? Or CIA? Who killed Dorothy?