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What Henry Kissenger and the FBI knew about Cubana Flight 455 Bombing
October 6, 2009...11:18 pm

What Henry Kissenger and the FBI knew about Cubana Flight 455 Bombing

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[Image: cubana-dc8-barbados.jpg?w=298&h=135]
33 34 years after the terror bombing of a Cuban airliner, the United States continues to protect the guilty
(Also see Rickey Singh’s October 5, 2010 article Revisiting the Cuban tragedy)
On October 6, 1976, anti-Castro terrorists murdered seventy-three people on Cubana Flight 455 off Barbados.
Declassified letters and reports (like below from FBI Director Clarence M. Kelley to Henry Kissenger) show that the United States Government knew of the plot beforehand and not only that: they knew exactly who was involved almost four months before the bombing.
For over three decades the US government has protected the terrorists. This outrage continues under the Obama Administration and undermines whatever moral authority the United States retains in the persecution of its war in Iraq – a “part-time hobby” war with no end in sight.
Further Reading
The National Security Archive (See declassified FBI & CIA documents)
Bombing of Cuban Jetliner, 30 years later
Luis Posada Carriles – The Declassified Record
Wikipedia: Cubana Flight 455
Barbados Free Press: Cubana Flight 455 Bombing – 30 Years Later USA Still Harbours A Terrorist
[Image: cubana-bomb-kissinger.jpg?w=500&h=340]
UPDATED: October 6, 2010
Here is the full article by Rickey Singh just in case the T&T Express loses their way in the future. Worth your time…
Revisiting the Cuban tragedy
By Rickey Singh
THIRTY-FOUR years ago today, terrorists blew up a Cubana passenger aircraft off Barbados, killing all 73 people on board, mostly Cubans but including 11 Guyanese and five North Koreans on their way to Havana.
For many years since that unprecedented Cubana tragedy in Caribbean airspace, there have been calls by the governments of Cuba and Venezuela, as well as Caricom, for the perpetrators to be brought to justice.
Specifically identified for a court trial has been the Cuban emigre Luis Posada Carriles, who had also acquired Venezuelan citizenship before his documented involvement as one of the primary plotters of the Cubana disaster and other escapades in terrorism.
Another of the plotters, exposed for his notorious roles in terrorism and link with the CIA in the Caribbean-Latin Americas region, including Chile under President Salvador Allende, was Orlando Bosch.
Like Posada, he continues to enjoy sanctuary in the USA—the superpower that never fails to remind the world of its commitment to democracy and the rule of law.
Long before Barack Obama wrote his name into 21st century history as the first-ever African-American US President and raised hopes for “fundamental changes” in how America conducts business at home and abroad, Caricom governments had appealed, in the name of justice and human decency, for Posada to face trial.
But, as had happened years earlier, in the case of Posada’s compatriot in crime, Bosch, there has been no such move by the justice administration system in the US.
On the contrary, since 1988, in the face of the decision by a US judge for his deportation as a terrorist, “unfettered by law and human decency”, Bosch was to be taken into Uncle Sam’s protective political care—thanks to the presidential pardon received from the elder George Bush as then occupant of the White House.
Disclosures of the terroristic activities of both Bosch and Posada as agents of the CIA working with the anti-Fidel Castro community of Cuban exiles has been accessed from records of the CIA and Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) themselves.
Today, therefore, as the people of Barbados and the rest of Caricom join Cuba in silent remembrance of the victims of the Cubana tragedy, it would be difficult to ignore the double standard, the sheer political hypocrisy, of “Uncle Sam” in its selective execution of bilateral extradition treaties.
The classic example, best known by Jamaicans, and too recent for the entire Caricom region to ignore, is the extradition case involving Christopher “Dudus” Coke, currently a prisoner of the US on charges of drug trafficking and gun-running.
This internationally publicised extradition of a Jamaican drug lord, that resulted from extreme pressures by Uncle Sam, has posed tremendous problems for the authorities in Kingston with current debate on its ultimate impact on the longevity of the Bruce Golding administration.
Yet, in sharp contrast, and with no intent to rationalise criminality, it is quite relevant to note the utter hypocrisy of the US in how it responds to extradition cases.
Currently, while the people and government of Jamaica are coping with the consequences of uprooting, on Uncle Sam’s demand, Coke from his Tivoli Gardens stronghold and extradite him for trial in America, there continues to be open contempt by US authorities for the requested extradition by both Cuba and Venezuela, of Posada Carriles—if not Bosch as well—for involvement in the Cubana tragedy 34 years ago today.
There needs to be a response from the “time-for-change” President Obama to revisit the cases of the two Cuban emigres being protected in America and known to be integrally linked with the Cubana tragedy as agents of the CIA.
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"
Our terrorists are 'good guys' and protected [as are their sponsors], according to 'Empire-think'; others who act violently in reaction are 'bad terrorists' and the rationale to kill, maim, rob, invade, and take over their mineral and all other wealth - in fact their entire country and all lives of those who live in that country. Lots of the 'bad terrorists' are invented boggiemen or have been trained to be agents provocateurs. Some are real. This formula has served the ruling classes for the past tens of thousands of years, and doesn't seem about to be changed from the top.

Time to roll up are sleeves and end this from the bottom-up.

If there were and equality of justice in the world, men like Kissinger would long ago have been convicted of MULTIPLE crimes, war crimes, mass-murder and crimes against humanity....along with a long list of other Presidents and other political, military, intelligence, banking, and corporate 'leaders'.

On this matter and Herr K, check out this testimony
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

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