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For the Rocord - Dave Emory readio programmes and anti-fascist resources.
Thanks to the continuing generosity of radio stations WFMU and KFJC, the entire corpus of Dave Emory's audio recordings are available to internet listeners as RealAudio streams or MP3 downloads. Programs aired on WFMU since July 2009 are availble in Flash Audio.
Archive of programmes here:

Listen to For The Record:
WFMU Jersey City, NJ
WCBN Ann Arbor, MI
KFJC Los Altos Hills, CA
KPFK Los Angeles, CA
KKUP Cupertino, CA
KKFI Kansas City, MO
KSDP Sand Point, AK
Ask your local station to carry the show.
Introduction to Anti-fascist books

Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ July 17, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
by Dave Emory. Inci*sive analy*ses pub*lished before, dur*ing and imme*di*ately after World War II.

Martin Bormann — Nazi in Exile

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 17, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Pow*er*ful cor*po*rate enti*ties run by SS vet*er*ans, one vet*eran banker termed “the great*est con*cen*tra*tion of money power under a sin*gle con*trol in history.”

The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 16, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Rise of Germany’s chem*i*cal and dyestuff indus*tries, Ruhr and Rhineland min*ing and steel, slave labor and mass mur*der in Auschwitz.

The Thousand Year Conspiracy — Secret Germany Behind the Mask

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ One comment
Traces the ori*gins of Ger*man chau*vin*ism to the ascent of the Teu*tonic Knights within Ger*manic society.

Armies of Spies

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Antic*i*pated the enor*mous and suc*cess*ful activ*i*ties of the Fifth Colum*nists in nations slated for Nazi invasion.

Under Cover — My Four Years in the Nazi Underworld in America

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Author’s suc*cess*ful infil*tra*tion of the vig*or*ous Nazi Fifth Col*umn in the United States before and dur*ing World War II.

The Devil’s Chemists — 24 Conspirators of the International Farben Cartel Who Manufacture Wars

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
I.G. Farben’s car*tel part*ners abroad were wealth*i*est and most pow*er*ful cor*po*ra*tions in the world.

Cairo to Damascus

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Records Nazi recrude*s*cence in the Mid*dle East after the end of World War II.

Falange — The Secret Axis Army in the Americas

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
In 1936, Reichs*mar*shall Her*mann Goer*ing observed that “Spain is the key to two continents.”

Triumph of Treason

Posted by FTR ⋅ July 10, 2006 ⋅ Post a comment
Scathing and out*spo*ken account of pre-war Vichy col*lu*sion and Nazi sub*ver*sion prior to the fall of France in 1940.
"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

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