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Computer Security Lowered on 9/10
Mark Stapleton Wrote:A lot of info there. Very interesting.

Lowering the computer threat level just hours before 9/11 seems analogous with the security stripping just prior to Dealey Plaza. It would be interesting to know what the previous threat level was and why.

If the current cyber attack on Iran is part of an OODA loop strategy it has the Iranians well and truly disoriented by now. They might struggle to reach the decision stage or any further.

Meanwhile Israel has zipped through the loop and is just waiting for the right moment to act. I hope it's just a practise run.

p.s. thanks for the email, Ed. Great theme music.

I am not sure if the Iranian thing is part of an OODA-loop-oriented attack, but I take note that the White House this morning said it appeared to emanate from Israeli. The socio-psycho-pathology of such a thing post-TMI and post-Chernobyl has been noted.

Lest we give too much credit to Boyd, the strategy of an attack based on purposefully changing the enemy's perception is as old as Belisarius and Sun Tzu (see Liddell-Hart's "Strategy"), and is simplified by Stonewall Jackson's three-word phrase "Mystify, mislead and surprise". As for the pre-threat level, I think the entire world (if they were awake and paying attention) was tuned into the idea that the threat level was screaming red and, as noted in my collection of goodies, there is ample evidence that the IT folks in the military were well-aware of IT security issues and threats long before September '01.

You are welcome for the e-mail of this material; I sent it as well to eight webmasters and seven thought leaders and authors in the field, and the responses are beginning to come in. It is a heavy read.

For the people left in the dark about the theme music, it was this: .....
extended later by this:
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Ed Jewett Wrote:You are welcome for the e-mail of this material; I sent it as well to eight webmasters and seven thought leaders and authors in the field, and the responses are beginning to come in. It is a heavy read.

I hope you eventually share some of those with us, Ed.

Should be fascinating.

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