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The Last Circle
Magda Hassan Wrote:
Eddie Evans Wrote:And I hope that those who haven't read The Last Circle yet, to please do so!
Definitely on my reading list. I know several here are reading it and some have finished and will be posting reviews soon.

Indeed. I have spent most of today doing the last bit of research and writing and am now awaiting the arrival of one tiny tidbit. I am told the other fellow will be along behind me soon enough.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Eddie, I am done reading. I will hopefully post my review sometime in the next 36 hours. IN the interim your question to Cheri -- I want her to answer it, and I have a bunch for her and the readers too -- is interesting in light of the al-Jazeera piece I saw posted in Peter Chamberlin's blog:

The piece:

The post:

The blog:

which now contains other material on Eden Pastora, some old stuff from L. Fletcher Prouty, the Heritage Foundation and Contra terrorism, and a Reuters-delivered note from a Chinese party mouthpiece newspaper to the Federal Reserve about currency manipulation.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mourning in America:
A Review of “The Last Circle” by Cheri Seymour

in four parts
written by Ed Jewett[/FONT]
[Image: adannyoctopusbixman_small.jpg]
Pallbearers Carrying Danny Casolaro’s Coffin

I recently finished reading a book about a case that is one of deep political crime’s crown jewels.

It is a particularly difficult stone to cut and polish; it remains one of the toughest to prosecute, for reasons that will become clear when you read the book.

I thought I was familiar with the Octopus/PROmis story, having read of it in Ruppert’s work and elsewhere, having followed it, having done some research on military contractors, the links between Iran-Contra and 9/11, and the links between them and the modern-day story of the bailout. This may explain why it took me some time to get into the book; it was too familiar, and had to go slowly to make sure I didn’t trip over dusty old impressions. A nagging question for me had been to understand and decipher the backgrounds and motives of Ted Gunderson and Michael Riconosciuto. It soon became clear that the depth of my knowledge was limited, as was (eventually also clear) the breadth. And there is a lot of finger-pointing and name-calling in this arena.

One of the areas for discussion among deep political researchers might be to establish some key or matrix as to the degree of credibility for people like Riconosciuto and Gunderson. [There are enough others to warrant a massive research subset.] Gunderson, for example, also shows up in the tales of other deep political topical events like “The Finders”, the case of Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald, the Franklin/DeCamp matter, the McMartin Preschool case, the Murrah Building explosion, and others.

Some of my early probing was brought to the attention of “DesertFae” who became, briefly, a member of the discussion board I and others had formed years ago when deeper inquiries into 9/11 proved too much for some people. Rachel asked me some questions and tried to enlist my help; at the time, I was a little gun shy of newcomers because the world is filled with paid disinformation artists and I knew I wasn’t as on top of the story as I should have been in order to answer her questions cleanly and succinctly.

I am now… at least more so. Her part of the story, and the aborted trial of Jimmy Hughes, passed before me quickly before I could get my teeth into the meat of the new elements. I was sidetracked, in part by some nonsense at a discussion forum involving Virginia McCullough, a small network of nay-sayers, uninformed debunkers, and others attacking the story, Desert Fae and conspiracy theories in general.

But this “conspiracy theory” has staying power, names, faces, dates, files, places, and a bevy of people who have worked very hard over several decades to connect them all. Seymour has taken us a step deeper, picking up for Casolaro, building on Kelly O’Meara and Sue Todd, lending support for Rachel Begley.

One of the things the book lacked was a clear chronology, a clear glossary, and a clear list of players or dramatis personae. In the days of mind-mapping, network mapping, etc., this can be done, even in SpookyWorld. There is, on the other hand, an extensive 130-page section of photos, documents and more. Of great interest among them were ten pages of hand-written notes of Danny Casolaro’s book outlines that he never got to finish, and even a creepy note from a member of the Hell’s Angels on a cocktail napkin. It seems Seymour has a 77-page Matrix Link Analysis; perhaps it can be brought online at some point in some way as a research tool for cross-reference with other research tools at Deep Politics Forum.

Seymour has given us a most troubling read, a first-hand narrative of several levels of the national game of “Dungeons and Dragons”. On one hand, it destroys any faith I might have had in government agencies of law enforcement and justice; on the other hand, it lends a tincture of hope because one can name names of investigators who have worked hard, made sacrifices, put their lives at risk, and in some cases lost them in an effort to discover the truth and restore the rule of law to this land.

Read intensely on more than one dark and stormy night, its scariest portions around the time of the annual commemoration of souls in purgatory and the advance of the "darker half" of the year when harmful spirits lurk, this book fermented slowly over the fall of 2010, bubbling like an old glass jug of un-pasteurized cider, raisins and yeast prepared at prep school one fall and placed on the radiator beneath an open window, the heat from the furnace (whose boiler I would later scrub during the infamous 6-and-18 that signaled my own rejection of its madrassic authority) rising from the bottom of the glass jug to meet the cold frosty air condensing the vapors in the neck, slowly twisting and turning the gnarly mush into a mildly-alcoholic brew.

[One complaint I have is that the book is too big. I don’t refer to its length, per se, but the sheer weight of it, and its size, made it difficult to read with a one-handed grasp in bed under the covers on those dark and stormy nights, the other hand holding a Highlighter, a pen, and the blankets to my chin.]

The book’s tales of intrigue begin with the oddity noted on pages 21-25: a county sheriff’s vehicle engaged in security reconnaissance for Queen Elizabeth’s tour of Yosemite National Park driving head-on into a Secret Service vehicle, killing three agents. (One can almost see some amateur footage, taken by a retired SAC bombardier from nearby Merced, of the Queen waving to her fellow monarchs, the mariposas, in her inimitable wrist-turning maneuver, as she rounds the same curve.) That little goodie, known as “the Queen’s accident”, is a fitting beginning.

Around the next curve, Seymour introduces the reader to Wackenhut, a company that provides security for high security government facilities like nuclear tests sites, Lawrence Livermore Labs, and embassies (which ones, and when?) and on whose board of directors have sat a veritable who’s who of national security, law enforcement and intelligence agencies (see page 38 and page 47.) I remember the news of the guard caught sleeping at Oak Ridge amidst a modern-day simulated terror attack.

There are several “old boys’ networks” involved; pay attention to which ones. ‘Spanning the globe’, but this isn’t Wide World of Sports….

Wackenhut also had a facility on the Cabazon Indian reservation in Indio, California; it lies at the dark heart of this tale. It was there that Michael Riconosciuto says he modified the PROMIS computer software (pirated from its owners by the U.S. Department of Justice) “to be used in law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide”.

The reader will want to have a search engine window handy, as well as some solid PC security systems; in looking for a picture of Riconosciuto, malware alarms went off, serving notice that someone doesn’t want you inquiring or knowing anything about this sordid lump of national ignominy. The malware spiders seem to be crawling all over desertfae’s web sites.

I found a picture here: And it’s interesting read too.

[Image: wackenhut02.jpg]

The Wackenhut vein gets serious in Chapter Four but, by now, you’re into the dark heart of the matter on several fronts. Pages 45-47 are critical to understanding the depth and breadth of the company and its activities and connections. Seymour notes Donner’s book which, on pages 424-425, notes the founder’s aversion to protest activities of the 60’s. By 1965, the company maintained files on 2.5 million suspected dissidents.

One of the people also researching this dark nexus is Ed Encho, author of several articles on Main Core, and he will be along in parallel to add his own insights, review and further research. See his "Main Core, PROMIS and the Shadow Government” in OpEd News and elsewhere (including here at DPF), as well as the work of Christopher Ketcham and Tim Shorrock. He’s been in touch with several of the principals in this story and was last seen sorting through history’s pile of tailings.

Chapter 5 brings us to the nexus of Danny Casolaro, Ed Meese, Senator Byrd (D-WV, deceased), Peter( ) and Barbara Videnieks , William Weld, Adnan Kashoggi, Bebe Rebozo, Manucher Ghorbanifar, BCCI, Richard “October Surprise” Brenneke ( ) (“debunked” ?! by the ultra-Islamophobe Daniel Pipes), Credit Suisse, Ferdinand Marcos, Ari Ben-Menasche (an Israeli intelligence officer), Bo Gritz, the Nugan Hand bank in Australia, and Ted Shackley. You may want to get an NNDB mapping device, or something similar. Note, too, the book “Dark Victory” by Dan Moldea; Seymour notes that Casolaro read it, and it is the genesis for the term “The Octopus”. It is hard to focus one’s attention on the vast cast of characters but time adds sufficient clarity to understand that there are a handful of them who are the keys; Peter Videnieks probably fits this bill well.

Next up for the inquiring mind are additional lessons in several areas: Computer encryption, FIDCO, FINCEN and Swift Chips.

FIDCO is the First International Development Corporation, allegedly a national security front. You can read about it in the book starting in Chapter Six (along with Robert Booth Nichols, Meridian International Logistics, the Japanese Yakuza, the Gambino family, the Music Corporation of America, Manuel Noriego, Gilberto Rodrigues, the Cali cartel, and Michael Abbell.)

FinCen is the Financial Crimes Enforcement Bureau. See

Quote: “"FinCEN," the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, is a network of databases and financial records maintained by the U.S. federal government. Housed within the Treasury Department, FinCEN handles more than 140 million computerized financial records compiled from 21,000 depository institutions and 200,000 nonbank financial institutions. Banks, casinos, brokerage firms and money transmitters all must file reports with FinCEN on cash transactions over $10,000. And FinCen is the repository for "Suspicious Activity Reports" which must be filed by financial institutions under the Bank Secrecy Act.

FinCEN also uses a variety of law enforcement databases, including those operated by the Drug Enforcement Agency and the Defense Department, in addition to commercial databases of public records. FinCEN may also use databases held by the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.

FinCEN shares information with investigators from dozens of agencies, including the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms; the Drug Enforcement Administration; the Federal Bureau of Investigation; the U.S. Secret Service; the Internal Revenue Service; the Customs Service; and the the U.S. Postal Inspection Service. Agents from all these agencies can investigate names, addresses, and Social Security numbers through FinCEN. Field agents and state and local law enforcement can access data from FinCEN remotely. …”
Swift Chips is the Clearinghouse Interbank Payment System and its European counterpart. To learn more, start here:

And then see about money laundering on this system here: .

When he talked about getting around the system, Riconosciuto said (page 78) “… It’ll take an expert, you know. I can’t even talk to a normal human being about this.”

[URL=""][Image: a-portrait-of-an-endangered-sisserou-par...parrot.jpg]
Sprinkled in with the story come mysteries and mysterious people, like an intelligence agent working for the Israelis (or was it the Russians?), more dead people (Paul Morasca, Michael May and Mary Quick), electronic counter-measures, clandestinely-derived and clandestinely-kept transcripts of conversations among key dramatis personae (Chapter Nine), PERT and CPM software capabilities, the Music Corporation of American and the LA Organized Crime Task Force, Japanese doctors, gene splicing, and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

MacArthur’s shielding of the war crimes of Unit 731 come into focus here. See Chapter Ten, pages 138 ff.

Quote: I found a possible answer in an obscure letter written on Wackenhut/Cabazon letterhead, dated January 20, 1983, addressed to Dr. Harry Fair at Tactical Technology in Arlington, Virginia, from Dr. John P. Nichols, Cabazon Administrator. The letter noted that on February 15th, 1983, Dr. Nichols would be forwarding to Dr. Fair "a unique list of agents and production techniques related to biological warfare."

The letter went on to say that the Stormont Laboratories business plan Dr. Nichols mailed to him was to prepare him for what was to be sent in the area of biological warfare. Added Dr. Nichols: "[These] products could be utilized in small countries bordering ALBANIA or large countries bordering the Soviet Union. You will be amazed at the scope ..." I could not help recalling the Village Voice article ("The Last Days of Danny Casolaro," October 15, 1991) which had stated, tongue in cheek, that "Casolaro had traced the Inslaw and related stories back to a CIA `Old Boy' network that had begun working together in the 1950's around the ALBANIA covert operations ..."
The hybridoma technology discussed in attached documents (in Michael Riconosciuto's files), centered around the ability to reorganize and synthesize genetic structures and to modify "lymphocytes" (immune cells).

Under the heading "Possible Military Applications Utilizing Hybridoma Technology" was the notation that "genesplicing technology provides the ability to produce pathogenic (harmful) agents, i.e. viruses."

"In fact," noted the writer, "biological warfare weaponry of this nature (both production and supply) is limited only by the imagination of the scientist."
Unit 731 and its related consequences also come into focus in Hank Albarelli’s “A Terrible Mistake”, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself: that book is next in line on my shelf (to be read sometime around the winter solstice when it’s cold but the return of light and the celebration of the birth of an infant make a promise).

In Chapter 11, “The Last Circle” (the title of which alludes to Dante’s Inferno) provides the reader with the background on Earl Brian (page 153 details his connections to the Phoenix program), Bio-Rad Laboratories (on the same property that once held Hercules, California’s eponymous company, Hercules Powder Works), Hadron, Inc. (eventual employer of Kanatzhan “Ken” Alibek of BioPreparat in Russia), and the Gulf War Syndrome (see pages 159-160 and 231-232 to get a whiff of what that was about). Pages 162ff gives another glimpse of bio-warfare.

In Chapter 12, Rendezvous with the Underworld, we get more of a picture of a central character in the tale, one Robert Booth Nichols. Manuscripts and copyrights held by the man researched through the Library of Congress reveal a 20-page manuscript on “Acceptable Casualty” which, if you can find it, ought to illuminate the national debate about DADT: it describes gays and I.V. drug users as targets of bio-war by a cabal of military intelligence officers. “C-911-Tuhnekaw” [spell it backwards] (noted on page 168 of Seymour’s book) reveals the origin of the first AIDS infection). His 90-page “Decision of Conscience” describes state-of-the-art electromagnetic technology used to demolish two-story concrete buildings.

Among the more ghoulish events described in the book is the tale of the message delivered by Nichols to Sam Morowitz, a professional hit man and “trigger man” behind the non-fatal shooting of Consolidated Savings and Loan’s Robert Ferrante. The Ferrante tale can be cross-referenced in Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans by Stephen Pizzo, Mary Fricker & Paul Muolo( being hung upside down in front of an airplane propeller inside a hangar, Sam fled to Israel.
[Image: propeller_head.jpg]

In other “Kafkaesque weirdness”:

Says Seymour on page 222, “Henry Murray, a former Donovan protégée, devised a battery of tests which could size up the personality of potential CIA recruits as well as predict future behavioral patterns. ‘Spying is attractive to loonies,’ wrote Murray. ‘Psychopaths, who are people who spend their lives making up stories, revel in the field.”

Quote:Alston Chase's book Harvard and the Unabomber: The Education of an American Terrorist tells of the MK ULTRA experiments that Theodore Kaczynski is reported to have undergone at Harvard, under the direction of Henry Murray. Chase connects these experiences to Kaczynski's later career as the Unabomber.”
“The CIA was intrigued with the ability of con men to manipulate human behavior. As one CIA official put it, the psychologist [in MK –Ultra-related research] unwittingly gave them ‘a better understanding of the techniques people use to establish phony relationships’ – a subject of interest to the CIA.” (page 227)

In re: The Unabomber, see also and

Quoting from Marks’ “Manchurian Candidate”, Seymour notes that the CIA looked at the manipulation of genes and gene splintering as early as 1965, eleven years before the world even thought of it. ‘Creating a subservient society was not out of sight.”

As scary as the Unabomber may have been, he looks tame and friendly compared to Michael Aquino, the co-author of the 12-page US Army report that was found in Riconosciuto’s secret files, noted here in pdf format for your review:

Aside from the ideas noted on “psychotronics”, mind control and PsyOps described by Seymour on page 233ff (like the rest of the book, mandatory reading), Aquino maintains notoriety for his activities in the Temple of Set, and his attraction and re-creation of Nazi rituals of satanic worship and the beliefs of the Thule Gesselschaft and the Ahnenerbe.

Equally important and especially chilling (“double, double, toil and trouble”) are the descriptions of the conference held in November 1993 at the Los Alamos National Conference and the list of attendees on pages 237-239.

For further edification, see the following:

Even scarier is the idea that Zbigniew Brzezinski, mentor and advisor to the current POTUS, is an advocate of their proper role in developing and maintaining the New World Order. See the two links and video below or simply Google “Brzezinski psychotronics”:

This is all certainly “not within normal human experience”.

[Image: 4218700195_40f1ecc86d_o.jpg]

By Chapter 17, Seymour’s “Last Circle” has intensified, like the storm outside. We hear of the Inslaw affair, whose protagonists include

Eliot Richardson, Mike Abbell, Richard Thornburgh, C. Boyden Gray, four-star Admiral Daniel Murphy [], and the 50-page Inslaw summary of evidence. Pages 252-255 in the Seymour book are required reading.

Alas, Admiral Murphy’s hunch that there was an as-yet-undetected use of PROmis could not be fleshed out, as he died suddenly on September 21st, 2001 at the age of 79 from, according to the New York Times and his family, “a stomach aneurysm”.

Quote: “Eliot Richardson, attorney for Inslaw, had written Attorney General Thornburgh asking for an independent counsel to investigate the PROMIS case and never got a reply. Richardson later said: "I have never understood why ... I mean, I was attorney general when Thornburg was a U.S. attorney. I appointed him chairman of a committee of U.S. attorneys, newly formed for the first time. I am a responsible former public official. I am not a wild-eyed nut." Richardson thought Danny’s death a suicide was “highly implausible” and should be investigated further.”
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mourning in America:
A Review of “The Last Circle” by Cheri Seymour
part two
written by Ed Jewett

[Image: sr-71-blackbird-7.jpg]

Chapter 18 keeps the gruesome theme going with the death of Paul Wilcher, Gunther Russbacher’s attorney, who hand-delivered his 100-page letter to Attorney General Janet Reno claiming that holdover employees from the Reagan-Bush era were responsible for a number of cover-ups. [This controversial little subset can keep you busy for hours.] The gauntlet was then picked up by Garby Leon, who wrote his own letter to Attorney General Reno, which contains this chillingly central quote:

Quote:“…if critics of our government are found dead in their bathrooms from obscure causes, and the government itself doesn't take steps to find out why, then our freedoms themselves are threatened--as well as the activities that protect those freedoms.

If individual investigation and criticism of government activities is chilled or intimidated into silence, then democracy loses its most important protection.
To put it another way, if Danny Casolaro's death was a message of some kind, then Wilcher's death is an even grimmer message--it suggests that Casolaro's death was not a fluke. Anyone inspired to follow Casolaro or Wilcher's path now has a strong added reason to fear doing so.”

[Image: RENO.bmp]

And then there’s the twin murders of Neal Abernathy and his son.
And Riconosciuto’s “fuel-air bomb technology” (page 322).
It gets spookier.

Al C. Holbert makes an appearance again, and Rafi Eitan comes by for an extended visitation. Eitan was the director of Israel's Lekem (an acronym for ha-Lishka le-Kishrei Mada or Bureau of Scientific Relations) intelligence agency which recruited Pollard, a U.S. Navy analyst, in 1984 and which was disbanded when Pollard was arrested. And there’s a Mountie in on the case.

According to Seymour:

Quote:"McDade said that the details of his findings in Canada could conceivably cause a major scandal in both Canada and the United States.i He said if his investigation is successful it could cause the entire Republican Party to be dismantled - that it would cease to exist in the U.S." Hyperbole, perhaps, but bizarre stuff from a professional lawman.
"Then," continues Seymour, "he said something that was just really out there. He stood in my dining room with a straight face and told us that ... more than one presidential administration will be exposed for their knowledge of the PROMIS software transactions. He said that high-ranking Canadian government officials may have unlawfully purchased the PROMIS software from high-ranking U.S. government officials in the Reagan/Bush administration, and he further stated that the RCMP has located numerous banks around the world that have been used by these U.S. officials to launder the money from the sale of the PROMIS software." Seymour was stunned. "First," she says, "I wondered if this guy was for real and, second, did he have something against Republicans." Just when she thought things couldn't get any weirder, "McDade detailed a December 1999 meeting at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico attended by the heads of the intelligence divisions of the U.S. [CIA], Great Britain [MI6], Israel [Mossad] and Canada [CSIS]. McDade said the topic of the discussion was UNIQUE ELEMENTS, and that during this meeting it allegedly was revealed that all four allied nations share computer systems and have for years. The meeting was called after a glitch was found in a British computer system that had caused the loss of historical case data."

McDade continued with this scenario by telling the astonished group: "The Israeli Mossad may have modified the original PROMIS modification [the first back door] so it became a two-way back door, allowing the Israelis access to top U.S. weapons secrets at Los Alamos and other classified installations. The Israelis may now possess all the nuclear secrets of the United States." According to Seymour, he concluded by saying that "the Jonathan Pollard [spy] case is insignificant by comparison to the current crisis."
Numerous people have maintained contact with Bill Hamilton, the original owner of PROMIS software. One of them was Garby Leon. Some of that correspondence is covered on pages 264ff of the Seymour book. Hamilton has noted that he had heard from multiple sources that Rafi Eitan (who was the Israeli who handled the Pollard espionage matter from Israel’s side) sought and received permission to kill Hamilton. Further information from “Witness 9” indicated that ‘First authorized use of PROMIS Is on nuclear submarines…. Source said it was installed in every nuclear sub owned by the US and Great Britain.” Pollard worked as a civilian intelligence analyst for the Navy; while he sits in prison, his $5,0000 monthly stipend from Israel is invested for him. That’s twice as large as his Naval paycheck, an Israeli tradition for spies, according to Wolf Blitzer, a former journalist in Jerusalem. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Seymour M. Hersh writes in The Samson Option that Pollard gave Israel top-secret U.S. intelligence on the Soviet Union. [See also Gideon’s Spies: the Secret History of the MOSSAD by Gordon Thomas, as well as and]

Quote:According to the British journalist, Gordon Thomas, Eitan participated in a partnership between Israeli and U.S. intelligence during the early 1980s in selling to foreign intelligence agencies in excess of $500 million worth of licenses to a trojan horse version of the Washington, D.C.-based, Inslaw Inc.'s people-tracking software called Promis, in order to spy on them.[3]

Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad. New York: St. Martin's Press
[Image: Halloween%20cauldron-compressed.jpg]

The bubbling brew of darkness, chaos and criminal treason thickens considerably; along with the toads and the poisoned entrails, toss in John Gotti, the Gambino family, Howard Baker, Lew Wasserman, Robert Maheu, Jules Stein and Bill Weld. Further names can be found in Seymour’s book on page 267ff.

Using the Evica/Drago model of identifying mechanics, facilitators and sponsors, we can begin to see three names emerge as sponsors from the steam of the brew, and two others as facilitators and beneficiaries. Aided by an ex-Czech media magnate later buried with high ceremony on the Mount of Olives, all five have held high rank in the Executive branch of the United States government. Additional names emerge on pages 346ff in Seymour’s synopses of the reports prepared for the House Committee on the Judiciary.

See also “The Last Mogul: Lew Wasserman, MCA, and the Hidden History of Hollywood” [] or at least peruse its bibliography online.

And see also Bill Knoedelseder’s “Stiffed: A True Story of MCA, the Music Business and the Mafia” [].
See especially Seymour’s page 358 on which the Organized Crime Strike Force supervisor of the FBI wiretaps confirms that MCA board member and Gambino associate Eugene Giaquinto told his friend Martin Bacow that he would call Ed Meese to have the FBI investigation into Meridian International Logistics’ involvement in narco-trafficking stopped. MIL was based at the Cabazon reservation and was a Wackenhut partner. MIL’s board also included Giaquinto, Harold Okimoto and Robert Booth Nichols, and Riconosciuto handled the laundering of the proceeds. MIL board minutes also reflect intended communications with a Japanese medical school to fund their work in immunology research (no doubt with laundered narco-dollars) (see pages 137-138). I have to join Seymour in wondering why arms dealers with “alleged” ties to organized crime would want to fund medical training in Japan; Riconosciuto’s files on possible military applications for gene splicing and the production of pathogenic agents might provide a clue.

Another large chunk of entrail floats to the surface on page 368:

“One intercepted conversation, taken from the FBI wiretaps, revealed a conversation in which Giaquinto told Martin Bacow that the computer printouts being delivered to him by his ‘government man’ would show connections to companies they owned, stockholders and other companies as well as indictments and other ongoing investigations.” Bacow is described -- in the spectacularly successful but then terminated by pressure from above wiretap program – as “the back door liaison teamsters connection to the movie industry” (page 377).

Bill Hamilton believes that “the modified version of his PROMIS software had been used for money laundering of drug profits to fund unauthorized intelligence operations, and he was convinced that part of the reason that the FBI wiretaps of MCA executives connected with the Mob and Robert Booth Nichols were shut down because the FBI and prosecutors had bumped into an intelligence operation involving PROMIS. “

That was in 1988. Further research or deduction as to what intelligence operation was undertaken in the mid-80’s is necessary.

A letter, recreated in text and image in the book, dated May 16th, 1985, from Bradford Reynolds, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division, to William Weld, U.S. Attorney for Boston, instructed him to handle financial aspects of PROMIS distribution to an Arabian sheik Khalid bin Mafouz for the covert sale and distribution of a version of PROMIS, equipped with a “special data retrieval unit,” to Arab governments in the Middle East. Adnan Kashoggi, Richard Armitage and Manichur Ghorbanifar would broker the deal. The letter also discussed the essential need to leave no paper trail, and to process the proceeds from the sales through Credit Suisse Bank.

Keep in mind that the fellow who was serially the former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs and chairman of the Import-Export Bank of the United States, Reagan’s campaign manager, then his Director of Central Intelligence who oversaw covert assistance of the mujahadeen through Pakistan’s ISI, who expanded CIA activities especially in Latin America, and who suffered a seizure hours before he was scheduled to testify before Congress about his knowledge of Iran-Contra, was once outside counsel for Wackenhut.

The inky octopus stew needs a little more seasoning, and Chapter 24 on Robert Booth Nichols tosses in the Bayou Management Group LLC and Samuel Israel ( ); a $250 billion treasury note, serial number SC 3040-20, secured by 2.500 metric tons of gold at the Atlanta Federal Reserve; John Ellis and Frank Carlucci; Yamashita’s gold; and Anson Ng (a reporter for London’s Financial Times killed in Guatemala). Ng was trying to interview Jimmy Hughes.

A San Francisco Chronicle article entitled, “Tiny California Tribe’s Huge Clout,” dated September 4, 1991, best summarized the failure of the justice system at every level to unlock the mystery of Cabazon’s forbidden secrets. Reporter Jonathan Littman mused: “In all, federal and state agencies [have helped] to finance nearly $250 million worth of projects on the 1,700-acre reservation. That is particularly impressive in light of the tribe’s size – the entire Cabazon population numbers no more than 30.

[/FONT] To observers in and out of government, these undertakings pose an obvious question: How did a tiny band of Indians, one of the smallest in the nation, give rise to a multimillion-dollar network whose influence reaches into all quarters of the U.S. government?

The answer lies in a maze of politicians, military officers, organized-crime figures, intelligence agents, foreign officials ranging from Saudi sheiks to Nicaraguan Contras – and John Philip Nichols, a globe-trotting evangelical social worker with an uncanny ability to win federal grants, who once served 18 months in state prison for solicitation to commit murder.

Although the full story of the Cabazon reservation is still unfolding, there are indications that this network reaches far beyond the borders of the tribe’s land.”

Indeed, the tentacles are long:

Quote:At a FGBMFI website: in an article entitled, “A Hit Man With A New Mission,” Hughes inexplicably confessed his career as a Mafia hit-man before he found God: (excerpt) “After a six-year hitch in the military, I became a professional hit man for the Mafia. I collected money, hurt a lot of people and saw a lot of blood. I know what it’s like to cut the throat of a man, see a man die, or throw a man in the trunk of a car and take him to his death. I did many horrible things. I allowed myself to do whatever was necessary."

“One day I had a contract on a man. They had paid me a lot of money to kill this person. I travelled over many states, and walked into the man’s house one day, pulled out my pistol, and put a bullet in everybody’s head."

“There were many people there that day because he was having a party. As I stood there with the gun in my hand, I suddenly realized that all those people were dead. They had died instantly. I had been paid to kill one man, but had killed half a dozen people. The rest had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time --- “

Watch the embedded video

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mourning in America:
A Review of “The Last Circle” by Cheri Seymour

part three
written by Ed Jewett

As I finished the book, the phone rang. On the other end was a fund-raiser from some organization whose name I did not bother to grasp, nor did I care to know. Astonished at my crude and abrupt “No, we’re going to pass on you”, the caller sputtered in amazement “Do you mean that you are not concerned about the environment or global warming?” “No” came the abrupt answer, but she hung up before I could recommend she read this book to find out what I was concerned about.

How could she know that my heart had been irreparably broken?

“The system deftly sidesteps astounding revelations with disdain, malice and fluffery”, notes the Trine-Day publisher in his foreword.

The book is mandatory reading. I propose a campaign in which we mingle our funds to buy copies of this book to be sent to members of the mainstream media, the Cabinet, the advisors of the President, the Supreme Court, all 535 members of Congress and anyone else we can afford. (Each of us can start with our Congressional representative, mailing the copy we bought after we’ve finished reading it.) Tucked inside it should be a letter asking the recipient to address the book’s implications by answering at least some of the questions below, and by joining the rest of us in standing up and saying “enough”.

Thanks, Danny, for your sacrifice.

Thanks, Cheri, for writing this book.

Thanks, Kris Milligan, for publishing it.

Thanks, Rachel, for your personal courage; I told you I simply did not know.

Now I do.


Questions for the author, the reader, the press and Congress:

#1) Cheri, on page 376, you stated that Robert Booth Nichols once insinuated that he worked for the Illuminati. Given the loaded nature of that word and the claim, can you back up that statement?

#2) Does the availability of PROmis to Mossad and other Israeli state and non-state organizations warrant concern and further research?

Have you read Gordon Duff’s piece?:

Or this one by the former director of studies at the US War College?

#3) Can any correlation be made between the membership and activities of the prayer meetings noted on page 423 and “The Family” or “The Fellowship” (once described by Watergate conspirator Charles Colson as a “veritable underground of Christ’s men all through the U.S. government” and by author Jeff Sharlet as “the secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power”)? [] Sharlet’s book:

Is there any deep correlation with members of these fundamentalist groups and the “wet” covert teams of Seymour Hersh’s “assassination ring”, private military contractors and their activities?

#4) Is there any speculation, source of information, or more about how the original software with modifications may have now been further modified? What it might be capable of? Is it in use today? Where, by whom, and for what purpose? Was its use involved in the recent bailout business? Does “the Fed” have a copy? How might it have been used in that context ? Are there indications that organized crime, government officials, people working for “the Fed”, people in private corporations, or people working for sovereign states are involved in the manipulation of commodities, gold, silver, currencies, or in the counterfeiting of bonds?

See, for example: and its references to Adnan Kashoggi and Barrick Gold (allegedly a CIA spin-offf).

Is there a tie-in between the events described in the book and the events described here?

#5) Is PROmis integrated into the Ptech/9-11 story?

#6) Is there any indication of any activities in arms dealing that involve WMD’s, particularly nuclear fissionable materials, such as in this story?: Nuclear bomb material found for sale on Georgia black market

#7) Cheri, have you corresponded at all with
  • Sibel Edmonds;
  • “Economic Hit Man” John Perkins;
  • Indira Singh;
  • Richard Andrew Grove?

#8) Have you read of Grove’s description of Panacya software?

See it here: (This is the fifth of five parts, in reverse chronological order… go back by going down the pages and deeper into the page count). Specifically, the software is described in Part III:

Is Panacya a nickname for PROmis? Is it an extension, modification or derivative of PROmis?

#9) Do you have any reason to believe that further biotech applications as described in The Last Circle and particularly in Chapter 11 are still underway? Is there any connection between them and the database capacities developed by Wackenhut, explored in depth in the contexts of PNAC and Hadron, and lying ominously close to the allegations behind Main Core? Noting the background of Earl Brian (see pp. 153-157ff in The Last Circle), is this something that should be disseminated to and explored with leading officials at the nation’s health insurers, public health officials, or key leadership involved in the debates about ObamaCare?

#10) Have you correlated any of the information or data in the book (see page 168) or other research with theories advanced by many others that the AIDS virus was manufactured in secretive US facilities? I speak specifically of theories advanced by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz in Idaho (Tetrahedron LLC), or in the book “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” [].

#11) Do you have any reason to believe (or further explore) the connections between Michael Riconosciuto’s fuel-air explosive technologies and other events such as the Oklahoma/Murrah bombing, 9/11, or others?

Riconosciuto’s talents were much in demand. He had created the a-neutronic bomb (or "Electro-Hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel Device"), which sank the ground level of the Nevada test site by 30 feet when a prototype was tested. Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, said of Riconosciuto: "I’ve spoken to Michael Riconosciuto (the inventor of the a-neutronic bomb) and he’s an extraordinarily bright guy. I also have a hunch, which I can’t prove, that they both (Riconosciuto and Lavos, his partner) indirectly work for the CIA." Riconosciuto’s bomb made suitcase nukes obsolete, because it achieved near-atomic explosive yields, but could be more easily miniaturized.”

See also:

See also this on the Carone family:

#12) Is there any correlation with Flight 5191?

#13) Have you read The Octopus: Secret Government and the Death of Danny Casolaro ( ), and how does it stack up against “The Last Circle” and other investigative work?

#14) If, as it appears and it is alleged, that there has been “an unforgivable use of the unauthorized NSA bank surveillance of PROMIS to launder profits from drug trafficking so some of them could be used to finance covert intelligence projects” (p. 443) and some of those projects undeniably have been used to foster the overthrow of sovereign states, the inflammation of racial and ethnic tensions in many parts of the world which create and enable terror and war,as well as the internal domestic manipulation of people, the press, Congress and the Republic itself, as well as the murders of US citizens, then isn’t Congress, in its oversight role, effectively impotent? Has not both Congress and the Fourth Estate vacated its responsibilities to our democratic Republic?

As Jim Hougan, a former Washington editor of Harper’s and author of two books on the intelligence community, said to Garby Leon (page 266 in Seymour), “What very few historians or other people have grasped is that intelligence has been institutionalized in our country. When CIA was invented in 1947, we began to encrypt our history. The CIA charter says that it shall be an “engine of conspiracy”- that’s why [the US intelligence budget is so high, and why it is supplemented with laundered narco-dollars]. I think that a case can be made that a democracy is incompatible with an intelligence capacity of that size, breadth and clandestinity, How can we make any informed decisions politically if we can’t know anything that’s pertinent?”

#15) Do you (or any readers of this review) have any further suggestions or recommendations for research? For critical thinking?

#16) For readers desiring extra credit: Who is the fellow who once described himself as “the department’s cleaner” still employed today inside the Department of Justice? And what was his critical role in this case?

#17) If the triple homicide of Fred Alvarez was an “authorized, backed, covert action” [as admitted by Jimmy Hughes on video in 1981 as broadcast on NBC-TV in LA (p. 439) and linked above, is there really any need for the Obama administration to argue before a Federal court that state-sanctioned murder should be an unreviewable right of the Executive Branch?

Is that not a right reserved for and exercised by tyrants, totalitarian rulers, and despots? And look who’s playing a role… The US Department of Justice…

See also:

Quote:”What's the hole that is swallowing up the economy? The failure to follow the rule of law. The rule of law is what provides trust in our economy, which is essential for a stable economy. The rule of law is the basis for our social contract. Indeed, it is the basis for our submission to the power of the state.”

Why, then, are we still passively submitting to the power of the state?

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

James 1:12

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Mourning in America:
A Review of “The Last Circle” by Cheri Seymour

part four
written by Ed Jewett

Related web sites and links:

The first draft of Seymour’s book:

or here:


Her YouTube channel:


Cocaine Politics: Drugs, Armies, and the CIA in Central America, Updated edition [Paperback], by Peter Dale Scott

by James Ridgeway and Doug Vaughan,

The Village Voice, October 15, 1991


In re: Earl Brian and Hadron, Inc.


Michael Aquino’s contribution to MindWars


Kelly O’Meara’s article (Part One) at Insight Magazine

O’Meara’s (Part Two)

O’Meara (Part 3)


The INSLAW Octopus By Richard L. Fricker


Mike Ruppert’s article on PROMIS


Investigative Report of the House Judiciary Committee


“In 1987, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge George Bason ruled in favor of Inslaw and awarded Hamilton $6.8 million, saying that Justice Department officials "took, converted and stole" PROMIS through "trickery, fraud and deceit."

Judge Bason lived to regret his ruling when his reappointment was denied in a highly unusual move. Bason was replaced with one of the Justice Department lawyers who had argued the Inslaw case….

The Senate started investigating the Inslaw scandal and found even more troubling information: its investigation was hampered by an unwillingness by Justice Department officials to cooperate, and because key documents were reported missing or lost by the Department…..

After several Congressional investigations concluded wrongdoing by the Justice Department and called for the appointment of a special prosecutor, Attorney General William Barr in 1992 appointed lawyer Nicholas Bua to investigate the Inslaw scandal.

Bua impaneled a grand jury, but dismissed it midway through the investigation, allegedly because it was giving credence to the allegations and constituted a "runaway" grand jury.

In June 1993 the Bua report was released. It cleared Justice officials of any wrong doing in the case.

Inslaw Attorney Elliot Richardson issued a statement saying, "What I have seen of [the report] is remarkable both for its credulity in accepting at face value denials of complicity in wrongdoing against Inslaw and for its failure to pursue leads making those denials implausible."

On July 12, 1993 Inslaw submitted a 90-page rebuttal of the Bua report to Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell. The rebuttal offered evidence that the Bua report was false. What Inslaw probably did not know at time, however, was that Webster Hubbell's and White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster apparently were linked to both Iran-Contra and Inslaw through two Arkansas companies called Park-on-Meter and Systematics.
On July 20, 1993 Vince Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park. Three days later, attorney Paul Wilcher, allegedly investigating "The Octopus" was found dead. "

There’s more at this link:


“The Bua report stated facts absolutely contrary to the findings of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge, the U.S. District Court Judge, and the Congressional investigation.

Attorney for Inslaw, Elliot Richardson, issued a statement on June 18, 1993: "What I have seen of [the report] is remarkable both for its credulity in accepting at face value denials of complicity in wrongdoing against Inslaw, and for its failure to pursue leads making those denials implausible."

From Bixman (see below)


I had wanted to find online copies of the original Bua report and the Janet Reno version but have not succeeded as of this posting; hopefully they can be added later.


Inslaw’s Rebuttal to the Bua Report



Allegations Regarding Vince Foster, the NSA, and Banking Transactions Spying (Part XII) by J. Orlin Grabbe


Sherm Skolnick on Riconsciuto, the Murrah, and “blue lightning”


“Alfred Alvarez and two of his friends were killed in July 1981. They were part of the Cabazon Indian Reservation, and opposed the takeover of the reservation by the Wackenhut Corporation. While seeking evidence for Riconosciuto relating to the Inslaw case, private investigator Larry Guerrin was killed in Mason County, Washington, in February 1987.

On February 6, 1989, in the San Francisco Bay area, attorney David Meyer died from a gunshot wound. The next day he was to have appeared in District Court, defending clients who were reportedly tied in with CIA drug trafficking activities. An activist, Meyer sought to expose links between Iran-Contra, the Justice Department, the CIA, and others.

Attorney Dexter Jacobson was killed on August 14, 1990, just before he was to present evidence of rampant Chapter 11 judicial corruption to the FBI.

Attorney Gary Ray Pinnell was killed on February 11, 1991, just before he, too, was to present [evidence of] Chapter 11 corruption to the FBI.

On January 31, 1991, the body of Alan D. Standorf was found in the back seat of a car parked at the Washington National Airport. Standorf was a source of information to Casolaro and had been introduced to him by Riconosciuto. It is believed that Standorf, an electronic intelligence employee for the National Security Agency, was a key source for some of the information linking the Justice Department to the various scandals.
Attorney Dennis Eisman was shot to death twenty-four hours before he was to meet with Michael Riconosciuto. Eisman was building a defense for Riconosciuto against the charges filed by the Justice Department prosecutors as they sought to silence him.

On June 19, 1991, Alan Michael May was found dead in his San Francisco home. May had reportedly been involved with Michael Riconosciuto and the movement of $40 million in bribe money to the Iranians, in the operation known as the "October Surprise."

An excerpt from
THE OCTOPUS, by Karen Bixman



Gold Warriors: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold

"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed - four excellent parts.

Many thanks.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war
Yessir, great review. The book is a real work of art, it fills in a lot of the blanks that I had on the Casolaro investigation. I had a good overall 'skeletal' understanding but The Last Circle really put the meat on the bones of this monster.

I will be delivering up a review as well in the next week or so.

As for Ed, great synopsis and the links that you provided will no doubt take me down the rabbit hole even deeper.

This is an excellent quick primer for anyone who wants to explore the "Octopus",and Cheri's book.I can only hope that "The last Circle" will find it's way into the mainstream of public discourse.It is so important that the people of this Nation and the world at large need to know this stuff.It's deep man,real deep.......

"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Buckminster Fuller
I have long thought of the PROMIS software, the Casolaro investigation and the Cabazon Reservation as a front for spooks and illicit activity was the nexus of all of these shadow government/black ops types. I have done some work on PROMIS and the use for espionage, surveillance and the incorporation into the current fascist state but I missed out on one very important aspect.

The ability of the use of the program to facilitate illegal drug and money laundering between dirty operatives in the Meese D.O.J. and longtime mob figures who were instrumental in helping The Gipper along as he went from two bit B movie actor to fink to fixer to governor and finally to his place as the ultimate pitchman for all that is rotten in this fucking empire of greed and blood.

Reagan's Octopus would be a very fitting title.

I strongly suspect that good ole Ollie North is a key player in all of this and the tentacles run everywhere.


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